China Marine: Tsingtao Treasure

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China Marine: Tsingtao Treasure Page 35

by Buzz Harcus

  "If you had been standing erect instead of leaning over, you vould haf been shot right trough der neck," Sigmund gulped. He put his finger in the hole. "Right trough der neck!"

  "That was close," Harry said with a sigh of relief. "Probably one of the guys from last night still holding a grudge."

  "Lucky," Sigmund retorted with a shake of his head.

  Harry burst into laughter. "On the other hand, it might be one of my bastard children from my last visit to Shanghai saying 'Hi' to their old man!" His laughter broke the tension and they sat on the deck laughing like a couple of kids.

  More crewmembers appeared responding to the shot, wondering why the Second Officer and Harry were sitting on the deck laughing so insanely.

  "Vot happened?" Captain Andress called from the bridge. "Is somesing wrong?"

  "Everyting is okay," Sigmund answered. "Just a vild shot dat missed Harry. Everyting is okay."

  Turning to the crewmembers, Sigmund said, " Please go about your business und prepare for our departure. Ve vill be sailing soon." As he spoke, both he and Harry got to their feet then started walking along the deck.

  "You are lucky. If you had been hit und not killed, ve vould haf to leave you behind in a hospital to recover. Ve don't haf der facilities on board to care for any badly vounded person."

  Harry nodded. There was no doubt that the bullet had been intended for him. In a hospital, Stan could get at him much as he got to Joe. Martin, he told himself, you're one damned lucky fella.

  Osa's eyes sparkled with a new warmth when she saw Harry enter the galley. Quickly she straightened her outfit, smoothed down her apron, even patted several seemingly displaced hairs back in place.

  "Good morning, Harry, Sigmund, how are you today?" she asked, but her question and attention was directed more toward Harry. "Did you haf a good vatch last night?"

  "Good. No problems," Harry replied nonchalantly, watching as she took it upon herself to personally serve them, noting, too, the extra helping she gave him.

  "He is modest," Sigmund said, holding up his plate for a dab more, figuring his plate should be as filled as Harry's. "You should haf seen him in action —"

  "I vould like dat -" she interjected, winking at Harry. He felt himself flush.

  "He beat off some boarders single-handed last night und den dis morning dey shot at him, right trough der collar!" He shoved a finger through the hole in Harry's collar. "See. Harry is lucky to be alive."

  Osa gasped, dropped her serving spoon, and rushed around the counter to examine the bullet hole. "Oh, Harry, you should be more careful. I, uh, ve don't vant anyting to happen to you." She looked at the bullet hole, and then pulled his collar down to examine his neck. "You are okay, yah?"

  "Yeah. Okay." He hated anyone fussing over him. "I'm okay, really." He picked up his tray and hurried away toward one of the far tables.

  "Jus der same, you be careful," Osa called after him as she returned behind the counter.

  "Women," Harry scoffed with a shake of his head as Sigmund joined him. "Fuss, fuss, fuss."

  "Yah, but she is concerned about you," Sigmund retorted as he sat down. "I noticed her reaction ven she heard about you. She is concerned. You know vat, Harry? I tink she likes you."

  Harry gave him a dour look. Sigmund smiled. They ate in silence. Several times Harry caught Osa looking in his direction out of the corner of his eye. When their eyes met he felt his heart skip a beat.

  Returning to the main deck the two found the ship bustling with activity in preparation for departure. Small, ancient tugboats belching puffs of black smoke into the air had already moved into position to warp the huge ship around in the river to head downstream, outbound.

  Sigmund took command of the forward deck crew, following the captains orders to cast off and retrieve their bowline hawsers. At the stern, the process was repeated. A Chinese pilot stood next to Captain Andress on the bridge wing calling out commands to the dockhands and to the crews of the chugging, puffing tugboats.

  Slowly Nurad was turned about in the river, its whistle blowing

  huge plumes of white smoke into the chill morning air. The ka- thunk, ka-thunk of the engine turning the huge screws and the noisy screeching of the tugboats all but drowned out verbal commands. Harry could sense Nurad beginning to move of its own accord, the powerful screws cutting deeply into the brackish water, churning up an oily brown slick that trailed after them.

  The sun climbed ever higher in the sky. Harry could feel its warmth as he stood on deck looking back at Shanghai. He pulled his collar high and jammed his gloveless hands into his jacket pockets. He was startled when he felt an arm slip through his. Turning, he saw it was Osa. He smiled at her. Casually he glanced about to see if anyone was looking at them. They were alone. Osa slid her hand inside his pocket entwining her fingers with his.

  "I vill alvays remember Shanghai, und cherish der moments ve spent togedder," she whispered, squeezing his fingers.

  Harry squeezed back. "Me too."

  Slowly Shanghai fell astern, loosing itself in the twisting curves of the Yangtze River as Nurad moved downstream toward a stormy East China Sea.

  Chapter 52


  Physically exhausted from the night's tour of duty and his near encounter with destiny, Harry sought the solitude of his cabin, the comfort of his bunk, and the peace that sleep would bring. Thoughts of Osa brought a smile to his face; one terrific lady.

  He slept undisturbed, a child again, rocking in the arms of his mother in the old black walnut rocking chair in their parlor. He always felt secure when she held him in her arms and rocked him to sleep. The gentle rocking motion began to intensify. He looked wonderingly up into his mother's eyes as to why she was rocking him so hard, holding him so tightly that he struggled to breath. Stan was grinning back at him, a vicious grin. His arms tightened around Harry as though he were trying to squeeze the very life out of him. Harry started struggling, twisting, pushing, trying to get away, trying to stop the rocking. He had to escape.

  Suddenly, sitting up, perspiration running down his face, gasping, he looked about, now groggily aware of his surroundings, safe in his own bunk. It had been a bad dream. He peered out the porthole. Wind-whipped whitecaps swept across dark greenish seas. Huge swells rolled the ship. Rain lashed across the porthole. Yet, in the distance he could see a faint glimmer of sunlight. They'd be out of the storm soon. But, and he gave a sudden shudder, Stan was still somewhere ahead.

  Glancing at his clock he saw it was 15:30 hours. He'd slept the day away. His duty watch having been re-established beginning at 0400 hours the next morning, the rest had been welcome - except for the nightmarish dream. He shook his head to clear the cobwebs, still chilled by the thought of being at the mercy of Stan. Where

  and when would he strike next?

  Dropping lightly to the deck, he stretched, rotated his shoulders and winced at the pain in his right shoulder where the boarder had struck him. He swung his right arm around several times. He'd work it out. Over the next fifteen minutes he moved through a series of exercises, leg stretches, arm rotations, sit-ups, push-ups, and capping off skipping rope in place 400 times, working up a good sweat. "There -" he gasped when he stopped. "Now for a hot shower and shave, then topside to see what's happening."

  He reached into the shower and turned on the faucets, adjusting the settings to his satisfaction: hot and steamy. Then, kicking off his shorts, he stepped inside. Jumbled thoughts raced through his mind, that bastard, Stan, was aware of where he was, and most likely that they were headed for Tsingtao.

  A grin broke across his face. Last night in Shanghai was indescribable, just the happenstance of bumping into Osa - as though it was meant to be - then being kidnapped, breaking free, dinner and dancing at the hotel, the movies and wine, and ending up in the arms of a definitely wanton blonde.

  His body lathered in soap, Harry began singing loudly at the top of his lungs - "Eh, Figaro! Figaro! Figaro!" A draft of cool air swept t
hrough the stall, an almost imperceptible draft that Harry failed to notice.

  Suddenly, the plastic curtain was yanked back. Harry jerked around, glowering, only to gasp with delight as Osa stepped into the shower wearing only a big grin. Letting loose with a roar of laughter, he pulled her close to him under the steamy spray planting a warm, wet kiss on her soft, yielding lips. Between fervent kisses they explored one another ending with her legs wrapped around his waist as he pummeled her against the shower wall. The stinging spray cleansed them as they continued sharing soft caresses and lingering kisses of the afterglow.

  Begrudgingly, Harry finally turned off the faucets. She stood before him beaming, a look of satisfaction on her face. Water traced down her smooth body in twisting rivulets. "Vas dat good?" she asked happily, the eager, apt student.

  "Terrific. You get an 'A' for that one," he replied. "Just magnificent! Where did you learn the legs around the waist bit?"

  "From der second movie," she replied softly, wearing a devilish grin. "It vas ven der young bride-to-be made love under der vaterfall. Remember?"

  Roaring with laughter, Harry threw his arms around his eager lover hugging her tightly, kissing her. "You really got a lot out of that film. You're the greatest. You really are."

  Grabbing a couple of towels, they began drying each other off, laughing, kissing, fondling.

  "Now if you'll excuse me," he said. "I have to shave to please a certain lady in my life." She stepped aside, taking a moment to wrap the towel around herself. Standing to one side, she watched as he applied lather, and then drew the sharp razor across his face and neck in long upward and downward strokes.

  "Feel," he said sliding her fingertips across his smooth-shaven face.

  "Ummm, dat is nice," she replied kissing him lightly on his cheek. He grabbed up a bottle of aftershave and splashed it on his face, hairy chest and around his groin. "Now how do I look?" he asked facing her.

  "Very handsome," she replied allowing her towel to slide down her body as she moved to him, pressing her nakedness tightly to him, breasts mashed against his hairy chest. Her arms encircled his waist. "Uhmmm, I tink I am ready again," she whispered. "I luf der smell of you, so nice und clean. I vish ve could stay here all night und make luf."

  Harry kissed her. "Me, too. But it's getting late. You're due up in the galley soon so we better get dressed. It'd be a little hard to explain your being here like this if they sent a search party looking for you. This time you're uncle would probably have us both thrown overboard." Just the thought of Captain Andress barging in the door sent a chill through him.

  "You don't vant me?" she teased, her lower lip jutting out poutingly. "You say go but someting else says different," she said letting her hand encompass his growing erection.

  "You know I want you," Harry replied, yet wondering if there was time to enjoy one more moment with her, his thinking dictated more by the growing hardness of his penis under her gentle touch, than any rational thinking. Yet, he knew she was due in the galley and her uncle would be looking to see her there.

  "Veil, if you don't vant me, I vill leave!" she said as he pried her fingers away. "Poop on you!" With mock indignation, she wheeled about starting to leave the bathroom. Harry caught her with a sharp whack on her buttocks with his bare hand. "Oh!" she yelped jumping forward.

  "Shhh -" he cautioned putting his finger to his lips. "That's for being a smart ass, and be quiet. People do walk by this cabin. We don't want any uninvited guests."

  Rubbing her fanny, she snubbed her nose at him and proceeded to dress. Knowing he was watching, she deliberately took her time, stepping into her panties and drawing them sensuously up her slender legs until they encompassed her full, firm buttocks. Then, in the same manner, she donned her brassiere, bent forward and let each tantalizing globe settle into it's respective cup before straightening up, pulling the straps over her shoulders. Lastly, she stepped into a bold yellow jumpsuit and zipped up.

  Turning to him with a seductive smile, she asked, "Did you enjoy der show? Vas it as good as der girls on stage last night?"

  "Better. You're much better."

  "I vish ve could re-live last night," she sighed as she slipped into her shoes. "I vould do tings even better for you. Really! I haf given a lot of tought to it. You vould be surprised." She beamed. "You vill be surprised next time."

  "I'm already surprised. That was a unique shower."

  She burst into laughter. Inside she felt good; she had pleased him. At the moment her whole being seemed to center around pleasing this man, the man who had forced his will on her, had dominated her, had made her face up to the stark reality of her life, and that love, no, sex. could be enjoyable.

  "By the way, how the hell did you get into my cabin?"

  "You didn't lock der door."

  "Yes I did. I know I did. I'm sure of it."

  She let out a girlish giggle, and then extracted a key from her pocket. "I got Peter's key from my uncle's key locker. See." She held it out before him, and then saucily dropped it back in her pocket. "For next time —"

  Suddenly she cut loose with a screech. "My hair!" She had caught a glimpse of herself in the wall mirror. "Oh, no," she moaned. "I look awful. I vil haf to dryblow it. It is still vet. I must go now und take care of my hair." She gave him a quick peck on his cheek. "I see you at dinner, yah?"

  "Yah." he answered as she let herself out. "Damn!" he grinned happily. "She is really one hell of a woman, one hell of a woman!"

  Chapter 53


  Osa was behind the serving line dishing out food to noisy, hungry crewmembers when Harry entered the galley. Picking up a tray and utensils, he moved through the line. He noticed her lush blonde hair was pulled back and tied with a white bow. Most likely, she didn't have time to fuss with it as she had wanted. Her warm blue eyes were enhanced with a touch of eye shadow, her lips a soft shade of red. An apron hid the freshly pressed outfit she was wearing.

  Her eyes took on a special sparkle as she looked up to see Harry before her. She winked as he stopped momentarily before her, dishing up a healthy serving of food. He winked back, and then blew her a kiss. Surprised, flustered, she quickly looked about to see if anyone had noticed, then gave him a dirty look.

  Grinning, Harry moved along filling his tray. He selected a table in the far corner of the galley where he could think, not of Osa, but of Tsingtao. The port was only two days away. As he pecked at his food, he strived to recall every minute detail about Tsingtao that he could dredge up from the recesses of his memory. Thirty years was a long time between visits; there were probably a million changes in the old town.

  Closing his eyes, he forced himself to recall old familiar ground: the dock area, the old Japanese Compound with it's high wall around it, the rough stone road that went under the railroad bridge then curved around to the right leading into the main part of town. The main drag. Yeah, the Enlisted Men's Club with its famous mural on the back wall, Gizmo's Nightclub on Chu Fu Road, Wang's Cafe and the Tivoli Restaurant, even the old Welcome U.S. Allies Whorehouse. A smile crossed his face. No wonder his battalion had the highest VD rate.

  Concentrating harder, he recalled the road past the Corporal's Club, then how it wound on up to the Marine Corps Compound, now the University. With eyes still closed, he retraced the routes several times trying to recall every minute detail, irritated that he couldn't remember everything. There was the park where the Chinese practiced their intriguing Tai Chai routine every day, and there was the YMCA and, beyond it, another road that led up to the compound. Yet, he had forgotten the simple route across town, a route he had traveled every workday for over two years. What was missing?

  "Is der food not good tonight?"

  "Huh? What?" Harry's eyes blinked open, startled from his deep concentration. Looking up he saw Osa's concerned face. "No. No. I was just thinking about some things I have to tend to. Personal. That's all."

  "But you've hardly touched your food," she scolded. "I had p
repared it especially for you."

  "It's great." He looked at his hardly touched plate and took a big fork full of mashed potatoes, chewing hurriedly under her scrutiny, then wolfed down a second fork full. "Great. It's really great." And a bite of meatloaf disappeared into his mouth. "I'd personally like to thank the cook. Do you think that might be arranged?" He deliberately leered at her.

  Osa giggled. Why did she feel so feminine around him, like a silly schoolgirl? She'd never felt this way around Rudy, not in all the years they shared the same bed, not even during their courtship. What was so different about this man? Whatever it was, she knew he was on her mind constantly. Again and again she had recalled the pleasures shared in Shanghai, even this afternoon. It was sinful, such thoughts, but so enjoyable, especially knowing it would happen again.

  "Vill you be in your cabin later?" she whispered.

  "Yeah. For a couple of hours. I've got some work to do but you'd be a very pleasant interruption."

  "Shhh," she hissed, looking about. Satisfied that no one heard them, she added, "After I clean up der kitchen, I vill be down to collect my tip." With that, and a saucy flip of her head, she turned and walked away.

  Harry watched after her, at the swing of her hips under the uniform as she moved through the galley. Nice. Now, where was I? he asked himself. Oh yes, Tsingtao.

  It was only a short time later that he had his jacket and seabag spread out on Peters old bunk and was painstakingly examining each item for the umpteenth time to make sure each pocket was sewn properly, each Velcro seal would seal properly to ensure the packets of money stayed tightly inside.


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