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Winning Love's Lottery (Kiwi Guys Book 1)

Page 8

by Zoe Piper

  After a moment's pause, Jase nodded and responded quietly, "Yes, I'll join you.”

  He tried not to grin in elation. "Great. Want to meet out front in half an hour? That will give us time to say goodbye and clear everyone out.” Jase nodded his agreement.

  "See you in half an hour."

  The men parted ways. Jase went over to the catering manager to talk about the clean-up and Kyle headed over to John and Nancy Bernard, who were making their own farewells.

  It was nearly the allotted thirty minutes later when the last of the stragglers had made their way out into the evening. Kyle hadn't seen Jase for the last fifteen or so minutes, and he hoped the other man had not changed his mind and left. He headed up to his office to grab his briefcase. Opening the door, he found the object of his thoughts behind the desk, packing up his own laptop into his bag.

  Jase paused as Kyle entered the room. Neither said a word, just stared at each other. Kyle wasn't sure who moved first, but they met in the middle of the room, mouths colliding as a week of desire finally erupted between them.

  Jase pushed him backwards, and his back hit the office wall with a thud. He couldn't get enough of Jase's mouth. Tongues sliding together, he tasted the slight tang of the beer Jase had consumed at the party. He pulled back slightly, trying to catch his breath. Jase's hot mouth slid along his jaw, and Kyle's head fell back and to the side to allow him access to his neck. His hands latched onto slim hips, pulling Jase closer. He gave a groan. He wanted this man badly, but not here in his office where anyone could catch them. He gently pushed Jase away and cupped the softly stubbled jaw.

  "We need to take this somewhere else. We can't do this here."

  Green eyes slowly clearing, Jase gave a small nod. "Your place? Or do you want to come back to mine?"

  "Mine's closer." He pressed a soft kiss to the mouth in front of him and then reluctantly released Jase. "I'll grab my bag and we can go."

  Jase nodded and returned to the desk and his own bag sitting open on top of it. Kyle quickly headed into his office and grabbed the briefcase he had packed earlier. Checking he had his phone, wallet and keys in his pocket, he turned out the office light and went to join the man waiting for him.


  They quickly left the building and walked towards Kyle's apartment. It was a busy Friday night, with people out for dinner and drinks. They dodged around a large group hanging out in front of The Smoking Keg, the club where they had been last week. Jase involuntarily glanced towards the doorway of the building where he and Kyle had made out. He felt oddly nervous about what was to come. He couldn't figure out why. He had wanted Kyle all week and being around him had not helped. The second kiss they had shared a few minutes before had confirmed they had chemistry, so he really wasn't sure where the feelings were coming from.

  They approached a smart looking apartment building situated in the heart of the Viaduct. It was prime real estate and it didn't surprise Jase that this was where Kyle lived. It was fitting for a man of his stature and wealth. He was surprised at the elevator, though, when Kyle didn't push the button for the penthouse, but for a floor three from the top. They hadn't spoken since leaving the office and Jase was sure this was adding to his unexplained tension.

  They stood side by side in the lift, and Jase felt Kyle’s right hand brush his left, and then Kyle's pinkie and ring fingers curled around his two same fingers. The very intimate gesture made Jase's stomach drop and he glanced at the man beside him. Kyle gave him a small smile, but before he could say anything, the door opened and Kyle stepped forward, pulling Jase with him.

  They reached the apartment and Kyle dropped his hand to reach into his jacket pocket and pull out his keys. He opened the door and Jase followed him inside. The apartment was not much bigger than a good hotel suite. On his right was the galley-style kitchen with a counter separating the room from the living area. The room was decorated in neutral shades and apart from a large couch, a couple of side tables, and a big screen tv, there was no other furniture. A door to the left, opposite the kitchen led to the bedroom.

  Dropping his briefcase near the couch, Kyle watched Jase take in his surroundings.

  "Well, this is...cosy?" He observed.

  "That's one way to describe it. I believe a shoe box is another good way." Kyle chuckled. "Did you want a drink or anything to eat? I did invite you to dinner, but we seem to have skipped ahead." Shaking his head, Jase watched Kyle remove his suit jacket and then reached up to loosen his tie.

  Jase took two strides to stand in front of him. He reached out and pushed Kyle's hands away. Jase slowly undid the knot and slipped the material from under the collar of the business shirt. He dropped the tie onto the suit jacket lying over the back of the couch and then turned his attention to the buttons, slowly undoing each one, the whole time keeping his eyes locked on the darkening blue ones. He gently tugged the shirt free from Kyle's pants.

  The shirt opened to reveal the planes of Kyle's lightly furred chest, and Jase leaned forward and pressed small kisses at the base of his exposed throat. He breathed in the heady scent of sandalwood and spice. His tongue flicked out, tasting warm skin. He felt Kyle swallow and his hands clutched at Jase’s waist. Jase finished unbuttoning the shirt and pushed it off the broad shoulders. Kyle loosened his hold on Jase's waist to quickly undo the cuffs, letting the shirt fall to the floor. He then reached up to undo Jase's own shirt their mouths meeting in another blistering kiss.

  Feeling a tug on his shirt, Jase shrugged out of it and groaned into Kyle’s mouth their bare chests coming together, warm skin rubbing gently. Jase felt the pressure of Kyle's hands pushing his hips back as he started walking forwards, guiding them to his bedroom. He kept their bodies close, wrapping his arms around Kyle’s muscular back.

  They came to a stop when the side of the bed pressed against the back of his legs. He slipped a hand between their bodies, feeling the hardness of Kyle's arousal through the wool of his suit pants. Kyle groaned and pushed into Jase's hand.

  Pulling his mouth away from Kyle's, Jase asked breathlessly, "How do you want to do this?” Kyle moved his mouth to the side of Jase's neck and sucked at the skin below his ear before huskily replying, "Any way I can.” Jase smiled at the response. "What do you want Kyle, 'cos I'm happy either way."

  Pushing their hips together, Kyle pulled back and looked into Jase's eyes. "I'm happy either way too, but I really want to fuck you tonight."

  "I can work with that." Jase pressed a small kiss on the swollen mouth. "It’s been a while since I bottomed, so be gentle with me.” Winking, his hands made their way back to Kyle's belt. He made quick work of undoing the buckle and left it to hang as he unbuttoned the pants. Sliding down the zipper, he slowly dragged his fingers over the impressive bulge and Kyle's hips bucked and he gave a tortured groan.

  "Don't tease," came the growled plea.

  "Or what?" Jase whispered back against Kyle's mouth. He felt Kyle smile and he opened his eyes to look at him.

  "Or I may just have to get my own back."

  "Go for it," Jase breathed before he pushed his tongue back into the hot mouth, sucking on the other man's. Hands fumbled at his waist as his own pants were unzipped and then they were both pushing the offending bits of clothing away. They quickly stepped away from each other to remove their footwear and socks and rid themselves of their pants. Then they were falling across the bed, arms and legs wrapping around each other vying to get closer.

  Groans and soft curses echoed around the dimly lit room as they rubbed against each other. Unable to take it anymore, Jase reached between them and wrapped his hand around both of their leaking cocks, stroking them firmly. Kyle fell onto his back and Jase leaned over him, weight resting on his left arm, his right hand rubbing them together. Kyle’s hips pushed up, wanting more friction.

  "That feels good. Don't stop," he moaned. Jase leaned down and nibbled along the strong, exposed column of the Texan's neck.

  "I want you inside me when you come," J
ase breathed into Kyle’s ear, making him shudder.

  "Yes. I want that too.” With a burst of energy, Kyle pushed up and Jase found their positions reversed and his hand being batted away from their cocks. He closed his eyes and gave in to the sensation of Kyle kissing down his neck and across his chest, groaning when his left nipple and then the right one was gently teased. Spasms of desire shot through Jase and his cock twitched and leaked more precum onto his tight belly. Soft kisses pressed onto his stomach and then the head of his cock was engulfed in the warm wetness of Kyle’s mouth.

  Kyle sucked and teased with his tongue. His mouth wandered up and down Jase's hard shaft and around his balls before returning to the crown and swallowing him back down again. Jase pushed up into the heat, his hand coming down on Kyle’s head. "Oh fuck. Yes. Right there. Ungh. Don't stop." Kyle pulled his mouth off Jase’s cock and pressed light kisses across his hip bone. Jase opened his eyes and glared down at him. "Don't fucking tease," he growled out. Kyle chuckled and replied,

  "I did warn you I'd get my own back."

  "Whatever. Just get your mouth back to work or your dick in my arse. I need to come," Jase panted back, his hips rolling up of their own accord. Kyle’s eyes darkened to almost black. He got up off the bed and reached over to the bedside cabinet. He opened the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. Dropping them onto the pillow, he reached for Jase's legs and pushed him around onto the bed properly. Jase scooted himself over, so his head was now at the top of the bed rather than lying across it. Kyle crawled over him. He lifted his head to meet him halfway for a mind-blowing kiss and sank back into the mattress, pulling the welcome weight of the other man's body onto his.


  Kyle had forgotten what it was like to have a man in his bed. The smell of musk and sweat, the feel of a hot body against his own. It really had been too long with only his hand and a couple of his favourite toys for company. And what a man to have in his bed now. Jase was hot. Kyle’s eyes travelled from the strong handsome face to the broad shoulders and chest with its smattering of coarse hair that led down to a dark treasure trail where Jase’s generous, cut cock, was currently hard up against tight abs and leaking precum.

  Reaching for the bottle of lube, he snapped it open and put some of the cool liquid onto the fingers of his right hand. Sliding his way down Jase's body, he took the beautiful cock back into his mouth, letting his slicked-up fingers trace Jase’s crease and into his body. A long, loud moan came from above him as Jase pushed himself onto the fingers in his hole, his thighs falling open, heels pushing down onto the bed, exposing himself fully. Kyle worked another finger into Jase’s body. He desperately wanted his own hard cock inside this man but didn't want to hurt him if he hadn't bottomed for a while.

  He felt a gentle tug on his hair and popped his mouth off Jase's cock. "Please, I need your cock inside me now. I wanna come with you inside me.” Kyle's own cock jerked at the request. He eased his fingers out of the tight ass and grabbed the condom. Using his teeth to rip open the foil wrapper, he quickly rolled on the latex sheath and applied lube to his own hardness. He dribbled some more lube onto his fingers and rubbed them around Jase's hole. He eased his hips between the outspread thighs and lowered his head to kiss Jase.

  Slowly he pushed the head of his cock against the tight ring of muscle. He felt Jase push back against him, both groaning as he gained entrance. He paused for a few seconds and then pushed in some more. Jase groaned again and started muttering, "Oh yes. Keep going. Feels so good. Don't stop". Kyle lost himself to the sensation of heat as he slid fully into Jase’s body. Without conscious thought, his hips began to rock back and forth.

  He let the rhythm take over and felt Jase match his pace. He could feel Jase's hard cock rubbing against his abs as he arched over the man beneath him, kissing and sucking on his neck and shoulders. He could feel his climax building. Reaching his hand between them, he grabbed Jase's cock and began stroking him. "Come for me Jase. I'm close. Need to feel you come."

  Jase's body stuttered and froze for a second, then he felt the warm gush of release over his hand as Jase tightened around him. His own thrusts became erratic as he chased his own release and then suddenly it was there. That sweet, hot feeling rushing through him as his body gave up and he came hard into the condom, buried deep in Jase's body. He collapsed onto the man beneath him, both panting hard, their bodies still pulsing and shuddering against each other.

  After a few moments, Kyle's heart rate eased, and he slowly and carefully pulled out of Jase's body. He looked down to see Jase’s eyes closed and his left hand resting on his chest as he caught his own breath. Kyle removed the condom and moved off the bed. He disposed of it in his adjoining bathroom and grabbed a small cloth which he dampened with warm water. He gently cleaned up the mess on Jase’s abs and chest.

  A soft smile played on his swollen mouth. A green eye cracked open and a hand out reached out and Kyle was tugged down. Kyle dropped the cloth onto the floor and lay down next to the sated body. With a gentle kiss, he asked softly. "You okay?" A gorgeous smile spread across Jase's face, activating the double dimples.

  "More than okay. You?"

  "Same.” He kissed him again and then maneuvered them, so they could get under the covers and, pulling Jase close, drifted off to a relaxed sleep.

  Chapter 9

  Kyle came awake to the feel of a hard body pressed against his back and his earlobe being gently sucked into a warm mouth. The tip of Jase's tongue made its way down his neck, eliciting a shiver through his body and an involuntary groan as he arched back and turned his head to allow the questing mouth further access. He reached up with his left arm, and gently applied pressure to the back of Jase's head, pulling him closer and holding him in place.

  The scratch of stubble intensified the quivers of desire. A warm breath ghosted in his ear, "Have I found your on-button, Mr Foster?” Giving a small nod, he tried to turn onto his back and push closer at the same time. Warm lips smiled against his skin before continuing down his neck. He was gently pushed onto his back, Jase sliding on top of him. He opened his eyes and looked up into the green gaze.

  "Good morning," said Jase before leaning down to press a kiss to Kyle’s mouth. He opened for him, letting the wicked tongue slide into his mouth as they slowly moved against each other. The kiss was slow and languorous, and Kyle wrapped his arms around broad shoulders. He pulled Jase tighter into his body and felt the evidence of their arousals growing when their hips pushed together. He slid his hands down the muscled back and over the taut ass. Jase hummed his approval and deepened the kiss.

  The sound of the alarm intruded the moment and without taking his mouth from Jase's, he flailed his right arm towards the nightstand, trying to stop the noise. He growled when Jase lifted his head, his own mouth chasing the one leaving his. Jase grinned at him before he stretched over to reach the offending machine and switched it off. "Do you have somewhere to be today?" He was asked.

  Kyle sighed. "Yes and no. I do have an appointment to look at cars but it's not until later, so we can. Carry. On.” He punctuated each word with a kiss to the delectable mouth hovering over his. Jase grinned, his dimples making an appearance.

  "Excellent." With that, he slid down the bed and took Kyle’s aching cock into his mouth.

  An hour later, both sated and lazing in the bed, Kyle marvelled at how easy and right this all felt. He hadn't had this feeling of contentment for years, and certainly not after one single night. He would be quite happy to lie here all day with the Kiwi, but he had to meet with the representative from the car lease company and test drive a couple of cars before deciding which one he wanted.

  He turned his head on the pillow and asked the man next to him, "What are you doing today?"

  Jase rolled onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow and looking down at Kyle. "Not much, usual Saturday chores, go for my run, do a little bit of work to catch up from this week. Why?"

  "I have to test drive a couple
of cars with the lease company. Do you want to come with me? I'd value your input since I'm not as familiar with the driving conditions here." Kyle explained. He watched Jase mull over the request.

  "What time is your appointment, and where?"

  "In about an hour and a half and I'm meeting the guy at a car place in Greenlane."

  Jase nodded as he decided. "Yeah, sure I'll come with you. If we get up now, we have time to run back to my place and I can get changed and then we can take my car to where you're meeting this guy." Jase pushed himself up to move out of the bed. Kyle grabbed his arm, pulling him back down onto his body, reluctant to let him leave. He nuzzled his nose up Jase’s throat and pressed a kiss to the stubbled jaw. Jase laughed and pushed him away. "Not that I don't want to get into another round of hot monkey sex, but you'll have to save it till later.” A warm kiss was pressed to his lips before Jase hopped out of bed. He laid back to admire the rounded ass making its way over to his ensuite bathroom.

  "Spoilsport," he called after the laughing man before the door was shut firmly behind the retreating back.

  Kyle forced himself out of bed. Grabbing a pair of old basketball shorts from his drawer, he pulled them on before he going to the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine. He grabbed mugs and a couple of pods and set to making coffee for his guest. He had enjoyed last night, and it sounded like Jase was all for a repeat. They certainly had been explosive in bed together. He couldn't remember the last time he had come that hard, if ever. He wanted to do it all again and more. Warm hands slid onto his hips and soft lips pressed a kiss against his bare shoulder. "Mmmm, coffee. Hope one of those is for me?" Jase murmured over his shoulder. Turning into the embrace, he gently kissed Jase and smiled.

  "There’s milk in the fridge and sugar in the cabinet. Wasn't sure how you liked it.”


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