The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf Page 18

by Olive P. Farley

“Yeah, okay. If you say so. I honestly haven't had any luck. A few silly boys have tried and I've dated a few guys but nothing serious.”

  “I'm sure you'll find someone. You're amazing. It'll happen once you find the right guy.” I said reassuringly.

  “Anyways, are you guys living together?” Lacey asked, changing the subject.

  “Yes we are and if you'll excuse us, I would like to kiss my girlfriend some more.” Gabriel said playfully, showcasing that mischievous smile. I almost laughed to hear him call me his girlfriend. I was so used to the term “mate” now that girlfriend seemed strange when not so long ago, the opposite would have been true.

  “Well, I'll let you two love birds go. Gabriel, it was nice meeting you. Carrie, I love you and I'm so glad you contacted me. Promise we will get together soon!”

  “I promise! Maybe we can get coffee sometime. Or maybe a drink now that I'm 21!” I offered.

  “Sounds great! We'll plan something soon. Bye!” I said goodbye to Lacey and got off the phone. I put the phone down and noticed Gabriel giving me a strange look.

  “What!?” I said.

  “Nothing. I just didn't think you planned to call her yet.” He answered.

  “I didn't, honestly. But I miss her. Imagine not seeing Jon for a few years.” I tried to explain.

  “Sounds like a nice vacation.” Gabriel replied sarcastically.

  “I'm serious. He's your best friend. You'd miss him.” I insisted.

  “Maybe. So how did you explain...well, being alive?” Gabriel asked.

  “I was just really vague. Said I didn't remember much.” I replied. Gabriel nodded.

  “Simple. Probably good for now. We can come up with something better at some point.” Gabriel said, pulling me into his arms.

  I sighed as he put his arms around me.

  “I'm just glad I was able to talk to her.” I said as I snuggled into Gabriel.

  “I'm happy if you are.”

  “I think I need to find my adoptive parents soon. I've been putting it off but I need to know who my birth parents are.” They also deserved to know I was alive.

  “Ok. Whenever you're ready we can start looking.” Gabriel replied. I wasn't ready to do it just yet. Part of me wanted to still put it off. But I had questions that needed answers and unfortunately, the only way to get those answers would be to stop procrastinating and just find my adoptive parents.

  “Maybe we'll start tomorrow. For now, I was told there would be kissing.” I told Gabriel as I pulled his face down to mine.

  Chapter 46

  The next day, I woke up feeling strange. I was just tired and felt off. Gabriel and I had our coffee but after drinking about half a cup, I stopped drinking mine. I pounded some water and ate a bite of toast and started feeling better.

  Gabriel was still training the group and had to leave early. I found myself in a sour mood, irritated that Gabriel had to leave and even more irritated that I couldn't join the group.

  I sat there and sulked for a little while. Then I started wondering why I was so moody. I still needed to find my parents. That looming over me was probably what was putting me in a bad mood.

  I decided to just google them and see what I could find. I grabbed my phone and typed my parents names in. The first result was our old address and I felt my heart contract and quickly paged down. Next was their name and a new address. It was across town from my childhood home but not far. They were clearly listed. It even had their phone number. I decided to dial and see if this was the right number. The phone rang three times and went to voicemail. There, clear as day was my Mother's voice, asking the caller to leave a message. I sat the phone down as I started to cry. I was sobbing into my hands, not even sure what I was feeling. I hadn't heard my mother's voice in years. Just hearing the recording had made me realize how much I missed her and made all my hurt feelings come to the surface.

  “Carrie, are you okay? Should I come home?” I heard Gabriel through our mind link.

  “No, I'm fine. I'll tell you about it when you get home but I'm okay.” I assured him. I sat there for a while feeling depressed. Now I had found them. It hadn't been hard but I still needed to talk to them. That was the part I really dreaded. While I was hurt they had basically abandoned me, I was angry also. What kind of parent did that!? Maybe Jon was right and humans were just selfish.

  I decided that Gabriel and I would go over on Saturday and face them. I didn't want to go alone and I figured the weekend was my best chance to catch them home. It was Thursday and I wanted to do this before I patrolled next week with Gabriel. We would be up all night so we would probably not have much time during the day to do much.

  With the plan settled in my mind, I decided I needed to snap out of my crappy mood. I went and threw on some workout clothes and put my hair up in a ponytail. I hadn't been out for a run in a while. I had always found running to be a great stress reliever. I could use some endorphins.

  I went out through the back and stretched out my legs, back and hips before I started walking. I knew I was out of shape. I hadn't been able to run at the institute and since I had been here, I had only really ran in my wolf form. It was nice to stretch my muscles but I also needed to take it easy.

  I increased my speed to a light jog. I ran for about 15 minutes before I decided to pick up my speed.

  “Want some help?” Aeliana offered. “Sure.” I thought, curious as to how she could help me. I felt a warm sensation as Aeliana's power flowed through me. I picked up my speed even more. I was running pretty fast now. I could feel my muscles stretch with every stride. I pushed myself and felt myself run even faster. I wasn't sure how fast I was going but I knew it was a lot faster than normal. Suddenly my lungs started to burn and I knew I had pushed my body too far. Exactly what I had not intended to do. I stopped as my side ached and I tried to catch my breath. Note to self, just because you have Aeliana's power doesn't mean you won't wear out. I was sweating profusely as I tried to breathe waiting for the pain in my side to subside. I hated being in such poor shape. I used to be able to run more than ten miles. Now I had run maybe two and was huffing and puffing. Suddenly I felt my stomach twist and I bent over as I threw up my morning coffee and toast. Great.

  I decided to just walk back to the house but promised myself that I would start running regularly again. Getting winded like that, throwing up, these were rookie issues. I had to get back in shape.

  It took me about 20 minutes to walk back. Gabriel was still out so I just quickly took a shower and then laid down to take a nap.

  I woke up to Gabriel lightly shaking me.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauty!” He said. I opened my eyes and smiled at him and he kissed me. “I let you sleep for a while but it's nearly two in the afternoon.” My eyes darted to a clock. I had been napping for three hours! I was surprised. I wasn't usually a napper but then I remembered that I hadn't been feeling great so that was probably why.

  “Wanna get dinner at the cafe tonight?” Gabriel asked and I nodded eagerly. Burgers and milkshakes sounded amazing.

  “My parent's wanted to meet us there, if that's okay with you.” He added.

  “Sure. I love your parent's.” I said. “I do need to tell you something though.” I finished.

  “Okay. I'm all ears.” Gabriel said. I rolled my eyes at his corny saying.

  “So… I found my parents. Will you come with me on Saturday to see them?”

  Chapter 47

  That evening, Gabriel and I drove over to the cafe. His parent's were there already, waiting on us. We went inside and sat across from his parents in a booth. I ordered a bacon cheeseburger and a chocolate shake. When the food came I was practically salivating. After eating a few bites, my appetite was gone. I didn't really want to eat more but I didn't want Gabriel to know I wasn't feeling well. No need for him to worry. So, I pecked at my food and made small talk with his parents. Thankfully, Debra didn't make me talk much. One big advantage to her chattiness was she didn't really need a lot of conversat
ion from you. She was happy to do most of the talking. I suspected that Chuck also liked her chattiness for the same reason. He was usually quiet. I think he liked that Debra filled in any silence gaps.

  We finished eating and walked outside after paying the bill. We chatted outside for a bit but I was getting really tired.

  “Can we please go home soon?” I asked Gabriel through our mind link. “I'm so tired.”

  “Are you feeling okay?” Gabriel asked me silently. I nodded.

  “Just tired. I'm fine.” I assured him. Gabriel quickly wrapped up the conversation. He seemed to have a special ability when it came to ending a conversation with his mother. They said goodbye and hugs were exchanged. Then Gabriel drove us home and we cuddled up in bed. My eyes were closed before my head even hit the pillow.

  I had strange dreams all night. Sometimes it was about my parents rejecting me. Most of it I couldn't remember. I slept restlessly, tossing and turning most of the night. I just felt hot and uncomfortable.

  The next day went by at a snail's pace. My stomach was twisted with anxiety. I was set to go confront my adoptive parents tomorrow and I was riddled with nerves. Part of me wanted desperately to call it off. I was sure this “visit” would be painful. Not sleeping well only compounded the issue. I felt awful. I barely ate most of the day. When Gabriel got home, he immediately noticed something was wrong with me. I tried to play it off. Told him I was fine but he could tell by just looking at me that wasn't true.

  Gabriel basically forced me to lay down and rest. He started waiting on me, to my amusement. He would check on me and see if I wanted or needed anything, rushing off to retrieve any requested items. It was so sweet of him and I struggled to resist messing with him. In the end, I just let him take care of me. I was too tired and thankful to play a prank. Around dinner time, Gabriel brought me some soup and crackers. At this point I felt pretty hungry but my jumpy stomach had me feeling afraid to eat. I ate cautiously, enjoying the taste of the broth. I took a few crackers and broke them up and ate them out of the broth. I finished about half the soup before I set it aside.

  Gabriel tried to get me to push back the plans to see my parents but I was determined. I needed to know who my birth parents were. I needed to know how my adoptive parents could just cut me out like they did. I needed to get this over with. I was sure that once this was all over, I would feel better. Gabriel cuddled with me and I fell asleep early. I slept deeply, barely dreaming which was nice. I really needed a good nights sleep and actually got one.

  When I woke up the next morning, my stomach was still feeling off. I ate some toast and felt better. I took a shower and dried my hair. I wanted to look my best. I put on some light makeup, keeping my look as natural as possible. I put on my favorite pair of jeans and a simple blouse.

  When I saw Gabriel, I took a minute to appreciate how handsome he was. He had put on a button up, polo style shirt and some khaki slacks. I guessed he was nervous to meet my parents. That made two of us.

  We left around 9 am. Their house was only about 45 minutes away. When we pulled up to the house, I sat in the car and stared for a while. The house was more of a townhouse. It was attached to a row of others. It looked nice. It was brick on the bottom with white siding on the top. I was still sitting there trying to decide what to say. Gabriel took my hand and I turned and looked at him.

  “Are you ready?” He asked.

  “No, but I need to do this.” I answered. He helped me out of the car and we walked hand in hand to the door.

  “Here we go.” I said as I reached out and rang the door bell.

  Chapter 48

  Gabriel and I stood on the porch hand in hand. I rang the doorbell and waited. The silence was deafening. I stood there, my heart starting to race. I heard shuffling inside and my heart felt like it was in my throat. The door opened wide and my Dad was looking at Gabriel and I with a puzzled expression. He looked at me and then looked away. At first I didn't think he recognized me.

  His head darted back to me and I heard him gasp as he suddenly recognized me. I watched an array of emotions wash over his face. Shock and disbelief being the most evident.

  “C-C-Carrie!?” He stuttered. “Is it really you!?” He ran forward and hugged me and I hugged him back. I still had questions but at least he was happy to see me.

  “Diane! Diane! Oh, what am I saying!? Come in!” He basically dragged me and Gabriel inside. He ushered us into the living room.

  “Diane. Come here!” He shouted.

  “What is it, Travis?” I heard my mom yell.

  “Will you just come in here!” I was holding back my laughter at this point. I looked at Gabriel and I could tell he was amused too. My mom came walking in the room and looked at my Dad.

  “Travis! What is it!?” She said. She looked over to me and her eyes went wide with shock. She stared at me and I saw her go pale. She looked back at my Dad and then again at me.

  “Carrie!?” She said and she broke down into tears. “Carrie!?…….were...gone…”

  She gasped out each word in between sobs. I stood and went to my Mom, hugging her as she sobbed.

  “Oh, my baby. My baby.” She said, hugging me tightly. It felt good just being close to my Mom and having them so happy to see me. After a few moments, my Mom calmed down. He hugged me again before pulling away.

  “How are you here? The institute. They told me some animal had got in. They weren't sure how. You were missing and a nurse was killed. They insisted you must have been killed too. Oh, Carrie! I should never have let them put you in there. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me!” She started to sob anew.

  “Mom. It's okay. I understand why you put me there. What I don't understand is how you could desert me like you did.” I had intended to say something supportive but I couldn't help but address my grievance. She looked at me puzzled.

  “Desert you? We didn't desert you.” She said.

  “You stopped visiting me. You changed your number AND you moved.” I added.

  “Honey, is that what you think? The only reason we stopped visiting was because the Doctor told us to. They said you needed to rely on the program and we had to stop visiting for a while, to help. I thought they would have told you why. And then, yes, we moved and got new numbers but we updated our numbers with the institute.” She looked at me as if she was hurt but I had carried this hurt too long to just let it go so easily.

  “So they told you to desert me?” I said. My Mom narrowed her eyes.

  “No one deserted you, Carrie. I'm sorry if that place let you believe that. We knew you were getting out soon and we had a whole day planned after we came and got you but instead we got a call saying you were presumed dead and we got to plan your funeral instead. Don't say I deserted you! I won't stand for it!” She finished, bursting into tears once more. I stood there awkwardly. I wasn't sure what to say. My Mom calmed down and started to talk again.

  “I have some questions, too. Where have you been all this time? Why did it take so long for you to contact us? It's been nearly two months. And who is this man with you?” She finished. I felt like a fourteen year old who had just got caught sneaking out of the house. I shuffled my feet trying to figure out which question to answer first.

  “It's complicated. I didn't remember anything for a while. I don't really know what happened. I don't know how I got out of the institute. I think I waited a little after I remembered because I was afraid you'd send me back. And I didn't know if you even wanted me here.” I finished. My Mom looked at me disapprovingly.

  “And who is this? You didn't answer that question.” She said impatiently. I walked over and took Gabriel's hand.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Gabriel. My ma-..... Boyfriend.” I finished, catching myself.

  “It's nice to meet you both.” He said warmly. My parents looked at him but didn't say anything. Finally my Mother broke the silence.

  “Well, he's handsome.” My Mom said and I chuckled.

  “Mom, I need to ask you
about something.” I started. “I need to know if you have any information about my birth parents.” My Mom looked at me and pursed her lips.

  “I've told you before, it was a closed adoption. Why do you want to know anyways?” She added.

  “ I just wanted to know who they were. If I have any genes from them. Or anything inherited to worry about. I love you, Mom. I just want to know who my biological Mother and Father are.”

  “Diane, tell her.” My Dad said. My Mom looked at him.and frowned.

  “Travis! You promised. You promised you wouldn't do this.” She said sadly.

  “Diane, she deserves to know. She knows she's your daughter.” He said. She looked at me and her eyes were full of tears.

  “You're my baby! I was there for your first word. Your first step. I am the only one you've called Mama.” She cried.

  “Carrie, we adopted you were three months old. You've been ours ever since. You're my daughter. But biologically…”

  “Travis! Don't!” My mother screeched.

  “Dammit, Diane. She has to know. It won't make her any less your daughter!” He snapped at her. “Carrie, biologically, we are your Aunt and Uncle. Your birth Mother was my sister.” He finished. My mother sobbed harder and I felt the need to comfort her.

  “Mom. Please calm down. Even if I find my birth mother or whatever, you're always going to be my Mom.” I hugged her and she hugged me back but she didn't stop crying.

  “I don't want you to get hurt.” She said.

  “I'll be okay. What was my birth mother's name? Where is she?” I asked. My Mother looked at my Father and shook her head.

  “Carrie, your Mother passed when you were a baby. It was a car accident. We adopted you after she died. We had always wanted a baby but we were never able to have one. We don't know who your father is.” I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. My birth mother was dead and they had no information about my father. This wasn't the information I thought I was going to get. Gabriel walked up, taking my hand and squeezing it.


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