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My Favorite Mistake

Page 17

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “Are you kidding me?” Roscoe growled. “You got involved with her?”

  “Iris? No. Molly…yes.” Why lie?


  “You encouraged me to ask her out.” Austin widened his stance and gripped the back of the closest chair. “I’m confused.”

  Roscoe sat on the edge of his desk and bowed his head. “Molly needed to get out of that office. She spends—spent—so much time with you and I thought she deserved the chance to be happy. You’ve got tons of friends and I hoped you’d set her up with one or two of them. I never expected her to hook up with you. God knows working with you cannot be easy.”

  Austin pinched the bridge of his nose. “I did what you said—except I didn’t hook her up with my friends. We went out and had a great time. Hell, I had the best time and if Iris hadn’t butted in, we’d probably still be together. The work we did was off the charts and the rest was even better.”

  Roscoe met Austin’s gaze. “Wait. Iris?” He shook his head and groaned. “Explain the whole thing, but use the short version. I don’t have all day.”

  “Molly and I hit it off. We have since the beginning, but when we worked on the Aura account, we realized we were better together than being just partners. It was going well until she decided the only reason she was invited to the Aura gala was because of me begging Iris. Me using my charms, so to speak.”

  “Tell me you didn’t do that.”

  “No, I didn’t. I’m not going to lie. I thought about it. Thought long and hard about climbing the ladder on Iris’ back. I’d date Molly but dump her in favor of Iris.” He put both hands up. “But I changed my mind. I’m a jerk but not that big of a jerk.”

  “Why would you do that to Molly?” Roscoe asked. “You work together. If you and Molly split, then what? I’m out two of my best people.”

  “I know.” He’d thought about that very point quite a bit.

  “You weren’t thinking,” Roscoe snapped.

  “Actually, I was. I looked at her and all of the times I’d said no, I’m not getting involved or I’m not attracted to her, all those reasons meant nothing. I swore I wouldn’t fall for her. But the longer I spent with her outside of CDL… I didn’t have an ex in the way or a random girlfriend bothering me. I had no excuses.” He turned the chair around and settled on the thick plastic seat. “Then when Molly walked out of the dressing room at the dress shop, all the emotions I’d kept in check spilled out.” Well, he’d fallen hard for her long before and showed her in the hotel suite, but he wasn’t going to tell Roscoe that. “I remembered why I fell for her back in college and realized the feelings weren’t dead—they were stronger.”

  “Then why didn’t you chase her back then?” Roscoe crossed his ankles and gripped the edge of his desk. “She’s a catch.”

  “I was oblivious.” He blew out a long breath. Christ, explaining everything would be a hassle, but she was worth the trouble. “Back then, she was my best friend—still is, but it was different. She was one of the guys and not girlfriend material. But I changed my mind. I’m not oblivious any longer.”

  “I’m sure Iris is happy to let you go.”

  “She’s got me busy for the next two weeks, but I thought if I didn’t go through with it not only would she have a shit fit, but she’d probably take me to court for breach of contract and she’d pull it. I knew we were being used but I thought it was the lesser of all evils.” He still believed he was doing the right thing, but Christ, it hurt.

  Roscoe didn’t say anything for a long while. He drummed his fingers on his thigh.

  “What’s so important about Molly? You barely noticed us before. We did our jobs and you profited. We never even earned bonuses, despite bringing in and maintaining all of our projects.” Austin stood. He wasn’t sure why but anger rose within him. Someone wasn’t telling him something and he wanted to know what.

  “You’ve been my biggest headache. I never know how careless you’ll be,” Roscoe said. “I never know how I’m going to have to bail you out.”

  “I’m not careless.” And he’d never brought his love life to work—except with Molly and now Iris. Fuck.

  Roscoe rolled his eyes. “Your personal life is a mess.”

  “Has it impacted my job?” Austin challenged.

  “Not yet.”

  “And it won’t.” He’d already made changes in his life and had a plan for his future. He patted his pocket. He wouldn’t let Molly down.

  “Look, I don’t care how you conduct your personal life as long as it doesn’t impact your work or Molly. She was my first hire and I’m partial to her—even if some of her choices are questionable. She’s the daughter I never had, and a good scout.” Roscoe paused. “If you really want things to work out then get your life sorted out.”

  “I plan to.” Austin offered his hand to his boss. “I’m coming back. This was a screwed-up idea and I can’t wait for it to be over. I’m ready to be in my office with Molly and cranking out advertisements for pickles and blue jeans.”

  “We’ll see.” Roscoe shook hands with him. “Like I said, sort out your life, then we’ll talk.”

  “Deal.” Austin nodded then headed out of Mr. Lee’s office. He hadn’t been asked back but he wasn’t totally out of the loop. Not great, but not awful. He strolled down the corridor to the office he shared with Molly.

  One good thing about her, she wouldn’t chuck his stuff. He stopped when he noticed the door was already open. Mr. Lee hadn’t allowed Tyson to move in already, had he? Austin peeked around the doorframe and into the office. For a split second, he hoped Molly had made it to CDL and was behind her desk. Unfortunately, she wasn’t.

  Iris folded her hands on Molly’s workspace. “Close the door. We’ve got lots to talk about.”

  Fuck. He’d been her puppet for only a day and already hated it. He remained at the door.

  “Fine.” Iris smiled and narrowed her eyes. “I came in because I didn’t see you at the airfield. Seems you took a detour. I know because I tracked the location of your phone.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  She shrugged. “I like to keep my assets accounted for.”

  ‘Assets’? He’d been relegated to the role of a material item. Jesus.

  “Now, you’re mine for the next two weeks. Am I detecting an undercurrent of upset?” If it were possible to narrow her eyes even more, she did. “You’re not happy. You won’t come to bed or let me kiss you anymore. Either you’re overwhelmed by me—and many are—or you’re having second thoughts. Should I make the call and pull the plug on any future Aura ads? I could make you a star.”

  “Pull it.” He didn’t have any second thoughts or regrets. He wasn’t meant for stardom with her. He was supposed to be in this office working on advertising for other people.

  “I thought you might say that.” She stood and rounded the desk. She pinned him between her body and the doorframe. Anyone in the hallway could’ve seen her groping him. “I’m not the type to beg or to chase. Once I make a decision, that’s it. Are you sure you want to give this—me—up? I told you. I can make you famous and rich beyond your wildest dreams. I’ve already had modeling agencies call. They want the man with the boy-next-door look in all of their work.”

  “I’m sure I’m willing to give it all up.” He nudged her away and ducked into the office. “I’m here to create promotional materials and marketing campaigns, not to be some face on a billboard or your body of the month to play with. I have a job to do and I can’t if you’re expecting special treatment.” His hands shook and he stuffed them into his pockets to hide the trembling.

  “You can’t do this, remember? You signed a contract.” She shut the door. Her smile widened as she crossed the room. “You’re mine.”

  Austin swallowed hard. He’d made the fucked-up decision to go along with her whims and was about to pay for it. He tamped down his anger and nodded once. “You’re right. Let’s go to the airport. I don’t renege on contracts.” Even if every fiber
of his being screamed to run the hell away from her, he’d fulfill his end of the deal.

  He left CDL and climbed behind the wheel of his car. He drove the short distance to the airfield and parked. The closer he got to the plane, the more he wanted to run. He forced himself to board the jet and to take a seat beside Iris. He’d made this mess.

  Iris clamped her hand on his thigh and sipped champagne. She didn’t offer him any or give him any other special treatment. He was her property, nothing more.

  Once the plane was airborne and the seatbelt light darkened, the flight attendants left her alone with Austin.

  “Did I tell you you’re already big? We’ve used you on the billboards in New York, Los Angeles, Vegas and Chicago. You’re huge. The posters of you at the bus stops keep getting stolen.” She clapped her hands. “Isn’t it fantastic?”

  “Sure.” Great. Other women were happy to see him, but he wasn’t happy. He wanted to be with Molly. Not ogled.

  “You don’t seem thrilled. Well, maybe this will perk you up. I’ve helped you in the relationship department. I sent your partner a photo text and I’m sure she loves it. Check your phone.”

  “What?” Austin fumbled with it. “What are you talking about? Where?” Sent…Molly a photo? Iris hadn’t taken any pictures that he knew of—unless she referred to one of the ones Molly had photographed, but wouldn’t Molly have copies of those?

  “In your messages. While you were in the bathroom, I took the liberty of sending it from your phone.” She dug her nails into his thigh. “You won’t have to worry about her any longer.”

  “What the fuck did you do?” He flipped through the screens to his messages. In the thread with Molly’s name, he noticed the photograph—one of him and Molly together. Someone had added red writing over the image and blacked out Molly’s head. “Beauty and money always win,” he muttered. He turned to Iris. “You sent this to her? From me? Why? That’s awful, even for you. What was the point of it?”

  “To eliminate the competition.” She clasped his chin in her fingers. “She’s not worthy of you and you’re wasting your time. You’re going to be huge and you need a woman at your side who is your equal.”

  “Like you?”

  “Exactly. I told you. She doesn’t deserve you.”

  “No, she doesn’t. She should be with someone much better than me, but I’m not sure I can live without her.”

  “Well, for the next fourteen days, you’ll have to. No calls, no texts, no chats. You’re mine.” She grabbed his phone. “I’ll take this.”

  “No.” He wrestled it from her. “You might be in charge of what I’m doing for the next few days but you’re not getting my phone.”

  “Really? She’s worth that much to you? I could buy ten of her.”

  “No, you couldn’t. She’s…” He stopped himself before he got too sappy and gave Iris more ammunition. She’d already screwed up his life. He wasn’t sure how in the hell he’d explain the photo to Molly.

  “You’ll change your mind. A few premieres, some dinner parties, and all that posing will show you where you belong. By the end of the two weeks, you won’t want to go back to your crappy job or your mousy girlfriend.” Iris yanked the sleep mask over her eyes and settled in her chair.

  Austin glanced through the window. She could say what she thought would happen, but he knew. He checked the messages after the photo. Molly had replied, but she seemed more confused than upset.

  Not sure why you’re sending me that. Rubbing it in that you’re famous? I’m rooting for you. Guess now I can say I knew you when…☺

  He peered at Iris’ still form then switched his phone to silent. If he had any chance of getting back with Molly then he needed to do some serious damage control.

  I’m sorry about that picture. Iris sent it, but I have no idea how she got the photo or my phone long enough to do it. You probably don’t believe me and you’re smart not to. I screwed up.

  He hit send then composed the next text.

  I can’t ask you enough to forgive me for being myself. I’m trying to be a better man for you. Two weeks and I’m all yours. Promise. I miss you.

  Austin sent the message and slumped in his seat. Life could be so great then turn shitty in an instant. He only had himself to blame. If he’d have been happy with what he had then the whole episode with Iris never would’ve happened.

  He turned the phone over and swiped his index finger over the screen. At least he could play games while Iris slept. The message icon blinked at the top left of the phone. He tapped the icon and held his breath. Could be something innocuous or something important. He hoped for important.

  His hope died when he read the words. Dylan wanted to know if he was available for drinks. Shit. He typed out a reply and promised his brother he’d call later. So much for a quick resolution with Molly.

  He stared out of the window again and sighed. He had fourteen days to decide if he truly loved Molly. He doubted he needed that long, but the contract was binding. He braced himself for what he saw as the roughest two weeks of his life—time without the woman of his heart.

  Chapter Eleven

  Molly closed the lid on her laptop and rested her head on her hands. The photo of her and Austin never quite left her mind. She saw the red words and the scribble even in her dreams. She’d read the explanation from Austin a hundred times. He was sorry. Unless he’d given his phone to Iris and approved of her defacing the photo, he had nothing to apologize for, but she appreciated the sentiment.

  But he was in California or New York—wherever the last text claimed he was—with Iris. Molly had seen a quick story on the tabloid news involving Iris but she hadn’t seen him. Oh well.

  She sat up and raked her fingers through her hair. She’d never get her work done if she kept worrying about Austin. He’d been away exactly fourteen days and had only called once—long enough to make sure she was still alive but not enough to actually have a conversation. She’d heard Iris in the background and figured she wouldn’t let him talk for long.

  Rain streaked down the window and a clap of thunder rumbled. Lightning flashed, illuminating her townhouse. She’d never been one for thunderstorms, but the cruddy weather suited her mood.


  She could’ve sworn Austin was at her door, but he was out of state.

  The person out in the hallway pounded on the wooden door. “Molls? You in there? Please God, tell me you’re home.”

  “Austin?” She raced to the door and twisted the lock. She gasped when she saw him. “You’re soaked.” Molly stepped aside and waved him in. “Get in here and dry off. Good Lord.”

  “No.” He stood still in the hallway.

  “Do you want your clothes plastered to your body? I’m not arguing the look—it’s a good look—but you’ll catch a cold or something.” She bit back her confusion and the rising hunger within her to snuggle in his soggy arms. “Did Iris dump you or are you avoiding her? You can hide here for a few hours, but just tell me the truth.”

  “Neither.” Austin stepped into the room and scooped her into his arms. He nudged the door shut then carried her to her bedroom. He feathered kisses all over her face then down her neck. Her skin burned and delicious heat raced through her body. She rubbed her crotch against his belly. He’d been working out. His rock-hard muscle felt even stronger. She moaned. The man was perfection on legs.

  She pulled her mouth away first. What in the hell was he doing? He’d barely spoken to her for two weeks and now wanted to fuck her right away? Yeah, no. As much as she liked having him back in Ohio, she wasn’t ready to strip so he could do as he pleased with her. He owed her more than an explanation. Some begging would be nice. “I’m confused.” She brushed her hair from her eyes as he sat with her on his lap on the edge of the bed. “Not that I don’t like it, but why are you doing this?”

  “Because I fucked up. I can’t see my life with anyone by you. Mistake goof-up or my favorite soft, warm place to land—that’s you. I love you
, Molly.”

  “Austin.” He didn’t use that word—not for pizza or beer or even his football team. Love wasn’t in his vocabulary.

  He crushed his mouth over hers and claimed her. The need within him flowed to her and she groaned. He palmed her breast, pinching her nipple. She writhed on his lap. Being with him felt right.

  Austin stood long enough to turn around and place her on the bed on her back. His hungry gaze slid over her as he yanked her jeans and panties down her legs. He dropped to his knees between her thighs and arranged her calves on his shoulders. He buried his face in her pussy. His warm breath tickled her sensitive skin and she grabbed handfuls of the comforter. His scruff scraped along her inner thigh in a wonderful burn. She threaded her fingers into his hair and grabbed two handfuls.

  “Don’t.” Molly bucked against him and opened her legs. Every synapse in her body stood at attention. There wasn’t much point arguing with him. He’d do what he wanted and she liked.

  Chilly air kissed her labia.

  “So pretty.” He parted her pussy lips and dragged his tongue over her sensitive skin.

  Molly collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling. If he wanted to please her then she’d let him. She wanted to experience him on a sensory level. His warmth radiated through her as he flattened his tongue on her clit. He alternated between nips and licks.

  She moved on instinct and reached between her thighs. She trailed her fingers over the crease alongside her pussy. The slight tickle added to her pleasure. She wondered if seeing her touching herself turned him on.

  “Beautiful,” Austin whispered.

  She wasn’t sure about the ‘beautiful’ part but she was comfortable with her body during solo play. Why not be okay with touching herself in front of him? She arched her back and spread her labia. “Right there.”


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