Cover Model

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Cover Model Page 15

by Devon Hartford

  I wait a few minutes for her to reply, but she doesn’t so I cruise home through traffic. At my place, I sit on the edge of my couch staring at my phone on the coffee table for over an hour.


  At quarter to seven, the phone rings and I can’t breathe. I jump off the couch and grab the phone.

  Fuckin Gloria.

  I sigh hard.

  Do I answer?


  I grunt, “What?”

  “I thought you’d be busy with your girlfriend.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend.” It hurts to say it.

  “So you just fucked her for a night?”

  “Yeah. So what.”

  “Are you going to see her again?”

  “I doubt it.” It kills me to say it.

  The smile in her voice is loud and clear. “Come over, Connor. It’s the weekend and I’m horny.”

  I don’t fuckin care.

  “Come over, Connor,” she purrs. “You know you want to. I know how you like to come on my tits.” Her voice is sultry. My dick should be hard as a rock. It’s soft as a sock. “Come on over and you can come on Mama’s tits.”

  Mama? I look around for the nearest toilet to drop my phone in. But I’m in my living room and the phone store is gonna close soon. “Not tonight, Gloria. I’ve got a fuckin headache.” I almost laugh at myself.

  “Don’t be a bitch, Connor. Who do you know who will suck your dick for a solid hour? Do you think I do all that yoga and Pilates just to stay healthy? No way, mister. I do it for you.”

  “I’m serious, G. The convention was exhausting. I need to chill tonight.”

  “Unacceptable. I’ll buy take out and be right over.”

  “I might not be here.”

  “I thought you said you wanted to chill?”

  “Chill, as in, do fuckin nothing.”

  “Do me, Connor. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “I gotta go, G.” I hang up on her.

  An hour later, she’s standing on my doorstep looking extremely fuckin hot for however old she is. She holds a bottle of wine and takeout something. “I brought Thai. I like to eat light before a marathon fuck session. And wine. Here.” She jams the bottle in my hand and barges inside.

  She’s lucky Lex didn’t text me back otherwise I’d throw her out.

  She sets the dinner bag on my dinner table and gets plates and forks from the kitchen like she owns the place. She’s been here so many times she knows where everything is. “Don’t you think the dining room set I picked out for you is so much nicer than that ratty old thrift store table and chairs you had? It gives this place that modern touch.”

  It also gives it her touch. I don’t know why I let her redecorate. She doesn’t live here.

  She opens one cupboard after the other. “Are you out of napkins?”

  Fuck if I know. I stare at her.

  “Fine. We’ll use paper towels.” She smiles at me as she unpacks the food. She looks pretty damn good in her skin tight yoga outfit that looks like she bought it this morning before her workout. She probably did. “Well? Are you going to pull out my chair for me?”

  I roll my eyes and walk over to the table so she can sit down like a fuckin lady.

  “Sit down.” She points at the chair next to her.

  “Jesus Christ, Mom. Do you take away my allowance if I don’t do what you say?”

  She grins. She has nice fuckin lips. Probably gets injections, but she spends so much you can’t tell for sure. “Oh, you want to roleplay tonight? I can be your momma, Connor. Now sit down and eat your dinner like a good little boy or I’ll send you to your room.”

  —You’re in trouble now, Connor Hughes. I have to spank you. Bend over my desk—

  I almost puke in Gloria’s face thinking about that nightmare from this morning.

  “What’s wrong, Connor?” Gloria is smiling like a true friend. “Are you okay?” She stands up and rubs my elbow. “What’s wrong? Tell me.”

  If she didn’t sound like she actually cared, I’d shout at her to get her fuckin hands off me. But she’s being nice. I sit down so she’ll let go of my arm. “It’s nothin. Gimme some of those noodles.”

  We eat while she talks on and on about the latest insider Hollywood gossip. She throws A-list names around like she’s talking about her personal friends. She almost is. She’s been in business in this town a long time.

  I try to tune her out.

  I eat.

  My phone is one of those new Samsung Edge ones where your messages only light up the strip on the side. It’s hanging half out my pocket so I can see it but Gloria can’t. It’s been sitting that way all through dinner.

  The message strip lights up.


  Let’s meet later this week. I got an extension on your interview.

  I hide my smile the rest of the night until Gloria leaves.

  Chapter 12


  Morning sun warms my face as I peel my helmet off. Still straddling my parked motorcycle, I listen to the voicemail from my parents on my phone before I buzz inside the building to finish my interview with Electra.

  “Mount Rushmore was incredible, son. You need to go whenever you have the chance.”

  “It was so small!” Mom laughs.

  “It just seems that way, Kell. If we had been closer, it would’ve been gigantic. The sign said the heads are sixty feet high! That’s six stories! Who do you know who has a head that big?”

  “You do!” she laughs. “We could put your head up there next to Washington or Lincoln and it would be the same size.”

  Dad chuckles. “I walked into that one. Anyway, son, just wanted to give you an update. We’re on the road headed for the Great Lakes. We should hit Chicago by nightfall. I hear they have the best summer weather anywhere in the country.”

  “It’s the windy city, Connor!” Mom hollers. “Everyone there is a blowhard like your Dad!”

  “Enough of that, woman!”

  They both laugh and cheer, “Bye, Connor!”

  I climb off my bike and trot up the stairs to the building. The guy behind the desk inside tells me to take the elevator to the fourteenth floor.

  Just as the doors are closing, some blonde haired hottie with icy eyes comes running up, her heels clicking on the marble. “Wait!”

  I jam my arm in the doors and she steps inside. “Where you going?”

  She looks at the panel. “Oh. Same as you.”

  The doors close.

  We’re all alone.

  She’s totally checking me out but pretending not to. This shit happens to me all the time. Great ass. Fake tits. L.A. all the way.

  The doors ding when we arrive on 14.

  “After you.” You gotta be polite.

  “Thanks.” She steps off the elevator and lingers.

  The glass doors of Trending Magazine are straight ahead, but the hallway T’s in both directions.

  We both step forward at the same time.

  “Sorry,” she giggles.

  “My bad.”

  “Are you here to see someone at Trending?”

  “Yeah. You too?”

  “Audrey Fisher. I’m a senior contributor for Trending.” You can tell she’s proud of herself. She jams out her hand to shake. She’s got a strong grip. “Who are you here to see?”

  “Electra Warmoth.”

  Her eyes widen. “Oh. You’re the interview.” She’s still holding my hand.

  I pull mine away. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She starts walking toward the doors, implying I should follow. She reminds me of Gloria. A hot bitch who’s way too full of herself. She makes my dick curl up like a hermit crab. But, since I’m going the same way she is, what the fuck.

  We walk.

  She lowers her voice, “The rumor around the office is that Electra missed her deadline because she was having trouble getting your interview. That she couldn’t handle you.” She eye fucks me. “I don’t kn
ow what the problem was. Did you scare her off?” What a bitch.

  “No.” I open the glass Trending door for her. Again, you gotta be polite. But I feel like bashing her head between the two doors. “After you.”

  “Thank you. Such a gentleman.” She grabs me by the wrist and stops me by the doors. “If you don’t feel like… Electra is giving you a good interview,” she means sex, “let me know. There’s a certain art to it, if you know what I mean.”

  “Sure.” There’s a certain bitch to you, if you know what I mean.

  “Here’s my card. Call me any time.” She makes sure to brush her tit against my elbow. “I’m always available.”

  “Uh huh.”



  “Tell me today is the day, Warmoth,” Vince Pitts says, sitting behind his desk with his feet up. He stretches his retro suspenders out with his hands and lets them pop against his white-collared pinstripe shirt.

  “I promise. I will finish the interview in the conference room before lunch and have it on your desk by five.”

  “Famous last words, Warmoth.”

  “Vince. Have some faith.”

  “You know I’m an agnostic. I don’t believe in shit until it’s handed to me on a platter.”

  “I will have a platter of shit for you at five.” Vince respects people who can volley back his profanity.

  “You can’t polish turds, Warmoth. Make it a platter of gold. Award winning, Pulitzer-worthy gold.”

  “It’s just an exposé, Vince.”

  “Shoot for the moon, Warmoth. You never know what you’re going to hit. Maybe he secretly saves babies in the Sudan.”

  “I’ll ask.”

  “Please do. This Connor character is getting a lot of buzz on social media since that convention last week. He might be the new it guy this summer. If you get me a good story, I’ll put it on the cover.”

  He keeps waving the cover carrot in front of me, but with what Connor has given me so far, I think Vince might be barking up the wrong tree.

  Vince’s assistant buzzes through on his intercom, “I have Hal Barrett on line two.”

  “Got it. I’ll take it right now.” He punches the blinking button on his phone and waves me out of the room.

  Hal Barrett is the publisher of Trending Magazine, so I make myself scarce.

  I don’t know what I was thinking inviting Connor to the Trending offices to finish his interview. I told myself it would be neutral ground so he won’t try anything stupid and I won’t cut and run if he gets out of hand. I need to finish this interview. Now I’m thinking this was a horrible idea.

  No reason in particular.

  Just Connor Hughes.

  Trouble always finds him.

  At least the glass conference room here is a controlled environment with minimal distractions. And with the wraparound glass walls, he’s not going to try anything. Everyone would see us. I’ll be safe and I can finish my interview.

  If you guessed that I haven’t figured out how I feel about Connor, you would be right. It doesn’t matter if the sex was impossibly good. It doesn’t matter that I’ve been thinking about the feel of his cock inside me ever since he pulled it out of me. What matters is getting this interview finished.

  End. Of. Story.

  Now if I can only find Connor.

  He was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago.

  Am I surprised he’s late?

  Not at all.

  We’re talking about Connor Hughes.

  I make it out to the lobby and the first thing I see is Connor chatting up Audrey Fisher.

  What was I thinking?

  Like him? I loathe him.



  Electra barks at me and this Audrey chick, “Are you two done?”

  Fuck, Lex is hotter today than at the convention. I don’t know how she does it. Do I have a thing for sexy librarians that I didn’t know about until now? The dick stirring in my pants says yes, as long as they’re not demon Gloria.

  “Oh, hi, Electra,” Audrey smiles at her. It’s fake. They hate each other.

  “Trying to steal my story?” Electra snarls at her.

  I want to laugh. Cat fight.

  “Steal it?” Audrey snorts. “You already dropped the ball, Electra. I was just picking it up for you.”

  “I can pick up my balls myself.”

  Audrey tries not to laugh.

  Me, on the other hand, I try not to think about my balls because seeing Electra fight for me like this gives me a case of raging blue steel in my jeans. She can pick up my balls any time she wants.

  Electra pistols across the polished cement floor on her pumps and grabs me by the arm. “Let me take you to the conference room, Connor. So we can start our interview.”

  This is nice. I’ve had chicks fight over me before, but this is my favorite. Because it’s never been High Tension fighting over me. I never thought I’d see the day. I’m tempted to drag my feet and see if I can get these two to go at it. Something tells me Electra would rip this Audrey chick’s shit apart.

  I smile to myself.

  Some other time.

  Electra drags me into the glass conference room and closes the door. It’s behind the reception desk out front. We’re in a fish tank. I can see into everyone’s offices and they can see in here. Most people are busy at their computers or on the phone or whatever, but a few glance at us.

  The only sound in the conference room is the A/C blowing through the vent hanging from the exposed ceiling. The rafters are concrete and steel.

  I sit down in one of the leather chairs surrounding the glass table and kick my boots up.

  “Get your feet down,” she snarls as she pulls up a chair across from me.

  “How’s your shiner?” I can see purple and yellow beneath the concealer on her cheek.

  She raises her hand to touch it but stops herself. “Better. Thanks for asking. Your hand still black?” She remembered.

  Grinning, I hold up my palm. “I rubbed all the ink off stroking myself thinking about you.”

  She frowns, “That’s disgusting, Connor.”

  “That’s true, Lex.”

  “Does that mean your—” She stops herself, shaking her head. “I don’t want to know.”

  “What?” I chuckle.

  “No, Connor!” She busies herself with her notepad.

  “Aren’t you gonna offer me water or coffee or some shit?”

  She places her palms on the table and scowls. “I’m not your servant, Connor.”

  “Don’t be like that. I mean, wouldn’t you offer water or coffee to your interview if it was someone other than me?”

  She sighs like a bull winding up to charge the guy with the red cape. “Fffffine.” She flips her head and bolts to her feet. “What do you want to drink?”

  “What do you have?”

  “I don’t know, Connor!”

  “Let’s go find out.” I stand up and follow her past a bunch of offices and cubicles to the kitchen.

  She opens the fridge. “You can have anything on the bottom shelf.”

  “Ice water looks good. You want one?” I hold out a bottle for her.

  “No. I mean, sure. Thanks.”

  “Can we start the interview now?”

  “Lead the way.”

  We walk a different route back, passing down a hallway.

  “What’s in here?” I ask, opening a frosted glass door.

  “The copier room.”

  “Let’s check it out.”

  I roll my eyes. “It has a copy machine. And paper. What do you need to see?”

  I grab her wrist and pull her inside, closing the door behind us. It doesn’t have a lock. Oh well. I push her up against the door, which rattles.

  “Stop it, Connor!” she hisses.

  “Do you always wear tight skirts, War Mouth?”

  Her arms hang at her sides. “I don’t know. What do you want?” She stares up at me.

  I lean my arms against the glass, trapping her. “You.”

  She looks away. “I don’t want you.”

  “You did at the convention.”

  “That was different. This is my workplace.”

  “If I were to lift up your skirt…” I reach down and grab the bottom and jerk it up an inch.

  She shivers, her eyes half closed. “Connor…”

  I jerk the skirt another inch. “And stick my hand between your legs…” I reach up and feel the heat trapped down there. “What might I find?”

  “Someone might walk in…” she moans.

  I find her hot thong. I peel it aside. Touching her pussy is heaven. I have died and gone. I stroke her slick slit. “You are wet, Warmoth. Any idea why?” I tease my middle finger back and forth, working my way through her lips until I find the tip of her clit. I circle it slowly.


  “Tell me to stop.” I plunge my finger inside her wet hole.

  “MMMMMMmmmmm…” Her eyes are completely closed.

  I lick her lips. The sweet fuckin lips I’ve dreamed about kissing since I was fourteen. They part and my tongue slides right in. We slow fuck each other’s mouths.

  “MMMmmmmmm…” She rests her palms against my chest.

  I slide my finger out and massage her clit while squeezing her breast through her blouse and fuckin her with my tongue.

  “MMMMmmmmmm…” Her thighs start to quiver.

  “Yeah, babe. Let it out.” I maintain a slow but forceful motion on her sweet spot.

  “MMMMMMMMmmm…” She’s gonna lose it. She breaks the kiss and tips her head against the glass. She starts to pant. “Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.”

  My dick is so hard it’s gonna punch a hole in my pants. I almost pop when she starts to come, bearing down on my whole hand with her pussy. I hook my finger and feather her G-spot.

  “NNNNNnnnnnn…” Her pussy clamps down and she lets it all go, coming hard.

  After a minute, her muscles start to relax. She falls forward and catches herself by bracing her palms on my chest. Her head hangs, her forehead against my skin. “Fuck me,” she whispers like she’s about to pass out. “I need you to fuck me right now.”


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