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Winning Love's Lottery (Kiwi Guys Book 1)

Page 10

by Zoe Piper

  A few minutes later they were standing next to the memorial stone and Kyle was able to see a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view of his new home city. Jase walked next to him as they slowly circled the summit, pointing out various points of interest across the city.

  "You know Auckland is built on about fifty dormant and inactive volcanoes, don't you?" Jase asked. Kyle shook his head.

  "I didn't realise it was that many. I knew there were a few, like Rangitoto Island," he replied, naming the recognisable island in the middle of Auckland's harbour. "Are they sure they’re all dormant or inactive?"

  "Yeah, pretty sure. The scientists do like to run scenarios of what would happen if Rangitoto blew, but they reckon it's still a few hundred years off doing that again."

  "There are still some active volcanoes in the country though, aren't there?” Kyle asked as he took out his phone to take some pictures of the city sprawl.

  Jase came up beside him. "There's White Island off the coast near the Bay of Plenty and Mt Ruapehu, in the central North Island. Here, let me take a couple of pics with you in them." He reached for Kyle’s phone. Kyle reluctantly handed it over.

  "Say cheese," Jase said cheekily as he snapped away.

  "Cheese" Kyle grumbled. Jase laughed again and gave Kyle his phone back. He smacked a kiss on the smooth cheek.

  "Come on, grumpy bum. Let's head back down."

  "Why are those rocks laid out like that?" Kyle asked, pointing to a seemingly random pile of small volcanic rocks on the lower slopes of the hill. Jase looked to where he was pointing.

  "Oh, people lay them out to make messages and spell words out. A natural form of graffiti. There have been many a marriage proposal made this way."

  "Well, that's original." Kyle stretched out his hand and Jase felt his two fingers being caught up, just like the night before in the lift to Kyle's apartment. Jase tightened his fingers around Kyle's, smiling at the man next to him. They continued their walk back to the car in companionable silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

  Chapter 10

  "So, is this how you normally spend your Saturday nights?" Kyle asked his host as they polished off the last of their pizza.

  "You mean pizza and a movie with a hot guy?" Jase grinned back at him.

  "Yeah, but you go out, right?" Kyle was curious and strangely, he didn't want to think about Jase with other guys, not right then. Or ever, if truth be told.

  "Occasionally, like we did last week for Stuart's birthday, but I'm a bit past all that, and besides, it's not a cheap night. I'm lucky I live close to the city, so a taxi isn't too expensive, but add in dinner and drinks and it all adds up. I mean, a beer in a bar is eight dollars a bottle. I can get a dozen of the same from the supermarket for the cost of three in a bar.”

  Kyle mulled on that bit of information. Did he push at Jase about his financial situation or did he leave it for now? Deciding he didn't want to spoil a pleasant evening, he left it and stood up to take their trash to the kitchen. "You want another beer?" He asked.

  Jase shook his head. "Nah, I'm good for now, thanks. Come on, what movie do you want to watch?"

  Returning to his spot on the couch, he sat a little closer to Jase now that the pizza box had been relegated to the trash can. "Whatever, I'm easy. Happy to watch whatever you want."

  Jase waggled his eyebrows at Kyle as he reached forward to grab the remote off the coffee table in front of them. "I like easy," he smirked. Kyle rolled his eyes at the innuendo.

  "For that, I’m gonna play hard to get," he retorted and pretended to move further down the couch.

  "Oh no you don't," Jase said, turning his back into the arm of the couch and throwing his legs over Kyle's thighs. He dug his heels into the muscle and urged Kyle to move back up towards him. Kyle resisted for ten seconds before lifting Jase's closest leg and moving up between the now open thighs. He settled back into Jase’s chest.

  Jase's left arm came around his shoulder, pulling him closer. Warm breath ghosted over his ear as Jase whispered, "Comfortable?"

  Kyle hummed his assent and gave a small nod. "Good, me too," came the whispered voice again. They turned their attention to the television as a recent action movie started on the screen.

  A quarter of the way into the movie, Kyle had to admit it was a good thing he had seen this one since he really wasn't paying much attention to what was happening on the screen. He felt so content and comfortable lying on the couch with Jase. He must be getting old if he was enjoying snuggling on a second date. Not that it was really a second date. They hadn't even had a proper first date.

  He had enjoyed his day with Jase. Their conversation had been wide and varied, covering multiple topics. Jase was a great conversationalist with a wry sense of humour. After their walk up One Tree Hill, Jase had taken him on what he called a 'tiki tour' around the city. A tiki tour, it turned out, was aimless meandering with no real destination. Jase had shown him various suburbs in the sprawling inner city, giving Kyle an idea of where he may want to move to in the future.

  After a quick stop at his apartment for him to pack a small bag with a change of clothes, they had headed back to Jase's house. Jase had said that he usually went for a run most days and asked Kyle if he had wanted to join him. Kyle wasn't a big running fan, but he welcomed the opportunity to see Jase doing something he enjoyed and so the two of them had set off on a five-kilometre run along the beaches near Jase's Mission Bay house. Of course, Auckland weather being as fickle as it was, had gone from slightly overcast to pouring rain in a matter of minutes halfway through their run. They had arrived back dripping wet and chilled to the bone.

  It turned out there were two showers available in the small house. Jase had a small shower ensuite in his room, so Kyle had been able to use the main bathroom to shower and warm up. He had returned to the living room in comfortable sweatpants and a loose sweatshirt from his college days. Lying on the couch with the Kiwi now, he was glad for the loose clothing as he was half hard from being in Jase's embrace.

  He slowly trailed his palm up and down the muscled thigh resting against his side and gave a small smile when he heard a soft sigh from above him and the arm around his chest dropped to the bottom of his sweatshirt, warm fingers making their way under the hem and gently stroking his abs. He hissed as the questing fingers ventured further along the waistband of his sweats, and he dropped his head back onto Jase’s shoulder as his other hand came around to join the first one, pushing the sweatshirt up and searching out Kyle's nipple. He groaned as talented fingers gently ran around the small nub, teasing but not touching. "Jase," he growled out. A wet kiss landed below his ear, right on the most sensitive spot, making him break out in goosebumps.

  To his disappointment, both hands left his body, but only for a few seconds as his sweatshirt was pulled up and over his head and tossed away. He started to turn towards Jase, wanting to kiss and taste, but Jase grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back into their previous position. "No, stay this way," Jase murmured, hands returning to his chest, his neck was peppered with soft kisses and sucks. A shiver coursed through his body at the sensation. His dick, now fully hard, pushed against the soft fabric of his sweats. He tried to grab one of the roaming hands and push it towards his straining erection, but Jase resisted, chuckling against his shoulder at Kyle's frustrated groan.

  "I thought we agreed no teasing," he protested.

  "That was last night's terms. Tonight's a whole new ball game," came the reply as fingers plucked at his nipples, sending sparks of desire straight to his swollen dick.

  "Then please, for God's sake, play with my balls, my cock, something..." Kyle pleaded, pushing his hips up. Jase’s breath hitched at the strained words.


  Jase looked down the tanned, finely muscled body stretched against his. God this man was fucking sexy. The firm chest with its scattering of dark hair, defined abs and a dark treasure trail leading to a straining cock pushing up against the worn sweats. He leaned down and swiped
his tongue up the cords of Kyle's neck, tasting the tang of salt from his heated skin. Kyle gave a long moan and muttered a low "please", his Texas drawl getting deeper and more drawn out. Jase loved the accent and it briefly crossed his mind that he could probably come alone with just Kyle's voice in his ear. He slowly trailed his hand down Kyle’s chest, across the taut abs, and let his fingers trace the waistband of the sweatpants.

  He slowly slid his fingers under the edge of the material and felt the damp head of the straining cock push against him as Kyle rolled his hips up. Wrapping his hand around the hot flesh, he gripped tightly. Before he could begin to stroke, Kyle pushed up, fucking his fist, making small whimpers and grunting sounds. Jase couldn't help himself, his own hips lurching up, aching cock trying to find friction against Kyle's arse. "Fuck, Kyle," he breathed.

  "Yes, please yes, fuck me." Came the reply. Jase pressed one last kiss to Kyle’s shoulder, then let go of him. "No. Where are you going? Don't fucking stop now.” Kyle's darkened eyes opened as he turned and tried to grab at Jase.

  "Bed. Now." Pushing Kyle away, he stood and pulled him up to join him. Carding his fingers through the thick, dark hair, he pulled Kyle into a wet, open mouth kiss. Their tongues slipped and slid against each other as Kyle grabbed at Jase's hips and started rutting against him.

  Breathing heavily, Jase grabbed Kyle's hand and dragged him down the hall to his bedroom. They came to a stop next to the turned down bed and Jase quickly stripped out of his shorts and t-shirt, feeling a wave of relief as his restrained cock was freed and bounced up towards his navel. He pushed Kyle's pants down, and after stepping out of them, Kyle wrapped his arms around Jase and he found his mouth being taken in another demanding kiss.

  "I want to fuck you tonight," Jase whispered against Kyle's lips. Kyle's response was to push his tongue back into Jase's mouth, kissing him hard and long. He pulled away and turned to lie on the bed.

  "How do you want me?"

  "Hands and knees," Jase managed to get out as he watched Kyle climb onto the pale blue sheets. The Texan looked back at him over his shoulder.

  "Well, it's not gonna fuck itself," he drawled with a smirk. Jase deliberately took his own leaking cock in his hand and began a slow stroke, up and down, noting how Kyle licked his lips as he tracked the movement. "God, you're so hot," the thickened accent drawled out.

  Jase slowly climbed onto the bed behind Kyle, still stroking his own cock. Kyle dropped down onto one elbow as he reached to stroke himself. Jase ran the wet head of his erection along the crease of Kyle's arse, carefully pushing aside the globes of smooth muscle with his hands to reveal the hidden pucker. He tapped the head of his cock against it, watching as Kyle pushed back, moaning. Jase leaned his weight onto the tanned back, resting a hand either side of the man below him, cock still in Kyle’s crease. "Take your hand off your dick. Going to make you come so hard, but you need to wait," he commanded. Kyle's body shuddered, his head and shoulders dropping down onto the bed.

  "Yes. Please. Stop talking and just do it," came the whimpered plea.

  "You're one of those guys that top from the bottom, aren't you?" Jase asked as he leaned back and rested on his heels. He playfully swatted Kyle's arse and was surprised when he heard a hissed groan, the arse in question pushing back at him as though seeking more. "Or maybe not. Do you want to be told what to do, Kyle?" he asked, leaning forward again, mouth next to his ear. "Do you like it when I smack your fucking perfect arse? Do you want me to do it again, maybe a bit harder this time?"

  Kyle's head turned, and Jase looked into the lust-filled blue eyes. He gave a small nod. Jase shook his own head. "Not good enough. I need to hear you say the words, Kyle. Do you want me to smack your arse harder? Will you do what I tell you to do?"

  Jase watched Kyle’s face closely. He wasn’t into domination but a bit of playful smacking to bring his lover pleasure was okay. He liked seeing them let down their inhibitions, give up a bit of control. He suspected Kyle rarely gave up control in any aspect of his life, so to do it now was telling.

  Kyle's eyes closed for a few seconds and he swallowed before looking at Jase. In a hushed whisper, he gave his consent. "Yes, Jase. I want to feel your hand on my ass, hard, and I want you to tell me what to do. Please."

  It was the final word, said so quietly that Jase wouldn’t have heard it had he not been staring at Kyle as he spoke, that spiked his own desire. He wanted to give this man everything, the greatest pleasure he had known. Make him let down his guard and make him come undone totally and completely. He pressed a kiss to the mouth that had uttered those words and once again sat back on his heels. He ran his hands up and down Kyle’s gently curved spine and across his backside. He pressed soft, open mouth kisses across the small of his back and then, when Kyle was least expecting it, smacked a hand on one of his cheeks. Kyle jumped at the sudden change from gentle teasing but then gave a long moan and reached his hand under himself again.

  "I said no touching yourself, Kyle," Jase told him as he smacked the other cheek, noting how his skin went white briefly before turning a pale red. Kyle's grunted "Oh" and push back of his hips made Jase add a third smack. He was getting so turned on himself by the sounds coming from Kyle that he knew he had to get inside the man. He leaned over and grabbed the lube and a condom. He clicked the bottle open and poured some of the slick liquid onto his fingers. Pulling back the slightly reddened arse cheek, he ran his fingers around the sensitive hole. He gently slid a finger in up to the knuckle and was met with more groans as he began to loosen the tight ring of muscle.

  He quickly added a second finger and spread them a couple of times. "Oh fuuuckk, what are you doing? Do it again. Aaahhhh. Oh God, Jase...I'm gonna come if you keep doing that. Don't stop. More." The words flew out of Kyle's mouth as he rode Jase's thick fingers. Jase leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the centre of Kyle's back.

  "I'll decide when you're going to come. Understand?" When he didn't get a reply, he removed his fingers from the tight hole and laid three quick slaps across the backside of the whimpering man. "Understand, Kyle?" he asked again.

  "Yeesss. I understand. But please, Jase. I need you in me."

  Jase opened the condom packet and quickly rolled on the latex sheath. He applied more lube to Kyle's waiting hole and dribbled some on himself. Smoothing his hand up and down his own cock, he positioned himself in behind Kyle. "Up on your hands. Don't move them until I say you can, okay?” Kyle nodded, and Jase ran his cock up and down the crease and then slowly pushed forward. They both gasped at his entry, Kyle's hole relaxing quickly as Jase pushed forward a few millimetres at a time. In just a few moments he was fully seated. He paused to take a breath and pressed a kiss to the base of Kyle’s neck. He took in a deep breath, drawing in the scent of clean sweat, heady sex and the woodsy body wash that Kyle must use. He drew back until his cock was almost out of Kyle's body and then with a grunt, slammed himself back in. Both men groaned in unison and Jase paused again before repeating the move. He heard a whimper from Kyle. He found he couldn't wait any longer and began to pump rhythmically in and out of the hot channel encasing him.

  He arched over Kyle's back, hooking his arms under his shoulders and pulling him up towards his own chest slightly. The change in angle made Jase's dick hit Kyle's prostate and a low keening noise came from the man in his arms and he began to push back on Jase, trying to get him to speed up. Jase began thrusting his own hips faster and he dropped one arm to reach for Kyle’s cock. It was slick with precum, small spurts erupting with every thrust of Jase's hips.

  "Need to come, Jase. Wanna come, Jase. Please let me come."

  Jase tightened his grip and stroked Kyle’s hard cock faster. His own orgasm was rushing towards him. He could feel the tingle in his lower back and his balls began to tighten. Dropping his hold on Kyle's shoulder, he leaned back. With a final stroke to Kyle's cock, he slapped the arse he was pounding in and out of and growled out a command. "Come, Kyle. Come for me now, babe. Let go and come so hard for me."

  Jase slammed into his prostate one more time, and with a gasp, Kyle came, shouting Jase's name. As he felt Kyle tighten relentlessly around him, Jase pushed in and out faster and faster until he could take no more and his body began to shudder as he reached his own release. "Aaahh. Kyle. Oh, fuck, babe. Yes.” He collapsed onto his lover’s back, causing Kyle's arms to give way and they ended up in a tangle of legs, bodies still joined as spasms wracked through both of them. Jase found he couldn't stop making mini thrusts into Kyle's body. It was as if his dick was trying to burrow its way in and never leave. He felt like he could almost come again. He certainly had never come like this before. Gradually the tremors eased, and he very gently and reluctantly pulled out. Quickly removing the condom and dropping it in the bin next to the bed, he turned back to Kyle. He hadn't moved since they had collapsed in a heap. His face was buried in the pillow and his breathing was evening out. Jase noticed that his hands were still fisted in the sheet, slowly clenching and unclenching.

  "Hey. Kyle. Babe. You okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" Jase brushed a kiss to the shoulder nearest him and ran a gentle hand down the back of the man not moving in front of him. Slowly, Kyle's head turned towards him.

  "I'm okay. No, you didn't hurt me," he murmured. A dull flush appeared on his cheeks. "I, um, never did, um, that before."

  Jase slid down the bed and laid his head on his own pillow. "Don't be embarrassed. It's just us here. What we do here is our business, no-one else's." He brushed a hand through the dark locks, pushing them back off the strong handsome face looking worriedly at him. "Did you like it? Would you want to do it again, or do anything else?"


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