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Protecting Lyndley

Page 14

by Amanda Bennett

  My love for always,

  Your loving father

  Those words never rang more true than right this second. Ky had earned my love in every way a man ever could. He stood beside me through the darkness, and brought enough light to show me the way. He was a man of his word, and he made no apologies for who he was or the things he had done. Even though there were moments when I wanted to hate him more than anybody else in this world, it was the real moments that I cherished more than anything.

  My eyes fluttered open a few minutes later, and I found myself shrieking out in pain. When I couldn’t use my left arm to push myself up, my other hand reached over to assess the damage. My vision was still a bit blurry when I glanced over at my shoulder realizing that it was bandaged up and my arm was in a blue sling. That’s when my mind flashed back to what had happened to put me in this position.

  I grunted and moaned as I slowly sat up, glancing around the room trying to pinpoint where exactly I was. Nothing in the room looked familiar as my hands began to sweat and my heart rate spiked. I jumped down from the structure I was sitting on, and slowly made my way over to the door across the room. I couldn’t hear any voices coming from the other side, so I turned the knob at a glacial pace. The door screeched open and I instantly cringed as I held in a deep breath. When I still didn’t hear anything, I took my chances and exited the room.

  I was pleasantly surprised when the décor in Ruger’s house became familiar. My hand slid across the freshly painted wall as I made my way down the hallway and out towards the front door. That’s when I finally heard voices coming from the porch. Confusion settled in as I listened to a woman pleading for her life. What the hell had happened? I heard the familiar woman’s voice and Ky exchange some very colorful banter before I finally pushed open the screen door with what little strength I had left in me.

  My mouth fell open in shock as Kristy’s tear stained face sat there looking up at me, pleading for me to help her in any way I could. But that was the thing; I wasn’t sure how I could be helpful to her in anyway. That’s the exact moment I remembered being shot through the window upstairs. My mind slowly started putting two and two together, and that’s when it dawned on me. Kristy had been the one that shot me.



  I followed Kristy’s gaze until my eyes landed on Lyndley’s face. When I saw the look of disappointment on her face, I lowered my weapon and tucked it into the back of my waistband. I gave her a small smile and shrugged my shoulders. I wasn’t exactly sure how to explain the gravity of the situation just yet, but I also didn’t want her to worry. She smiled back but cringed when she tried to shrug back at me. I wanted to go to her, to make sure she was doing okay, but right now my only worry was getting as much information out of Kristy as possible.

  “You might want to go inside for a minute.” I muttered in her direction. I knew Lyndley well enough now, to know that she wasn’t going to listen to me but it was worth a shot.

  “I’m okay for now.”

  Before I could say another word, Ruger was at her side helping her into the rocking chair not too far from where we were all standing. I rolled my eyes in irritation, but turned back to Kristy for answers. “Kristy, I don’t want to have to use my gun to get the information I need, but I will if I have to.”

  “I’m willing to tell you whatever you want, Ky.” Her words shocked me.

  “You sure about that?”

  Kristy nodded her head. “But just to be safe, I think we should go inside where no one can see us.”

  It took a minute for her words to sink in, but when they did, I was instantly on high alert. “Ruger, I need you to go check the perimeter while I bring Kristy inside. Got it?”

  Ruger took off without another word, and as I reached down to un-cuff Kristy, I looked back at Lyndley motioning for her to head inside. After I cuffed Kristy to the side table next to the couch, I ran over to help get Lyndley situated in the recliner. I was inches away from her lips when her big doe eyes caught my attention. There were so many things I wanted to say to her in that instant, but I was having a hard time forming the words, so I kissed her on the forehead and made my way back over to Kristy.

  “All right, now it’s your turn to talk.” I removed my gun from behind my back and set it right next to me on the couch.

  “I had to do it. I had to do something to prove my loyalties to them.”

  “I’m not sure I’m grasping what you’re saying.”

  “The Nelson brothers. I have been working undercover with their organization for five years now. I had to prove my loyalty. What don’t you understand?”

  “Look, you don’t get to have an attitude with me. If anyone deserves to have an attitude it’s me, hell it would be Lyndley before you. Now start at the beginning, please.”

  “When I first started, my first assignment was to infiltrate their organization and become a trusted associate. It took a little bit longer than anyone thought, but I did. I got to a place where they trusted me. Sarah’s been on their radar for quite sometime now.”

  “Lyndley.” Lyndley piped in.

  “Sorry. Well, Lyndley you were always meant to get that case. It was all planned out, you, your friend being shot, Ky. John Nelson choreographed it all. Your boss was never going to let that case see the light of day. He’s in on it too. Your boss needed a fall guy for this case, and when the Nelson brothers found out about your boss’ newest and brightest assistant attorney, they were eager to make him do what he was told.”

  Kristy had yet to make eye contact with either of us, and I wasn’t exactly sure if it was embarrassment or guilt that was preventing her from doing so. Either way everything that was coming out of her mouth left me more and more suspicious about everything that had been going on. Now I found myself questioning every single person and every move we had made.

  “Kristy, what exactly are you saying, and please be as literal as possible.” I was gritting my teeth, trying to hold back the rage that was quickly building up inside of me.

  “They know where you guys are. After you shot one of their informants, they made sure to have someone follow your every move. They questioned me for hours, wanting to find out any and everything they could about the two of you. Lyndley, you need to contact your family. They sent me here to deal with the two of you, but I know for a fact that I was being followed. There is someone else here, just waiting to jump on the opportunity to take you all out.”

  My boots were wearing a line into the carpet from all of the pacing I had been doing, but then I suddenly remembered that Ruger was still outside. I made my way over to Lyndley and bent down to her ear so that Kristy couldn’t hear.

  “Are you okay to keep an eye on her for a minute?” She nodded, but I could sense her hesitation. “Hold this out and pointed straight at her.” I placed my gun in her hand and helped her hold it out in front of her. “If she so much as moves, you shoot. Do you understand me?” Lyndley just simply nodded.

  I high tailed it upstairs to grab a shirt and my other gun that I kept in the nightstand by my bed. I checked the clip and the chamber, and then ran back downstairs. “Be right back.” I shouted as I kicked open the front screen. I glanced around, but there was no sign of Ruger. I was about to shout his name, but I didn’t want to call any more attention to us. I wasn’t sure which way to go, but I suppose I had to start somewhere.

  I ran out in the direction of the barn, and caught sight of Ruger’s cowboy hat just as he turned the corner. “Ruger?” I slowed my pace and held my gun out in front of me as I glanced around the corner he had just walked by. When I saw that he was alone, I ran straight for him.

  “Ruger, we got a problem.”

  Ruger turned towards me, almost knocking me down to the ground. “Where the hell is Lyndley?”

  “She’s inside with Kristy.”

  “Wakely, are you serious right now? What were you thinking? She just barely woke up from being shot and now you have her watching the very person that sho
t her? Man, you are some kinda crazy.”

  “Kristy’s not alone, Ruger. She said she was followed here by one of Nelsons’ guys. We gotta get back to the house.” Before either of us said another word, we were running as fast as possible back to the house. I didn’t know what to expect when we walked back in through that front door, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that both girls were still in one piece.

  “I checked along the entire perimeter and I didn’t find anyone, not even a car. Who ever it was that followed her, they either took off or they found one hell of a hiding spot.” He stopped briefly and looked over at Lyndley. “You doin’ okay, sweetheart?”

  Every muscle in my body tensed as I heard him use his term of endearment for Lyndley. I stood there staring at her, waiting for her answer, but she seemed upset about something. Before I could make my way over to her, Ruger was already at her side. She looked up at me confused, by what I wasn’t quite sure. Maybe she was wondering why I wasn’t the one comforting her.

  “I’m fine. I think I just need to go lie down for a minute.” Her eyes locked with mine as she said this, and I knew exactly what she was asking.

  I made my way over to her and instead of helping her to her feet; I scooped her up in my arms to carry her. “Ruger, take care of Kristy for a bit, would ya?” He simply nodded and I turned around and made my way up to Lyndley’s bedroom. Regardless of what was going to happen in the next little bit, my only worry was making sure that Lyndley knew that I wasn’t going anywhere. At least not any time soon.

  Thirty One


  I pressed my face into Ky’s shoulder as he hiked the stairs with me in his arms. He stopped as we entered my room, debating on what I wasn’t sure, but this was exactly what I wanted and I wasn’t about to let my own inner turmoil or his indecisiveness ruin this for me any longer. I could feel his erratic heartbeat through his chest as he held me tightly against him, and a small wave of comfort washed over me knowing his body was reacting the same as mine.

  “The bed.” I whispered just below his ear.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” I replied.

  Ky gently placed me on the bed, but when he tried pulling back from me, I gripped his arm with my free hand and pulled him back on top of me. Every fiber of my being needed him. I wanted to feel his strong arms holding me tight. I wanted it all with him. As he slowly started sliding his deft fingers up the back of my shirt in a soothing motion, I found myself yearning for more of him. The way my body was reacting to him was exactly what I had been craving.

  My every waking thought was of him, and every dream the same. This man had stolen my heart, and I was more than ready to say that it no longer scared me. For the first time in a long time, I felt completely safe and comforted, and it was all because of this man. This wonderful, amazing, beautiful man above me.

  My hand went up to his face, pulling it closer to mine. Just before I let my lips press against his, I heard the sound of a whisper. I didn’t hear what he said though. It was muffled and before I could ask him what it was that he did say, his lips were pressed firmly against mine. Our tongues explored one another’s mouths and my mind finally went blank. I left everything behind and decided to commit myself one hundred percent to just being in this moment with him.

  Ky’s hands left no surface untouched as he lovingly caressed and explored the entire length of my body. I threw my head back in ecstasy from his touch. He slowly started to pull away from me, and my head popped up, confusion clouding my thoughts.

  “Where are you going?” I tried to sit myself up, but the pain in my shoulder radiated down my entire body.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this. This was a bad idea.” He was angrily pushing his hands back through his hair like he always did when he was frustrated.

  “You have got to be kidding me right now. Why, why is it always a push and pull thing with you? Can’t you just enjoy this?” I was quickly starting to get pissed off.

  Seconds later, he was jumping back on top of me with a huge smile splayed across his face. “I’m just messing with you. I wouldn’t pass this up for anything in the world.” His hands were on both sides of my face, pushing back the loose strands of hair.

  I took my free hand and slapped him across his back. “You are one frustrating piece of work, Ky Wakely.” He was irritating and irresistible all in one breath, and I was inexplicably drawn to both sides of him.

  “Shut up and kiss me, princess.” And I did just that, without argument.

  Ky’s breath left heated trails all along my body as he placed featherlike kisses up and down my torso. His fingers moved over to the thin shirt I had put on before I went outside, and he began to rip it from my body. With every tear my body bucked beneath him, urging him to make his way down to my shorts. My eyes fluttered shut and a small moan escaped between my lips as he pressed his erection hard against me. I moved my hips, pushing myself harder against him when he took the denim in his hands and ripped it from my lower half.

  Ky sat back on his heels taking in my naked form beneath him. He licked his lips and moaned as his hands fell, removing his clothes from his body. I watched as his muscles flexed with every movement he made. His body was one to be admired. With his bulging biceps coming down and wrapping around my waist, I could feel my excitement pooling beneath me.

  He positioned himself at my entrance and without so much as a warning he thrust himself into me, causing me to cry out in both pain and pleasure. My insides stretched as he pumped in and out of me. With every movement, I found myself closer to the brink of ecstasy. I dug my fingernails into the tight skin on his back as his movements began to become ravenous with every passing second.

  My walls clenched around his length as I came undone around him. Ky wasn’t too far behind me, and when he finally let himself go, my name was the only word to pass between his lips. What we had just done sent me into a state of euphoria and it was more than I could’ve ever dreamed of. Ky rolled over to my side, being very cautious of my hurt shoulder.

  I wiped the small sheen of sweat that had built up on my forehead before I rolled over towards Ky and looked right at him. “Where does this leave us?”

  “Let’s not worry about it right now. Just let me hold you.” I nodded and let him wrap his arms around me even though my mind had at least a million unanswered questions running through it.

  I wasn’t sure how long we had been upstairs, but the sun had since gone down and the moon was shining brightly above us. I very quietly slid out from underneath Ky’s arm, all the while trying not to hurt myself in the process. When I was free of his grasp, I looked behind me at his sleeping form. He looked so peaceful, like nothing bad in this world could touch him. It was mesmerizing to watch.

  I grabbed a fresh set of clothes and slipped out of the room undetected. I was halfway down the stairs when I felt a light tap on my shoulder, causing me to jump and my heart to race. When I turned around, I came face to face with Ruger and my heart rate slowly started to even itself out.

  “What are you doing sneaking up on me like that?” I shout whispered at him.

  “I’m sorry. Honest to god, I never meant to scare you. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I whispered back. I put my finger up to my lips to silence him and then pointed downstairs. I wasn’t ready for Ky to be awake just yet.

  When I entered the living room I noticed Kristy still handcuffed to the small metal table and she looked to be sleeping as comfortably as she could on the couch. Before I could have the conversation with Ruger that I so desperately wanted to, I needed a drink and a stiff one at that. I poured myself a glass of whiskey, pointing the bottle at Ruger wondering if he wanted some. He simply nodded and I gathered our drinks and headed out front.

  Ruger quickly took his drink from my arm that was currently in a sling, and then we both took a seat in the matching chairs on the front porch. “This view is incredible.” I half whispered as I took a sip of my drink. “I swe
ar, I could live here the rest of my life and never miss the city. I see now why you live out here.” I turned in my seat as I drank and propped my feet up on the railing.

  “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be most days.” I watched him as he pressed the glass to his lips.

  “Oh no?”

  “This farm has been in my family for so long, I don’t even remember what the real world feels like anymore. I guess when you’re raised a certain way, its hard to become someone new.” His gaze floated up to mine as he spoke.

  Embarrassed, I let my eyes fall to the ground. I knew exactly what he meant, but I also believed that people could change, despite their upbringing. “You don’t think people can change?”

  “Sure, if given the right circumstances to do so. But can you honestly say that if given the chance to go back to your hoity-toity life, you would be too changed to fall right back into it?”

  Everything he was saying was hitting a little too close to home. As much as I wanted to believe that I had made this drastic change, I really hadn’t. If given the opportunity to go back to leading my privileged life, I would in an instant. “So, does that make me a bad person?”

  “Not at all. That just makes you the same person you’ve always been. I’ve been doin’ this a long time and nobody truly changes. Even the ones who have no other option when all is said and done, they never really change.”

  “And how would you know?” My irritation was growing with ever sip I took of my drink.

  “I don’t know for sure, I’m just givin’ you my opinion. Do what you want with it.”

  “Well…I’ve changed. I wasn’t this spoiled rotten princess that Ky makes me out to be. Sure I had nice things and my family rarely knew what it felt like to want, but I wasn’t like them. I moved out on my own, I went to college and I started to make something of myself.”

  “Yeah, but with whose help?”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but found myself speechless. He was right. I could say that I was doing these things on my own, but honestly it was my parents who paid for everything to get me there. I downed the last of the warm amber liquid before pushing myself up and off of the chair to make my way back inside. As I reached for the screen door, Ruger’s arm shot out, gently grasping onto my wrist.


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