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Alien Romance Box Set: The Euthenian Battle Complete Series (Books 1-4): A SciFi (Science Fiction) Alien Warrior Romance

Page 20

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Thank you. I want you right by my side. Always, right by my side. Together we can show these people how we can all exist together, no one a step ahead, no one a step behind. Together, equals.” He kissed her as he hoped they could pull it all off.

  When he was at the castle, he and Kerr had long discussions about the future of The Euthenia Nebula. It was Kerr’s intention to change the way things were done.

  Kerr wanted to co-exist peacefully with the Earthlings. Treating the people from Earth as pesky nuisances wasn’t going to cut it, though.

  If Caleb could manage to take the palace over, then when the royals arrived back home from their trip to Earth, he and Kerr could work out an agreement which would benefit all.

  The king would be a problem. Caleb knew he’d have to be taken out, but he would need it to look like an accident. An illness of some kind, maybe.

  It was something his mother was working on. A poison they could slip into his food or drink. Or perhaps a germ he could be infected with.

  Whatever the cost, things on The Euthenia Nebula had to change. Though not a thing he wanted, the responsibility had been placed squarely on his shoulders and he meant to do his best.

  The touch of Emerald’s hands as they roamed over his muscled back brought his attention back to her.

  “Have you begun to realize your new home will be the palace, Love?” He kissed her pink cheek.

  Her eyes rolled. “Let’s not talk about such things. I am happy here, with you. I don’t even want to think about the other.”

  “You have to think about the other, Emerald. You and I will help rule this planet.” He pulled away from her and stood up, taking her with him.

  Holding her hand, he led her to the pond just inside the woods. Strolling along naked as the day they were born as no one was anywhere near where he’d built the small hut, they made their way to bathe.

  “The king will never allow that, Caleb. It’s a dream and I am not into looking at a future which is impossible.” She gasped as Caleb stopped and picked her up in his arms and carried her.

  “Nothing is impossible, Love. You’ll see. Very soon you will see.”

  She let out a shriek as he jumped into the freezing cold water with her in his arms. “Caleb!”

  With a hearty laugh, he asked, “Cold?”

  Her teeth were chattering, and she tried to get away from him and out of the cold water. He let her out of his arms but got in front of her so she couldn’t make it out of the small pond.

  She giggled and splashed water at him. “This is much too cold. We’ll have to gather water in buckets and warm the water over the fire then bathe in it.”

  He swam to her and took her in his arms. “At the palace heated water flows from spouts like magic. They have a central water system and all the residents have it in their homes. They refuse to allow us to tap into it or create our own. Were you aware of that, Emerald?”

  She ran her arms around him and pressed her body to his. “I was not. I thought we all wanted to live off the land. You know a simple existence.”

  “So you’d rather lug heavy buckets of water just so you can bathe in comfortable temperatures rather than have access to it right in your own home, just like all the other residents of Euthenia have?” He ran his hand through her hair and kissed her cheek.

  “Caleb, that’s what we came here for. To live simple lives. It’s not the fault of the Euthenians and there is no need for us to rebel. We picked this life.” She kissed his lips gently. “Call it off Caleb. Use your experience to talk them out of this. People will die.”

  “True, but what about our children? Do you wish them to grow up and live in a world where they’re considered only a bit above animals?” he asked her.

  Her brows furrowed with the thought. “I suppose they could go back to Earth if they don’t like the way things are done here.”

  He shook his head and laughed. “Your parents didn’t explain things to you I guess. You were too young, and they made the decision for you. Signed the paperwork for you.” He tweaked her nose, and she wrinkled it. “None of us can ever return to Earth. It’s over-populated. We all had to sign away our rights as citizens of Earth to come here. Our children can’t just go back. And there’s not room to if we could.”

  “So, what you’re telling me is we are stuck here, whether we want to be or not?” Her expression was one of concern. “Caleb, I had no idea. I honestly thought we could leave if we wanted.”

  “Other planets won’t allow us to go to them either. We have to make this place our forever home.” He led her out of the pond as her lips had turned blue. And they began walking back to their little house.

  He was sure her silence was because she was taking in all he’d told her. She had been left in ignorance for far too long.

  Now that she knew the truth, perhaps she’d change her mind about the uprising. Maybe she’d want to help him with the integration which had to happen if the children of all the settlers were ever to have decent lives.

  The truth was he always knew, this time would come. As bad as he wanted peace, he wanted a place his children could call home and feel a part of. He’d fight for that, kill for that, and even die for that if it came to it.



  Evening came and the three moons were all in small phases, leaving the night dark. Caleb had made a small fire inside the house on the dirt floor.

  He and Emerald sat on a blanket beside it. Caleb took a lock of her hair, he seemed mesmerized by it.

  “The firelight makes you look even more beautiful. Your hair flickers with the flames and sometimes it looks like gold flows through it.” As he let the hair fall, he looked into her eyes.

  His hand flowed through her hair, pushing her long hair back off her neck. His lips came to rest on her neck.

  She closed her eyes. The softness of his lips as he moved them over her skin and down to the hollow of her throat made her feel warm deep in her stomach.

  The sound of the rain beating on the roof came in a sudden burst and the wind began to blow.

  But all Emerald could think about was how Caleb’s lips felt like tiny pillows full of jelly and covered in satin. Never could she have imagined a man’s lips being been so soft.

  Caleb’s hands were rough from working, yet he moved them over her skin so lightly, they flowed over her body like water over a stone.

  Moving his body to sit behind hers, he straddled her. His long legs on either side of hers. He kissed the back of her neck as he moved his hands around her, cupping her breasts in them. Emerald’s breath came out in a long sigh.

  The touch of his hands on the outside of her dress made her breasts swell with anticipation.

  His lips grazed her ear. “I love you, Emerald. Listen to the rain, love.” He pulled the hair off her other shoulder, running his lips over it, slowly and softly as he pulled her dress down, revealing her silky skin.

  The touch of his lips left her dizzy. She let her body fall back against his. His lips ran back up her neck.

  Gently he pressed his hand to her cheek, pushing at it, gently, but firmly, making her face turn towards him. His lips found hers, and this time, she felt a pulse in hers, begging for his lips to press harder on hers. She moved her head closer so he could harden his kiss.

  Caleb moved his body from behind hers to in front in a quick movement Emerald never felt until he was in front of her, pulling at her dress as his lips pressed harder onto hers.

  His lips left hers, only long enough to pull her dress off, and then he was back in front of her. He pushed her back on the blanket as his lips touched hers again, laying his body out next to hers.

  Forcefully he pushed his tongue out of his mouth and into hers. Emerald moaned with the sensation and stroked his tongue with hers.

  As his tongue ran around hers, he moved his hand up to squeeze her breast. He moved his mouth off of hers and down to the breast in his hand.

  Her breaths were ragged, she ached for
his mouth to come back to hers and fill it again.

  His tongue licked at her nipple. He pulled the nipple into his mouth, kissing it with his tongue, the same way he’d kissed her mouth.

  She ran her hand to the back of his head and held him to her. Then watched as his head bobbed a bit as he sucked it and sent an incredible sensation to a place deep inside her.

  Caleb released her breast though it was un-beckoned, leaving Emerald looking up at him as he stood up.

  She reached out for him to come back into her arms. He began to take his clothes off, his eyes on hers, watching her response.

  Thunder crashed outside, the firelight shone out around him as she looked up at him. Standing still in front of her, she knew what he wanted her to do.

  Her eyes started at the top of his auburn curls she’d messed up as she’d ran her hands through it while he kissed her. His shoulders seemed broader, somehow in the fire’s light.

  His skin glistened as a light sheen of sweat covered his body. Darkened eyes looked back at her, reminding her of the storm which had begun to rage outside.

  The way his pectoral muscles filled his wide chest impressed her. Her gaze moved to his defined abdominal muscles.

  Standing at attention, she found his ample manhood ready and waiting. Last of all she took in his thickly muscled legs and felt her body growing increasingly hotter.

  Caleb reached out and pulled the only clothes left on her off. He picked her up and placed her on the bed. She lay naked on the bed as he looked at her.

  “You are beyond beautiful, Emerald. I love you. I will never hurt you. You will always be safe with me.” He stretched his arms out for her to come into.

  She rose from the bed, letting him envelop her in his arms. His head hung over her shoulder. Pressing her lips to his ear, she said, “I love you, too, Caleb.”

  “You’ve made me very happy. Now, I’m going to make you that happy as well, Love,” he said as he gently laid her back on their bed.

  Her dark blue eyes looked up at him, then closed as his lips touched hers. Gently he pushed his tongue through her parted lips.

  A groan escaped her when he left them. Making him smile. “I’ll be back to satisfy your need for my kiss, Love. I want to show you what else feels good.”

  His lips trailed down her throat. Leaving small kisses between her breasts, down to her stomach. Once his lips touched her inner thigh, her hands tangled up in his hair. “What are you doing?” Her voice was tense.

  “Lie back and relax, you’re going to like it, I promise. If you don’t, just tell me to stop. I warn you to mean it if you do, as I won’t be doing it to you anymore if you ask me not to, and I think you’ll hate yourself if that happens.” His lips touched the small bud at her apex, making her shudder.

  He hesitated before kissing it again, lest she felt the urge for him to quit. “Again,” she said, almost too quietly for him to hear.

  He smiled and kissed it again, this time letting his tongue flick at it as his mouth fell full upon it.

  Her hips lifted, begging for his kiss. Warmth filled her. Her groans and thrashing let him know she liked it.

  Suddenly her body was shaking; she pulled at his hair as she let out a loud groan, almost a scream.

  A warm liquid seeped from her and Caleb ran his tongue inside her, lapping at the juices he’d made her body release. He consumed it with fierceness, much like a wild animal.

  With a sudden move, he made his way up her body and looked down at her; her eyes were shining with a glow from receiving such pleasure.

  His lips fell on hers as he thrust himself into her. She cried out as he entered her. His tongue moved over hers, the same as his hard cock moved inside her.

  She began returning his kiss, urgently. He moved faster and harder. He took one arm and placed it on her knee and hoisted it up a bit, allowing him to go a bit deeper into her.

  Caleb pulled his mouth from hers. “I want you to stand up.” He moved off her, standing by the bed.

  She looked at him with confusion. “What are you going to do?”

  “Just stand up. I’ll show you,” he said as he pulled her to stand up.

  She did as he asked, facing him. He turned her around in front of him, and then pushed her shoulders so she leaned over on the bed. Grabbing a fist full of her long hair, he pulled it as he slid back into her from behind.

  The difference in how much farther he went into her made them both groan. “Emerald, you feel so damn good.”

  Every thrust brought a moan or a yell from her. “Oh God, Caleb! Caleb!”

  The muscles inside her clenched at him as her body fell apart. It seemed to be making him orgasm too as he spilled his liquid heat inside her.

  He groaned loudly, and then fell on her back, hugging her to him. “That was fantastic. That was so right. You felt so good.”

  Out of breath, they managed to get back on the bed. Sweat soaked and satiated, they held hands and soon both were fast asleep.

  The much-needed sleep was a God send as the next day would see them start their travels to the Capital.



  Swords were drawn, Emerald and Caleb were off their equine and heading into the palace. The couple had made black, hooded capes out of a special fabric, not many things could penetrate.

  They wore the capes over white body suits made of the same fabric. White face masks protected their faces. Tall, black boots protected their feet and legs and long black gloves protected their hands and arms. Only their eyes were visible and barely at all once the hoods were covering their heads.

  Emerald’s dark blue eyes were captivating and Caleb had a hard time not looking at them when her hood was back.

  Just before making an attempt to go through the huge set of doors at the front of the palace, Caleb looked once more at his wife. He pushed the black hood back and took the bottom of her face mask and pulled it down.

  He placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “You stay right with me, Love. All will be fine if you do that.”

  She gave him a nod and took a deep breath. He pulled the fabric back up and pulled her hood back up, and then he turned and reached out to open the door.

  There was no need for locks as the handles of the doors had memory chips in them and would only open for those people who had been screened and approved to open the doors.

  Caleb had lived there. Caleb had been approved. Now it was time to find out if they had ever erased his prints from the chip.

  He took the black glove off his right hand and took the glass knob in it.

  It twisted easily, and he pushed it open. The mob of Earthling’s who waited cheered as the door swung open.

  After replacing his protective glove, Caleb took a step inside and reached back for Emerald’s gloved hand.

  Her voice was shaky as she asked, “Caleb, you don’t find it odd no one was on the streets as we came here. No one is protecting this entrance. All the Euthenians seem to be hiding. This is a trap of some kind. They knew we were coming that’s obvious.”

  “I’m sure they do know, but it seems to me they are in no position to fight. They’re hiding instead. Just come with me and trust me.” He gave her hand a tug, and she stepped inside with him.

  She gasped with how beautiful the entrance area was. A domed ceiling was painted a deep blue color with arrows of gold seeming to shoot out of it. The interior was made of the same material as the exterior.

  Everything shined and glowed. Their leather boots made no noise as they tread across the floor which sparkled with rare gemstones which had been inlaid in them.

  A green liquid ran into a bowl which was built into the wall beside the door. “What’s that for?” she asked Caleb as she gestured to it.

  “A decontaminator. They’re inside all entrances. One washes their hands in it whenever they go inside anywhere. That’s why the Euthenians never get sick.” He pulled her along with him.

  The others waited outside. And Caleb and Emerald were findi
ng no one inside the palace.

  Moving from the entry room to a huge room, full of overstuffed furniture and various works of art, Emerald was taken aback by all the beauty.

  “This place is amazing. If I was you I would never have wanted to leave here.” She turned and looked at everything.

  A picture of a tall man caught her eye, and it took a second to realize it was the Prince in the painting. His long, blonde hair fell across one shoulder. Just underneath it was a smaller painting, and she took in a sharp breath.


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