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Tangled in Divine [Divine Creek Ranch 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Heather Rainier

  Julián grinned, thinking she was protesting quite a bit, while blushing very prettily. Interesting.

  “That’s just his way, love. He grows on you.”

  “Oh, yeah? Like a tumor? He has a Texan accent but he looks like he’s straight from the cast of Jersey Shore.”

  Julián laughed out loud. “He gets that a lot. Right before he was born, his big family moved to Texas from New Jersey to open a chain of authentic Italian restaurants in Texas. Great food, really loud family.”

  Julián had gone to one of the gatherings recently and his ears had rung for hours after they’d left. Believing that what Chris might’ve lacked in the suave and debonair department, he made up for in the loyalty department, Julián said, “Trust me, you’ll grow to love him.” In fact I’m betting on it.

  “I don’t know about that. He reminds me of a big overbearing mixed-breed pit bull dog that one of my friends’ brothers had while I was growing up. The dog acted like it was a lapdog, even though he had to be close to a hundred pounds. Always climbing on me, right up in my face, licking and slobbering all over me. Drove me nuts, but…” The disgust left her face and she slammed her mouth shut.


  “Never mind.”

  “No. Now I’m curious. What?”

  “I guess I kind of loved that dog, even though he was like that. He did love me in his own overbearing way. I cried when he was struck by a car and killed.”

  “I see.”

  “Please, please, do not tell Chris I compared him to a dog, okay? Please?”

  Julián chuckled evilly but said, “Don’t worry. Not a word from me. And I do think you’ll see him differently.” I guess I need to have a talk with the big pit bull. Julián had the oddest sense that there was something about Chris, some indefinable quality that she’d recognize.

  “We’ll see.”

  “I was talking with Angel and Joaquin earlier and they think they may have a line on a job to tide you over until you can rejoin the circuit. It might even be an ‘in’ for a horse, if you’re willing to offer a little horse training. That’s right up your alley anyway.”

  “You know of a horse that needs training?” The eagerness in her eyes warmed his heart. She loved competing in barrel racing, but Gwen’s heart was truly in training horses.

  “We know of a rancher, Wilbur Wilson, who has some special circumstances. He wants to take a sabbatical for a couple of months so he can visit his daughter who is a medical missionary in Brazil. He eventually wants to join her there permanently.”

  “He owns a ranch?”

  “Yeah. Beautiful place. It’s about one hundred acres. He’s been reducing his herd, and he has just the one horse. All the animals are well cared for and healthy and the place is in good repair. He’s just moving into a different season in his life and wants to dedicate himself to service of others. Joaquin also told me that they’ve taken on a ‘project’ horse here at the ranch. I’ll bet they’d like it if you spent some time with her while you’re in the area. He mentioned that she’d been traumatized somehow.”

  Interest and empathy was obvious in her eyes, and Julián wondered if she realized that her dream wasn’t necessarily tied to a place so much as it was to a species of animal. He kept that thought to himself.

  “By the way…”


  “If it works out and you decide to stay for a bit, make sure and send your post office a forwarding order.”

  “Why’s that? Dad usually holds all my mail and sends it to me when he knows where I’ll be for a while.”

  “There’s a special Christmas gift that probably arrived in your post office box today, from me…and Chris,” he added, figuring he might as well test her reaction. I guess we’d better work fast.

  “Really?” she asked, a quizzical grin on her face. “What is it?”

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you. Chris helped me pick it out.”

  She looked almost doubtful but replied, “Like you said, if it works out with Mr. Wilson, I’ll send the forwarding order. And thank you. I’m sorry, I didn’t bring you anything.”

  Oh, yes you did. You brought me a chance to be with you, to win you over. Judging by the look on Chris’s face earlier, you’ve already won him.

  “Let’s go call Mr. Wilson and arrange a time for you to meet him.”

  “Sure,” Gwen replied. “I need to call my dad first, though. He must be worried to death.”

  Chapter Six

  Gwen climbed from Julián’s lap, reluctant to leave the warm comfort of his embrace and exquisite awareness of the still very rigid cock pressed against her backside. She’d been tempted to reach out and caress him, to acknowledge the desire growing between them. Her longing for Julián wasn’t in question, despite her confusion regarding Chris Potter.

  His soft groan as she slid from his lap made her smile with womanly satisfaction. She kept her thoughts to herself as she bent over to retrieve her phone from her coat pocket. A breath rushed from her as he slid his hand up the back of her thigh until he reached the top and came oh-so-achingly close to cupping her derriere. Her cunt clenched with his touch and she bit her lip as her clit throbbed with the need for him to touch her, to stroke her, to bring her to orgasm.

  The Doppler effect of a playful little boy giggle as it moved down the hallway past the closed door to the den brought her out of her fantasy. You’re in Teresa’s house right now. Quell your lusty thoughts at least until you’re alone with him.

  Julián must’ve had a similar reaction because he removed his hand. “How about I give you some privacy to talk to your dad and I’ll call Wilbur for you. I might even put in a good word for you,” he murmured with a chuckle as he stood and faced her, slight discomfort showing on his face as he discreetly rearranged his burgeoning cock.

  “Sorry about that,” she whispered, not feeling a bit repentant, a giggle leaving her and making her feel more normal than she had in a while.

  “No you’re not,” he replied with weak amusement. “But that’s a conversation we’ll save for a little later this evening.”

  “Promise?” Just like that, her panties were drenched with hot, liquid desire.

  “Yes, when you come home with us.”

  “Us?” Her body suddenly went tight with heightened awareness, and heat flooded her cheeks as her cunt throbbed in excitement.

  “Yes. Me and Chris.” He smiled enigmatically as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

  Her face felt like it was on fire as she put her cool hands to it. Was Julián hinting at something? Or was he simply stating fact—that he and Chris lived together and, therefore, she would be there with both of them? And since when was it decided that she was staying with him that night?

  Methinks you protest too much, sweet cheeks. You knew you were going home with him tonight the moment you laid eyes on him earlier. It’s time to finish what the two of you started.

  The problem was that she wasn’t certain that would finish it. More likely it would be just the beginning of something that would change her forever. She could feel it in her soul.

  Recalling her purpose, she checked her messages and voice mail again.

  “Damn. Probably should’ve called before napping.” She dialed his number, not even bothering to read the umpteen text messages from both her dad and Roger.

  The call connected on the first ring and she cringed at her father’s worried voice. “Gwen? Is it you? Please, God, let it be you.”

  “Dad, it’s me.”

  “Oh thank you, God.” His voice was shaky and he sounded like he’d aged several decades.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy. I needed to be…alone. I had to figure out what to do next.” I didn’t really accomplish much of that though.

  Julián and the guys had been a bigger help getting her onto the path that might get her back to a winning streak on the circuit. But there were a lot of “ifs” and variables to consider.

  “Honey, that’s why I wish
ed you’d returned our calls sooner. We’ve got it all figured out.”


  “Me and Roger. We got this all sewn up.”

  Gwen’s heart clenched. He’d used similar wordage with her when he’d lost the ranch. Nothing was that easy. Ever.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t you remember me telling you? Roger is getting the money together to buy the ranch, and he’s gonna try and get Zephyr back for you too.” He made it sound so easy.

  She vaguely remembered them talking to her about something, but her memories were unclear. “How?”

  “He’s liquidating some assets. By the time the property goes to auction in March, he should have it all put together. He—what? Oh, okay. Honey, Roger wants to talk to you.”

  “Um, okay.”

  “Gwen, darlin’? It’s me, Roger.”

  “H–Hi, Roger.”

  “You’re a hard woman to get a hold of.” His tone was smooth.

  “Sorry, Roger. I just needed time to think.” I’m getting a little tired of explaining myself. What’s a girl gotta do to justify a little alone time?

  “I understand. I could tell you were in shock when you came over after finding out. I realize now that you probably weren’t hearing a word either of us was saying to you. I recognized that panicked look on your face. Why don’t you come on back home and we’ll lay it all out for you. Everything’s going to be just fine. You can stay here. Hell, you can stay here for as long as you want. Forever, even.”

  An odd sensation went up her spine at his last words. Déjà vu. She recalled him saying those exact words as she was preparing to leave his ranch. They’d barely registered at the time.

  “Roger, what are you asking me for?”

  Roger chuckled easily. “For now, I just want you to come home, darlin’. I’m willing to get the money together to buy the ranch for you. Buy Zephyr back for you. Just come home.”

  “Thank you, Roger. I don’t want anything bought for me. I want what is mine. I’m going back out on the circuit this spring. I’m buying the ranch back for myself, so no one can ever take it from me again.”

  Roger seemed to take stock of what she said for a few seconds. “Okay. I understand your independence. I can respect that. At least come home until it’s time to leave in the spring.”

  Even though it wasn’t a done deal yet, Gwen shook her head, certain that Roger wasn’t giving her the whole story. There were always strings attached to a deal that good. “I’m sorry, Roger, I can’t. I’ve committed to a job already, working with horses.”

  For her part, she had made a commitment, and two horses was still plural “horses.” She wasn’t lying…exactly.

  Roger seemed to understand her resolve and backed off. “All right. Once you’ve made a commitment you need to stand by it. But I hope you change your mind. You don’t have to do any of that. You can come back at any time. You can stay with me.”

  Another little shiver went up her spine when she realized what he was hinting at. Roger was old enough to be her dad. Unconsciously, she shook her head.

  Surely he isn’t offering what it sounds like he’s offering. “Thank you, Roger. And I really appreciate your understanding and your willingness to help, but I want to own the ranch free and clear. I’ve got to be able to pay you back. Doing what you’re doing will give me a little slack so I can do that.”

  “Darlin’, at least think about it. There’s no reason to stress yourself out like that. You’re supposed to be retired now.”

  “I know, but I can do anything for ten months, including win.”

  “What about a horse?”

  “Taken care of.” Again, not a total fib. If I have a chance, I can make it work. “If for some reason things fall through down here, I’ll come back to Colorado.” Not sure I’d move in with you if I did, though. Maybe I’m misunderstanding his offer.

  “Give it some thought and let me know how you’re doing, darlin’.”

  “Okay. Can I talk to my dad again?”

  “Sure. Here he is.”

  There was a muffled conversation between the two men for a moment. Then her dad came back on the line. “Honey, I sure do hope you think about coming home. Roger and me have got this all sewn up.” He sounded so sad. So pathetic.

  “I’m sorry, Dad. I can’t. I already explained to Roger that I’m hitting the circuit in March. I appreciate very much that he’s planning to buy it, but I have to win the money to pay him back so I own it outright. I won’t be beholden to someone else for what should be mine.” She knew those words probably stung him but she didn’t quite care. She had a right to be angry.

  He hesitated for a moment then said, “I understand, honey. You take after your Granny. She was always one to do for herself too. Where are you?”

  “I’m in Divine.”

  “Divine? How’d you wind up so far from home?”

  That was a good question, but not one she could answer for him, and she wasn’t sure he’d welcome the answer. She’d been drawn to Divine. Once she’d gotten over the initial shock of the loss, she’d gone to the one place where she could regroup. She could vaguely hear Roger’s voice in the background, talking to her dad, and then her dad said, “I still think you should come home. Would the truck make it?”

  “The truck is fine.”

  “I never intended for you to leave with all your worldly possessions in that trailer. I was hoping you’d want to unload it at Roger’s place. Stay where you were safe and taken care of.”

  “Dad. Stop. I’m in Divine for the time being. I’ll be in touch when I know that I’ll be heading out. I’ll make sure you have my itinerary.”

  When she ended the call with him, it was with the realization that she’d made a solid choice to stay in Divine for the next two, possibly three months, come hell or high water. Her instincts told her it was the best choice.

  Her father’s words about Roger echoed in her mind. She wasn’t ready to face what Roger was hinting at. Knowing that her father’s best friend was interested in her, in that way, felt incestuous. She prayed she was just reading him wrong.

  * * * *

  Chris braced himself for retribution when he heard the door to the den open and close, and then Julián appeared in the archway that led back into the expansive living room.

  Julián’s expression was unreadable as he gestured toward the door with a tilt of his head. To Teresa, he said, “Sorry to take off with your conversation partner again, Teresa, but I need to talk with Chris.”

  “Sure,” Teresa replied. “But you’re staying for supper, right? Is everything okay with Gwen?”

  The satisfied smile that Chris saw appear on Julián’s face was a relief as he replied, “Yes. We’ll stay for supper. And Gwen’s fine. She slept for a while. When I left the den she was calling her dad. I just need to talk to Chris privately for a few minutes. We’ll be out on the front porch.”

  Chris followed him out the front door and looked west where the fading hues of the sunset lingered in shades of orange and pink. Julián took a seat in one of the chairs grouped around a table down at the enclosed end of the sheltering porch.

  Julián finally chuckled. “Relax, man. You look like you’re ready to get your ass kicked.”

  Chris couldn’t summon a reply. His best friend had just caught him staring at his girl, with every emotion he felt showing on his ugly mug. He should be preparing for an ass-kicking.

  His mother had always told him that his face was an open book, his emotions easy to read, which would always make him a target for assholes. That was one of the reasons he teased so much. It was all a bluff. It wasn’t as important to keep that part of his nature hidden.

  Growing up with all his older brothers, it paid to learn to hide vulnerabilities and feelings. He loved them all, but they’d made his life, as the baby of the family, a living hell when he was growing up. He’d learned to get along, and once he’d gotten bigger than most of them, they’d left him alone. By then, h
e’d gotten good at hiding his feelings.

  But for some reason, Gwen seemed capable of laying his every emotion bare, even in her sleep.

  Chris eased into the chair, testing its strength as he sat down in it, and eventually relaxed. He was a big guy and breaking furniture was beyond humiliating. He knew from experience. The memory made him cringe.

  He searched for the right words as he faced his friend. “I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to kick my ass. I guess it was pretty obvious what I was thinking in there, huh?”

  “I saw,” Julián acknowledged quietly, lightly rubbing his fingers through the closely trimmed hair over his ears, like he was thinking. He finally clasped his hands behind his head, and let out a deep sigh.

  “I’m sorry, man,” Chris said. “I’ll steer completely clear of…her while she’s in the area. You won’t have any trouble from me. You’re my best friend.” My only friend, really. He knew that was his own fault. He didn’t trust people easily and tended to steer clear of gatherings like this Christmas party that Grace was hosting, and they were attending, that night.

  “I understand. And that’s the reason why I’m telling you what I’m going to tell you.” Julián leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table and smiled at him. “Relax. You look ready to bolt or defend yourself. Anyone looking out a window at us would think we were fixing to fight.”

  The conflict that was growing in Chris made it nearly impossible to relax.

  Julián leveled a serious gaze on Chris. “Tell me something. What do you think of all the ménages in Divine?”

  “I don’t—why do you ask?” What the fuck?

  “You remember me telling you that I had a brother who lived over in Lusty?” At Chris’s nod Julián continued. “Peter is involved in a ménage, with his wife, Tracy, and his husband, Jordan, so it’s not all that shocking to me. I wondered what you thought of that kind of arrangement.”

  Dude, seriously. Who am I to judge? I’m doing good just to get a date on the weekend.


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