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by Lee Miller

  _____, Guls Horn Booke, 1609.

  _____, Lanthorne and Candlelight; or, the Bell-mans Second Nights Walk, 1608, reprinted in Arthur Valentine Judges, The Elizabethan Underworld, London:

  Routledge, 1930.

  _____, O Per Se 0, 1612, reprinted in Judges, ibid.

  _____, Seven Deadly Sins of London, 1606, reprinted by Edward Arber (ed.), London: English Scholar’s Library, 1879. Deloney, Thomas, Of the Straunge and Most Cruell Whippes Which the Spanyards

  Had Prepared to Whippe and Torment English Men and Women, British

  Museum, ballad. Diaz, Pedro, The Examination of the Masters and Pilots, printed in Hakluyt, Principall Navigations, m (1600), pp. 866-8. Digges, Dudley, The Compleat Ambassador… 1655.

  Edwards, Edward (ed.), The Life of Sir Walter Ralegh … Together with His Letters, 2 vols., London: Macmillan, 1868. Fallam, Robert, A Journal from Virginia, beyond the Appalachian Mountains, in

  September 1671, 1684-6, transcribed by Rev. John Clayton, reprinted in Clarence Alvord and Lee Bidgood, First Explorations of the Trans-Allegheny

  Region by the Virginians, 1650-1674, Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1912, pp. 183-205. Farley, Henry, St. Paules-Church, the bill for the Parliament, 1621, British

  Museum (portion reprinted in Rye, England as Seen by Foreigners). Field, John, and Wilcox, Thomas, An Admonition to the Parliament, 1572, reprinted in W. H. Frere and C. E. Douglas (ed.), Puritan Manifestoes, New

  York: E. S. Gorham, 1907. Force, Peter (ed.), Tracts and Other Papers Relating Principally to the Origin, Settlement and Progress of the Colonies in North Carolina from the Discovery of

  the Country to the Year 1776, 4 vols., Washington, D.C.: printed by P. Force, 1836-46. Fuller, Thomas, The History of the Worthies of England, 1662, reprinted ed. P.

  Austin Nuttall, 3 vols., London: printed for Thomas Tegg, 1840. Garcilaso de la Vega, el Inca, The Florida of the Inca, ed. John and Jeanette

  Varner, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1988. Gascoigne, George, The Steele Glas: Complainte of Phylomenes, 1576. Gerard, John, The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes, 1597. Gilbert, Humphrey, A Discourse How Hir Majestie May Annoy the King of

  Spayne, State Papers Domestic, Elizabeth, 12/118, 12 (i), 1577. A second version appeared as: A Discourse How Hir Majestie May Meete With And Annoy

  the King of Spayne, State Papers Domestic, Elizabeth, 12/118, no. 12 (ii).

  _____, Discourse of a Discoverie for a New Passage to Cataia, 1576.

  Gilby, Antony, A Pleasaunte Dialogue, between a Souldior of Barwicke and an

  English Chaplaine, 1581, sections reprinted in Edward Arber, An Introductory

  Sketch to the Martin Marprelate Controversy, London: English Scholar’s

  Library, 1879. Great Britain, Public Record Office, Calendar of Letters and State Papers relating

  to English Affairs, preserved principally in the Archives of Simancas, 1568—79, 1580-86, 1587-1603. Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603.

  _____, Chancery Proceedings, Elizabeth, C.2/EIÍZ. s 16/48 (2/13/314).

  _____, Court of Requests, 3/192. November 15, 1519.

  _____, State Papers Colonial, CO. 1/1.

  _____, State Papers Domestic, Elizabeth, 12/98; 118; 158; 175; 176; 180; 195;

  200; 215; 232; 246.

  _____, State Papers Domestic, James, 14/99.

  _____, State Papers Foreign, Elizabeth, 1578-9: 473; 510; 519; 538. 1581-2:

  314. 1583: 715.

  _____, State Papers relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, S.P. 19.

  _____, State Papers Supplementary, 9/55.

  Greene, Robert, A Disputation Between a He-Cony~Catcher and a She-Cony-Catcher, 1592, reprinted in Judges, The Elizabethan Underworld.

  Hadow, Grace Eleanor (ed.), Sir Walter Raleigh: Selections from his Historie of the World, his Letters, etc, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1917.

  Hakluyt, Richard, Principall Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, first edition, 1589; second edition, 1598-1600, 3 vols: includes Barlow, “The first voyage made to the coastes of America” (1589); “The voyage made by Sir Richard Grenville” (1589); Lane, “An account of the particularities of the imployments of the English men left in Virginia” (1589); Tiger journal of Grenville’s voyage (1589); “The third voyage made by a ship” (1589); White, “The fourth voyage made to Virginia” (1589), and “The fifth voyage of Master John White” (1600); “Honourable Voyage to Cadiz, anno 1596” (1600).

  _____, A Discourse on Western Planting, 1584.

  _____, Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America, 1582.

  _____, Virginia Richly Valued, 1609. Reprinted in Peter Force, Tracts, iv, no. 1.

  Hakluyt, Richard (the elder), Inducements to the Liking of the Voyage Intended Towards Virginia in 40 and 42 degrees, 1585, reprinted in John Brereton, A Briefe & True Relation (1602).

  Hall, Clayton (ed.), Narratives of Early Maryland, 1633-1684, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1910.

  Hall, Joseph, A Common Apologie of the Church of England: Against the Unjust Challenges ofthe. Brownists, 1610, reprinted in The Works of Joseph Hall, London: 1625.

  _____, Mundus alter et Idem, 1605, translated into English by John Healey, The

  Discovery of a New World, 1609.

  Hamor, Ralph, A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia, London: 1615.

  Hariot, Thomas, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia … 1588, printed in Hakluyt, Principall Navigations, 1589.

  Harman, Thomas, Caveat or Warning for Common Cursitors, 1566.

  Harrison, William, The Description of the Hand of Britaine … and The Description of England, 1587, printed together in vols. 1 and 2 of Raphael Holinshed, Chronicles, 1587, reprinted London: J. Johnson, et al., 1807, vol. 1. See also The Description of England, Scotland and Ireland, ed. Georges Edelen, Ithaca: Cornell University Press for the Folger Shakespeare Library, 1968.

  Harryson, John, pseud. [John Bale], Yet a Course at the Romyshe Fox, 1543.

  Hawkins, John, The Third and Troublesome Voyage, printed in Hakluyt, Principall Navigations, ill, 1600.

  Hayes, Edward, A True Report, 1583, printed in Hakluyt, ibid., 1589.

  Hentzner, Paul, Travels in England, 1598, published in Latin as Itinerary of Germany, France, &c, Nuremberg: 1612, reprinted by William Rye, England as Seen by Foreigners, London: J. R. Smith, 1865.

  Holinshed, Raphael, Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 3 vols., 1587, reprinted in 6 vols., London: J. Johnson, 1807-8.

  Ingram, David, Relation of David Ingram, printed in Hakluyt, Principall Navigations, 1589.

  Jefferson, Thomas, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1784, New York: M. L. & W. A. Davis, 1801.

  Jemison, Mary, A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, ed. James E. Seaver, Canandaigua: J. D. Bemis, 1824.

  Johnson, Robert, Nova Britannia: offering most excellent fruites by planting in Virginia … 1609, reprinted in Peter Force, Tracts, 1, no. 6.

  _____, Tragical Relation of the Virginia Assembly, 1624, reprinted in Lyon Gardiner Tyler (ed.), Narratives of Early Virginia.

  Lawson, John, A New Voyage to Carolina … 1709, reprinted as History of North Carolina, ed. Fred A. Olds, Charlotte, N.C.: Observer Printing House, 1903.

  Lederer, John, The Discoveries of John Leder er in Three Several Marches from Virginia to the West of Carolina, 1672, reprinted by Alvord and Bidgood, First Explorations.

  Lemnius, Levinus, Touchstone of Complexions, 1576, reprinted in Rye, England as Seen by Foreigners.

  Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques, Narrative of Le Moyne, an artist who accompanied the French expedition to Florida under Laudonniere, 1564, Boston: J. R. Osgood, 1875.

  Lloyd, David, State-Worthies; or, the Statesmen and Favourites of England… 1670.

  Locke, John, A Memorandum, Calendar of State Papers Colonial, 1669-74, no. 1428, reprinted in Alvord and Bidgood, ed., The First Explorati

  Lodge, Edmund, Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, London: London Printing and Publishing Company, 1854.

  Maraña, Giovanni Paolo, Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy, Who Lived Five and Forty Years Undiscovered at Paris: Giving an Impartial Account to the Divan at Constantinople, of the Most Remarkable Transactions of Europe … London: A. Wilde, 1770.

  Marprelate, Martin, The Epistle, 1588, reprinted by William Pierce (ed.), The Mar prelate Tracts: 1588-8Q, London: James Clarke, 1911.

  _____, The Epitome, 1588, ibid.

  _____, Hay Any Work for Cooper, 1589, ibid.

  Marprelate, Martin (Senior), The Just Censure and Reproofe, 1589, ibid.

  _____, Miner all and Metaphysicall Schoolpoints, 1589, ibid.

  Moffett, Thomas, Insectorum Sive Minimorum Animalium Theatrum, 1634, British Museum, Sloane Mss., 4014.

  More, Sir Thomas, Utopia, 2d edition, 1556, reprinted by Edward Arber, London: Constable, 1906.

  Moryson, Fynes, An Itinerary… containing his ten yeeres travell through the twelve dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Den- marke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland, London: John Bele, 1617.

  Naunton, Robert, Fragmenta Regalia; or, observations on Queen Elizabeth, Her Times & Favourites, 2d edition, 1641, reprinted in The Harleian Miscellany, v, London: for Robert Dutton, 1810.

  Nichols, John, The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth, 3 vols., new edition, 1823.

  Norden, John, Notes on London and Westminster, 1592, from his Description of Middlesex, British Museum, Harl. Ms. 570. Reprinted in Rye, England as Seen by Foreigners.

  _____, The Surveyor’s Dialogue, 1618.

  Oré, Fray Luis Gerónimo De, Relación de los Mártires que ha habido en las Provincias de la Florida, 1617; reprinted and translated in Maynard Geiger, The Martyrs of Florida, 1513-1616, Franciscan Studies, 18, New York: Joseph Wagner, 1936.

  Osborne, Francis, A Miscellany of Sundry Essays, Paradoxes, and Problematical Discourses, 1659.

  Parker, Matthew, Correspondence of Matthew Parker, ed. John Bruce and Rev. Thomas T. Perowne, Cambridge: University Press for the Parker Society, 1853.

  Parmenius, Stephen, An Embarkation Poem for the voyage projected by the celebrated and noble Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Golden Knight, to take a colony to the New World, 1582, reprinted in David Beers Quinn and Neil Cheshire, The New Found Land of Stephen Parmenius, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972.

  Peacham, Henry, “Sights and Exhibitions in England,” printed in Thomas Coryat, Three Crude Veines Are Presented in this Booke Following (Besides the Foresaid Crudities)^ 1611.

  Peckham, George, True Report, printed in Hakluyt, Principall Navigations (1589).

  Percy, George, Observations Gathered Out of a Discourse of the Plantation of the Southern Colonie in Virginia by the English, 1606, reprinted in Tyler, Narratives.

  _____, A Treme Relacyon of the Proceedings and Occurences of momente which

  have happened in Virginia from 1609 until 1612, 1612, reprinted in Tyler’s Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine, vol. 3, 1921-2, pp. 260-82.

  Philopatrus, Andreas (aka Robert Parsons), Elizabethae, Angliae Reginae Haeresim Calvinianam Propugnantis, Saevissimum in Catholicos sui Regni edic-tum … cum Responsione. 1592.

  Platter, Thomas, Thomas Platter’s Travels in England, 1599, reprinted and translated from German by Clare Williams, London: Jonathan Cape, 1937.

  Purchas, Samuel, Pur chas his Pilgrimage… 1613, reprinted as Hakluytus Post-humus, or Purchas His Pilgrimes, 20 vols., Glasgow: James MacLehose, 1905-7.

  Raleigh, Philip, A Relation of the Cadiz Action in the year 1596, 1700, reprinted as Appendix 1 in Walter Oakeshott, The Queen and the Poet, London: Faber & Faber, 1960.

  Raleigh, Walter, “As you come from the Holy land of Walsingham,” Ms. Rawl-inson Poetry 8$, Bodleian Library.

  _____, “Farewell to the Court,” The Phoenix Nest, R. S., ed. 1593.

  _____, The History of the World, 1614. Portions reprinted in Hadow (ed.), Sir

  Walter Raleigh, Selections from His Historie …

  _____, “The Lie,” 1592, reprinted in Francis Davison (ed.), A Poetical Rhap sodie, 1611, 3d edition.

  _____, “Ocean to Scinthia,” Hatfield Ms., Cecil Papers, 144. Hatfield House.

  _____, “Petition to the Queen,” Mss. Drummond (v.iii Drummond Miscella nies, ii, entitled “S. W. Raghlies Petition to the Queene, 1618”), Drummond Collection, Edinburgh University Library, printed in Latham, The Poems of Sir Walter Ralegh, p. 70.

  _____, “A Secret Murder …” The Phoenix Nest.

  —, “Who list to hear the sum of sorrow’s state,” The Phoenix Nest.

  _____, “Wounded I am …” in William Byrd (ed.), Songs of Sundrie Natures, 1589.

  Rasles, Sebastian, A Dictionary of the Abnaki Language in North America, ed. John Pickering, Cambridge: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Memoir 1 (1833), pp. 375-565-

  Shirley, John, The Life of the Valiant and Learned Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight. With His Trial At Winchester, 1677.

  Smith, John, A True Relation 1608, reprinted in Edward Arber (ed.), Works, 2 vols., Birmingham: 1884; Philip Barbour (ed.), The Complete Works of Captain John Smith, 3 vols., Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1986.

  _____, A Map of Virginia 1612.

  _____, Proceedings of the English Colonie in Virginia. 1612.

  _____, The General Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles …


  _____, True Travels, Adventures, and Observations… 1630.

  _____, Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England, or Any

  Where… 1631.

  Smith, William, Brief Description of the Famous City of London, Harl. Ms. 6363.

  Smyth, John, Lives of the Berkeleys, reprinted in Sir John MacLean (ed.) as The Berkeley Manuscripts, 3 vols., Gloucester: John Bellows, 1883-5, vol. 3, A Description of the Hundred of Berkeley in the County of Gloucester and of Its Inhabitants.

  Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Queene; disposed into XII bookes … i^go.

  Stow, John, Survey of London, 1598, 1603 edition, reprinted by Charles Kings-ford (ed.), 2 vols., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908.

  Strachey, William, The Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia, 1612, Sir Francis Bacon copy in the British Museum, R. H. Major (ed.), London: the Hakluyt Society, no. vi, 1849. See also the Earl of Northumberland edition, Percy Mss., Princeton University.

  Stubbes, Philip, The Anatomie of Abuses, 1583.

  Taylor, Eva G. R. (ed.), The Original Writings and Correspondence of the Two Richard Hakluyts, 2 vols., London: Hakluyt Society, 2d sen, LXXVI-LXXVII, 1935-Turner, William, The Seconde Course of the Hunter at the Romish Fox and Hys

  Advocate, 1545. Tyler, Lyon Gardiner (ed.), Narratives of Early Virginia, 1606-162$, New York:

  Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1907. Tymme, Thomas, A Preparation Against the Prognosticated Dangers of 1588, 1588.

  Van Meteren, Emanuel, The Miraculous Victory Atchieved by the English Fleete… printed and translated by Hakluyt, Principan Navigations, 1, 1600, from Van Meieren, History of the Low Countries.

  Verstegan, Richard, A Declaration of the True Causes of the Great Troubles, presupposed to be intended against the realm of England, 1592.

  Virginia Company, A Note of the Shipping, Men and Provisions Sent and Provided for Virginia … 1622, reprinted in Virginia Company, Records.

  _____, The Records of the Virginia Company of London, 4 vols., ed. Susan Myra

  Kingsbury, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1906-35.

  _____, A True and Sincere Declaration of the Purpose and Ends of the Plantation

  Begun in Virginia, 1609, reprinted in Alexander Brown, Genesis of the United States, 1, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1890.

  _____, A True Declaration of the estate of the colonie in Virginia, with a confuta tion of such scandalous reports as have
tended to the disgrace of so worthy an enterprise, 1610, reprinted in Peter Force, Tracts, in, no. 1.

  Walker, Gilbert, Manifest Detection of the Most Vyle and Detestable Use of Dice Play, 1552, reprinted ed. James O. Halliwell, London: for the Percy Society by Richards, 1850.

  Waterhouse, Edward, A Declaration of the State of the Colony and… a Relation of the Barbarous Massacre … 1622, reprinted in Virginia Company, Records, in.

  Weelkes, Thomas, Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites, for Three Voices, 1608.

  Welwood, James, Of the Most Material Transactions in England for the Last Hundred Years, Preceding the Revolution in 1688, 1700.

  Whitgift, John, The Works of John Whitgift, 3 vols., ed. John Ayre, Cambridge: University Press for the Parker Society, 1851-3.

  Winstanley, William, England’s Worthies: Select Lives of the Most Eminent Persons from Constantine the Great to This Present Time, 1684.

  Wirtemberg, Frederick, Duke of, A True and Faithful Narrative of the Bathing Excursion Which His Serene Highness Frederick, Duke of Wirtemberg… Made a Few Years Ago to the Far-Famed Kingdom of England; as recorded by his private secretary, Jacob Rathgeb, 1602, reprinted in Rye, England as Seen by Foreigners.

  Wood, Abraham, “Letter to John Richards, August 22, 1674,” reprinted in Alvord and Bidgood, First Explorations.

  Wood, Anthony A., Athenae Oxonienses, 1721, reprinted by Philip Bliss, 2 vols., London: F. C. & J. Rivington, 1813-20.

  Wright, Irene A. (ed.), Further English Voyages to Spanish America, 1583-1594: Documents from the Archives of the Indies at Seville Illustrating English Voyages… London: Hakluyt Society, 2d sen, no. 99, 1951.

  Wynn, Peter, “November 26, 1608, letter to Sir John Egerton,” Huntington Library, Jamestown Colony, EL, 1683.

  Yeardley, Francis, Narrative of Excursions into Carolina, 1654, reprinted in Alexander Salley (ed.), Narratives of Early Carolina, 1650-1708, New York: Scribner, 1911.


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