The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf Page 17

by Olive P. Farley

  I went to the chosen spot and waited. Gabriel was testing me. He had chosen the three toughest fighters and they were circling me. I waited. I was expecting a vision. That had been my main power and I had expected this to be no different. I was shocked when one of the wolves broke from the circle to attack. No vision had come. Even more surprising was that we weren't countering. Aeliana kept us rooted in place, waiting for something. When the other wolf tried to make contact, Aelaina whipped our head over and blocked them but still didn't budge. Then the other two wolves started to attack as well. I was so confused. Were our powers not working? Aeliana assured me I would understand soon though so I trusted her and let her keep control. As the other two wolves closed in, Aeliana started to get excited. Power was buzzing through our body. I could feel it as it poured through every vein. It felt like time suddenly slowed. All I could hear was our heart beating. It was a slow pounding noise in my ear. I could feel the other wolves closing in. I felt our stance change. Our paws spread out giving us traction and our back arched. I felt our fur standing up on end.

  The energy flowing through our body was building. I could feel it becoming stronger and stronger until it seemed to overflow. Now it felt like the energy was not only inside, infusing my every muscle, it was also surrounding me. It continued to build and build. It felt like it had been building for so long but I knew it had only been seconds.

  Suddenly, I felt the power retract. It took my breath as it all rooted inside me, centering itself. Then I felt it. I felt the power lash out like a small explosion. It was so strong, my paws sunk into the dry earth. The dirt crumbing beneath me as my power sent out a powerful amount of force. I could feel the groups shock and awe. I hadn't moved nearly at all, but the fight was over and the silence from the group was deafening.

  Chapter 43

  It took me a moment before I could process what had happened. The wolves that had been playing the attackers were all thrown fifteen to twenty feet away. They were unharmed but I felt like that was only because Aeliana hadn't wanted to harm them. A real aggressor wouldn't have been getting up so easy. I was looking around now and every other wolf was just staring, including Gabriel.

  I looked to him. He wasn't moving. His eyes were glued to me. I tried to read his expression but there wasn't much to read since he was still in wolf form. So I went into our link, needing to know what he was thinking. The second I accessed the link, I realized that even though it had seemed quiet, all the wolves were talking.

  “Did you see that?” One said.

  “What just happened?” Said another.

  “Is she a witch? Can you be a witch and a were at the same time?” The questions were swirling around Gabriel's mind. Then I found Gabriel's own thoughts. I saw myself through his eyes.

  He could see my golden wolf standing there, bracing for the attack. One wolf lunged and I quickly shook them off. Then my wolf planted her paws and the air around me seemed to vibrate before a rush of golden light erupted, throwing the other wolves away from me. As my light receded, my fur seemed to be glowing before the light faded and I returned to normal.

  I could feel everything Gabriel had felt. At first he had been apprehensive. Even though he knew I would be fine and could hold my own, he was still worried for me. It was so instinctual to want to protect your mate. When the light had erupted he was shocked. He was frightened at first that I was going to be hurt until he realized that the light had come from me. Now he was impressed. He felt love, awe, and pride. Then the onslaught of questions started and he wasn't sure how to answer them.

  I felt kinda guilty in that moment. I wasn't sure what we should say either. Gabriel and Jon had discussed keeping my abilities a secret for the time being but now, I didn't see how that would be possible.

  I looked at Gabriel again and nodded.

  “Just tell them.” I said to him through the link. He seemed to think about it. Then he nodded back and I heard him open the link to the rest of the group.

  “I know you all have a lot of questions. The truth is, I don't have a lot of answers. All we know is that Carrie has some special abilities. She wasn't even aware of them until recently and we are still discovering exactly what they are.” I heard a hum of voices after he finished. They still had a lot of questions. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and suddenly became uncomfortable. I walked over to Gabriel, nuzzling him. It felt better when I was at least close to him. He nuzzled me back.

  “Jon is already aware of Carrie's abilities” Gabriel explained. “I ask that you keep today's events to yourselves. For the safety of the pack, Jon and I both agreed that Carrie's abilities shouldn't be broadcasted. If word got out, it could make the pack a target.” The last part caught me off guard. I didn't know this was why they were keeping my powers a secret. I thought it was so my powers didn't draw attention. Or maybe just until we knew exactly what my powers were. Putting the pack in danger had never even occurred to me. I was worried now. I had never wanted to be a burden to the pack or Gabriel. Was I now a liability?

  Gabriel had continued speaking through the mind link but I had been too distracted to listen. I assumed he must have dismissed the group when they started to leave.

  I was distracted as Gabriel started to nuzzle me. He must have noticed. Next thing I knew his huge wolf tongue had snaked out and licked my face. I could hear him laughing through our link.

  “Did you really just lick me?” I said to him. He nodded his head.

  “Well, that's it. You're in the doghouse now.” I continued. Gabriel seemed to consider what I said.

  “I thought you liked it when I licked you.” Gabriel said mentally. If I wasn't a giant wolf at that moment I would have blushed. Then Gabriel started to imagine our love making and I couldn't deny that it was turning me on. I decided to give Gabriel a run for his money. If he wanted me, he would have to catch me. First, I got close to him but before he knew what I was up to I licked his face in one long stroke and then took off running.

  It took Gabriel a second to catch onto the gale which gave me a nice lead. I ran as fast as I could, knowing if I slowed down I would be quickly caught. I knew where I was going and was determined that Gabriel wouldn't catch me until I wanted him to. I was minutes away from my destination and Gabriel was right on my tail, pun intended. I pushed myself to run faster as I climbed the steep hill and I felt accomplished when I was able to draw ahead. Finally, I made it to the top. I was at the overlook. I knew Gabriel loved it here and I just wanted to be here alone with him.

  When Gabriel reached the top he surprised me by tackling me. Suddenly I was pinned beneath him and he quickly shifted. He laughed down at me, waiting for me to shift too. I couldn't help myself. Before I shifted, I licked Gabriel's face one more time laughing inwardly as my massive wolf tongue drenched his face. I shifted back and was laughing hysterically. I laughed until tears were streaming down my cheeks. Gabriel was still on top of me. He wiped his face off on his arm while I laughed.

  “Now it's my turn.” He said as my laughter finally subsided. He quickly changed positions, moving down and pulling my legs over his shoulders. I cried out as his tongue made contact with my sensitive flesh. He licked up and down, over and over. He was teasing me. It felt wonderful but I wanted more. I needed more. He continued to tease me. He was licking so slowly and I felt like I was going insane.

  “Please Gabriel!” I pleaded. I needed more than teasing. He looked up at me and winked. Then he started again. His mouth closed over my clitoris and I cried out as he sucked hard. His tongue started flicking back forth and I couldn't help but moan. It felt so amazing and I could feel myself growing wetter and wetter. His tongue continued it's sweet torture as he slipped two fingers inside me, quickly pumping them in and out of me. I cried out again and I felt myself starting to orgasm. Gabriel stopped and sucked on my most sensitive spot again and I shuddered as it intensified my orgasm. I felt almost breathless but Gabriel wasn't finished. He pulled my legs down and entered me in a single stroke. I wrapped my
legs around his waist and he leaned in and kissed me. He started out slow, but quickly picked up tempo. He moved my legs so they were in front of him, laying against his chest and shoulders. He leaned in and it allowed him to go even deeper and I screamed in pleasure as he started to fuck me faster and harder. I was getting close to orgasming again. Then Gabriel took his thumb and started to rub me while he continued to pound in and out of me. I felt my body grow warm as I climaxed again. My whole body seemed to tingle and I felt almost lightheaded as Gabriel also climaxed. We laid there for a little while, catching our breath. Gabriel got up and went to a hiding place where he kept some clothes hidden. He put on his shirt and pants and offered me his boxers and a hoodie. I took them gratefully and we sat together, watching the sunset. When the sun had faded from the sky and the stars started to appear, we decided to shift and head back home. We were both tired and I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the night in Gabriel's embrace.

  Chapter 44

  The next day Gabriel and I woke early and had our coffee. This had become our morning routine. We had training again today and soon we would shift and head over to meet the group. Before we finished our first cup, Gabriel was contacted by Jon.

  “Jon just mind linked me. He's stopping by real quick to talk to us.” He told me. I wondered what this was about. Maybe the display of my powers yesterday? Guess I would find out soon.

  Jon arrived a few minutes later and I found I had been partially correct as to why he came.

  “I need to talk to you both about training.” He started. “ I don't think Carrie should train with the group anymore.” I stared at him in surprise. Why not?

  “Please don't take this the wrong way. It's just that with Carrie's powers, she's too strong. The other wolves don't stand a chance and they need to train with wolves on a more even playing level.” He finished. I had to think. Jon may actually have a point. No one had been able to beat me and I could tell that a few had been getting frustrated.

  “Ok, I get it.” I said. Stopping Gabriel before he could protest. Gabriel looked at me surprised and Jon cleared his throat.

  “There's more. Sorry. I still need Gabriel to lead the group.” Jon said. He was rubbing the back of his neck and seemed to be uncomfortable.

  “Ok. No biggie.” I said.

  “Great! That was easier than I thought it would be. Training or not, I still want you to start patrolling with Gabe next week.” Jon finished.

  “ Good. Because I'm not going without her.” Gabriel gave me a quick kiss.

  Jon quickly said his goodbyes and left. Gabriel walked over and kissed me again and I slipped my arms around his neck.

  “Come with me?” He asked. I shook my head.

  “No. A lazy morning sounds kinda nice.” Gabriel leaned close and kissed my neck where his mark was.

  “You sure?” He asked again. I sighed, enjoying the tingles he was giving me.

  “Mmmm hmmmm. I think I'm gonna take a bath and maybe a nap.” I kissed his neck too and smiled when I felt him shiver.

  “Ok. Well, I need to get going then.” He gave me one more quick kiss before he went out back to shift.

  After he left, I looked around and sighed. I actually didn't want him to go and was disappointed I wasn't able to train but I didn't want to make a big deal about it. I decided to stick to my plan and went and ran myself a bath.

  After bathing, I got out and dried off. I decided to just braid my hair and found a soft tshirt to put on. I curled up on our bed intending to take a nap but I couldn't silence my thoughts.

  Aeliana was disappointed too. She hadn't had much action since she had escaped her prison inside my mind (her words) and she had been looking forward to getting the practice. She knew there wasn't much I could do though, so while she sulked, she didn't try to make things any harder for me.

  I realized I was most disappointed not to belong to the group anymore. While the other wolves were a little younger than me, I had hoped to maybe make a friend or two. My last friend had been Ashley and I can't say that ended well.

  I missed Lacey. My heart contracted in my chest thinking about her. Lacey had always known how to cheer me up and I had always been able to talk to her. I hated that she thought I was dead.

  I took out my phone and logged into Facebook again. I looked at Lacey's profile and saw that she had uploaded a new photo. She looked happy. She was dressed in jeans and a cute white flowy blouse. Her long dark hair was swept to one side and I was surprised to see she was wearing makeup. Lacey had never really worn makeup in high school.

  I liked her new look. She looked more grown up. More mature. I sighed. This was just making me miss her even more. Maybe I should just message her. Impulsively I hit the message button. What should I say? I hesitated. “Hey. I'm not dead!” Seemed a bit of an odd opening. So how should I greet my childhood best friend who thinks I'm dead? I groaned. Maybe I shouldn't message her….

  I sat there for a moment, staring at the screen.

  “Lacey, I know this may come as quite the shock, but I am alive and well. I miss you and wanted to reach out. Please keep it a secret, for now. Love, Carrie.” I hit the send button and watched the screen waiting to see if she read it. It took a moment and then her icon moved down, indicating she had seen my message. I waited anxiously for a reply. I updated the app a few times, as if that would speed up the process. Then I saw she was replying and started to get excited.

  “Is this some kind of sick joke?” She responded. My heart sunk. Guess it wouldn't be that easy.

  “No this isn't a joke. It's really Carrie.” I replied. The phone immediately started ringing and I jumped. Lacey was video calling me. I hit the green button and smiled when I saw Lacey's very surprised face on the other end.

  “Carrie!!! Oh my God!!! It's really you!” She practically screamed. I could see the tears filling her eyes and I started feeling emotional too.

  “Lacey! I have missed you so much!” I said as a stray tear rolled down my face.

  “What happened? The institute said you had been killed in some bizarre animal attack! How are you alive??” Crap. How was I going to answer this. Gabriel had made it clear we were not to tell humans about us. It was against the pack rules so even if I wanted to, I couldn't tell her the truth. Not to mention, how could she believe me?

  “Uuhhh, it's a long story. I don't really remember much. But I was found in this little village and they have been really good to me.” I tried to explain.

  “Why didn't you contact anyone? Carrie, we've all been heart broken!” I felt a twinge of guilt. I hadn't expected that they would think I was dead. I'm not sure what I thought they would they think. I guess I hadn't really considered Lacey at first. Once I had realized my parents had moved and then finding the pack…... It had all happened so quickly and I had kind of considered my old life a closed chapter.

  ”I'm sorry, Lacey. It's a long story, like I said but this was the first chance I've had to contact you.” Being vague seemed like the best option for now. At some point I would figure out a story that sounded plausible.

  “Have you called your parents?” Lacey asked next.

  “No.” I said feeling instantly irritated.

  “Why not? Carrie!?” Lacey scolded me. .

  “They don't care, Lace. They hadn't visited me in years. They don't care about me.” I said sadly. It hurt to even say it but it was true.

  “Carrie, I went to your memorial service. They were distraught. Your Mom couldn't stop crying.” Lacey said. I felt confused. Maybe it was just guilt. I couldn't imagine that after dumping me in a mental institution, not visiting me for 2 years, changing their number and moving away, that they had still cared at all. No. Maybe it had been an act. I wasn't sure about that but I was sure that they didn't truly care about me.

  “I can't explain that, Lacey. They didn't seem to care when they knew I was alive. I don't know why they would care when they thought I was dead, unless it was for show or they felt guilty.” I could see that Lac
ey didn't agree with me by the look on her face but she held back.

  “I'm still going to try and contact them when I'm ready. I just need some more time.” I assured Lacey. In truth, I had to contact them if I wanted to know about my birth parents. At some point or another, I would have to face them.

  Chapter 45

  Lacey and I chatted for a while. She told me all about college. She had spent a few years attending a school on the west coast but recently she had moved back home. Her Dad was sick so she transferred to a school nearby to finish her last two years.

  I was sad to hear about her Dad. I had grown up having sleepovers at Lacey's and I had loved her parents. Apparently, he had cancer. Lacey didn't mention what kind but said they had caught it early so she had hope.

  Lacey started to ask me about my life and I found myself unsure what I should tell her. There was so much that I couldn't tell her and I knew that I could easily slip up.

  “Things are good. I don't really have any friends here yet but it's good.” I told her trying to remain vague. Just at that moment, Gabriel walked in. I had been so busy talking to Lacey I hadn't even heard him until he was coming into the bedroom.

  He walked in and jumped on the bed comically.

  “Honey, I'm home.” He said in a funny voice. I giggled and he kissed my neck.

  “OH MY GOD!! Who is that!!??” Lacey squealed. I blushed and giggled.

  “Lacey, this is Gabriel, my mmmm….. my boyfriend.” I had almost said mate but caught myself. “Gabriel, this is Lacey.”

  “Hi!” He said nicely. Lacey started to squeal again.

  “Oh, my gosh. Carrie I am so happy for you and he's SO cute! Good for you, girl. Wish I had that kinda luck!” She said.

  “Oh, come on. You're gorgeous! I'm sure you could get any guy you want!” Lacey snorted.


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