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Signs of Innocence (Soul of the Sinner - Book 4)

Page 5

by Rumer Raines

  “What do you think?” she ripped out the words impatiently

  “I think Oliver will find out, so if you did talk you should tell me now.” I remind her, and she shakes her head and walks out of the kitchen. I put my cup in the sink and follow to find her sitting on the edge of the sofa. She looks up at me and I notice her eyes starting to water

  “I am not sure what’s worse. The fact that you can sleep with me while not trusting me and planning to kill me or the fact that you think I would sleep with you if I talked to the cops. I am going to take a shower.” Hannah walks around me, and I watch her walk away.

  Hannah and I haven’t spoken for two days. It has been the longest two days in my life. If I walk into a room, she leaves it. I look at her and she won’t even make eye contact with me. I don’t know if I should apologize or just fall to my knees and beg her for forgiveness. I hungered from the memory of my mouth on hers. My mind kept turning to the night my body took over hers. I wanted to stare deeply into her eyes as I pushed myself inside her. I miss the sound of her voice and her sassy attitude. I even miss arguing with her to the point I just want to pick a fight with her.

  After taking my shower, I stop in front of her bedroom door and I lift my hand to push it open. I shake my head and force myself to walk away. I fell onto the bed and stared at the ceiling as the memories of being with Hannah became so pure and clear. She is good and innocent. Hannah was at the wrong place at the right time. What if she hadn’t been in that alley? We never would have met. If I hadn’t been following her, Stan would have raped her. I close my eyes thinking about what would have become of her if he succeeded?

  Hannah is strong, but would she have survived that? With a shiver of vivid recollection, I thought about being questioned by the cops. If Hannah told them anything, I never would have walked out of the station. Detective Howard has been after my ass for years. If Hannah said anything to him, he would have done fucking cartwheels around the interrogation room before tossing me in a cell.

  Hannah obviously hasn’t had the easiest life. She worked at that damn diner and those parents of hers, I can’t even imagine. My parents are saints and they get the criminal son while Hannah’s parents are alcoholics and they have their own fucking angel. I close my eyes for the night and my mind returned to it’s tortured thinking…Hannah is mine and I won’t give her up.


  Thomas and I have been stuck together for a full week now. A full week as in seven of the longest days I have ever experienced. I have successfully managed to avoid him, but I am not sure how much longer I can pull it off. The first three days he walked into a room and I left. He would look at me and I would bite my cheek forcing myself not to give him the time of day. I don’t know if Thomas has had enough, but something has changed.

  When he walks into the room, I walk out, and he follows. When he stares at me, I don’t look at him, but he won’t look away. He even has started making little comments to me, rude comments like he is intentionally trying to piss me off, so I’ll talk. It’s four in the morning and I can hear him slamming doors and hammering in the other room. Why the hell is he up this early in the morning? We have been here for a week and he know I sleep until nine, but he’s slamming doors?

  I smother myself with the pillow hoping to block out the noise and he only gets louder. I climb out of bed and march into the other room to find out what the hell he’s doing and find him standing in the hall between our doors. Well he is between what used to be our doors, since his door is off the hinges.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I inquired staring at the door that is now laying against the wall

  “The door wasn’t closing properly, so I am fixing it.” He ripped out the words impatiently

  “Isn’t there a clock in that room? It’s four in the morning!” my voice was hoarse with frustration and he walked toward me with a look in his eye

  “I’m sorry if I woke you. Did you need me to give you something to help you go back to sleep?” his glare burned through me as I quickly chastised myself for wanting to take him up on the offer. I shake my head advising him that I can get back to sleep just fine on my own as I quickly walk away before I change my mind.

  Sleep doesn’t find me even though Thomas stopped the noise. I stared at the ceiling thinking about him hammering. I thought about him hammering into me to be exact. I tossed and turned thinking about Thomas and how much I want him. I don’t know why but I find Thomas vaguely disturbing. How could I be attracted to a killer? When I am near the man half of me is in anticipation and the other half is in dread. A tumble of confused thoughts and feelings assailed me.

  Thomas is a killer, why can’t that be the end of the story? There is something else about him that I can’t move past. He found me, but he didn’t hurt me. Why didn’t he shoot me when I caught him in the alley? I was terrified that he would hunt me down and get rid of me. Instead he protected me from Stan. Thomas killed Stan to protect me. If that wasn’t confusing enough he made sure to take care of me afterwards.

  The first time Thomas and I slept with each other, it was because we needed comfort. We were both angry and it was a stress reliever. The second time we were together, it was something more. I felt it and I know he did as well. I wanted Thomas. I wanted Thomas and no one else could have taken his place. When I stare into his eyes I feel like I see his soul. It’s dark, but at the same time it feels comforting like home. It feels like I belong with this man. The problem is I can’t belong to him because he is a fucking killer.

  “I need contact with the outside world.” I mumbled, and Thomas shook his head reminding me that we need to stay hidden until Oliver finds out what happened at the diner

  “Can we at least look at tv?” I beg, and Thomas shakes his head advising that Oliver doesn’t want us to worry while watching the news. None of this shit makes any sense. I can’t take this anymore.

  “I can’t do this Thomas! I need out, this is worse than being in jail!” a warning voice whispered in my head as Thomas face clouded with uneasiness

  “Go get dressed, we’ll going out.” Thomas states and I practically run to the bedroom and quickly get dressed

  Ten minutes later Thomas and I are both undressed while getting massages. The building has its own spa and even though we didn’t leave this is nice. I stare at the pretty blond while she gives Thomas his massage. She giggles as he moans, and he says things to her that only she can hear. They appear to be hitting it off and it starts to piss me off. I am not enjoying the massage with the girl that is doing mine, as much as he is enjoying his. I turn my head, so I don’t have to watch them any longer and my girl starts to mention how tense I am. How can I not be tense when my… my Thomas is flirting with that bitch while I am in the same room? Why do I even care? I am practically his hostage and I should be thrilled that she is taking away some of the attention. The fact that I am pissed off has alarm bells ringing.

  My massage was finished, and Thomas was still getting his. I became more uncomfortable by the minute as my dismay grew. I was dressed and still watching the blond grope Thomas. The worst part is listening to him groan as he enjoyed it.

  When she finally finishes, he sits up pulling his towel around his waist. She leans over giving him quick kiss on the cheek and tells him that she hopes to see him again. What the hell?

  Thomas walks into the bathroom to get dressed and the blond smiles at me as she cleans. She gives me a once over and smirks as she leaves.

  The elevator ride is a quiet one and I feel his eyes on me. I have a much stronger guard up now. I will knee him if he even moves in my direction.

  “You didn’t enjoy it? He asks, and I nod

  “Ok… you enjoyed it but your pissed?” he describes, and I kick off my shoes the minute were back home. If that’s what I should even call it. Thomas grabs my arm before I can get past him and pulls me against him

  “What the hell is wrong with you? You were in a better mood before the massage.” Thomas complains, and I t
ry to pull away from him

  “I don’t know… could the fact that I had to spend 60 minutes listening to you moan while that blond groped you have anything to do with it?” I whined, and Thomas’ head falls back in laughter

  “Are you kidding me? Your jealous?” he can barely ask while still laughing. I stare at Thomas realizing that this is the first time I have heard him laugh. My breath caught in my throat as I felt my heart pounding. Thomas’ eyes widen when he senses my eyes on him and he pulled me roughly, almost violently, to him.

  The feeling of his lips were punishing and angry. His lips were more persuasive than I cared to admit. Thomas and I fell to the floor and he undressed me slowly, worshipfully. I gasped as he lowered his body over mine. I writhed beneath him, eager to touch his skin. He pulled down his pants as he leaned over me. His lips brushed my nipples as I lay panting, my chest heaving. I pushed him up as I pulled his shirt off. Thomas lowered his hand lining his hard cock against my opening and pushed himself in.

  I couldn’t get enough of him. I wanted the ache that only Thomas could provide. Thomas felt heavy with his weight on me, but it felt good. He drove himself harder inside me. I moaned with pleasure and I knew I was closer than I wanted to be. Thomas knew my body as if I was his own and he slowed himself. He pushed my knees up higher and pounded into me. I came three times before Thomas thrust in me one last hard time and fell on top of me shaking.

  I was fully aware of the hardness of his thigh brushing against mine. Thomas and I had just made love, it wasn’t only sex this time. His arm is wrapped around me and his breathing has calmed. He had fallen asleep with me in his arms. He was shattering the hard shell that I had carefully built for years. I moved closer against him while the warmth of his soft flesh was almost intoxicating to me.

  I didn’t want to sleep, I wanted my mind to burn with the memory of laying here in his arms. My eyes started to burn from sleeplessness and I don’t last much longer.


  Another week has gone past and I haven’t heard from Oliver. Hannah and I have been stuck here without any word from the outside world. I can’t complain much since we have had sex in every place imaginable in this condo. We can’t get enough of each other. I know it’s in the back of each of our minds of what will happen when Oliver comes back.

  After dinner we decide to play a friendly round of strip poker. Hannah is a much better player than I thought she would be, since I am the one sitting here naked and she’s still fully dressed. I do think my Hannah is a cheater since she insisted her glasses are considered a piece of clothing. I played it safe and put on socks before we started playing and I am glad I did. When the last sock comes off, Hannah’s clothes does as well. I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom, where I realize I am the biggest winner.

  I sleep better than I ever have with my arms wrapped around her. Hannah’s hands grip mine as her ass is pushed against my cock. I could fall asleep every night like this, but I have a feeling this won’t last.

  The pounding on the door startles me and I look over at the clock to see it’s 3:30 in the morning. Hannah moans as I jump out of bed and throw on my pants. The pounding gets louder until I yell that I am coming. I grab my gun and peek through the peep hole to see Oliver.

  Oliver pushes the door open and I can see the panic on his face. When Hannah walks into the room, Oliver grabs his gun and points it at her. On instinct I lift my gun and point it at him. Oliver’s eyes lift when he sees that I have my gun pointed at him and I am a little surprised by it myself. Oliver is like a brother to me, but I feel protective of Hannah.

  “What the hell are you doing Thomas?” Oliver asks while never taking his eye off Hannah

  “I think the question is what are you doing Oliver? Lower your gun and I’ll lower mine.” Oliver laughs and shakes his head as both our guns are soon lowered

  “You can’t trust this bitch.” He sighs as Hannah stands behind me wearing only my shirt.

  “What are you talking about?” I whisper while shaking my head. I turn away from Oliver walking over to Hannah and grab her hand. I want her to know that I do trust her no matter what Oliver says.

  Oliver sighs looking down at our hands and closes his eyes. “We know whose blood was at the diner, it was Harry Cofe’s.”

  Hannah takes a deep breath and her mouth falls open. I look at her and back to Oliver.

  “The name sounds familiar doesn’t it?” He adds as Hannah pulls her hand away from mine.

  “Who is it?” I ask and Hannah doesn’t answer. I look at Oliver who has a smirk on his face and his eyes narrow on Hannah. “It was her father.” Hannah runs into the bedroom, slamming the door.

  “She killed her own father and she is going to frame you for it Thomas, you do see it don’t you?” Oliver proclaims as he starts to pace, and I fall onto the couch. I can’t believe any of this shit.

  “She wouldn’t do that.” I whisper

  “Are you fucking serious right now? She witnessed you kill not once, but twice. You don’t think it’s odd that it was her father’s blood all over that damn diner?”

  I don’t have an answer, so I shrug my shoulder. Oliver opens his mouth, but before he says anything his cell rings. He rolls his eyes and his eyes meet mine while he listens to whoever is on the phone.

  When he hangs up he looks at me shaking his head. “How much evidence to you need against her?”

  “Why? Who was that?” I ask afraid that he’s going to give me information that I don’t want to hear

  “They found his body. If that isn’t enough for you, he was stabbed multiple times by a butcher knife and they have a search warrant for your house. Was she in your house Thomas or should I ask if she had access to your knives?”

  “Get out” I order


  “GET THE FUCK OUT!” I shout, and Oliver throws his arms up in surrender

  “Just remember blood is thicker than water Thomas. We have always been there for you, she won’t be.”

  I close my eyes and think about what Oliver just told me. I reach for the remote and turn on the television. I watch as my mug shot is displayed mentioning that I am wanted in connection to the murder of Harry Cofe. They believe that I killed him as a warning to his daughter Hannah Cofe, who witnessed me commit another murder in an alley, but that body hasn’t been recovered.

  I toss the coffee table after watching the news. Hannah promised me that she did not talk, but she lied. The cops knew about the alley and only Hannah knew about that.

  Hannah rushes into the room and stares at me and I see the fear in her eyes. I ignore her and keep pacing not wanting to look at her much less talk to her.

  “Is it true?” she whispers, and I keep pacing while still ignoring her. “IS IT TRUE? Was it my father?” she yells, and I stop within inches of her and I pull out my gun and point it at her

  “Did you do it?” I whisper as her eyes widen

  “You think I killed my own father?”

  I tilt my head as I put my finger on the trigger and I stare at her while her eyes widen. I expect her to confess or beg for her life, but she doesn’t do either. Hannah stares into my eyes while I keep the gun pointed at her. She doesn’t even blink when staring at me. She doesn’t think I’ll do it, she trusts me.

  I stare back into her eyes and I see every moment I have had with her. I don’t know why, but I lower the gun and walk away from her. Hannah follows me and sits next to me on the couch while I pinch the bridge of my nose. She reaches over and puts her hand on my knee and squeezes it for me to look at her. The minute my eyes meet hers she promises me that she had nothing to do with her father’s death.

  I need to get out of here. I have had enough of Oliver, but I know Frank Deluca can be a reasonable man. He used to be a cop, so he knows what they are thinking and why. Hannah’s eyes widen when I tell her that I must leave for a little while, but she is to stay in the condo and not open the door for anyone.

  I walk for hours trying to clear my
mind. I keep thinking about what Oliver told me and about Hannah. When I glance at my watch, I know Frank should be the club and I head in that direction.

  I get to Deluca’s without getting arrested and walk up to office. Oliver is standing in front of the desk discussing something with Alex and Frank Deluca. Their eyes all widen when I walk in, so apparently, I was the topic of discussion.

  “Shouldn’t you be hiding out?” Alex asks as narrows his eyes on me

  “I needed to talk to Frank.”

  “Why does everyone want to talk to Frank and never me?” Alex hissed

  “I guess most people like discussing important matters with someone with a level head?” Frank teases and Oliver pulls out another chair to sit next to Alex

  “I know what Oliver told you and I can only guess what you’re thinking. I fucked up and I can’t change that fact. BUT I am being setup and I know it’s not by Hannah.” I explained, and Frank looks at Oliver and back to Alex

  “You killed two people and left a witness. Now the father of that witness turns up dead with a butcher knife that you happen to use at your house. Your house was searched Thomas and they found a set of knives and guess which one was missing? You and I both know there is no such thing as a coincidence.” Frank warns.


  Thomas told me not to open the door for anyone and not to leave. Ten minutes after he leaves, I am on a bus headed to one of the places I never like to visit. Thomas has a hidden side beneath that hard-scary surface. The man is hot, with a body created for sin. He has a chiseled jaw that has said very unpleasant things to me, but deep chocolate eyes that I could stare into forever. Falling in love with someone can’t even be easy for me.

  Despite what Thomas does, I feel safe when I am with him. I have never had anyone in my life make me feel the way he does. Thomas killed to protect me, even though It put him at risk. The time I have spent locked away with Thomas have been the happiest time of my life. I won’t let him take the fall for killing my father. I don’t know who did it, but I know it wasn’t Thomas.


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