Monroe, Marla - Nina's Neighbor (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Monroe, Marla - Nina's Neighbor (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 17

by Marla Monroe

  Jack drew in a deep breath and prayed this would go smoothly. If they got caught, they’d go to jail. He might be able to get her to testify against everyone and then go into witness protection, but it would be iffy at best. He would much rather everything work out the way it was planned. His main concern right now should be keeping Reaper off of her because that was more of a threat at the moment.

  They’d bought a cover for the bikes to keep them dry if it rained and to cover the license plates. All they needed was for some highway patrolman to have a boring day and call in their license plates on a whim.

  “What next?” she asked.

  “Since we’ve got to be on the road early, we get to skip the bar tonight.”

  “Joy, joy,” Nina said.

  “I take it you don’t like the bar scene,” Freak said.

  She just cut her eyes at him and shifted closer to Jack. He laughed and stretched out an arm across the back of the seat. Jack noticed he had started flirting with her some. Maybe he needed to have a talk with Freak.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Nina couldn’t believe she was going to help haul guns across the state line. Hell, she was breaking every kind of law. They would go to prison if they got caught. She knew she wouldn’t want to go there. It would be just as bad as being in the gang. How was she going to act like nothing was wrong in the first place? She’d been kidnapped and was being held against her will. She should try to draw attention to herself, but then they probably would kill her and maybe Jack as well. And she really didn’t want Slick to get hold of her. She shuddered at the thought.

  “Let’s stop at a convenience store and get some snacks and drinks,” Freak said.

  “Good idea. We can get one of those coolers they always have for the drinks and fill it with ice from the ice machine before heading out,” Jack said.

  They stopped at a Bunny Hop and loaded up on junk food and drinks. Then they drove on to the hotel and unloaded them into the room. Nina packed everything up so there would be room for them in the cab. They would strap the cooler on the trailer with the bikes in the morning. They would pull over when they wanted something to drink. When they stopped for gas, they could get a fountain drink if they wanted to.

  “Need to get into bed early, baby. We’re supposed to be at the loading dock at eight a.m.,” Jack told her.

  “I’m tired enough I can probably do that without a problem. I didn’t sleep very well last night.” She stifled a yawn at the thought of going to bed early.

  “You go ahead and get ready. I need to talk to Freak about the logistics of this trip. I’ll be to bed in a little while.” Jack kissed her on the head and gave her a push toward the bathroom. “I’ll keep the door open in case you need something.”

  “Good night,” she said and closed the bathroom door.

  As soon as she heard them leave, she stripped and jumped in the shower. She wanted to be asleep by the time Jack came to bed. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to have sex with him—she did, but she felt weird about having fantasized about Freak. It felt like she’d cheated even though she would never want him to touch her. She needed some space anyway. Things were getting too complicated for them to get out anytime soon and she knew Reaper was running out of patience with Jack concerning continuing to put off the inevitable threesome.

  Once she’d finished showering and drying off, she pulled on a T-shirt and climbed into bed. It wasn’t long before she fell asleep.

  The dream started with Jack making love to her. He focused on her breasts then moved down to her pussy. She thrashed on the bed as he ate her cunt, stabbing her deeply with his tongue then replacing it with two fingers. She squeezed on them, wanting him to hurry up and fuck her. Need built, and still he teased her clit and pussy with his mouth and fingers.

  Then, Freak was there, mounding her breasts with his big hands. He bent over one breast and drew in her nipple to suck then bite it. He bit her hard, but then he licked it, soothing the pain. His other hand pinched and pulled at her other nipple.

  Jack stopped his assault on her pussy to position his cock at her opening and push in. He didn’t shove it in as he had so many times before. He went slowly, pushing a little at a time until he was seated all the way in her. She felt his dick at the opening of her womb and his balls at her ass. He held himself there, watching Freak manipulate her breasts.

  “How does it feel, baby? Do you like Freak playing with your breasts? Does it feel good?”

  Before she could answer, Freak’s cock was suddenly in her face. She opened her mouth, and he slid it in then out again. While Jack began to move faster and faster, Freak pushed in and pulled out faster and deeper. He held the base so he wouldn’t go too deep, but he fucked her mouth.

  “That’s it, Nina. Suck his dick. Take him all the way down,” Jack said.

  The next time he shoved his cock down her throat, she swallowed and he cursed. She continued to swallow as long as he left it there. When he pulled out of her mouth, she followed him, but he was working it with his hands. Then he shot cum all over her breasts with a roar.

  Jack picked up his pace now that she didn’t have Freak’s cock in her mouth anymore and pummeled her pussy. Over and over, he fucked his dick into her until he, too, came with a roar. She felt him shoot cum inside her, triggering her own release. When she looked up, it wasn’t Jack inside of her, it was Reaper. She screamed.

  “Wake up, wake up, baby.” Jack was shaking her. “It was just a dream, Nina. Shhh. It’s okay.”

  She slowly woke up and saw that it was Jack holding her. Freak was standing over the bed totally nude. Jack was nude as well. Had it been a dream? She looked down at her breasts, and she still had the T-shirt on. She slowed her breathing with some effort.

  “She okay, Jack?” Freak asked.

  “Yeah, bad dream. Not surprising with everything that’s happened to her in the last week.” Jack continued to pet her and rock her.

  “I’m going back to bed then.” Freak turned around and disappeared into his room.

  “You want to talk about it?”

  “Not really. I want to forget it,” she said.

  “Can I do anything for you?” he asked.

  “No, thanks. I just want to sleep without dreaming,” she said and slid back down in the bed.

  She curled up on her side with her back to Jack. She felt betrayed even though she knew it had just been a dream. Jack curled around her. Somehow it felt right, but still so wrong.

  * * * *

  The next morning Nina got up before Jack did. She dressed and packed her backpack. Then she woke him up since they needed to get an early start.

  “Jack?” She shook him.

  He didn’t rouse. She tried again, pulling the covers all the way down and shouting his name.

  “Jack, time to get up.”

  “Shit. Did you have to yell in my ear?” he groused.

  “I tried nicely. It didn’t work,” she said.

  “You’re already dressed.”

  “Observant today, aren’t you.”

  “What’s wrong, Nina? You’re not acting like yourself.” Jack got out of bed and grabbed his jeans.

  “I guess I just don’t feel real good,” she said.

  “We’ve got an important day today. I need you at your best, baby.” He pulled on a T-shirt.

  “I’ll do fine. Don’t worry. I can play the part.”

  “I want you to be okay. I don’t care if you can play a part.” He walked over to where she’d retreated to.

  Jack pulled her into his arms and hugged her. She didn’t respond at first, but slowly the cold around her heart began to warm some. She wrapped her arms around him and sighed. It wasn’t his fault she’d dreamed what she had. He was doing everything he could to keep her out of Reaper’s hands.

  “Let me check to see if Freak’s up. I’ll be right back.” Jack padded barefoot over to the connecting door. He knocked then walked in. When he came back, Freak came with him, his pack on his shoulder. />
  “Morning, Nina.”

  “Morning.” She attempted a smile.

  Freak cocked his head but didn’t say anything. She was glad because she didn’t know what to say to him.

  “I guess we’re ready. Let’s load up and go. We have forty-five minutes to get there. Traffic will be tough since we’re going to be hitting the early rush hour,” Jack said.

  They climbed into the U-Haul with Nina in the middle. She shifted until she felt settled and then leaned her head back to try and doze until they got there. Jack maneuvering through traffic got to her. They were in a big truck with a trailer behind them, and he acted like they were on a motorcycle.

  Jack and Freak talked back and forth about how to handle the deal. Slick would pick up the money once they were unloaded and on their way. Jack was telling Freak he was glad they didn’t have to deal with that part as he drove like a maniac.

  “Carrying around that kind of cash is asking for trouble,” he said.

  “Looks like they are ready for us,” Freak said as they pulled into a warehouse.

  “Don’t you have to help load it?”

  “Nope, we don’t touch the merchandise at all,” Jack said.

  She sat in the truck with them for nearly forty minutes while they unloaded the furniture and boxes of dishes they’d bought. Then they loaded the guns and ammo on and stuffed the furniture back on the van. Someone slapped the back of the van twice, the signal they were all finished.

  Jack pulled out of the warehouse and drove back to the freeway. He didn’t do any of the crazy driving now. He acted like a man moving his home to another place. He obeyed all the traffic laws and stayed in the slow lane most of the way out of Dallas. She was impressed. She didn’t think he had it in him to do it after the way he’d driven to the pick-up point.

  “How long will it take to get there?” she asked.

  “Depends on traffic, but I’m shooting for two days. We’d arrive about five p.m. Wednesday evening,” he told her.

  “Then what? We turn around and ride right back to Dallas and Reaper?”

  “We’ll spend the night there then get up early and head back.”

  “Jack, I can’t fuck Reaper.”

  * * * *

  “I know, baby.”

  That was what was wrong with her, he realized. She was worried about Reaper. That was probably what she’d dreamed about. He wasn’t going to let the man near her. He just didn’t know how he was going to accomplish that yet.

  He’d talked it over with Freak the night before when he’d confronted him about flirting with Nina.

  “I’m not flirting with her to win her from you, Jack. Look at me. You think anyone will have anything to do with me? I just have never had anyone relax around me as much as she has. But I’ll back off if that’s what you want.”

  “I think it’s for the best. You need to still act tough around her to keep our cover. She has to be uneasy around you or this whole thing is going to blow up around us.”

  Freak hadn’t had any ideas on how to keep Reaper away from Nina either. Nina seemed to know this and was worrying herself sick about it. No doubt the idea of Reaper touching her was the reason she hadn’t slept the night before either. Jack sighed and looked over at her. She had her head resting back against the seat. He squeezed her hand then returned it to the wheel. It took both hands to handle the big truck. She hadn’t looked at him but had squeezed back. That was a start.

  Three hours into their trip, she indicated she needed to stop to pee. “Sorry,” she said.

  “No problem, we probably should top off the fuel and get something to eat besides the snack we had earlier, too,” Jack said.

  They pulled into a truck stop. While Freak took care of the gas, and Nina went to the bathroom, Jack ordered sausage and biscuits for them to take with them. Then he paid for the gas and the food and waited for Freak to wash his hands and Nina to come back from the bathroom.

  She finally came back looking a little better than she had earlier. Whatever she’d done in the bathroom had agreed with her. He wasn’t about to ask and stir up trouble again. Freak arched an eyebrow at him obviously thinking the same thing. He shook his head.

  They all climbed back in the truck, and he passed out the food. She ate hers with gusto and then downed a bottle of water. He winced. She’d have to stop before long for the bathroom again.

  But she surprised him. She didn’t ask to stop again. They stopped for the night just this side of the state line. They located a nice hotel close enough to walk to a restaurant. Unfortunately, they didn’t have connecting rooms available, but they would be next to each other.

  They walked to the restaurant and had a decent meal for a change. Nina ate an entire entrée but declined dessert. Jack began to relax now that she seemed more relaxed. If they got stopped by the police, they would make it just fine.

  They settled into their room for the night. Jack stripped and talked Nina into showering with him. The bathroom was a nicer one than the one they’d had back in Texas. She stripped and stepped in behind him.

  “I’ll wash you if you’ll wash me,” he said.

  She grinned and said “sure” and grabbed the bath cloth from him.

  Jack laughed when she soaped up the cloth and began washing his back. She had to hold on to him and stand on tiptoes to reach his neck and shoulders. Then she washed his ass and paid special attention to it. She moved on to his legs and then turned him around to rinse. While he rinsed, she started on his arms then moved to his chest. There she washed him from the top of his chest to the bottom of his belly. Then she moved down to his legs. She was carefully avoiding his genitals.

  Nina finished his legs and cocked her head at him before she took his cock, already engorged and standing out. She ran the cloth over it and down around his balls. Then she handed him the cloth and worked his cock using the soap as a lubricant. He spread his legs to brace himself as she worked him fast then slow. She wrapped both hands around him and tugged from top to bottom and back down again. Then she squeezed causing him to go up on his toes.

  “That’s enough, baby. I want to be inside you before I come. I want that sweet pussy of yours to squeeze me,” he said.

  “I want you to shoot your cum all over my breasts. I’ll work you up again for my pussy. I promise. I need this, Jack.”

  He looked at her, and seeing the seriousness in her face, he let her hand go.

  “Okay, Nina. Let me do it, though.”

  She smiled and nodded. She remained on her knees and fingered his balls with just the tips of her fingers. It added to the heat in them. His cum was already boiling in them. It wouldn’t take much for him to blow.

  While she fingered him, he pumped his cock, stroking it, squeezing it until he felt the cum racing up his dick to spew. He aimed it for her breasts and covered them in his seed. She closed her eyes and smiled. If that pleased her, then he was fine with shooting off on her every once in a while.

  Then something occurred to him. Maybe this had been about the dream. She needed it to wipe out part of the dream. He couldn’t help wanting to know what it had been about. But he wouldn’t push her to tell him.

  “Let’s clean you up, now.”

  Jack soaped up the cloth and turned her into the spray to rinse his cum off of her. He quickly bathed her then rinsed her and paid special attention to her breasts. He licked and sucked on them after he’d pulled on them. She moaned as he nipped at them. Then he ran his fingers through her cunt and found that she was sloppy wet. He was relieved that she was turned on by their play. He’d begun to worry she was growing distant from him.

  When they got out and dried off, she sank to her knees again and took his semi-hard cock in her mouth and sucked on him until he was hard again. She continued to suck on him until he pulled her to her feet. He drew her into a deep kiss before walking her backward to the bed. When the back of her knees hit the edge of the bed, she sat down hard and bounced. This made her giggle, and he grinned. He liked seein
g her smiling again. He’d missed that about her. She looked better, too. The circles under her eyes weren’t as pronounced as before.

  “I’m going to eat this cunt of yours. There’s loads of honey for me to lap up.”

  He knelt this time and spread her pussy lips so he could get to her cream. She hissed when he began licking and sucking. The more he sucked up her juices, the more she produced until he knew she was ready for him. He had her crab-walk backward until she was in the center of the bed. He climbed up on the bed and lifted her legs over his arms. Then he leaned into her and pushed against her opening until he had breached it. She gasped and rose up to meet him on his next thrust. Finally, he made it all the way inside of her. He paused to let her adjust to him and give himself time to calm down some. He didn’t want to blow so soon. He wanted this to last for her.

  “I’m going to fuck your cunt until you scream for me, Nina.”

  “Make me scream, Jack,” she said in a breathless voice.

  He pulled out and pushed back in. She closed her eyes and whispered “yes.” Jack slowly fucked her using his arms to keep her legs up and out to give him the most room to work his thick cock in and out of her. When she began to rise up to meet him, bumping hard against his pelvis, he increased his rhythm and pushed back against her until they were ramming each other. He pushed her legs higher over his shoulders and began sinking deep into her, bumping up against her cervix with each thrust.

  “God, yes. That’s perfect,” she said between pants.

  He wasn’t going to be able to last much longer, and with his arms tied up, he wasn’t going to be able to stimulate her clit.

  “Baby, play with your pussy for me. Make yourself come.”

  She slipped a finger down her abdomen and over her pelvis to play with that little button that always shot her over the top. She used her other hand to pinch and twist her nipples. The harder she twisted them, the more she moaned. He looked down where he was going in and out of her, wet with her juices. Her finger was pressing hard on her little nubbin. Suddenly, she began to squeeze his dick tight inside of her and she groaned and threw back her head and cried out. She was trying not to scream. He could see it on her face. He squeezed his eyes shut as he shot steam after stream in her hot pussy.


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