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Named Sherlock

Page 37

by Bagatur Zhamkochyan

  Looking at the way we sit, setting his elbows on the table, squish, smacked his lips and smear gravy bread, Mrs. Jobson turned to her husband:

  - Arthur, dear. Boys are optional, just be sure to find a teacher of etiquette.

  Donnie, being an intelligent, well-read boy immediately blushed painfully, I automatically removed elbows off the table. The woman, seeing what effect her words produced, hastened to smooth the sharpness.

  - I beg you, do not be offended at me, I have nothing bad had in mind. Just etiquette - these are rules that are accepted in society. You can be a wonderful person, but no one will know until it converges to know you better, but it is necessary only to confuse the fish knife with a knife for fruit, or a noisy sip of tea, and you will immediately pass for ignorant and savage. No one with that knowledge is born, and we - I and Arthur, too, had learned this.

  - Thank you, ma'am. We definitely learned a lot and will never let you disgrace.

  - Oh, children, children. I do not have this fear - she smiled and shook her head.

  Gathered ask, what then is afraid Mrs. Jobson, I suddenly, quite unexpectedly, yawned, barely having time to cover her mouth with his hand. Following mine there was a yawn Donnie.

  - O-oo, my dears. Let's, go home to sleep - not listening to our lingering objections that we are not tired and ready to sit and talk all you want, Mrs. Jobson called the maid.

  - Rose, would you be so kind as to spend a youth home, and stay there overnight. Morning, feed them breakfast and can return. And yes, Arthur, - she said to her husband, - you need to be as soon as possible to hire a maid for Jeremy house - the boys should be someone to watch and prepare, and Rose just can not cope alone.

  - Make sure you, Martha, tomorrow loans. Maybe - we turned to a lawyer - today, though, spend the night with us? Time later, why go somewhere.

  - Please, Mr. Jobson, then very close. And we can even be reached on foot! - I suddenly felt impatient, very anxious to return to the house, where there were so many unknown and interesting.

  - Oh well. Tomorrow morning, you have a class, do not forget.

  Of course, do not forget. I need a week to come up and make a mechanism that will amaze control toy shop in Regent Square, here, I'm afraid, can not do without the help of the old man show.

  No one is ashamed, osolovevshie by a hearty dinner, constantly yawning, we plunged into the cab. To go, it was really quite close, and within fifteen minutes I was standing in the living room of his house, yet this stranger and a little mysterious.

  The maid Rosa, who came to us and said that in the morning cleaned up in our bedrooms, and they are fully prepared. Water for washing is now whet, and, if you wish, we can now go to rest. This desire has appeared in Donnie and, taking one of my uncle's novels and a glass of milk and cookies, he went upstairs.

  I pulled out of his pocket uncle's watch, suddenly decided to search the house is something that they could be the key. I do not know, maybe it was far-fetched, but in a letter to his uncle, but the quest generated by the system, the clock clearly identified the key. A key is designed to open anything locked. Something locked and hidden, such as a safety deposit box to which was not able to get the housekeeper Volfish!

  And it is only in my head the idea emerged that I need to look for it is his, as though to prove my innocence, before his eyes appeared translucent notification of a new assignment:

  - to offer you the quest "Seek and ye shall find".

  - Quest Conditions - to find a safe, hidden in the house of your uncle. Execution count in the progress of the quest, "The Golden Key".

  The award - Experience (3000).

  Penalty failure - no.

  Accept the quest?

  Aha! That is, we have Mr. Jobson not mistaken at the time, suggesting that the housekeeper did not leave the house because of the safe, which she expected to find some treasures. I hoped to find not as many as the answer to the question - where are all the same have got to my parents, and how do I get them back.

  Perhaps start with a minute I study. As for me - a great place to hide something!

  Chapter 6.

  After an hour of hard searching, I almost gave up. I pressed the books in the cabinets, looking for hidden arms, tapping the wall, turned the picture, pulling the monogram forged and pressed on all somehow reminiscent of a button. To no avail. Rose dropped in several times to the office, offering warm milk and hinting that the time is now past, and whether it's time to be laid to rest. But passion and stubbornness did not give me a chance. I have to find it, it is a matter of principle!

  Sitting on a carpet in the middle of the office, I was tired eyes twitched around. Well, where's the damn safe ?! By the way, carpet! Roll up the carpet up, I saw that beneath it, as expected, nothing.

  Interestingly, and before I knew where the safe? Actually, not so, I certainly did not know, but if Sherlock knew? If you know the problem is complicated, but if not ... Uncle, knowing that the clock is the key to the safe, had to leave some clues, such as would be obvious to Sherlock, but incomprehensible to someone else, for example, , the same Mrs. Volfish which is safe and has not found ...

  What can it be? We must proceed from the fact that my uncle - a writer and has a boundless imagination, and besides, as I understand, a great lover of science, and not a stranger to progress, since in his books, he is ahead of his century on development. What this could give me a hint? Weariness confused thoughts. Science writer, mystery, adventure ... Perhaps the answer in books? Writers often describe in their works, even absolutely fantastic, some of the real world that surrounds them, perhaps, is where I find a clue? Or, say, an uncle could leave a note in the book, or a note ... Although, no, that would be too obvious. In any case, it is necessary to try to look there. If - no, then it is necessary to delve into the personal papers of his uncle, which I, for some reason, did not want to do. His desk was the only place I have not searched,

  Yes, it was decided! I'll go look for clues in the books! On second thought, I confidently took out a number of volumes of "Mystic expedition" and went upstairs to his bedroom.

  I must say that when we are in the morning, for the first time bypassed the house, I did not pay much attention to her bedroom, and because it, in theory, could tell me a lot about the past Sherlock. What he was interested in what his surroundings. At this time, I was going to correct the situation.

  The first thing that struck me - it's just unthinkable clean and tidy room. I do not know whether the servants in his time so carefully doing their job, whether Sherlock was such a prig. Perhaps no one is simply not bothered certainty the situation? No, it is unlikely - in my uncle's office was quite decent working disorder. Whatever it was - the room was completely featureless, almost no different from the exact same, adjacent to which is now sleeping Donnie. The only difference was standing on the table gorgeous model two-masted yacht. I've never seen anything like it, and it struck me as a true masterpiece. A brass plate, located on a massive basis, said:. "Two-masted brig" Duncan "Hmm ... What a familiar name.

  There was no longer anything in the room that could tell about its inhabitants. Open the door of the wardrobe, I admire the system hanging there pants, coats, shirts, trousers ... Attached did not reach even to the ankles, obviously, everything else was not enough. Will have to give. Tomorrow I'll try to take him to the shelter, clothes are all expensive, high-quality, virtually noshena. Hopefully, it will be decent. Sighing, I closed the closet.

  The knock on the door.

  - Yes, yes, sign.

  - Your milk, sir.

  - Thank you, Rosa. I have nothing else, you, please, have a rest, go to sleep. Wanna take a guest, we have one more free - to me, to be honest, it was terribly uncomfortable, I'm not used to this. But we had no choice, then its laws, and I do not change them.

  - What are you, sir, as much as possible! The house has a great room for a maid, I'll go there. Good night, sir, - the woman came out, quietly closing the door.

  Oh, everywhere, absolutely e
verywhere is social inequality. Sighing, I reached for the milk. Mmm, delicious it is! There is clearly added something sweet, sugar, and most likely, according to taste, honey, and anything else of spices. It's hard to tell, I'm in the real world do not eat anything similar, and synthetic honey, which I happened to try - almost tasteless, just a sweet syrup.

  I quickly undressed and jumped into bed. Ah, what a beauty - with a book on her lap, with a glass of milk in one hand and a large biscuit in the other, I felt on top of the world. Perfect end a wonderful day. With some inner excitement and trepidation, that I always started a new book, I finally opened the cover, and sank.

  "... is not the first time. Becky and Tom, being archaeologists, has traveled almost the entire globe, and surprise them was difficult. Therefore, the stifling and humid heat of the day, and filled with the cries of predators hunting the night, and the need to wade through the solid wall of tightly interwoven between a vegetation with heavy baggage behind - there is nothing to diminish their enthusiasm to the moment when after a night's halt, has not gone to one of the conductors must say that at first it was no surprise, the natives earlier reluctant route, muttering.. -That of evil spirits and Punishment of the great Shivamangi. Deciding that Said simply returned to the village, the little party continued on his way.

  Rebecca discovered a terrible picture. Zasmotrevshis an unknown bird with an unusually beautiful plumage, she went off the trail. Small native hung nailed iron wedges to hastily cross structures of two thin tree trunks. Strange bluish-purple ribbon, which, as it seemed from afar a woman, reminiscent of the traditional decoration of the maypole, turned out to be his own guts hanging on the cross and the nearby bushes ... ".

  "... I had to throw. Thomas and Rebecca, and the only one remaining from them a porter Miguel, already more of despair than to believe in the result still went ahead. Tom had to take away from Miguel and machetes to hack their way, after with great difficulty, I managed to prevent the simply slit his throat, like his older brother, Guillermo.

  Black starless nights in fear of clinging to the sleeping husband, Rebecca recalled his former life in the big city as a wonderful dream, something that is not happening to her. Big house, fireplace, books, warm family gatherings - it was just ... "

  "... I stopped at the top of the hill. The kind that it offers, made her freeze with delight. Majestic mountains with white tops as menacing sentinels guarding the beautiful green valley perfectly round shape. The small one-storey houses with conical roofs immersed in greenery and is almost hidden in the morning, slanting shadows of the huge temple.

  - Thomas, come here quickly! Look! - woman pointed a slightly shaky hand on top of this huge step pyramid. There, reflecting the first rays of the rising timidly over the horizon of the sun that was burning, shining unbearable brilliance ... "

  Morning and found me - sleep half-sitting with an open book on her lap, in bed, full of crumbs from cookies. Damn it! I instantly jumped as he could gently brushed crumbs all in the palm, and not finding a place where we could throw them away, raising the window frame, just poured them into the street, to the delight of the pigeons.

  Doing your usual exercise, I wrung out, and saw under his bed pretty dusty dumbbells. And there was the dust is not a two-week, from which one could conclude that Sherlock had not particularly fond of physical exercise. They were not severe, about two kilograms - exactly what you need to increase the effectiveness of exercise that almost stopped giving the characteristics of growth.

  And yes, by the way, I almost forgot! By calling the interface, I found a new anchor point in your room. Of course, I'm going to die not, but you never know.

  Hearing a rustling in the corridor, I opened the door. Behind her stood bewildered Donnie.

  - Hello, and what is there?

  Donny looked at the floor and looked a little embarrassed:

  - You know, Sherlock, I suddenly woke up at night and for some reason decided that it was a dream. Well, all that was yesterday. But his eyes are now opened, and I'm here again, rather than in a shelter.

  Not knowing what to say, I just patted him on the shoulder and we went to wash. Only later, when, after breakfast and gathered, we went in a cab to the shelter at the school, I thought about my uncle's book.

  No, of course I did not expect there explicit hints and solutions, but, I confess, was still a vague hope for any hints. But so far, nothing of the sort met. The only thing I am convinced of is undoubted literary talent of my uncle. I was not able to break away from the book and fell asleep while reading, as the day was quite busy, and I was pretty good tired.

  Even I wonder how Proteus took these texts? Plagiarism is, or his own creativity? I suddenly remembered a scene from an old movie, filmed on even older book, where the question was asked to the robot, which essentially became almost human. It sounded like this: "You're just a machine, only an imitation of life robot to compose a symphony robot turn a piece of canvas into a masterpiece of art.?". If Proteus wrote the texts himself - does that mean that his intelligence, being, of course, hundreds of thousands of times more powerful and performance is just as human? Can it not simply imitate, but to really feel the joy, sadness, hate, love? And is there any difference between the real feelings, and they are so skilful imitation?

  The cab pulled up to the shelter. Seeing as in a gloomy building Donnie face brightens, and it appears a happy smile, I sighed. It will take a lot of time until Donnie begins to perceive their new home, just like a house, not a temporary shelter. Yes, and his children's love for Miss Emily, this is certainly a very strong factor.

  I must say, we arrived quite early, pupils were still at breakfast. Greeting raised his eyebrows Mr. Robertson, we climbed to the second floor and took their seats in an empty classroom while on the way to drop to Madame Gasquet and handed her a huge knot of clothing.

  After a while, the room began to fill with children. Hostile sidelong glance in our direction, students took their seats in places. After a while I noticed that between us and the rest of the remaining space, some band of alienation - no one wanted to sit next to. Donnie, seeing this, immediately frowned grimly, taking it for a normal attitude. But I have seen that is not the case. A feeling that we had been covered with a glass cover, which separated us from the rest of the transparent but impenetrable wall. For others, it was a new state, I knew immediately what it was.

  Previously, we could be someone unpleasant, someone annoyed, someone might like. But it was a normal feeling for a man of his circle. And now, his long tog trousers, his expensive shoes and thin white shirt, as if we draw the line that separates us from the rest. We have become a people of different social strata. I realized this at once, but Donny - yet. Understanding and accepting this fact will be for him, most likely, quite painful, but it will have to go through.

  Distracting me from the sad thoughts in the classroom, Mr. Birkin entered. Shaking hands with the teacher, I will gladly plunged into the world, so my favorite classical literature. Two hours passed as one minute and only a break, I drew attention to the fact that should be noted right away. Pupils attended a few. There was a well in the classroom I know Ronnie with Bob and a few other guys, only six people were missing. Strange.

  I asked Donald if he had any suggestions on this matter, has received a response only shrug. It will be necessary to ask Miss Emily.

  The second lesson, I, as usual, barely otmuchilsya. Well, do not give me, even kill, science!

  After class, when all the children ran to lunch, we Donnie, Rosa gave us a snack and apple buns, went to class. Really bored at his studio, at work, and, oddly enough, the old man of the show, I ran back, almost running. Surprisingly, and in fact it has been only a day!

  Mr. Shaw was already in place, despite the fact that another fifteen minutes left before class time. When he saw me, he broke into a smile.

  - Oh, I come slacker?

  - Good day, sir! I am also very happy to see you!

  - Hmm ... Look, too, - carefully, frowning, he mu
ttered, hiding a smile in his mustache. - What do you think, has created one lousy bird and all, you can not learn, it's time to rest on their laurels?

  - Of course not, sir. You know very well why I did not have yesterday. I am sure that Miss Emily told you everything.

  - She told me she would still not told his grandfather. Of course, I hum ... glad that you have found the home, but in the future, try not to miss classes.

  - Yes sir!

  - And now, look, what you have to deal with today - the old man handed me the next drawing.

  She looked at him, I saw that the image is clearly incomplete. It was just one of the components of the mechanism, the others have been erased.

  - You will have an interesting task. Since you are already formally considered to be an engineer, you just need the skills to work with drawings. Or perhaps - then the old man frowned, - do you think that the work of the mechanics is blind assembly of the product at a stranger willing to development?

  - Not at all, sir! I do not think! - I caught myself thinking that in a conversation with Mr. Shaw, I now and then want to stretch to attention, though such reflections I take just nowhere.

  - That's bad, do not think. To think that, though sometimes useful - harmful old man here could not be sarcastic. - So, taking this node as a basis, your task is to design the rest. By the time I return you must provide me with the finished drawing of the mechanism, which I will be able to recognize the correct execution and viable in the building. Is that clear?

  - to offer you the quest: "Design a - half to build!".

  - Quest Conditions - modify the drawing so that it suited Mr Shaw.

  The award - Experience (2500), one mechanic.


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