China Marine: Tsingtao Treasure

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China Marine: Tsingtao Treasure Page 34

by Buzz Harcus

  "I'm sorry, Osa," he whispered. "I know you don't like this place, the show, so if you want to leave, I'll understand."

  Osa sensed something was bothering him. Still clutching him, she pulled his head close, kissing him passionately. "No," she replied in a gasping breath, "I vant to be here vis you. I am learning, you vill see. Just like in der movie" - she whispered in his ear - "I vill make you happy, you vill see." Her tongue circled within his ear, teeth nipping lightly at his lobe. Then, gently, she trailed hot, wet kisses down his neck and chest toward his groin.

  "Hold it!" Harry gasped in a hoarse whisper, pulling her face back to his. "The lights are coming on; the movie's over."

  Hastily, as the closing credits rolled across the screen, the two lovers scrambled into their clothing. Osa buttoned her blouse, tucked it into her skirt, then pulled the skirt down and smoothed out the material. She snatched her bra and panties from the floor and quickly shoved the items into her purse. Next to her, Harry managed to get his pants pulled up, shirt tucked in, zipped up, and his belt buckled as the house lights came up to full intensity.

  Flushed, thoroughly aroused, the two sat back, glancing around, pretending nothing had happened in their booth just in case anyone might glance within, and hoped desperately for at least one more film and darkness.

  Osa squeezed Harry's hand. "I haf never felt dis vay before." she whispered, not releasing his hand. "I vant you so badly I ache."

  Harry kissed her. "I know what you mean I feel the same way. We gotta find a place, and quick!"

  "Another drink, sir?"

  It was their waiter staring down at them. Harry glanced at the table, at the empty glasses, the empty wine bottle, and the empty double scotches. The drinks must have evaporated somewhere along the way.

  "No," Harry said. "Is there another movie?"

  "Except for the fashion show, as the models are now busy with their guests, the two films will be repeated. There will be an additional charge. Do you wish to stay for a second showing?"

  "No!" Osa blurted, suddenly reaching over and jabbing her fingers into Harry's shirt pocket, extracting the card. "Ve take vun of dese rooms instead!" She thrust the card up at the waiter. "I tink my teacher has some tings he vants to teach me, some tings I vant to learn better."

  Harry extracted a fifty dollar bill from his wallet, thrusting it at the waiter. "And make sure there's plenty of booze in the room. I've got an anxious, eager student willing to learn."

  It was a night neither of them would ever forget, exploring, experimenting, enjoying each other totally uninhibited, no hang­ups, no remorse. From the moment they entered the room, kissing passionately, touching, caressing, tearing at each other's clothing, the action never ceased. Harry couldn't believe this wanton, man- hungry female was the same iceberg he'd tried to ditch. She was beautiful in her total nakedness, aggressive in her desire to please and be pleased and bringing him back to life time after time to continue her lessons.

  It was a happy, exhausted couple who finally emerged from the exotic, erotic Victorian hotel three hours later, not because they wanted to, but because they had to return to the ship by eleven p.m. curfew and he had the midnight watch.

  Hand in hand they walked through the streets of Shanghai, stopping occasionally for a tender kiss, a soft caress, two lovers who had suddenly found themselves and happiness. And a satisfied Harry Martin was certain his lover had definitely left her Victorian scruples behind.

  It was nearly eleven when they passed through the gate by the guard shack, waved through by the somber-faced, machinegun- toting guard. In the darkness behind the shack, Harry pulled Osa to him and kissed her, holding her tightly to him. She melted in his arms savoring the warmth and tenderness of his kiss.

  "Thank you, Harry," she whispered, not breaking free of his hold.

  "For what?" he whispered back, lightly kissing her neck. "Ummm, you smell good." He kissed her again.

  "For helping me realize dat I can enjoy sex. Dis is der first time I haf truly enjoyed sex. Even on my honeymoon I vas scared und it hurt. Now I feel alive. I know dat it sounds crazy, but I feel better about sex now, und I know I can truly satisfy a man." She kissed him, hugging him tightly. "Especially you. You haf fulfilled me. Tank you so much."

  Harry broke free adjusting the growing bulge in the front of his pants. "I think we better get on board ship. The guard will be over here in a minute wondering what's going on and I don't want to have to explain this bulge."

  She laughed, lightly patting his erection.

  Arm in arm they headed for the ship. On board, the watch commander checked them in. Then, boldly disregarding Captain Andress' off limits order, Harry escorted Osa back to her cabin.

  "Thank you for a vunderful night," she whispered as she stepped into her cabin. "Later I vill model my new clothes for you, just for you,"

  He laughed. Leaning forward, he kissed her. Her tongue brushed his lips, then thrust deeply into his mouth, a promise of things to come.

  Chapter 51


  How vas shore leave?" Mr. Helmstrund asked in a mildly inquisitive voice as Harry reported for duty on the bridge. "Vas it as good as ven you ver here before?"

  "Better," Harry replied, grinning as he poured a cup of coffee. "The best shore leave I've ever had in my life. Saw the sights of the city and tasted the passion of a beautiful woman. Great! Actually, nothing's really changed that much except the times and people, and the right people are changing."

  Sigmund laughed. "Next time I vill go ashore, on our next trip. Den I vill haf some extra money to shop around und, as you say, taste der city."

  "Let me know when you do. I'll supply the name of the place and the lady." Thoughts of Sunny and her promise of love came to his mind. She'd be a tiger in bed, probably more than Sigmund could handle. Who was the lucky guy that ended up with her, he wondered. He took a sip of coffee. Sunny, it would have been great.

  "Harry, you amaze me. You are vat I vould call der constant stud. Do you tink you vill ever get it out of your system?"

  "God, I hope not," Harry retorted. "Remember, older is better, and I'm getting a hell of a lot better."

  Sigmund roared at the response.

  "Did you happen to see Osa in town?" he asked wiping at his eyes, still chuckling. "She vent shopping by herself, vitch I tink vas dangerous, especially in Shanghai. Too many funny tings happen to foreigners in dis town."

  "I, uh, saw her in town, bought her a drink and dinner. Then she took off shopping and, uh, I caught up with her again just outside the gate, walked her back to the ship."

  "Dat voman. I vas just curious about vat she vould do in der city for so many hours by herself. None of der crew recall seeing her. It vas eleven ven you two came on board. I'm glad she valked back vis you."

  "I'm sure the guys had other ideas in mind than shopping," Harry chuckled. "I did." He looked beyond Sigmund toward the bow. "Has anybody made the rounds of the deck tonight?" he asked changing the subject. He didn't want Sigmund, or anyone, to even remotely consider a tie between him and Osa.

  "No. As long as ve are in port, Captain Andress vants periodic checks of der deck. He says dere are too many cuttroats roaming about. I suggest you should do it now before it gets too cold. It vas checked an hour ago on der last vatch, but ve should check it to be on der safe side."

  "Consider it done, sir," Harry retorted with false bravado, snapping off a smart salute. Humming to himself, he headed out and down to the main deck. He halted at the railing for a moment listening to the cacophony of sounds on the river, the bleating of horns as ships arrived or departed, their forms dark against the blazing lights of the city. He felt good. It had been one hell of a good night, finally. By walking the deck he'd be able to reminisce about the night with Osa. She had turned into a wanton tigress in bed, wanting to do everything, taking the initiative, wallowing in erotic sexual perversions he never thought her capable of. It was what he had hoped to find in Shanghai. That he found it in the
arms of Osa instead of Sunny was the most satisfying part of the night. Thoughts of her filled his mind as he savored every exciting aspect of their time together.

  He started walking, taking his time as he rounded the stern of the ship, his heels clicking hard on the steel deck. The frigid widow had really thawed out. He found himself grinning time and again at some of the things she did, things she said she'd never done before, but now enjoyed with him. She had surprised him; she was a passionate, sensitive lover.

  He stopped at the rail momentarily, the spot where he'd sent the

  Chink to eternity. The bastard. He felt no remorse for him, nor for the two thugs who had kidnapped them. The river had swallowed them just like the Chink. No, he wasn't a cold-blooded killer, he told himself, just a survivor.

  Stan had tipped his hand. He was in China, he was sure of that. There was no doubt that he had figured out how old Harry Martin had escaped from Saginaw, no doubt that he was following the progress of Nurad very carefully. Martin, he told himself, you'll have to be on guard every minute from now on.

  Heading toward the bow of the ship, his hand went to his duty belt but it wasn't there. He stopped. "Dammit! You ass!" he chastised himself. Captain Andress had been explicit about the duty officer and bridge watch personnel carrying arms at all times while in port. The Colt .45 automatic and belt were in the wheelhouse. Oh well, he'd be back in the warmth and safety of the wheelhouse shortly. It was cold on deck. The temperature was supposed to drop to -2°celsius. He had no intention of staying on deck any longer than necessary.

  At midship he stopped again looking across the sprawling city. Traffic was still moving along the Bund. A number of shops were still open, no doubt to serve the last of the sailors straggling back to their various home ships. Glancing over the side, he noted there were no sampan villages built around the ship.

  Moving on, he saw a large cargo ship had moved in ahead of them. A British flag waved from it's stern. Several sailors were looking back toward Nurad pointing at something. Harry hurried forward toward the bow. What could it be? Nothing seemed amiss. At the port bow, he glanced over the side. Still nothing. Leaning far out, he strained his eyes searching the darkness. His gaze followed the length of the huge hawser that tied Nurad to the dock bollard. His gaze was momentarily obstructed by a large rat guard disc that encompassed the hawser about mid-way between the ship and dock. He concentrated his attention on the rat guard. There appeared to be a figure huddled just in front of the rat guard. The figure didn't move.

  Harry moved several paces along the railing and looked again. There was definitely somebody holding onto the rat guard.

  "He's seen the little bastard," came a British voice. "He'll give 'em what for now!"

  A sudden movement to his left startled Harry. Turning, he instinctively ducked, receiving a glancing blow to the side of his head that bounced off his shoulder. Dropping, he rolled over on his back as a dark-clad figure charged at him. Harry quickly drew his legs back tightly and then thrust violently outwards catching the assailant in the stomach, throwing him backwards.

  Before the assailant could regain his feet, Harry was up and moving in for the attack. The figure lashed out with a Karate kick, but Harry countered, thrusting his arm upwards and outwards, knocking his assailant off balance. Savagely, Harry followed through with a crushing kick to the groin. The assailant screamed, falling to the deck, clutching at his crotch. Harry ignored the man's agony and pressed his attack, jerking the man to his feet and lifting him in one fluid motion over his head, then throwing him over the side of the ship bouncing him off the hawser. There were two distinct splashes as two bodies hit the cold, murky waters of the Huangpo River.

  Harry squatted low, listening, his heart pounding, adrenalin coursing through his veins. Gasping, he tried to control his breathing in order to hear. Were there other intruders on board? There was only continuing silence, his pounding heart and his heavy, labored breathing.

  After a couple of minutes, he glanced over the railing. Whoever they were, they were long gone. He raced the length of the deck and up the ladder two at a time to the bridge. At his report, Sigmund immediately stepped to the control panel and punched two switches. The ship was suddenly bathed in light from stem to stern, coming alive like a small city. Picking up the phone, Sigmund reported the incident to Captain Andress. Hanging up, he ordered Harry below to roust two crewmen to duty on deck watch.

  "Und make sure dey are armed!" Sigmund added as he saw Harry strapping on his .45, making sure there was a full clip in the butt. Harry acknowledged with a wave of his hand and headed below passing Captain Andress on his way, taking a moment to relate the order to get men for a deck watch. He grinned after bidding adieu; if the skipper only knew, but then, what he doesn't know about his niece, the better.

  After rousting two crewmen, both slightly hung over from shore leave, and both unhappy at being ordered on deck in the middle of the night, Harry returned to the bridge. Captain Andress curtly reminded him of his standing order to wear a sidearm while on duty in port. Harry apologized only to be met with a hearty slap on his shoulder for rebuffing the boarders.

  "It reminds me of der old days, Harry," the captain said somewhat gleefully. "Many der times I haf trown der heathen scum overboard or hosed dem down mit a firehose." He laughed heartily. "I tought Chairman Mao had changed dis nation about. I guess times change but not der people. Yah, dere's no telling vat dose cuttroats might haf done. It is a good ting you ver alert, Harry." He turned to Mr. Helmstrund. "Carry on. If you need me, give me a call." With that, he left the bridge.

  The rest of the watch proved uneventful. Harry found consolation in recalling intimate moments shared with Osa. It surprised him that Sigmund didn't ask any further questions about his night in town. Just as well, he thought; he'd just end up feeding the Second a bunch of bullshit.

  Captain Andress arrived back in the wheelhouse before the end of their watch surprising them. Both were enjoying a cup of coffee. "I couldn't sleep," the captain said in response to their unasked question. "Anyting new to report?"

  "No sir," Sigmund replied. "Der rest of der vatch has been visout incident."

  "Good." Captain Andress glanced out the windows along the lighted deck. "I vant you two to stay here. I feel uneasy for some reason." Harry glanced at Sigmund, who shrugged as if to say, he's the captain; he gives the orders.

  Before long daybreak slowly crept across the mottled skyline followed shortly after by a fiery, red-orange sun that rose almost imperceptibly through the morning haze. It's slanting rays reflected off the dirty, grimy windows of hundreds of buildings as it climbed higher over the city, washing across frosted ships, dock buildings and early morning traffic.

  Shanghai slowly came to life. Birds flitted across the docks while seagulls dove near the ships seeking tasty morsels adrift on the surface of the muddy waters. The pungent aroma of burning wood and cooking wafted through the chill morning air.

  Sampan traffic picked up along the river. Harry marveled at the ease with which the pilots gracefully sculled the fragile craft along. Most had the traditional eyes carved in the bow of the craft helping the sailor to find his way. A black military police boat chugged along belching black diesel fumes from its stack leaving a foul-smelling trail of smoke behind. The police sat boldly erect, sharply attired in brown uniforms with bold red epaulets, fur caps squared, red star emblazoned on the fronts.

  Captain Andress poured a cup of coffee as he joined them. Although jovial, he was short on conversation tending to move about, peering out the windows, first forward, then aft. The river was bustling with activity with ships unloading and loading, two ships were being warped around ready to head out to sea while other ships were readied for their newly vacated berths.

  "Are ve ready to sail?" Captain Andress asked.

  "Aye, sir," Sigmund replied smartly. "All cargo hatches are secured und der ship ready to sail."

  "Good. Ve depart at 0900 hours. Haf all vork details ready by 08:30 h

  "Aye, aye, Captain," Sigmund replied, grabbing the P.A. mike, curtly announcing the departure time throughout the ship.

  "Harry, it's a good ting you caught dose two heathen last night," Captain Andress said, pouring another cup of coffee. "Der captain of der British ship ahead of us reported dey ver docked here a couple of months ago und ver boarded by thieving cuttroats der first night. A crewman vas stabbed. Dey had to leave him behind to recuperate. He just re-joined der ship yesterday. You're qvick action last night probably saved us a lot of grief."

  Picking up his coffee cup, the captain moved around the wheelhouse busying himself with checking dials, the radar, stopping at the chart table to check the current chart in use, and moving on to other minute details that only he could check to his satisfaction. He was humming as he moved about.

  The next watch entered the wheelhouse. Harry passed along his .45 to the next helmsman. Sigmund passed along standing orders and then he and Harry stood back waiting for the captain to decide what to do with them.

  "Oh," Captain Andress said at seeing the two waiting. "Breakfast is ready. Osa seems particularly cheerful today. Radiant. You are both relieved from duty."

  Harry couldn't help but think the last remark was for his benefit. He let it slide as they stepped out into the chill morning air. A light layer of frost had enveloped the ship. Carefully, the two made their way down the ladder from the bridge to the main deck. Stopping at the railing, they looked forward along the dock. Already a gang of rag-tag stevedores was busily engaged in unloading the British ship. Below the dockworkers were already standing by ready to assist in the departure of Nurad.

  "Look at dat crazy vun down dere pointing up at us," Sigmund called, gesturing toward one of the laborers standing to one side excitedly pointing up at them. "He is pointing right at us. Vat do ve do, trow money or vave at him?"

  Harry leaned forward to see who Sigmund was indicating. As he did, he felt a momentary tug at the neck of his jacket. Almost immediately after, he heard the crack of a rifle. Both dropped to the deck instantly crouching behind the railing. Harry looked at Sigmund. "You okay?" he asked. Sigmund nodded yes, but his eyes were as big as saucers as he stared at Harry's collar. Instinctively, Harry grabbed for his neck. No blood. As he ran his fingers around his neck again, his little finger caught in a hole in his jacket collar. Whipping off the jacket, Harry whistled; a hole the size of his little finger was punched neatly through it.


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