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Tangled in Divine [Divine Creek Ranch 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Heather Rainier

  Grace sipped her wine and peeked around Gwen’s shoulder and looked about ready to preen, she was so pleased with herself. “Oh, we were just discussing Chris Potter’s woobiness.”

  Teresa glanced at Grace and snorted in a very indelicate, un-Teresa-like fashion. Grace took her glass from her and sniffed the contents before handing it back to her with a giggle as Gwen replied, “Woobiness?”

  Grace nodded and leaned closer. “Do you remember having a stuffed animal or maybe a blanket when you were little that went everywhere with you? That was your woobie—your comfort item. I had a blanket as a little girl, and Rose Marie has this floppy brown teddy bear that Jack gave her when she was newborn. She can’t sleep without it. I hardly dare take it to wash it. Well, Teresa and I believe that there are some men, several in this room in fact who have very strong woobie factors.”

  “Woobie factors?”

  Teresa nodded, appearing absolutely certain. “Woobiness. Exceptionally good at comforting, very protective, great huggers.”

  “All our men are good at that but there are some who stand out in the crowd,” Grace said, looking around the room.

  Suddenly curious, Gwen glanced quickly at the large group standing in the dining room. “Like…who?”

  Grace and Teresa glanced at each other, and they moved closer. Teresa said, “Adam and Angel are both woobies.”

  “Big-time,” Grace said with a faraway look in her eyes.

  “Most of the woobies are the really big guys. Angel is not as big as Adam, by quite a bit, but he towers over me. And when he holds me…”

  Grace nodded and whispered, “The world can’t touch you.”

  Teresa peeked around Gwen’s shoulder and looked around the room. “Richard Warner is Maya’s woobie. Look how he holds her.”

  Gwen looked over to the dining room where Maya Warner stood chatting with her three husbands, Kendall, Richard, and Boone, and two of Grace’s husbands, Ethan Grant and Adam Davis. Gwen noticed that Maya stood in the circle of Richard Warner’s arms leaning against him as he rested his backside against a wall. His hold on her was gentle, not possessive. As the conversation continued, she turned and rested her cheek against one of his pectorals and put her arms around him and squeezed. Richard unconsciously kissed the top of her blonde head before adding to the discussion.

  “Who else?”

  Grace and Teresa glanced at each other and at the same time said, “Kemp Whittier.”

  Teresa nodded. “Big-time woobie. So is Seth Carter.”

  Grace bit her lip and interjected, “Oh hell yes. He’s like Angel—a stealth woobie.”

  “Stealth woobie?” Gwen had to giggle.

  “Average build and height but he emanates protectiveness. And with the way Jayne looks at him, he might as well be seven feet tall.” Gwen didn’t know either of them quite as well as the others but she had to agree. Jayne looked at Seth as though all he needed was a red cape.

  Grace sighed happily before taking another sip of wine. “And then there’s Chris Potter. Fuzzy woobie.”

  “Fuzzy woobie?” Gwen asked.

  Grace blushed and said, “He and Julián came with Lily, Clay, and Del Cook to Bowie Lake with the rest of us for an outing late last summer. We grilled and swam, and a few people brought their boats. Chris went waterskiing.”

  “Really?” Gwen had a hard time picturing that big guy in swim trunks cutting a path across the lake at high speed, but the image made her smile.

  “Yeah, and he’s quite the fuzzy teddy bear.”

  “He’s hairy?” Gwen was almost afraid to ask.

  Grace giggled salaciously. “Not the way you’re thinking, honey. Either he grooms or he got tapped just enough by the fuzz-fairy to be over-the-top sexy but not so much that he’s like Sasquatch in need of a spa day. Sorry—not that I am lusting after any other man’s fuzziness but he’s got just enough to keep the right woman warm at night.”

  Teresa whispered, “It was hard not to stare, Gwen. You’ll see. He’s got just the right amount—”

  “What? Wait. I’ll see?”

  Teresa looked her straight in the eye and nodded. “There’s truth to what Grace is saying. Love is…in the air.” She made a point of gesturing discreetly over Gwen’s shoulder. “Chris has been watching you since you left Julián’s lap.”

  Grace elbowed her friend and whispered, “So has Julián.”

  Trying not to be obvious, Gwen looked over her shoulder and discovered that the women were right. Chris and Julián were staring like they wanted her to come back…to both of them. Julián spoke softly to Chris but never took his eyes off of Gwen.

  “Whoa. I think the hormones are getting to me,” Gwen whispered as she turned back to look at her friends and sipped her wine. “Chris has been really quiet all evening but really…”

  Grace gave her a crooked smile. “Attentive? Watchful? He reminds me just a little of Adam when we first met. I thought he was really intense at first. I think it was actually uncertainty on his part.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’d known Jack a long time and had been secretly in love with him for a good part of it. When I met Ethan and Adam, the attraction was so sudden and we needed time to figure out our dynamic. I’ll never forget the first time Adam kissed me.” Grace’s cheeks glowed and she brought her fingertips to her lips.

  “Had you known each other a while by that point? Did you already know that he wanted to be part of a ménage? Did Ethan know?”

  “It developed pretty quickly once they clued in that I felt guilty for being attracted to all of them the night that they helped me get free from my live-in, freeloading boyfriend, Owen. In retrospect I realized they were too noble to make a move while I was committed to someone else, even though he was an abusive asshat.”

  Teresa chuckled and said, “He was a big jerk. I hated the way he beat down your self-image.”

  Gwen was surprised by that statement. “You had a bad self-image?” Grace was one of the most poised, sexy, self-confident women Gwen knew. She couldn’t imagine her ever seeing herself as “less than.”

  Grace sipped her wine and nodded. “You didn’t know me back then but Teresa can tell you…I was afraid of my own shadow. I could barely converse with Jack without turning beet red. That change was gradual and I give my men all the credit for it. They worked hard to draw me out. But if you think my story is extreme, you should hear Teresa’s sometime.”

  Teresa waved her hand dismissively. “Let’s not. I’m in a good mood and don’t want to rehash all my history for Gwen. Suffice to say, Angel and Joaquin won me separately but claimed me together—here at one of Grace’s Christmas parties just a few years ago.” Her eyes grew misty as she stroked the black onyx pendant she wore.

  Gwen was taken back to the same holiday season, recalling her own close encounter with Joaquin, and heat stained her cheeks. She’d hooked up with Joaquin just barely a day before he’d met the woman who would own his heart. She wondered if she’d ever get over the guilt, even though neither of them could’ve known that would happen.

  Teresa took hold of Gwen’s free hand. “You. Stop that. I’m sorry I reminded you. You cannot help that the timing was so close and I don’t hold it against either one of you. The last thing Joaquin expected was to fall in love at first sight the very next day.”

  Knowingly, Grace said, “I think that phenomenon is something that the three of us all have in common.”

  Gwen frowned. “I’ve known Julián a long time. We’ve always had a thing for each other, I think, but I wouldn’t call it love at first—”

  Grace gently broke in. “I’m not talking about Julián. I’m talking about that big, sweet, sexy hunk of man sitting next to him, looking at you like you hung the moon just for him.” Gwen glanced back and saw the truth of Grace’s words—about both men. They spoke quietly to each other but never took their eyes off of her.

  “How can you know that? Chris has hardly said two words to me all night.” What if she’s
right? I wonder if Julián knows that. “And what about Julián?”

  Grace rolled her eyes and looked like she wanted to pat Gwen on her little head and tell her she was pretty. “They look like they’re on the same page to me. Look at their body language. Damn, that’s sexy. They both want you. How can you not see that?”

  Making no secret of observing them, Gwen could plainly see what Grace was talking about. They sat side by side on the couch, their posture relaxed and mirroring each other. Even their expressions were the same as they watched her watching them. They sat straight with both booted feet on the floor and their knees slightly parted. She couldn’t help but notice the sexy bulges at their groins. Not noticeably hardened but full of potential. Her pussy responded with an ache that surprised her because she wanted both of them too.

  Through the buzz of growing desire in her head, Gwen heard Teresa snicker and say, “Grace and I know that look because we’ve seen it before. Julián is giving Chris a chance to find a place for himself in your world. Angel did the same thing for Joaquin. You may not know this, but I dated Angel for six months before I ever met Joaquin. He was attracted to me on sight but he would’ve backed off if Angel had told him to. I’m very thankful that Angel didn’t because the attraction between Joaquin and I was mutual. I also think Chris is being quieter than normal because he’s trying to avoid offending you. He’s not usually this quiet when I’ve been around him.”

  “Yeah,” Grace said. “Normally he’s a flirt. He’s not the most suave and debonair guy I know but he certainly gets points for trying. And he does succeed in charming the ladies.”

  Gwen glanced at Chris to find him still watching her, until another partygoer approached him, interest in her eyes. The young woman, who was reasonably attractive, smiled at him, twiddling a lock of her long brown hair around her finger, her stance obviously flirtatious. He smiled back, his eyes twinkling, and spoke with the brunette. Julián was busy talking to Wes and Evan again and seemed to not notice. The knot of possessiveness that rose up inside Gwen made her breath catch in her throat.

  “Hell,” Gwen said softly, surprised by the sudden clench in her chest, as she turned away. The realization that he was sincerely attracted to her, combined with her reaction to seeing another woman flirt with him, created a painful turmoil inside her. “He was being so quiet. I honestly didn’t realize what was happening. But when he touched my hand…crap.” The timing couldn’t be worse, either, because her stay in Divine was temporary.

  Teresa patted her shoulder, while watching whatever was happening across the room. “You three just need time and privacy to communicate. I was a little deer-in-the-headlights when Angel finally leveled with me too. You’re entitled to how you feel.”

  A disgusted look appeared on Grace’s face as she watched whatever was happening over at the couch, and waved at Ethan to get his attention. When he came over, she whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. Gwen knew she was up to something when Ethan grinned and squeezed Grace’s ass.

  He left the kitchen and Grace stopped Gwen from turning around, when she was unable to stand it another second. She had to know what was going on between that brunette and Chris—“Gwen, honey, this isn’t my first go-round at this rodeo and you need to follow my lead. You own both those men over there and I’m about to prove it to you.”

  Gwen turned anyway and watched the brunette settle her skinny ass in Chris’s lap and stroke his enormous biceps admiringly. When she tilted her head, the girl’s long, dark hair blocked Chris’s face from Gwen’s view but she thought she saw him smile up at her as he gently grasped her arm.

  Unreasoning anger flared in her chest, followed by embarrassment and hurt. She’d only just started to think he wanted her there. How stupid am I?

  Grace locked arms with her. “Stop overthinking, give him the benefit of the doubt, and follow me, cowgirl.” Music began to play in the family room off of the living room, where the furniture had been moved to the side and the area rugs had been rolled up to clear a floor for dancing.

  The song had a simple guitar rhythm that quickly morphed into a funky combination of blues and country. Grace winked at her as Gwen recognized “I Ain’t Your Mama” by Maggie Rose. Gwen glanced in the direction of the living room and saw that the girl was looking very comfortable in Chris’s lap, and was halfway over Julián’s, as Julián spoke sharply to Chris and he made eye contact with her.


  She bit her lip and turned away as Rachel Wolf joined the three of them on the dance floor. The music got louder and she moved halfheartedly with the beat as Jayne Carter also joined them, followed by several other guests.

  Rachel smiled at her and moved close enough to say, “It was either join you girls for a dance or kick that skank’s bony ass. There’s kids around so here I am.”

  I have no right to be jealous. But I am. He may not have said anything to me but I haven’t said anything to him either. Don’t even bother getting mad.

  But she was mad.

  Grace bumped hips with her. “Do you want him, Gwen?”

  This is it. Do I? “Hell yes!”

  Grace looked at her with challenge in her sparkling blue eyes. “Prove it.”

  Something came over her, something primitive and powerful…and confident. The girls were right. He hadn’t orbited her all night just to give up on her now. She didn’t give a fuck what desperate cunt sat in his lap. He was hers. She was leaving there with both of them, and any other woman thinking to lay a claim to him, or Julián for that matter, would be disappointed.

  She danced shamelessly with the girls as a sizzling sensation tingled all over her body, and she pictured her men watching her, desiring her. Her men. Her own arousal and wantonness skyrocketed as she imagined going home with them and dancing naked, driving their lust higher and higher.

  “Go, girl,” Rachel cheered. “Their tongues are practically hanging out of their mouths. The bitch got pissed and left because Chris was ignoring her. Give ’em a little grind and let ’em know you care.”

  Gwen didn’t look at Chris or Julián but she rewarded their attention, sliding her hands over her torso and grinding her hips as the song came to an end. Several of the men cheered for their ladies, and there were even a few wolf whistles as the next song began to play and several of those men claimed their women for the next dance.

  Appearing pleased, Grace looked over Gwen’s shoulder and said, “That ought to just…about…do it.”

  A split second later she was spun and grabbed up against a big, broad chest, the toes of her boots barely touching the ground. She gasped as she peered up into Chris’s brown eyes which had gone so dark they seemed black as he loomed over her. Given his size, she should’ve been intimidated, especially since she’d claimed he was intimidating before, but nothing could’ve been further from the truth. She held all the power in that moment and that awareness made her bold.

  “You’re mine,” she growled, keeping her tone quiet so only he could hear her.

  As though someone had just flipped his “smart-ass” switch, the mischievous twinkle filled his eyes, a teasing grin split his craggy face, and he growled right back, “Yes, ma’am.”

  Holding her securely around her waist and shoulders, he dipped her back and kissed her, branding her lips with his own until her heart pounded and she saw stars. She was vaguely aware of cheering and clapping all around her.

  She tried to cling to his shoulders but was unable to get a grasp because they were so big and hard and finally settled for fistfuls of his shirt. As she relaxed in his arms, his kiss gentled and she parted her lips for him, welcoming his stroking tongue inside her. She yielded, going warm and pliant all over. Her pussy went hot and wet in a flash.

  Overexcited tremors raced through her as he explored the recesses of her mouth, an appreciative groan escaping his throat. She eagerly kissed him back, giving him full access, letting him know she wanted what he gave her. Her heart pounded as he caressed her tongue and her lips until she
finally wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed in pleasure. She might’ve only just told him that he was hers, but now she, and everyone else in the room, knew she was his too.

  He gradually stood her upright again, holding her to him as though she were delicate porcelain. The errant thought made tears spring up in her eyes.

  Back on her feet, she opened her eyes as he released her, and she was unprepared for what she saw in his eyes. The bravado was gone. He really is mine. It was there on his face.

  With sincerity, he said, “I’m sorry. That gal surprised me when she sat in my lap. I told her I was committed to someone but she wouldn’t listen, said she’d seen me sitting alone all evening.”

  “You weren’t alone.” But you probably felt that way, since I didn’t say anything.

  “It probably looked that way to her but that’s my fault for not speaking up sooner. I didn’t know what to say or how to say it.”

  Julián crowded close to both of them and said, “If actions speak louder than words, then, woman, they heard you loud and clear—in New Zealand.”

  Chris still hadn’t released her. “I’m really sorry, Gwen. I didn’t want hurt that gal’s feelings by pushing her off my lap and I wound up hurting your feelings instead which I definitely didn’t want. I fucked up by not acting faster.”

  “I need more wine, I think,” she murmured as she was directed off the dance floor by them, the feel of both their hands on her a little disconcerting.

  “I think we need to leave—now,” Julián replied for her ears only before smiling at one of the guys when he slapped him on the back. “I haven’t forgotten that I still owe you a spanking.”

  Gwen gasped and nearly stumbled, her pussy spasming with excitement at the reminder.

  “Not just yet, buster,” Grace said, holding up a hand to halt them, amusement clear on her features, and Gwen wondered if she’d overheard Julián’s quiet words.

  Grace gestured with her thumb behind her at Seth Carter’s sister, Lucy, who was reading the riot act to the interloping brunette—up against Grace’s refrigerator.


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