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Pride and Passion

Page 9

by Tracey Mellert

  Reed instinctively knew what Brynley was experiencing, carnal desire, and she didn’t know how to handle it. It was the distressed look on her face that had him nervous. He didn’t want to scare her, or worry her, that he was only physically interested in her. He knew that would send her running for sure. He had to get a grip on his desire for her! He had to switch gears and repair this fast!

  He vanquished the sinful looks and replaced them with charming and harmless expressions instead. “Did you get a cold chill?” He was trying to soothe her mind, that she just misread him. She seemed to gain her composure and look a little embarrassed. A nervous giggle escaped her lips, and he saw her shake her head a little in confusion.

  “Yeah, a draft must have come over me. Sorry.” She didn’t look petrified; he was successful, this time. He had to keep it together. Having her close to him, enjoying her presence, and looking at those arousing lips, were clearly getting the best of him. He was usually the pro at this, but somehow, she has undone him, making him clumsy and off guard. It was time to call it a night before he blundered again!

  Luckily, time was on his side. It was ten-thirty, and those forget-me-not blue eyes were tiring just a little. Reed smiled and looked down in those light blue, slightly hooded eyes of hers. He could feel his heart speed up. He felt his jaw tighten; so he could control his thoughts. “You look a little tired. As I recall, you and I have a jogging date tomorrow morning. Skylar and I will take you and Kendra back to your car. You need some rest if you’re going to keep up with me in the morning.” He gently possessed Brynley’s hand and then said to Skylar, “I think it’s getting a little late; we should take the girls back to their car.”

  Skylar lifted a brow at Reed. Reed gave a look back, and Skylar started leading Kendra down the stairs and outside to his vehicle. Reed and Brynley were close behind. Brynley got inside and nestled herself in her seat, and Reed sat close to her and held her hand. He bent close to her ear, and she could feel the goosebumps stream across her body. “I had such a good time with you, Brynley. I can’t wait to see you again tomorrow.” Even in the dark, he could see that angelic smile of hers. Her face being so close to his stirred the deep need for another kiss; he knew he was greedy, but his craving for her crushed his logic. He could smell the orange scent of her perfume and the peppermint mingled with her breath. Before he could withdraw his decision to taste her one more time, his fingers tipped her chin up in the air, and he impulsively and urgently pressed his mouth against hers. He didn’t linger, as he wanted to. He wanted to take his tongue and explore every inch of her mouth, but he refrained. He kissed her quickly but determinedly. He was letting her know that he wanted more of her. He was making sure that she thought about him tonight, longingly. He gave her enough of him, for now, to interest her.

  Wisely, he sat erect and waited a few moments before he looked back at her. He didn’t want to get caught lost in her alluring effect and his uncontrollable desire for her. The ride ended too soon for Reed. He liked being near her; it was like he could feel her energy. He got out of the truck and helped Brynley down. He had a hold of her hips as he lifted and then gently set her feet on the ground.

  Kendra and Skylar moved over to Kendra’s car for a little privacy. The truck shielded each couple from one another. They were definitely going to share a kiss. That left Reed and Brynley with a little privacy, as well.

  Reed softly scooted Brynley back against the truck. His left hand was placed above her head against the truck, and his right hand possessed her hip. Her body leaned against the truck for support. She wasn’t sure if her knees would support her. “Would you be offended if I kissed you again?”

  ‘Was he crazy? Was she sending him a vibe that she didn’t like his kisses? She would have to put more emotion in this kiss, so he would know that she enjoyed him,’ that was the thoughts going through Brynley’s mind. “I wouldn’t mind another kiss at all if you would like to.”

  ‘If he would like to? He didn’t want to stop!’ His thoughts made him smile and blow out a heavy breath of nervousness. “Yes, I would very much like to.” He reminded himself to be a gentleman and careful not to go overboard. As he looked at his future girlfriend, he noticed the anticipation in her face. He wanted to please her. He couldn’t help to ask because he wanted to meet every expectation she had. “Do you like the way I kiss you, Brynley?” Her eyes became wide with shock.

  Could he not see that she enjoyed him? She would have to rectify that. “I like the way you kiss me very much. I just want you to enjoy kissing me. If I do something wrong, you can tell me.” Her cheeks reddened again, making those baby blues even more spellbinding.

  “I have never experienced the pleasure of a kiss as much as I have with you. You do everything absolutely perfect!” He didn’t give her a chance to respond, which was good because she wasn’t sure how to. His words literally left her speechless!

  Reed’s hand seized each side of her jaw. His thumbs gently stroked her cheekbones, and his eyes were fixated on her reddened and swollen lips. The thought that they were swollen because of him unleashed a rush of adrenaline and endorphins that was making it extremely hard to constrain himself. He captured her lips, not as gently as he had anticipated on doing. A pure need was taking over this kiss. She released a moan of excitement, and he was lost. Reed stopped thinking and just responded to every sensation he was feeling. It was a good thing that Kendra and Skylar couldn’t see them. They would probably be a little concerned. Reed’s body pressed against hers to hold her still. He nibbled her lip and then gently inserted his tongue, but quickly removed it. He wanted to gauge her reaction before he inserted his tongue again. He heard her pant, and that made him groan. He could feel her vulnerability, and he desperately wanted to invade her senses, but he pulled back. She was a sweet girl and needed to be treated like one. He didn’t want to treat her like some doxy, and he didn’t want to embarrass her. He wanted to maintain her respect. He was looking for long term, not a short thrill.

  He pulled away but continued to monitor her expression. She looked confused and concerned. He didn’t want her to think she did something wrong. “Brynley, I’m honestly trying to be noble and gentle with you, but you literally unleash a beast inside me that wants to consume every part of you. I don’t want to scare you off, and I don’t want to make you angry with me. I’m just struggling trying to be a gentleman around you when it comes to physical contact. I just want you to know that I’m trying. Please, don’t be afraid of me; I will never do anything you wouldn’t want me to. I promise you! I could kiss you all night, but I’m afraid that I’m going to have to do baby steps with you until I get a stronger resolve and better control. I want to do this right and treat you right.” He meant every word he said. Her eyes hooded a little; he could tell she was aroused, which was making this so much harder for him. He was definitely going to take a cold shower tonight!

  “Thank you for caring about me. The fact that you’re trying to treat me like a lady instills trust in me for you. I just want you to know that I’m struggling, as much as you are.” She gave him a sheepish grin.

  ‘There is no way she is struggling, as much as I am. He was fighting some powerful demons right now!’ He was trying hard to control his thoughts. Brynley must have sensed it; because she slowly scooted away from him, breaking bodily contact. He was glad that she had the strength to accomplish this because he did not! His left arm was holding him up against the truck, and he was taking some deep cleansing breaths. He angled his head to look at her, and he smiled. “You are a strong woman. I admire that about you; not sure I like it right now, but I can admire it.” He gave her that devilish smile again. She laughed.

  Kendra and Skylar were calling their names. Reed let out a loud ‘ugh.’ “I guess I’ve got to let you go. I can tell you that I do not like that idea at all!” He looked like a rebellious child, not getting his way right at this moment. It made Brynley laugh out loud. He loved to hear that sound and resolved that he would make her do more of i
t! Reed reached for Brynley’s hand, and she followed him to the car. It felt so natural to him. He bent over to open the door for Brynley, and when he stood straight, she surprised him with a quick kiss.

  “Thank you for being sweet, kind, incredibly affectionate, and genteel! I had a wonderful day with you, and I am looking forward to tomorrow. I’ll be at the park around ten instead of seven. I’m sure I’ll be up for another hour or two talking to Kendra tonight.” She smiled teasingly.

  Reed laughed. ‘I’m sure you will be.’ He knew the girls were going to talk and assess everything about tonight’s date; that’s what girls did. He laughed again because he was sure that’s what he and Skylar were going to do too.

  The boy’s watched the girls drive away. Skylar turned to Reed and said, “Man, I think I’m in love. It’s never happened before, and I’m not sure how to handle it.” Reed smiled and patted him on the back.

  “Welcome to my world, dude. Stay at my place tonight, and let’s talk about it.” Skylar agreed, and Reed smiled to himself again, thinking about how the girls were probably discussing the same thing, or at least he was hoping they were!

  Kendra couldn’t drive fast enough to get home. It couldn’t wait, the girls started the conversation in the car. “Brynley, I am in total lust and love with Skylar! He is perfect for me! I have dated several guys, and none of them come close to the total package that Skylar offers!” Brynley laughed at her friend. She was happy for her. The lust she believed, but the love part was a little hard to consider at this point in their relationship, especially the fact that they had only known one another for two days. Two blissful days, yes, but that did not constitute love.

  “Skylar does seem to be the perfect guy for you, Kendra. He is so totally cute, sweet, adorable personality, and he is mesmerized by your every move and word, girl!” Brynley had every amount of faith that Skylar was smitten with Kendra. She could imagine the two of them falling in love, eventually. “It doesn’t hurt that the guy is built like a brick house either!” The girls giggled at the statement, mostly because the comment is usually used for girls, thanks to the popular song. Brynley could see a gleam of excitement and hope regarding Skylar. She would pray that everything would be blessed for Kendra and Skylar, and they would have a healthy and perfect relationship.

  The girls drove into the driveway. Aunt Jimena was gone at work. The girls bounded up the stairs and fell into Kendra’s bed. “I got the serious vibe that Reed was completely enthralled with you, Brynley. I didn’t like the guy at first, but I swear, it was like he was a completely different person tonight around you. He literally looked at you like a lovesick puppy. There is something definitely going down with him for you.” Brynley sighed with anticipation and started nibbling at her bottom lip in contemplation of her situation with Reed.

  “He kissed me several times, and each kiss was greater than the last one. He was such a gentleman, and he told me that he was really interested in me. I liked being with him, Kendra. I thought Jamison was cute and sweet, but he doesn’t make me feel half of what I feel when I’m around Reed.” Brynley smiled as she remembered Reed confessing how hard it was to be good around her. Most guys would have never respected her enough to stop, but Reed did, which impressed her and endeared him to her.

  “I think both of us are lucky to find two great guys already, and we just got here. I just hope there isn’t going to be a nasty competition. I mean, I like Skylar enough to fight for him, but it would be so much better if we could just skip that part. I found out that a girl named Cary really likes Skylar; and goes out with him, the way Tabitha does with Reed. I mean, I don’t feel totally worried because Skylar was so intense with me about wanting to have a relationship with me; but who knows if things change?” Brynley gave that thought serious consideration.

  “You know, the way I look at it, the boys like us or they don’t. Sometimes, things in pretty packages are not always meant for our good, and we have to be accepting of that. If God deems them fit for us, then so be it. If not, then so be it. God will bring the right ones to us. I hope it’s these two, but if not, I look forward to the one he has chosen for us!” Brynley gave Kendra a teasing smile, and Kendra replied, “Truth.”

  The girls were exhausted from their hectic day. Brynley decided to take her shower that night and braid her hair for tomorrow morning’s run with Reed. She snuggled in bed but heard a ding on her phone. She lifted the phone; so she could read the text message. “Skylar asked Kendra what your number was for me. I hope you don’t mind; I just want to say ‘goodnight’ to you. I really can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I’ll be parked where you were yesterday. See you at ten, Reed.” Oh, my gosh! Brynley’s heart was doing flip flops after reading that text.

  “You’re a reconnaissance man; I like it! Shows you have spunk. I’ll be there at ten, you better too; remember, I know where you live. I’m a woman; make me mad, and I could be dangerous ��! Looking forward to beating you running, like I did swimming! Lol, goodnight!”

  She was trying not to be too forward. She wanted to keep it simple and not scare him away. Boys usually freak out if they think a girl is trying to control or lead them. Reed was a busy guy, and she remembered how he acted when they talked about his goals and responsibilities. He made it clear that night at the bonfire that he didn’t want a girl demanding too much of his time. Brynley would take whatever time Reed wanted to give her, and she would be content with it. If someone else should happen to come along, then it is what it is. Brynley simply wasn’t going to freak out over a boy. This was high school; then, there would be college. It would all be ok.

  Another ding to her phone. “Spunk? You have no idea, but I’m about to show you how much I got! Dangerous? Girl, you are talking to the Machiavellian. I have skills! I know how to use people and things to get what I want. Make me real mad; I’ll just catawampus your butt! Oh, and by the way, challenge accepted! Can’t wait to intimidate you in person, lol!”

  Brynley couldn’t help herself; she had to reply just one more time. “Hhmm, big boy can spell big words, slightly impressed. Catawampus? Where you from; the heart of Dixie? If all you got is catawampus, then I need to find me a real man. Oh, and by the way, I am bringing it, and you aren’t intimidating nothing, Jr.! Good night! �� And go to sleep!”

  Well, Reed couldn’t let that go unchallenged. “Yeah, that’s right! Big boy has big brain! Find a real man? You do that angel, and I’ll make him regret finding out what a catawampus butt-kicking is. Jr? Girl, you about to find out what kinda man you’re up against, and you’re going to like it too! �� Now go to sleep and leave me alone! ��”

  Brynley laughed, hard! This boy was funny, and she loved a good sense of humor. She had to admit; when she first met him, she would have sworn the boy didn’t know how to smile. He could definitely put the smile on her face now. She had to get some sleep. She had some butt-kicking to do tomorrow to teach this boy a lesson! She put her phone down and closed her eyes. She had a race to win, and maybe, a heart too.

  The phone alarm woke Brynley up at eight forty-five in the morning. She actually felt like she had a lot of energy. Just to be sure, she went downstairs to the kitchen and fixed an energy drink. She needed to be on her toes this morning. Catawampus boy was meeting her at ten; she needed to be ready! After her drink, Brynley sprinted up the stairs to finish getting ready. She already had her shower, and she had braided her hair. She took the braids out, and now she had a massive amount of thick, wavy locks! She used a barrette and pulled her hair back on top. She looked cute and sporty all at once. She chose to wear some spandex shorts, black in color, and a red, tight-fitting t-shirt. Ok, she was trying to give him something cute to look at this morning, without trying too hard! Shoot a girl for trying! She put a little mascara on to enhance her baby blues and some clear lip gloss to make them baby’s shine. Maybe, it would remind Reed that he was going to kiss her again, hopefully!

  Before she could get out of the door, she heard a ding on her phone. It w
as Reed, and he had sent her a text. “It’s currently nine twenty-six, and your cute little butt better be here by ten, or it’s going to get catawampussed!” She bent over laughing. She grabbed her keys and started for Kendra’s car. Kendra said that she didn’t mind because she was going to be sleeping in! Before she put the car in drive, she texted him back.

  “You’ve got me bumfuzzled with your threats of catawampusses! I think you have a bad case of batrachomymomachy and need to calm your flibbertigibbet mouth down! Now I’m getting ready to absquatulate; so, I can get there on time. You got me, catawampus boy?” She worked hard on that paragraph! She looked up every funny and odd word she could find, to make that whole scenario perfect! She would have loved to see his face after he read it!

  Reed text back. Brynley read it as she was sitting at a traffic light. “Wow, you are good! I am seriously impressed and have goosebumps everywhere! I’m still looking up some of these words to have some sort of idea of what the heck you just said to me! In the meantime, get yourself down here, so you can get your comeuppance after I donnybrook ya! I’m getting tired of your Godwottery, and I’m feeling a little cantankerous! If you want to fix it, get over here and canoodle with me for a while, and I might mollycoddle you back! So, get here lickety-split, would ya!”

  She sent a quick text. “I love it when a guy talks to me like that! ��”

  Reed sent his last text. He was proud of himself and was having fun with it. “Quit your shenanigans, girl; you’re giving me the collywobbles. Just remember, when I win this race today, I’m going to snool you good! It’s gonna be a doozy! ��”


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