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Pride and Passion

Page 19

by Tracey Mellert

  Reed and Brynley shared the most heart-melting kiss! She could not even begin to describe the joy that she felt deep inside. Nothing was said, but love, hopes, and dreams were shared in that earth-shattering kiss they had. Reed responded just the way Brynley wanted him to. He caressed her soft, warm body to him tightly. He wanted to feel every part of her during that kiss. He stroked her thigh and trailed his hand to her bottom. He gently squeezed her. He wanted to possess her, but he restrained out of respect. His hand moved, stroking her hair. As the kiss intensified, Reed opened his eyes to look at Brynley. He saw the sultry expression on her face as he was kissing her. He lost control. The heat developed in his groin. He could feel the hardness of his passion for Brynley. He had always wanted her, but the powerful need to have her now was disabling his senses. The smell of her was hypnotic to him. When she parted her lips to take his tongue again, a wave of sexual arousal slammed into him! All of his senses screamed, to take her to her bed, and make her his immediately! He claimed her mouth hungrily. His intensity urged her to give in to him. Brynley’s fingers slid under Reed’s shirt and started stroking small circles on his skin. He felt every goosebump on his body.

  Brynley was as fervently excited as Reed was. He did not doubt that if he chose to take her now, she would willingly consent. Reed remembered what Brynley told him about her virginity and her promise. He knew that he would marry her; he didn’t want her to be disappointed with herself if she gave in before they were to marry. Brynley started delivering scorching kisses to his jawline and down to his neck. Reed thought he was going to lose his mind and his control! He was fighting his inner turmoil, whether to make love to her or wait. The battle was great!

  Brynley felt Reed’s jaws tighten. They were pulsating. Was he angry? She pulled away from his lips to look at him. He looked like he was in pain. “Are you alright? Have I done something wrong?”

  Reed threw his head back in frustration. He swallowed hard, and his eyes were closed. He was trying to regain control of his body. All he could think about doing was picking her up off the couch and carrying her up the stairs to her bedroom. He could see the image of him lying on top of her, in her bed, and him making love to her. When he opened his eyes, he saw the concern on her angelic face. Those big, beautiful lips were pouting. He had to take a deep breath to calm his body down. He could feel the heat of Brynley’s body soak into his bones. Reed raised his head; to kiss that worried look away from Brynley that she was wearing. Brynley straddled Reed’s body. He thought the movement would undo him! Brynley cupped both sides of his jaw, and she greedily kissed him. Her passion was ravenous for Reed, and her hand started stroking his stomach. He couldn’t take it anymore. It was do or die. For her sake, he had to stop; if he didn’t, she would surely be pregnant before this night was over. That’s just how he felt, and knew what would happen.

  He held her hand still. “Brynley, know that there is nothing more that I want; than to be with you intimately. I can’t; not right now. I love you, and I want to do everything right. I want you to be able to give me that wonderful present you told me about; the one you want to give to your husband. I am going to be that man, and I want that gift on our honeymoon. I don’t want to do anything that you may regret later. When we are finally together, I don’t want you to regret anything.” Reed picked Brynley up and sat her back onto the couch. If he didn’t, his manhood would burst. He had never felt the excitement and pressure that he was feeling right now. Her sulky little face was burning him up inside. He wanted her so badly, and her reactions were intensifying his need for her. He stood up; he needed to move away from her now. He was so engorged that walking was slightly painful. He needed space between him and her, though. Every fantasy that he had about Brynley was soaring through his brain. He needed some cold water. He walked to the kitchen, his hands behind his head, and him taking in deep breaths. He had to calm down. He grabbed a glass and got some ice water; then, he chugged it down. He got some more water. He chugged it too. When he turned around, Brynley was standing before him.

  She looked hurt. “Don’t you want me, Reed?” His eyes went wide, with shock from her question. Could she not see the pain he was in, from wanting her? Just knowing the fact that she wanted him made him grow even harder. He placed a hand on the counter and bent over. In seconds, he was going to give her what she wanted. He stood up, looked at her; then, he walked away and went outside. He needed air. Brynley followed him

  “Reed, please, don’t leave me.” He could hear the sadness in her voice. She thought he was going to leave her.

  “Baby, I am not leaving you. I need air. I need to calm down. I am not rejecting you; I’m trying to protect you. If I don’t stop, I will have you naked in your bed; and you will be pregnant by the time I’m done with you. I don’t want to do that to us. As much as I love you and desperately want to make love to you, I don’t want to betray you. I don’t want to take advantage of you and our situation. I know you, Brynley. I know you will have some regret if we make love now.”

  Brynley looked conflicted and roused at the same time. Her cheeks were pink, and her lips were swollen and red. He did that, and he made her feel that. Reed couldn’t help but release a moan of sexual tension. His sweet angel was going to be his greatest temptation!

  Brynley was fighting not to continue to entice Reed to take her. Her body was on fire and tingling, begging for him to touch her. Never had a man looked as sexy as Reed did right now. She knew he wanted her, and his expression denoted what he was feeling for her. He was trying so hard to be a gentleman. She was thankful and aggravated at the same time. Never had she been so tempted as she was right now. She couldn’t think she just wanted! His kisses, his body, his smell, his taste just continued to urge her on. She couldn’t get enough of him. She felt like she wanted to burst! She wanted to feel ecstasy with Reed! She didn’t know if she could wait.

  Reed could see Brynley mentally warring with herself. “Let’s take it slow. A lot has been happening to us lately. I want everything to be perfect between us. I am going to make love to you, Brynley. I will never let another man touch you. I just want it to be the perfect time and place. I crave to be inside you, and it will happen, just not right now. You have no idea how much I desire you. I am not pushing you away; I want you! Just looking at you can arouse me, Brynley. I have to have a limit when I’m with you; if I don’t, I’m not sure how strong I can be. Knowing that you desire me, too, overwhelms every sense that I possess! Please, help me be good for you. My lust is so strong; I’m not sure I can walk away if you don’t help me.” Brynley heaved a heavy sigh.

  “Fine, I will try to be good. However, I’m pretty sure that I need to be married as soon as we graduate; or we are going to definitely sin!” Reed couldn’t help but smile at his voluptuous and sexy little angel.

  He grabbed her into his arms. He held her close and found her ear with his lips. He whispered to her, “I’ll marry you the very next day if you want me to! I promise you, when we’re married, I’ll fulfill every single sexual fantasy you have! You have my word! I will have you so exhausted that you won’t leave our bed for a very long time. You better get on birth control now, or we are going to have a baby, much sooner than you may have been expecting.” Those words seeped deep inside Brynley, and she shivered with anticipation and excitement. She heard Reed moan again.

  Reed and Skylar left. Brynley told Kendra everything. Kendra’s eyes were wide, and she was breathing hard. Kendra was excited for Brynley!

  The school year passed by, finally. So much was enjoyed! She watched Reed play football. He was so good, but he was even better at swimming. At the end of the year, Reed and Brynley received college scholarships to several colleges. Reed proposed to her. The ring he gave her was gorgeous! It was a one-carat diamond solitaire. It was housed in a white gold band, and there was intricate scrolling around the ring, with smaller diamonds on the side of the band. Another diamond band was soldered to the first band.

  Both decided to choose Dartmo
uth College in New Hampshire. Reed was going to become a lawyer, like his father, and Brynley was going for a degree in business management. She wanted to work along with Reed. He wanted to be a corporate lawyer. She was versed in three languages already, and she was going to add Japanese to her repertoire. Brynley never wanted to be separated from the love of her life!

  Graduation came and had gone. Reed and Brynley were married three weeks later. Their ceremony was on the beach, with only immediate family and closest friends. It was beautiful but not as beautiful as their honeymoon night! It will forever live in her memory as one of the greatest moments of her life! Brynley thought that she had wanted Reed before marriage; that man makes her crave him, every moment of every day! She looks forward to the time where she can be alone with him.

  Kendra and Skylar are also going to Dartmouth with them. Skylar wants to be in finances, and Kendra wants to get her business degree with Brynley. They plan on staying together as friends and family. Hopefully, they can all work together in the future. Kendra and Skylar are engaged to be married. Kendra’s parents have bought everyone tickets to Hawaii for next year’s wedding. Reed and Brynley were so excited for them!

  God has been good to everyone, and all are thankful to Him! Reed is one of the greatest gifts that Brynley has ever received. She looks forward to what the future holds, but for now, she’s going to live in the wonderful present that she has!




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