Blood Laws
Page 6
“She’s a fledgling, therefore a future Hydraian. You know the rules, Wakefield.”
Sometimes Issac really hated the man he called brother. “I’m not asking, Lucian.” He dialed Mateo who picked up on the first ring.
In lieu of a greeting, Issac got straight to the point. “I need you to break into the CRF’s database and get whatever information you can on Astasiya’s medical exam.”
“When I do this, they’ll know I exist.” It wasn’t a warning so much as a statement. Mateo knew Issac was keeping him a secret for a reason, otherwise he would have asked him to hack into the CRF years ago.
Mateo was his trump card, the only being in existence with the technical wherewithal to hack anything. He could attack from inside their system. But the woman dying before him could attack from a much more vulnerable place. It was a revenge befitting of the crime committed against him six years ago, but to succeed he needed her alive.
“I’m aware of the risk.”
“Of course, Sire.”
He told him where to send the data and hung up just as his health care professionals arrived. Jacque went to retrieve them, leaving Issac alone with Lucian. His oldest friend gave him a hard, assessing stare. Those emerald eyes told him exactly how he felt about the situation. As the Hydraian King, he wasn’t used to being disobeyed. Let alone ordered around.
“You and I are going to have a very long conversation once this is over.” There was no room for argument in Lucian’s tone.
“Save her first.”
A violent shiver wracked Astasiya, drawing attention to her rising fever. The damp washcloth he placed on her forehead before everyone else arrived wasn’t doing anything. His doctors rushed over to assess her, forgoing the pleasantries and hellos. Good.
“I’m going to need a few things.” Lucian listed them for Jacque. “And bring back Alik. Every moment I spend in this city is a risk to my life.” A sharp glance at Issac, reminding him what he was asking of him. New York City wasn’t safe for Hydraians, let alone their king. “I need B and Jay too.”
“On it.” The teleporter disappeared, something his researchers failed to notice as they were too engrossed in tending to Astasiya. She was in his room, not one of the guest rooms, something he only now realized. A decision he made without thought. He usually entertained women elsewhere, keeping his bedroom private. Not that he would be enjoying her company anytime soon. She had to wake up first.
“You owe me big time.” Lucian told him while scribbling something down on a notebook one of the researchers handed him.
On the contrary, Issac thought, once you realize how powerful she is, you will owe me. Assuming she survives.
Helpful Hydraians
His condo was overrun with Hydraians. Two of them were admiring his bedroom’s view of the Hudson River, one was lounging in a chair across the room, and their leader was standing at Astasiya’s bedside fiddling with the machines. If Osiris ever found out, Issac was a dead man.
There were three blood laws his kind was required to follow. He was breaking two of them by not killing Astasiya and allowing Hydraians to consort in his condo. They were archaic bylaws established centuries ago after Ichorians realized their offspring presented a threat. It created a war that ended when the Elders and Conclave came to an understanding. Their accord included making New York City the Ichorian capital. Hydraians were not welcome within the city limits.
“Start talking, Wakefield.” Lucian folded his thick arms across his chest, hiding the band logo on his black shirt. He paired the monstrosity with jeans and sandals. The others were dressed in a similar fashion, having come straight from Hydria to New York via their teleporter.
Despite the lethal powers radiating from the men at the windows and the intelligence in Lucian’s green gaze, it was the mind reader in the chair that concerned him the most. Balthazar was unapologetic when it came to using his gifts on others. The twinkle in his dark brown eyes told Issac he was reading his thoughts right now.
He sent him a mental salute. Fuck you.
“Anytime, Wakefield.” He mouthed pun intended with a wink. Somber moments be damned, the man was always thinking with his dick, and he didn’t discriminate when it came to sex partners. Male or female, he was interested, though he had a preference for women.
Never going to happen. The mind reader wasn’t used to hearing the words not interested. Something about his licentious grin made all the women swoon. Men, too. Pair that with his well-earned twelve pack, broad shoulders, and the thousands of years of experience under his belt, he was dubbed irresistible by most. But he never tempted Issac. He preferred female conquests who were naturally blonde. Like the woman in his bed.
Lucian cocked an eyebrow. “Explain.”
Right. Procrastinating this discussion was pointless. The doctors were busy preparing the anecdote while the machines kept her alive. She looked so fragile and small in his bed. He had the strangest urge to lie beside her and whisper assurances in her ear while holding her hand. It was not his usual inclination when seeing a woman in his bed. He rubbed his hand over his face. Better get on with it, then.
“Her name is Astasiya Davenport. We met the morning of Angelton’s murder.” He relayed the story of their fateful introduction. Several eyebrows rose at the mention of his gift not working on her. “So Mateo pulled some records on her. She was adopted at age seven by a couple who live in Havre, Montana. Someone went to great lengths to cover up her life before that moment. She moved to the city for school when she was eighteen, which is when she befriended the young Watkins and later the Fitzgeralds.”
Jayson and Alik turned from their perches by the window at the mention of the infamous names. As Elders, they were considered to be the most powerful of their race, which was why they were here. Allowing their king to visit the most dangerous city in the world for Hydraians went against the grain, but their lifelong friendship with Issac circumvented the rules. He loved these men like brothers and the feeling was mutual.
“So she knows Jonathan.” Lucian scratched his jaw. “Which can only mean one thing. You’re using the girl to get vengeance for Amelia.”
“I am.” The words tasted bitter in his mouth. She’s dying because of you. His conscience had decided to make an appearance a few hours ago. The damn nag wouldn’t go away no matter how hard he tried. If he didn’t know better, he would say he felt guilty for getting Astasiya into this mess. All he wanted was to pique Jonathan’s interest. He didn’t expect the lunatic to try to kill her.
“But she’s a fledgling,” Lucian added.
“Yes.” This was the part of the conversation he was dreading. Fledglings were rare and one as powerful as Astasiya was even rarer. “In addition to being resistant to psychic gifts, she has a persuasive talent.”
Jayson frowned. “Meaning what? She can coax people into doing things?”
“Not coax. Command. Like Osiris.” Stunned silence met his words. Osiris was the most powerful Ichorian in existence. Suggesting her gift rivaled the notorious immortal’s spoke volumes about her potential. She would be unstoppable after her rebirth.
“You’re telling me, that as a fledgling, she has the power to command?” The Hydraian King was doubtful.
“I observed her use persuasion twice in casual conversation. It was natural and effective.” And sexy as hell. He listened for her heartbeat, needing to reassure himself she was still alive. It was weak, but steady, the machines were doing their job. She was only a few feet away on the bed. That urge to lie beside her overcame him again, but he pushed it down. Now wasn’t the time to show weakness. Not when he needed to negotiate.
“You’re soft on her.” Balthazar noted in an unhelpful manner. “I mean, I can see why. Even half dead she’s gorgeous, but it’s not like you to delve deeper than the surface, Wakefield. She must be phenomenal in bed.” Issac tried not to think about it, but the smile that slipped over those too perfect
lips told him his thoughts came over loud and clear. The bastard let out a low whistle. “Wow. He hasn’t fucked her yet. No wonder he wants her to live so badly.” At Lucian’s cocked eyebrow, the mind reader waved a hand. “Yeah, sorry, carry on.”
“Tell me more about her relationship with the Fitzgeralds and why you think she can be used against Jonathan.” The Hydraian King leaned against the wall with his legs crossed at the ankles and hands in his pockets.
Issac relayed what he knew. It wasn’t much, but enough to explain how the girl could be useful. “We all want revenge, and I think she could be the key.”
Jayson twirled a knife between his blunt fingers. He was as muscular as Lucian, but with dark features that rivaled Balthazar. “Can’t we just kill the son of a bitch and get it over with?”
“Don’t look at me.” Alik was the shortest of the group at just six feet tall and also the quietest. His dark eyes didn’t turn from the window as he continued speaking. “My vote was to slaughter him six years ago when he left Eli’s head on that godforsaken table with Amelia’s ashes. Talk to the king. He’s the one who said it was better to wait.”
Lucian rolled his eyes at the jibe. The Elders and Issac were among the few who could harass the man about his regal title. No one else would dare. “From what you’ve told me, she’s not going to be easily swayed to our cause. Which also means she’s not going to be quick to join us in Hydria either.”
“She needs a slow introduction to our world. It’s the only way to build trust, especially after this.” Issac took in the fragile woman in his bed. There was a fight going on behind her eyes he wished he could see, but her resistance to his gifts made that impossible. “I’m up for the challenge.”
“I’m sure you are.” Another unhelpful comment from the mind reader in the corner.
Lucian pushed off the wall. “You realize trusting an Ichorian to mentor and groom what could be the most powerful Hydraian in existence goes against the grain, yes?”
He snorted. “Don’t be an ass.” He might not be a Hydraian by blood, but he was a respected member of their society. They trusted him and for good reason. “Do you remember that time you asked me to trust Eli not to accidentally kill my only sister?”
His blond brows rose. “You mean the one who also happened to be my sister?”
“Not the point.”
“Entirely the point.”
“Whatever. Don’t be a dick. You know I’m more than capable of mentoring her.”
“Because you did such a fantastic job mentoring Tristan.”
He had to go there. “Tristan has no place in this conversation.” His progeny needed some work, but he wasn’t that bad. “My gift for controlling vision might not work on her, but it works on everyone else. I’ll keep her hidden, introduce her to our world at the right pace, and convince her to help our cause.”
“That’s a hefty task for the CEO of a billion dollar enterprise.” This from the corner again. “I would be better suited for the job. My slate is clean and you know she won’t be able to resist this face.”
Not after I disassemble it. “No.” He wouldn’t even let Lucian consider the mind reader as an option. “Absolutely not. He doesn’t go anywhere near her.”
“Worried about your competition, Wakefield?” Balthazar’s taunt made his hands curl into fists. Punching him wasn’t an option because the man would consider violence to be foreplay.
“I’m worried you’ll be too busy seducing her to teach her anything.” There, that was a fair argument.
“On the contrary, I could teach her all sorts of things.” The deep tenor of his voice implied what he intended to show the blonde. My blonde. If anyone would be giving Astasiya a tutorial around the bedroom, it would be him. Not Balthazar. “This territorial thing you’ve got going on is cute.”
It was a pity the man needed to be conscious. One psychic punch was all it would take to black out the bastard’s sight and leave him curled in the fetal position on the floor. Issac’s ability to manipulate visual perception wasn’t meant to be fucked with, something the bastard in the corner knew firsthand.
The mind reader blew him a kiss and waggled his dark eyebrows before looking at the man in charge. “I vote we leave her with Wakefield, Luc. There’s more going on in that head of his than he’s admitting out loud, or even to himself.”
“There’s a few details we haven’t discussed yet.” Lucian’s biceps bulged as he combed his fingers through his blond hair and then down his face. “You met her at Owen’s apartment, which means two things. First, you kept her existence from me on purpose until now. And second, she knew Owen. Who else knows about her?”
This was going to start an argument. “Aidan, Clara, and Anya know, but only because I needed backup for …” His voice trailed off as Astasiya’s heartbeat changed. It was a reassuring rhythm in the back of his mind, until it wasn’t. He knelt by the bed and wrapped his fingers around her wrist. The weakness he felt there was not comforting. Alarms sounded from the machines, making his stomach lurch. Don’t do this to me, Astasiya.
Balthazar joined him, going into doctor mode. “Move, Wakefield.” His medical degree and experience was his purpose for being here. Despite the man’s irritating habits, Issac trusted him when it came to matters of life and death.
“Save her.” There was no room for negotiation here. She would live. He demanded it.
He stood on wooden legs, getting out of the way. You can’t help her. The words bounced around his skull, making him wince. The Nizari poison killed fledglings. No rebirth. No future as a Hydraian. Nothing. Her death would be permanent.
The ache in his chest reminded him of the day he found Amelia’s ashes. An inane reaction to a woman he met less than two weeks ago. Humans died every day. Their relationship was young at best. He knew little about her aside from the research. Her resilience was a turn on, and their brief kiss foreshadowed a passion well worth the seductive effort.
“That’s not good enough.” Lucian was on the phone. “No. She’s not going to make it. Bring what you have and we’ll improvise.” He hung up and joined Balthazar’s efforts to resuscitate Astasiya. She wasn’t breathing.
Issac collapsed in the corner chair in the sitting area of his room. It was still warm from the mind reader, but he didn’t care. He dropped his head into his hands and listened to her waning pulse. This is your fault, his subconscious reminded him. He made decisions every day that impacted the lives of others, but this was the first one that bothered him. She was a means to an end. They could have fun for a few years, but her future was with the other men in this room, not him.
A hard thud brought his head up. Electricity flowed through room as everyone waited to see how her heart responded to the paddles Balthazar just applied to her chest. It was too silent. His Ichorian ears picked up on the tiniest thump followed by another. Her heartbeat. The rhythm wasn’t what he wanted, but at least it was active.
“It’s only temporary.” Balthazar fell into his doctor voice, the one void of teasing and seduction. Medicine was one of the few things the mind reader took seriously. “I’m honestly surprised she’s still alive. Most fledglings die within one or two hours and she was injected almost twelve hours ago.”“She’s resilient,” Lucian said, frowning. “Do you think Owen knew about her?”
“Yes.” Issac didn’t try to stand. His limbs were locked in place as he focused all his energy on her pulse. Such a sweet sound. “Their phone records suggest they’ve been friends for almost seven years. No way he was around her that long and didn’t notice what she could do.”
“So he knew her for as long as he lived in the city?” Jayson whistled low and shook his head. “That’s incriminating.”
“It is indeed.” Lucian checked something on the machine and gave Issac a nod. “You already know my answer, Wakefield. I’m trusting you to protect what’s mine, assuming she lives.”
He didn’t care for the verbal claim. She wasn’t an object to be owned or a weapon to be use
d. Except isn’t that what you’re planning to do with her? His subconscious needed to fuck off. “You know I will.”
“I do. And you’ll call me the second anything changes.”
“Of course.”
Lucian started to fiddle with one of the cords, then dropped it and pinned Issac with a stare. And here comes the comment about me talking to Aidan before my best friend in three, two …
“Oh, and the next time you discover a powerful fledgling roaming the streets of New York City? You better tell me before you talk to dad.”
“Duly noted, but let’s focus on helping this one survive first.” That was all he could think about right now. He needed her alive. He would consider the why of it later.
Lucian nodded. “Fair enough.”
A Slow Introduction
Lizzie was cooking bacon.
Something about that wasn’t quite right. She made brunch on the weekends and it was only Wednesday. Or was it Thursday? Stas’s sleep induced brain wasn’t ready to function yet, but her stomach growled hungrily. Finally, a nightmare-free rest. She couldn’t remember the last time that happened.
She reached over to grab her phone from the nightstand and hit a fluffy pillow instead. Groaning, she rolled closer and tried again. More pillows.
What the hell? Her bed wasn’t that big. She blindly patted around. It wasn’t this soft and these weren’t her typical pajamas either. She never wore yoga pants to bed. The tank top was right, though.
Yawning, she squinted an eye open to look around. Floor-to-ceiling windows with a magnificent view of the Hudson River looked back at her. She sat up too fast. Instant vertigo pulled her backwards into the bed of pillows. The ceiling was high, maybe ten feet above the bed. Not a normal sight in Manhattan apartments. The room sprawled around her decorated in mahogany tones was most definitely not her bedroom. Windows took up two of the four walls. There was a private terrace beyond the glass to one side.