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Tangled in Divine [Divine Creek Ranch 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 16

by Heather Rainier

  Mr. Wilson agreed to her price, explained what she’d earn for ranch-sitting, and then showed her around the place. “You sure you’d be okay with keeping watch on this place full-time by yourself? I wouldn’t expect you to be here twenty-four seven, obviously, but it can get pretty lonely out here.”

  “It’ll give me plenty of time to plan my next move. And I’ve done this work practically all my life. I feel confident I can handle whatever needs to be done.”

  “All right. I’d be happy to take you out on the four-wheeler and show you the place if you’d like, or you’re welcome to saddle Tutti and let her show you around.”

  “I’d like that. I understand that you’re thinking about joining your daughter in South America on a more permanent basis.”

  Mr. Wilson smiled. “Yeah. The missionary group that she’s with builds hospitals and I’m a jack-of-all-trades. I’d like to spend time with her while I’m still in good health and able to get around. You wouldn’t by chance be in the market for one hundred acres of pure heaven, now would you?”

  Gwen chuckled. “That good, huh?”

  Mr. Wilson grinned. “Tell you what. Just file that away for consideration and take a look around the place. I’d love to sell to someone who understands what ranch life is like and has it in their blood.”

  “What about the Cooks next door?”

  Mr. Wilson shook his head. “Nobody else I’d rather sell to. The Cooks are good people but Del isn’t ready to expand his acreage. He’s got a lot of work left to do on his place. Of course he could change his mind,” he added with a little twinkle in his eyes. “When can you start?”

  “Now.” No time like the present.

  Mr. Wilson looked pleased with her immediate response. “Well, all right! Caughlin McIntyre said you were one to take the initiative. You can bring your stuff over anytime you want.”

  She pointed at her horse trailer and explained that pretty much everything she owned was packed inside it.

  He walked over to the trailer and looked at it critically then turned to her. “I’m curious but not gonna pry, because McIntyre told me you were a national champion with an impeccable reputation.” He squatted down and looked more closely. “Some of these floorboards look like they’re rotting out. Were you planning on using this on the circuit this year?”

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  Mr. Wilson stood and looked at her sympathetically as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. “What will you do for a horse?”

  “I’ll figure something out.”

  He looked away and she thought she saw indignation in his eyes. “Your family just sent you back out on the road, when you’re supposed to be retired from that life?”

  Gwen shrugged. “No choice. I’ve been on the circuit ten years. One more is no big deal.”

  His brow furrowed like he disagreed with her assessment. “Your horse?”

  “I’m getting her back somehow.”

  “Probably not in time for March though.”

  “I’ll be talking to Caughlin McIntyre to see if he can help me out.”

  “I hope so. Seems like a good man.”

  “He is.”

  As though realizing he’d been prying, Mr. Wilson took a deep breath and sighed. “You’re welcome to whatever tools you need in the barn, if you want to unload the trailer and work on it. One of the guest bedrooms is already set up for you. You’re welcome to stay here from tonight on if you’d like, or you can take over the house next Monday.”

  “You’ll be leaving that soon?”

  Mr. Wilson gave her a sideways grin. “I reckon this ranch is in good hands. Where you staying right now? And please don’t tell me in the bunk space of this trailer.”

  Gwen turned her gaze in the direction of the ranch next door and said, “I’ve been just next door at the Cooks’ since Christmas Eve.”

  “Oh, are you friends with Del, Lily, and Clay?” He phrased it matter-of-factly, as though he understood that they were a threesome.

  “Yes, but I’m actually staying with Julián Alvarez and Chris Potter, their ranch hands. I’ve known Julián for several years.”

  Mr. Wilson nodded. “Oh yeah, that’s right. He was on the circuit for a while. I’ll tell you what—that young man knows horses too. They both do. You could do a whole helluva lot worse than those men. I’ll leave it to you to determine where you stay until New Year’s day. After then, I’ll want you here to keep an eye on things.”

  “Of course. Would it be all right if I come over early Monday morning?”

  “Sure. You’re welcome to have any company you want but no wild partying, okay?” he said with a twinkle in his eyes, letting her know he was kidding.

  She snapped her fingers and winked. “No beer bong. Okay.”

  They walked over to her truck and he directed her in backing it into the barn next to another stainless steel horse trailer. After everything was secured, she followed him through the barn and a yearning came over her when she heard Tutti nicker. To feel the wind in her hair and her boots in stirrups might stir up all kinds of other emotions, but she needed it right then.

  “Mr. Wilson?”

  “Hon, call me Wilbur.”

  “Okay. Wilbur, could I take you up on the offer of a ride on Tutti, to have a look around?”

  Wilbur smiled and said, “Sure! Let’s take her back inside and get you all set up. Normally I pasture her so she can graze, and she has her enclosure in the paddock for shelter, but I’ve been putting her up in her stall at night because it’s been so cold. I haven’t ridden her since Monday so she’ll be ready to run. Don’t let her get ahead of you. She’s got a mind of her own.”

  Gwen chuckled as she examined the bridle before slipping it on. His tack all appeared in good condition, the leather supple and in good repair. “Sounds just like Zephyr. Tutti and I will get along just fine since we have that in common.”

  Wilbur told her a little more about the horse as Gwen led her out of the barn. Every so often during their short conversation, Gwen noticed that Tutti would nudge at Wilbur, and each time she gradually increased her force until she pushed him hard enough to knock him a little off-balance. He mostly seemed to not notice, except for the last time.

  Smiling, she waited for Tutti to do it again as they stood still talking. As expected, Tutti made a move and Gwen reached out a hand and placed it on her nose, effectively stopping her. Tutti snorted and flicked her ears up. She turned her big brown eyes on Gwen, and Gwen rubbed her velvety silver-gray nose. As they talked, Tutti tried it again several more times and each time, Gwen placed a hand over her nose and impeded her gently while Wilbur seemed to not notice.

  “Well, I guess I’ve yammered on enough, haven’t I? Enjoy your ride, Gwen.”

  She put her boot in the stirrup and couldn’t help the happy sigh that escaped her lips as she settled into the saddle and slid the reins through her hands. She could feel the energy Tutti exuded beneath her and knew she was anxious to be on the move too.

  Wilbur waved as she trotted out of the main yard and followed the sloping lane leading to the back end of the ranch. The breeze kicked up and blew her hair around her as she and Tutti settled into a rhythm. She was a good, solid horse with a graceful gait. She had a pleasing, if spirited manner, despite her pushiness, which it looked like she got away with all the time. Gwen smiled, thinking that particular behavior would be easy enough to correct. Wilbur let her push him so she responded by pushing some more. Reminds me of a few women I’ve known over my years on the rodeo circuit.

  Wilbur hadn’t lied when he’d said that his ranch was a little slice of heaven. She was thinking that very thing as she maneuvered Tutti down into the low, tree-lined spot at the rear of the ranch. Tranquility reigned supreme in the shady stretch of the Divine Creek that weaved its way through his property. The creek bank was blanketed with oak leaves that had recently fallen from the trees around her. Birdcalls and the sound of the water gurgling around the bend in the creek were all she coul
d hear besides the sounds Tutti made as she drank.

  Gwen would’ve been perfectly content way back in this section of the ranch with a small log cabin, a garden, and a gun. And a horse. She gazed around her one last time and guided Tutti from the Eden-like seclusion of the creek bank. On an open stretch of grassy pasture that undulated with the changing wind currents, she allowed Tutti to stretch her legs into a canter and then a gallop, giving her what she needed.

  “Run, baby, run.”

  Gwen’s heart galloped along with the rhythm of Tutti’s hoof beats and her hair streaked behind her on long drifts, just like Tutti’s long black mane, and she reveled in the cleansing feel of the wind dragging through it. Her stay there on the Wilson Ranch would be a blast if this was what she could look forward to in her spare time.

  She glanced over when she heard a shrill whistle and smiled. She drew alongside the fence and waited as Julián rode up on a solid black Thoroughbred stallion that snorted loudly and nickered as Julián reined him to a halt. Julián tipped his black felt cowboy hat at her and said, “I take it if you’re out surveying Mr. Wilson’s place on Tutti that you got hired?” He reached across the fence line and stroked Tutti’s nose.

  “You’d be right, cowboy. You’re looking at Wilbur Wilson’s ranch sitter and horse trainer.”

  “Congratulations. So this means you’re here until March?”

  “Yes, thank you. Wilbur returns on the twenty-eighth of February and said I was welcome to stay through the first week in March, since I don’t have solid plans for what day to leave. Who’s this beautiful fella you’re riding?”

  Julián smiled proudly as the stallion shifted his stance so he could keep an eye on Tutti. His solid black coat gleamed in the sun as his lean muscles rippled powerfully. “This is Mick. I bought him from a rancher friend a couple of months ago. He’s temperamental at times but I’ve enjoyed working with him around here. Comes from good stock.”

  Gwen smiled as she looked the big horse over, marveling that Julián had been able to acquire such a beautiful animal on his ranch hand’s pay. Not that it was any of her business what he made or spent it on. He must have skills with managing his money and had saved for a while. Whatever the case, the animal was an excellent investment. “He must’ve set you back a pretty penny.”

  Julián shrugged. “I’d seen him before, and heard through another friend that the owner needed to sell him quickly to pay a debt. I made a reasonable offer and got lucky.” From beneath the shadowed brim of his cowboy hat, he settled his gaze on her and said, “So were you letting Tutti have a run?”

  Gwen thought about his question for a second and a smile crossed her face. “I think I was letting us both have a run. It’s only been a week since the last time I was on the back of a horse, but I’m used to being in the saddle daily. I needed it just as much as Tutti did.”

  Julián returned her smile, understanding in his eyes. “You looked beautiful…and happy.”

  Gwen felt her cheeks warm with heat and pleasure at his words but didn’t know what to say.

  “Has Wilbur talked you into moving in yet or will you stay with us until he needs to leave?”

  Gwen stroked Tutti’s neck as she considered his question. “It’s my choice. He has a room ready for me now but I’d just as soon stay with you and Chris until it’s time for me to take over for Wilbur on Monday morning.”

  His face transformed as he smiled and she’d wondered if he’d worried about that. “Good. We want you to stay with us too. Chris will be happy about that.”

  “I hope so. Wilbur said I can have company whenever I want, just no wild parties. And he wants me here at night so that might put a cramp in our love lives.”

  “Not necessarily. Our work day begins at dawn but it doesn’t matter where we sleep. You’re right next door and we both have cell phones.”

  “I don’t want to get you in trouble with Del.” Because she was friends with them too, Gwen knew that the ranch was Del’s venture, while Lily and Clay owned and ran Clay’s jewelry store in town.

  “We won’t let that happen.” His tone said he was sure of himself. “I’ll talk to him about it to make sure, but if he needed us at night, he’d call us on our phones and we’d be available within minutes. The distance between the ranch hand’s house and the ranch house at Grace’s place is greater. There’s even a gate between the Del’s and Wilbur’s ranches to allow for easier access.”

  “I’m going to wander around a bit more and then check in with Wilbur. He may have something he wants me to help him with this afternoon. I’ll make arrangements with him for tomorrow morning and then I’ll be back over to your place. Is your work day about done?”

  “Chris ran into Divine, to the feed store. After he gets back we’ll unload the truck and then be finished for the day. We wanted to grill steaks tonight. That sound okay?”

  Gwen’s stomach chose that moment to growl with glee.

  Julián laughed and said, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “It sounds wonderful,” Gwen agreed, laughing along with him and holding her hand to her stomach, hoping that didn’t happen again. She’d been so focused on visiting with Wilbur she had forgotten to eat any lunch. Now it was closing in on the end of the day and she was starving. That’s okay. I can afford to skip a few meals.

  He crooked his finger at her and slowly sidled Mick closer to the pipe fence as she did the same. He placed his hand at her hip as the animals settled for a few seconds and allowed them a lingering, soul-searing kiss. It still ended too fast for Gwen’s tastes but she appreciated the heat in Julián’s eyes as he gazed at her. She felt a corresponding wave of warmth creep through her body, centering in her pussy when his palm slid down her thigh as Mick backed away from the fence.

  “Know what I want to do to you?” he asked softly, his voice a deep, husky drawl.

  Gwen bit her lower lip and then shook her head as the wave of heat within her stirred into a blaze.

  “I want to take you into the shower with me, touch you all over, rub all those muscles that might be sore tomorrow from riding, and then I want to lay you down on our bed and just look at you.”

  “Look at me?” Her voice was a breathy whisper. Her pulse pounded as he licked his lower lip and nodded.

  “For starters, yes.”

  “Then what?”

  A devilish grin transformed his sensuous lips. “I’ll show you the rest when I see you this evening.”


  She ogled both man and horse as they trotted away. The horse was obviously a powerful, headstrong animal, but Julián looked magnificent on his back, fully in control of all that power. He looked back at her, casting a sexy grin at her before they galloped away.

  When he’d looked into her eyes, he seemed to be searching—but she wasn’t sure what for. Given their conversation on Christmas Eve it was likely that he wished he could fix the situation with her ranch. She wished it was in his power but that was all on her.

  Her phone vibrated in her back pocket and she slipped it out to find that a text message had just arrived. Shielding her phone from the sun’s glare as she sat on Tutti’s back, Gwen grinned when she realized that Chris had sent her a picture message.

  “Oh lord, he better not be texting me a picture of his bicep…or his butt.”

  He had a really nice beefy ass and Gwen had told him so in the shower. He’d made her laugh, preening for several minutes after. She’d laughed more with them in the last few days than she had in months and it felt good. She swiped the screen and squinted at the picture. He’d taken a shot of himself from his driver seat, his black felt cowboy hat on his head. Do either of them have any idea how damned sexy they are in those hats? He was grinning at the camera, an irrepressible twinkle in his eyes, making a kissie-face at her.

  The text message he added to the picture said, “I’m sending you a phone-kiss until I can give you the real thing. Hope everything went okay with Mr. Wilson.”

  “Stinker,” she said w
ith a giggle, feeling like a big melting puddle of warm goo just because he’d sent her a phone-kiss. What? Am I like fourteen or something?

  In reply she typed, “You’d better not be texting and driving, Mr. Kissie-face. I like your picture very much.”

  She wanted to type “I love your picture” but thought that might be too much. She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable or put herself in a more complicated situation than she was already in. Yeah, because if you were in love that would really complicate everything, wouldn’t it? Who are you kidding? You’re already falling. How could you resist?

  Her phone buzzed again, distracting her from her ruminating.

  “I would never text and drive. I’m like a Boy Scout or something. Always prepared. Speaking of which, I bought more condoms and lube!” There was a big winking smiley face with that message and she giggled.

  “You big horn dog!”

  “Yes, ma’am, but I’m your horn dog.”

  She took a beat formulating a reply and said, “Oh, what the hell. He’s so damned sweet I can’t help myself.”

  She typed, “If I offered treats would you come for me?” Her cheeks heated as she sent the text.

  “Every time, guaranteed. *pant-pant* I’ll even beg.”

  Running out of cute doggy analogies because her panties were now soaked, she typed, “I can’t wait to see you. I’m in the mood for something wild tonight.”

  “I can’t wait. I’ve had a craving for you all afternoon.”

  “I’ll see you when I get home.” She sent the message and then realized she referred to their place as home. She bit her lip, wondering what he’d say to that.

  “See you then, Elmer Fudd.”

  She shook her head and giggled as she put her phone back in her pocket, letting him have the last word. A minute later her phone vibrated again and she smiled, thinking maybe he needed to send one last teasing message.

  Recognizing Roger Bedford’s phone number on the screen, she felt grim reality settle on her shoulders like a heavy mantle.


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