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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

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by Olive P. Farley

  “Never. Get away from me you disgusting….” I didn't even get to finish the sentence when Paul shot forward and grabbed my wrists pinning me to the wall. I was basically sitting on the end table and started to kick to get free. Paul was inches from my face and watching me with interest. He wedged his legs between mine forcing my legs open and I started to panic. I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let him do this. I started to thrash around, doing everything I could to get away. My heart was beating so fast and my whole body was shaking. I heard the voice and for the first time I welcomed it. “This pig is gonna die.” It chimed. Good, I thought. At that moment I felt a power flow through me, one I'd only felt once before and was able to get my right arm free, hitting Paul in the face. Paul's head snapped to the side with the impact. He stumbled back for a moment, surprised. Then his eyes settled back on me. He smiled again and I could see the blood in his mouth from my attack. I tried to scramble across the bed to get away but Paul was on me before I could get across. Again he pinned me. He was enraged now. He had me held by the arms and he brutally shoved his knee between my legs forcing them apart. I continued to fight him which only seemed to encourage him as he started to grind himself on me. I was violently shaking at this point and renewed my efforts to get Paul off me. Paul suddenly released my arms and slapped me hard. For a moment I saw stars and then one of his hands covered my mouth as the other started to grope between my legs.

  Suddenly something in me seemed to break free. I felt a power like I had never known suddenly seem to seep through my veins. Paul must have seen a change because I could see the shock in his eyes. I felt my face contort in a smile that was not my own and heard myself say “Time to die piggy.”

  The voice was in control now and I let it take over. I could feel energy pulsing through me and Paul had jumped off me as if he had seen a ghost. Then I started to feel pain. I groaned as I felt my body start to change. My bones seemed to be cracking and my skin felt as though it was being torn apart. It was pain but it was also pleasure as another form took my place. When the pain stopped I could see Paul plastered to the wall in fear. His face was pale and he was sweating. I smiled knowing he was suffering. I was no longer Carrie. In my place now stood a massive golden wolf. The voice that had always been within was in complete control and it felt amazing. Paul started to move clearly wanting to get away and I heard the voice think “Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. You're not going anywhere” My wolf lunged forward and bit into Paul's arm as he screamed in pain. He was thrown to the floor and rage took over as my wolf mauled Paul beyond recognition.

  Satisfied, I let out a deep howl and in that moment the door opened. Taking the nurse standing there by surprise, I bolted through the door. I was one now with my wolf. I could feel myself gaining control as we moved in unison. As I ran through the institute, I busted through every door until I made it outside. I heard the deafening sound of alarms sounding just as I made out of the gates and sped into the woods beyond the borders. I was free.

  Chapter 6

  I'm not sure how long or how far I ran. When I finally stopped I was deep in the woods and it was the middle of the night. I took a moment to catch my breath. I was still in my wolf form and really wanted to turn back but I didn't know how. For a while I tried and tried to concentrate and turn back but it just wasn't working. Frustrated, I decided to get some sleep. I was exhausted.

  In the morning, I opened my eyes and stretched. It took me a moment to realize I was still a wolf. I again willed my body to change back but nothing happened. Either I had no idea how to do this or I was stuck. Neither option was great. I had to figure this out.

  I started to think back to yesterday's events and felt myself burdened with guilt. I had left Ashley. And I'm pretty sure I had killed Paul. I heard myself whine. If I had been human I'm pretty sure I would be crying. I took a life. It was self defense but still. I killed him. I laid down, battling the conflicting emotions inside of me. On one hand, Paul deserved it. If I hadn't killed him, he would have raped me and who knows what else. At least now he couldn't hurt Ashley. But I had never intentionally hurt anyone, let alone killed someone and that alone made me feel like a monster. A big wolf monster.

  Then I was thrown into even more questions. What was I? A werewolf? Are werewolves even real? Maybe I had finally snapped and this was all some kind of hallucination. Were my birth parents werewolves? Had I always been able to do this?

  The voice, the voice was my wolf. I was sure of that now. Since I was in my wolf form it seemed to be quiet. Like we were one now and it was purely instinct. Present but non-verbal. I didn't know how to describe it but that's how it felt at least. At least I'm not schizophrenic. One small relief in a pile of new concerns. The biggest one being, how do I turn back!?

  A sound snapped me out of my thoughts. My head spun around, my wolf taking over as I scanned my surroundings. A deer suddenly bolted out in front of me and I realized just how hungry I was. Without even thinking I was on all fours chasing the deer through the woods. I could smell the deer. A woody and gamey smell. As I neared it, I could hear it's heart thumping in its chest. The deer was getting tired. I don't know how but I could tell from the beat of its heart and it's fast breathing. My wolf lunged, taking the deer down and I felt my fangs sinking into its neck.

  Part of me felt like I should be disgusted by this but in truth I felt invincible. I was filled with power. I could outrun a deer. I could track it's scent. I could take it down. What else was I capable of?

  “So much more.” The voice replied to my unspoken question.

  After finishing my meal I took in my surroundings. I had gone a fair distance while chasing the deer and needed to figure out where I was. I walked around for a while, staying in the woods and avoiding roads. Last thing I needed was to be seen. I had to be 2-3 times larger than a regular wolf and my unusual golden color would also draw attention. If anyone saw me they would be terrified.

  I walked around for the better part of the day until I saw a familiar sight. I found a wooded trail and recognized it as one I used to run at home. Home. I was close. Part of me wanted to break into my fastest run and bolt home but it was still light out and I had to be cautious. I sat still trying to formulate a plan and decided my safest bet was to wait until dark. I could go investigate then. It's not like I was going to knock on my parents door. I was a giant golden wolf. Pretty sure that would go over great. Not to mention I hadn't seen or talked to my adoptive parents in nearly 2 years.

  As I waited for the sun to set, I continued to try and turn back into my human form. What was I missing here? No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't do it. I was stuck. Was I going to be like this forever? My wolf form was starting to feel like my new prison.

  When the sun finally set I decided to head out. I moved quickly, stopping and checking to make sure I wasn't seen. I would have to go through a few yards. The street didn't seem like a smart move and my parent's house was a few blocks away from the woods. The first few yards I made it through with no issues. I just jumped over the fences (in the yards that had them). As I was about halfway through the 4th yard, I heard a sliding glass door open. Shit. I quickly hid in the shadows as they turned on a porch light and saw a mother with her toddler stroll out of the house. I backed up some more, not wanting to scare them or have any attention drawn to me. Thankfully the mother retrieved a toy for her obviously upset child and went back inside and I was able to quickly move on.

  When I finally reached my parents house, I felt relieved. This was my home. I had grown up here. I came through the back yard figuring it was still the safest route but the moment I entered the yard I noticed a lot had changed. Gone were my mothers collection of sundials. Gone was the meticulously kept garden and bench my parents were so proud of. In their place was a swing set and slide. Toys were scattered all over the yard. Did my parents adopt another kid? I was puzzled. I slowly crept up to the house. I just wanted to see my parents. I knew I couldn't approach them as a wolf but just getting to see them after all t
hese years would be something. I got to the living room window and slowly stuck my head up. I wasn't prepared for what I saw. In the living room I grew up in, where I took my first steps, sat a completely different family. My parents weren't here. They must have moved. I had no way to find them now. No number, no address. They had truly abandoned me. I had no one.

  Chapter 7

  I found myself fleeing back into the woods. The pain I felt was so unbearable, the kind that made you want to just curl up into a ball and cry until you couldn't cry anymore. But I was a wolf so that wasn't really an option. So instead I ran. I ran until I could barely breathe. I ran as fast as I could and was surprised by my speed. I almost felt as though I was flying. So many thoughts were racing through my head. My adoptive parents had changed their number and moved. They obviously wanted nothing to do with me. They had me committed and then stopped visiting. I realized that even though they had stopped visiting me there, I had always thought that once I got out it would be different. I was their daughter. They had adopted me as an infant. And they were the only parents I had ever known. I just didn't understand how they could just write me off. Did they ever love me?

  I finally slowed, unable to run any further. I stopped to look around and had no idea where I was. I had been running for over an hour, I think. I was pretty sure I was miles and miles from where I had started.

  Suddenly I caught a scent. I wasn't sure what it was but it smelled amazing. Without even thinking I started tracking the smell. What was it? Almost like the smell of cookies baking but not quite. It was sweet and yet there was a musk to the smell. Almost a smokiness. I had to know what this smell was.

  I followed the smell deeper and deeper into the woods. The brush and trees were getting thicker and thicker making it harder to navigate. And then finally I hit a clearing. Whatever I was smelling, it was close. I felt the wind blow through the trees and found myself picking up on a new scent. A few different scents actually. Then I heard a low growl. Oh shit.

  I had been so focused on the scent, I hadn't even realized there were other wolves. There were at least five of them and I was surrounded. The largest of the wolves was all black. I could feel power coming off him and when he growled I cowered in fear. It was clear I didn't want to mess with this wolf. I didn't want to mess with anyone. How could I tell them I meant no harm?

  The wolves started to close in on me giving me no room to move. A few had even started snapping at my legs. I jumped and whined. I was terrified at this point. I was outnumbered and I was no fighter. I didn't see how I could get out of this. The largest wolf started to advance on me and I started to whine again. But to my surprise he shifted to his human form. Instead of the large black wolf, I was looking at an extremely handsome man. He was tall and muscular. He had jet black hair, like his wolf. He was also completely naked and I found that making me exceedingly uncomfortable. I had never seen a man naked before and I had never expected to see a naked man in these kind of circumstances.

  ”Why are you in my territory Rogue?” The naked man demanded. Territory? Rogue? Even if I was capable of speaking I wouldn't have known how to respond to that. “Just took a wrong turn a few trees back?” I thought to myself. Geez. Now was not the time for jokes Carrie.

  “Shift now Rogue!” The man demanded. This was going well. I wanted to shout at this point “I've been trying!!! Tips anyone?” But of course, wolf. Was there a way I could mime an answer I thought. No, there's not. This was probably not going to end well for me.

  “Are you defying me on my own territory Rogue!?” The man asked, obviously pissed. He said Rogue so disdainfully, as if it was a vile thing. I could feel his power and anger flowing in waves but I was frozen. I would have given anything to listen to him. To just do what he said so I could explain. I was still surrounded and knew there was no escape.

  “This is your last chance Rogue. Shift or you will be disposed of.” He threatened. I whined, mentally begging this man to take pity on me. I wasn't doing this on purpose.

  The man glared at me, clearly enraged by my “defiance”. He shifted back to his wolf and bared his teeth and let out a powerful growl. I felt like my heart was going to burst through my chest, I was so terrified. Then the wolves started closing in. If I could have screamed, I would have. They were all showing teeth and I knew this time they were set to attack. There was no way I could defend myself. They would kill me as easily as I had killed Paul. I yelped as the first wolf lunged and sunk his teeth into my back leg. Then they all pounced and I was so consumed with pain I couldn't even tell where it was coming from. Suddenly it seemed as though they stopped but I was badly hurt ,l could feel my blood oozing out of my various wounds. My world was fading to black and I thought “This must be it. I'm dying”. Then I smelled that heavenly scent again. The same scent I had been following earlier. It was much stronger than before and I felt strangely comforted by it as I lost consciousness.

  Chapter 8

  Gabriel's POV

  Tonight was my night to patrol our north border. We always rotated shifts to keep our pack safe. It was usually a pretty easy job. Our pack, the Celestial Harvest Moon pack, was one of the strongest packs around. Our Alpha, Jonathan, was one of the few supreme Alpha's. Jonathan kept our pack safe and strong. All our wolves were trained for combat starting out as a pup. Jonathan ruled our pack with an iron fist but he was fair and he was also my best friend.

  I was the beta of the pack, second in command. Jon and I spent a lot of time together. Neither of us had found our mates yet so we focused on strengthening our pack. We trained our wolves daily, alternating days so all of the pack of about 500 could all train as well as fulfill their other duties. The pups trained daily as their training was less intense since they didn't have their wolves yet. Your wolf didn't become present until your 18th birthday. As such we usually had a celebration for our wolves 18th birthday. For one, they became a full member of the pack at 18 able to defend our pack and start training in their wolf form. At 18 you could also find your mate. For some, it would happen immediately. Once their wolf was present they would sense their mate within the pack. Those were the lucky ones. I was 25 and had yet to find my mate. Whoever my mate was, she was not in our pack. Jon was 27 and hadn't found his mate either. We were both frustrated. Jon had started visiting neighboring packs hoping to find his mate but with no success. Sometimes I accompanied him but we had not had any luck. So Jon and I put our focus on our pack.

  Tonight while I patrolled the north borders, Jon patrolled the south. We each had a team of five wolves. Usually the only thing we came across were teens of our pack trying to sneak off into the woods to party. It was rare we had any real action. We covered a large area surrounding our pack village. Our lands were vast but we hid our village in a clearing deep in the woods. We chose to avoid the human world as much as possible. Jon really despised humans but never said why. It was clear something happened but he would never speak on it and I knew better than to press him. After all, best friend or not he was my Alpha.

  As my team made their rounds, I came across an amazing smell. It smelled like honey and roses. Sweet and sensual. I wanted to investigate the smell so bad but it was coming from the south and that was not my patrol area tonight. Reluctantly, I moved my team further north. When we reached the northern most point of our territory, Jon mind linked me “Rogue in our territory. Get here now.” Shit.

  My silver wolf set off to Jon's location, my team following close behind. What was a rogue doing in our territory? Rogues were despised among our kind. Pack-less beasts, rogues had been expelled from their packs. In some instances a rogue could be accepted into a new pack but it was rare. Most often, they were left to fend for themselves. Trespassing in a packs territory was a death sentence. Rogues, left too long outside of a pack, would turn feral. Their wolves would take over. They would lose the ability to take their human form and become vicious beasts who would attack anyone and anything. Eliminating them became a necessity to prevent unwanted exposure for our
kind as well as protecting the innocent.

  As I neared Jon, I could hear the commotion and I knew this rogue was not fairing well. Must be feral and Jon had to give the order to take it out. But as I joined the group the scent of honey and roses flooded my senses again. “Mate” said my wolf and I looked around wildly for the source when my eyes landed on the golden wolf being attacked. My heart nearly leapt out of my chest and I let out a blood piercing growl. “Mate” I said to Jon through our mind link. His jet black wolf let out a low growl clearly not happy that my mate was the rogue in question. But our mate was a sacred bond, a blessing from the moon goddess and Jon had no choice but to call off the attack. Jon's team immediately stopped attacking and stepped away from the golden wolf just as she collapsed and lost consciousness. I ran to her shifting into my human form as I neared her. She was a beautiful wolf. The most beautiful I had ever seen. How fitting that her wolf was gold while mine was silver. A perfect pair. But she was badly injured.

  As I looked, taking stock of her injuries, she shifted before my eyes. Now laying on the ground was a gorgeous woman. She had long golden hair, nearly the same color as her wolf. She laid there naked and and my eyes feasted on her shapely long legs and full breasts.

  Realizing I wasn't the only one enjoying the sight of my mate I let out a possessive growl as I scooped her up in my arms.

  ”I'm taking her to the pack hospital.” I told Jon. He had shifted back as well and looked at me disapprovingly.

  ”She's a rogue, Gabe. Maybe it's better to let her die.” I growled in response. I would not let her die. How could he even suggest that?

  “Rogue or not, she's my mate.” I hissed at him. He knew how much your mate meant to our kind.

  “She may be feral Gabe. When we cornered her I gave her the order to shift. She wouldn't or she couldn't” he responded.


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