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My Favorite Mistake

Page 15

by Wendi Zwaduk

  He wasn’t that bad. Asshole. “Sommerville thinks we’re a thing. We’re not.”

  “Not a thing is the reason she’s taking you to San Fran? To show off her not-boyfriend? Come on.” Clint stepped toe to toe with Austin. “You suck as a model and as a boyfriend. She’ll get bored with you like she did with the rest of us. Either don’t get involved with her and give the photographer what she wants or keep playing Iris’ lap dog. Women like Ms. Neff won’t wait around forever.”

  “You’re right.” Austin strode past Clint and out of the suite. He still wasn’t sure where he stood with Iris, but he sure as shit wasn’t going to California. He’d give Molly a few hours to decompress, but he wasn’t taking no for an answer tonight. He needed his woman.

  * * * *

  Molly bobbed her head to the music and roved her gaze over the bevy of muscle-clad men on the dance floor. She hadn’t wanted to go out initially, but once Remy had mentioned free beers and admission to Clutch, his favorite bar, she hadn’t been able to refuse. She hoped Remy would find a partner—if even just for the night. He deserved a roll in the hay after the shit he’d been through with Javier.

  Remy wandered back to where she stood and finger-combed his hair from his forehead. “Struck out again.”

  “You’ll homer sooner or later.” She downed a swig of her beer. “Or you’re destined to live out your life with me and we’ll both be single.”

  “That’s not a horrendous thing, you know…you and I ending up together.” He took the beer from her and drained the bottle. “Maybe that’s it. You and I were supposed to go through all this together and realize we were the couple all along.”

  “You really believe that?” She snorted. “Remy, you’re not that desperate.” He wasn’t interested in her, unless she miraculously sprouted a dick.

  “Javier used to say attraction knew no sex.”

  “Words to live by—except they came from your ex who was out fucking someone else.” She bumped shoulders with him. “You’ll find a guy who makes your blood heat, your cock hard and the rest of the world disappear. He’s out there.”

  “Then where in the hell is he?” Remy laughed and shook his head. “Probably with Austin.”


  “Let’s head back to the townhouse. There’s nothing here I want.” Remy tossed the beer bottle into a garbage can. “Ready?”

  “Yep.” She linked arms with him and headed out of the bar. The chilly night air wrapped around her and sharpened her senses. It also got her thinking. “Rem? How would you describe me?”

  “Hmm… Caring, stunning and smarter than I’ll ever be,” he said. “Why? How’d Austin describe you?”

  “I have a bright smile, a sweet personality and I’m loyal.” She refused to tell Remy how Austin had complimented her breasts and cunt. That could wait for later.

  “Well, it’s true. All three. You’re the only one who’s stuck by me all this time. Ten boyfriends, two townhouses and one big-ass move. Yeah, when I ever get married, you’re going to be my best person.”

  “Why is it the moment I want to call you an ass, you say something sweet and make me change my mind?” she asked. Cars whizzed by on the street and the headlights flooded the sidewalk. She clutched Remy’s arm. “You’re such an ass.”

  “No, I want ass. Big difference, but I do have my charms.” He grinned. “I’m sweet because if I don’t have you in my life, I’m lost. Kind of like Austin, and speaking of him, why do you think he put you down?”

  “He wants to be with Iris. Wants the popularity she can give him. The only thing I’ve got going for me is I’m sweet and loyal.” She held up her phone. “He and Iris made the gossip sites.” She swiped her thumb across the screen and pulled up the page. “See? As of three days ago, they’re the new power couple.”

  “I didn’t get that vibe from him, but I did see the website. He doesn’t look thrilled.” Remy turned onto their street. “Have you heard from him since you left the suite?”

  “No and I don’t want to. He knows how to reel me in. He pushes me away and screws with my head then gets me to come back. That’s all that shit was—his way of keeping me around. She’ll ditch him and he’ll be on my doorstep.” She shivered. “I can’t do this any longer.”

  “So you’ll dodge him in order to prove you’re not his go-to girl?” Remy shook his head and groaned.

  “Remember when we were in the third grade and I declared to everyone I was going to marry you?” She rested her head on his shoulder. “I was so certain.”

  “Who could forget? You stood on the table in the cafeteria.”

  She’d also earned her first detention, too. At the time, she’d thought the world had been ending. “Even though I said it, I knew in my gut it wasn’t going to happen. I knew you were gay before you did.”

  “I remember that, too. That time we watched the music awards and we both ogled the boy band. You told me to stop drooling.”

  “I did.” She laughed. The memory came back fresh. She’d begged her mother for him to come over and they’d sat in front of the television together. Remy had mentioned the lead boy-bander had a nice ass. She’d agreed and noticed Remy wiping his mouth. At the tender age of fifteen, she’d figured out his sexuality.

  “What’s my past got to do with Austin?” Remy opened the door to their building and ushered her inside.

  “Plenty.” She waited until she and Remy were in his townhouse. She flopped onto the couch. “Austin and I were in design class during our sophomore year and I had this grand idea that I’d end up with him. I kept my mouth shut because he was with Jessica at the time. I was so out of his league, but even then I had the same feeling I had with you. I can want him all night long, but as soon as the daylight comes I’m not good enough.”

  “Bullshit. You’re beautiful and if he can’t figure that out then that’s his loss,” Remy growled.

  “Doesn’t matter. I should’ve kept things platonic with him. The moment I make it romantic, reality hits me upside the head. I’m not going to end up with you or him.”

  “You’re a romantic at heart.” Remy poured two fingers of whiskey in two glasses then handed her one. “You love him and have since I’ve known you.”

  “It’s not true any longer.” Who was she kidding? She still loved him but she knew the truth.

  “You expect me to believe you’ve gotten over him? I don’t because I can see it in your eyes. You know he could be the one—once he gets his head out of his ass—and that scares you. What if it does work out? Your self-esteem might be in the pits, but if he truly loves you, he won’t care. He’ll build you up.”

  “I’m being realistic. Guys like Austin don’t want women like me. They marry women like Iris and move to the suburbs to have two-point-seven children.”

  “Who has a point-seven kid?” Remy downed the whiskey. “Disregard.”

  “You know what I mean.” She was trying to explain away her hurt, but it wasn’t working.

  “Shockingly, I do understand.” Remy tapped his ring on the glass and didn’t say anything for a few moments. He glanced at her then averted his gaze. “Look, he messed up. All guys mess up. It’s in our DNA. That said, you can’t keep discounting yourself. There’s no rule saying he can’t be interested in you and falling for you. Give Iris a run for her damn money and show Austin what he’s missing. You’re a wonderful person with a hot bod and gorgeous eyes. If he passes you up then that’s his loss and you’re the wiser.”

  “You almost sound like you like me.”

  “I’ve always loved you, Molly, but until you grow a cock or we’re both forty and unmarried, I’m not hopping in the sack with you. It would be too weird.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “You can’t dodge Austin for the rest of your life. He’ll come back to CDL eventually.”

  Molly sighed and sipped the whiskey. She considered Remy’s words. He was right. If Austin couldn’t make up his mind then boo on him. Her confidence, though still in
tatters, lifted a bit. She’d never be five foot eight inches tall, but she needed to start embracing her positives and her flaws if she wanted to move forward. She stood and finished the whiskey.

  She didn’t have to go into work in the morning, but she had over a thousand photos to sort through and she wanted the Aura fiasco over with as soon as possible.

  “I wish Dylan would’ve called me back. That rat bastard said he was interested and he couldn’t fucking call.” Remy groaned. “I wasted time waiting on him and nothing happened.”

  She stared at him for what seemed like an eternity. Remy had taken the initiative with Dylan? Nice, but the guy hadn’t returned Remy’s call? What an asshole! She leaned over and hugged Remy.

  “Just like you said with Austin, if he can’t see the hot guy with a heart of gold when he looks at you then he’s not worthy.” She kissed Remy on the cheek. “I’m sorry, I’m heading home. Sounds like we don’t deserve to be alone tonight, but I’ve got to work on those pictures tomorrow.”

  “I understand.” Remy waved but he didn’t smile. “Call me if you need me. Call me if you don’t. Hell, just call me and make sure I’m still alive.” He didn’t seem like himself and she wished she could’ve stayed with him a while longer. Remy’s luck with men wasn’t working out lately and what did she do? Crab about her jacked-up love life.

  “I will, so don’t do anything you’ll regret. I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll get lunch. Deal?” Once he nodded, Molly headed down the hall to her town home. She stuffed her key into the lock and twisted. Her phone rang as she opened the door. Good God. Now what? She tucked the phone between her ear and her shoulder. “Hello?”

  “Molly, it’s Roscoe.”

  She nodded, although her boss couldn’t see her. Talking to him never ceased to put her on edge. Partly because he had the power to fire her, and partly because she worried he’d changed his mind about her working with Aura and Austin. “Mr. Lee, hi. What can I do for you? I’m sorry I wasn’t at work today. I thought Ms. Sommerville explained the situation.”

  “She did, and that’s why I’m calling. Loaning you and Austin out has been a good move for CDL. I’ve seen the initial photos. You should be doing photography instead of your ad work, but I shouldn’t tell you that because I don’t want to lose you as part of the team.”

  “Thank you.” She hadn’t seen that coming. The last she knew, Mr. Lee wanted his people to stay within the company. This was an extraordinary circumstance, but she’d still kind of expected to get into trouble.

  “That said, I’m not loaning you out again. This was a one-time deal. The results were phenomenal, but I can’t risk my best people. Speaking of my people, Austin is leaving us.”

  “Leaving?” she blurted. “Since when?”

  “Since this morning. Because he’s being let go from CDL, I’m pairing you up with Tyson.”

  She wobbled and sank onto the arm of the sofa. Yet another thing she hadn’t seen coming—Austin succeeding in getting fired. Or had Iris speeded up the process?

  “Your new partner is eager to get up to speed. You will be ready to go come Wednesday morning, correct?”

  She massaged her forehead with the tips of her fingers as she replayed her boss’ words. She needed the extra few seconds to understand what he’d said.

  “Working with Tyson?” She didn’t have anything against him but she preferred working with Austin. “I should be able to get things rolling.” She paused. “Some of my work is with Austin. Is the rumor true? Did he quit or was he reassigned?”

  “He’s moving on to new assignments.”

  “I see.” She bet she knew what assignments, too. She’d hoped Mr. Lee would’ve been more forthcoming, but no. “I’m sorry he’s leaving, then.” ‘

  For the first time since she’d started working in the advertising game at CDL, she didn’t regret her partnership with Austin or the work she’d done with him. She closed her eyes. She wanted Austin back.

  “When you come in on Wednesday, I’ll move Tyson into your office. Sound good?”

  She didn’t have much choice. “Yes, sir.” She nodded again and opened her eyes. Her life wasn’t working out quite the way she’d planned. Go figure.

  “I’ll see you at the office on Wednesday, then. Good evening,” Mr. Lee said.

  “Sure.” She swiped her thumb across the screen to end the call then dropped the phone. No Austin, but a new partner. What the hell? She stared off into space and simply existed for a few moments. Her head ached and she needed a stiff drink.


  She sat up straighter. Austin? She had to be imagining him. He wouldn’t be there. Couldn’t. He was on his way to California or something. Iris wanted him close by and probably had him holed up in another suite or penthouse somewhere.


  Damn it. His voice was too strong and clear. She looked back at the door. Was it possible for him to be in the hallway? She’d never forgive herself if she didn’t check. “Austin?”

  “It’s me, babe. Let me in.”

  Molly stood and smoothed her fingers through her hair. For a split second, she hesitated. This could be a trap or something to embarrass her. It could be the big goodbye she swore was coming. She’d never get closure if she didn’t give him the chance. She crossed the room and peeked through the security hole. Austin stood alone in the hallway. She opened the door a crack—just enough to be sure he was really there and not a figment of her overactive imagination.

  “Just me.” He opened his arms. “Got some time for me? Maybe some sugar, too?”

  Against her better judgment, she opened the door. “I’m out of sugar but I’m not afraid to help a friend.” Closure or another night of passion with Austin, she needed answers or hot sex and she’d take both.

  “That’s all I am now, isn’t it? A friend.” Austin’s shoulders sagged as he strode into her townhouse. “I’ve got it coming.” His eyes widened. “But look at you. You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  “I went clubbing with Remy. Kind of. He clubbed and I kept him out of trouble.”

  “He had the best date out there tonight, then.” Austin smoothed a lock of her hair between his fingers. “I’m jealous.”

  “And I’m confused.” Molly snicked the lock and leaned against the doorframe. A million questions flooded her brain, but she wasn’t sure what to say. She wanted to run into his arms or slug him for not making up his mind. The ache behind her eyes intensified. Damn it. “Why are you here?” she blurted. “I thought you were going to California.”

  “I am, but first I need to talk to you.” Austin cupped her jaw in both hands. “And kiss you until I change my mind about leaving.”

  Chapter Ten

  Austin dragged his nose along hers and breathed in her scent. He was crazy to leave her and nuts about her. She owned his soul and held his heart in her hands.

  “I don’t understand.” She didn’t pull away from him but didn’t kiss him back. “Don’t you have to go?”

  “I do. The contract states I’m property of Aura for the next two weeks. Whatever promotional needs they have, I’m their man.” He grasped her hands and tugged her to the couch. He needed her close. He collapsed beside her and pulled her down onto his lap. “Better.” Being with her relaxed him. He’d made the jacked-up decision to follow his opportunistic dreams. He never should’ve signed the contract. Never should’ve agreed to break from CDL for a while, or to implode the relationship with Molly before he’d given them a chance.

  She rested her arms around his neck. “I heard you lost your job at CDL. Mr. Lee called. I’ve got a new partner. Didn’t want one.”

  “I know. He told me they gave all my work to Tyson—sounds like they gave him my partner, too. Trust me, I’m not happy about that. I thought the agreement was me being loaned out, not me getting canned and you getting a new partner.” The thought of her working with someone else soured in his brain. They were a team. He lived by the theory of no regrets but he wished he�
�d never seen the underwear campaign. No, the campaign had been the catalyst to bring him together on romantic terms with Molly. He regretted nothing of his time with her.

  “Tyson isn’t a bad guy, but he’s not my ideal partner.” She shrugged and half-smiled. “Are you happy?”

  Not ideal? No shit. The guy had a wife and kid, yet he hit on every woman at the firm. Austin trusted Molly’s judgment and knew in his heart she wouldn’t fall for Tyson, but still. He wanted to be there with her—and not just at work.

  “Austin? If this is what you’ve always wanted, then say so. I won’t stand in the way of your dream.”

  “No.” He met her gaze. He’d been raw before but nothing like when he looked into her eyes. “I thought I knew what I wanted from life. Ever since college, art and advertising were secondary. I wanted to be famous.” He placed his finger over her lips. “I succeeded—kind of. Your photo of me is going onto billboards. I’ll be in magazines, but it’s not what I want. Not any longer.” The taste of her kiss and the feel of her body around his lingered in his mind. She’d imprinted herself in his memory.

  Molly straddled his lap but folded her arms. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Everything was so fucked-up and he had fourteen days before he could fix anything.

  “I’ve got two weeks before I’m free of Aura and Iris. Two weeks until I’m back here with you and figuring out where in the hell I’m going to work. Two weeks of my heart breaking because I’m fond of you.” He kissed her. He’d never get enough of her and didn’t want to leave her. What was he supposed to say to get her to give him another chance? “Can you give me that long? It’s not forever, but it’s nothing I can change.” Christ. Why wasn’t he telling her he loved her? Fear hit him hard. The idea of committing scared him shitless. Could he be faithful to her? Yeah. She made his heart beat. But what if he messed up? Would he be the right man for her in the long run?

  “You’ll get out there and find someone else, so don’t worry about me. You’ll be just fine.” Her chin quivered. “Tyson isn’t you, but I’ve got to keep working. I’ve got bills to pay and a life to live.”


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