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Norman, John - Gor 19 - Kajira of Gor.txt

Page 52

by Kajira of Gor [lit]

  her hips or clasped behind the back of her neck. If she breaks such a position,

  of course, she is subject. to terrible discipline. She must then, as he lies

  slothful’ and’ recumbent beneath her, at his ease, observing her, perhaps

  amused, writhe upon command and thus serve, and eventually cap, his volcano.

  Later he taught me this sort of thing first-hand. He used the’ collar tie and,

  mercifully with real thongs’ when he was finished I had not only learned again

  that I Was a slave but that this general sort of position, even with the female

  facing forward, has no intrinsic connection with female dominance. He had let me

  experience it in that fashion to see what it was like. He had then returned me

  to total bondage.

  “Master,” I said.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “I have been doing a great deal of thinking,” I said.

  “Is that what you have been doing?” he asked.

  “I mean, in the last few Ehn,” I said.

  “Yes?” he said.

  “I have learned my collar,” I said.

  “Good,” he said.

  “You have taught it to me well,” I said.

  He shrugged. The Goreans have a theory that any man can teach a woman her

  collar, and perfectly.

  “But was it necessary,” I asked, “that you used me as you did earlier, after you

  had whipped me?”

  “How was that?” he asked.

  “Master!” I protested. Then I saw that he wished to make me speak. “when you

  made me kneel, with my head down,” I said, embarrassed.

  “No,” he said. “It was not necessary.”

  “Then why did you do it?” I asked.

  “It amused me,” he said.

  “Surely there was more to it than, that,” I said.

  “Yes,” he said, “it is a useful way to show a woman, one who may be proud, or

  not clear on the matter, that she is a slave.”

  “I see,” I said. “I find it difficult to forget the experience.”

  “Oh?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Doubtless you were appropriately degraded and shamed,” he said.

  “No,” I said. “To be sure,” I said, “it was instructive, but, as I recall it

  now, I found it very loving and exciting.”

  “You liked it?” he asked.

  “Doubtless it brought my slavery home to me,” I said, carefully.

  “I would think so,” he said. “It would doubtless be difficult to continue to

  think of oneself as a free woman after having been used in that fashion.”

  “I liked it,” I said, suddenly.

  “That is interesting,” he said. The beast! He knew I had almost screamed with

  submission and pleasure!

  “Are slaves often used in such a fashion?” I asked, as though unconcerned.

  “Sometimes,” he said.

  “Might I ever again be put under such a discipline?” I asked.

  “Perhaps,” he said. I looked at him.

  “Perhaps if you beg prettily enough,” he said.

  “I will,” I smiled. “I will!”

  “Do you recall the position?” he asked. “Yes,” I said.

  “Speak,” he said.

  “The girl kneels, with her head down, her hands clasped behind her neck,” I


  “You recall the position perfectly,” he admitted.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Assume it,” he said.

  “Yes, Master,” I said, joyfully.

  “Thank you, Master,” I said, softly; lying in his arms, thanking him for his

  touch. It is now evening. Again he had gone to the door and summoned a slave.

  Again we had had food brought in and had, again, eaten.

  “Ohhhh,” I said softly. “Thank you. Thank you, Master. You are my master. You

  are my Master! Thank you. Thank you, my master.”

  Then, later, he held me closely.

  “Master,” I said.

  “Yes?” he said.

  “I have often wondered what was the meaning of a golden cage, and why I, when

  thought a Tatrix, was placed in one.”

  “The gold,” said he, “is a precious metal, is thought perhaps fitting for a free

  woman, in particular for one of high station, and certainly for a Tatrix. That

  it is a cage, on the other hand, signifies that she is taken to be, in

  actuality, no better than a slave, and only fit to be a slave. To place her in

  such a cage is then to make a clear statement as to her true and rightful


  “I see,” I said. “And doubtless the goldensack is of similar import.”

  “Yes,” He said.

  “Yet Hassan enslaved Sheila before placing her in such a sack.”

  “True,” he said, “and that she as a mere slave was yet placed in such a sack

  must have induced exquisite emotions m her, emotions of fear, of outrage and


  “Doubtless,” I said.

  “It was a. joke on the part of Hassan,” he said, “an exquisite one.”

  “Doubtless,” I said.

  “But doubtless, too,” he said, “it served a useful purpose in her on-going


  “Doubtless,” I said.

  “But doubtless, too,” he laughed, “it seemed an appropriate modality, did it

  not, in which to transport a former Tatrix to Argentum?”

  “Yes,” I said. I shuddered.

  “But I think you need not fear confinement now in golden cages or golden sacks,”

  he said.

  “Cages formed of simple, sturdy bars of black iron and deep, doubly-sewn sacks

  of heavy, plain leather, black and thick, tied or locked shut, will now serve

  well enough for you, confinements suitable to the more common slave you now


  “Yes, Master,” I laughed. Such devices would suffice quite well, surely, for a

  common girl such as I now was.

  “Master,” I said.

  “Yes?” he said.

  “Read me my collar,” I begged, “please.”

  “I showed it to you before,” he said. “You should have read it for yourself.”

  “You are teasing me,” I pouted. “You know I cannot read.”

  “Not even your collar?” he asked.

  “No,” I said.

  “Well,” he said, “do not worry about it. It is not necessary for you to be able

  to read your collar. All that is necessary, from your point of view, is that it

  is locked on you, that you cannot remove it, and that it can be read by free


  “Are you going to teach me to read?” I asked.

  “Such skills would seem to have a very low priority,” he said. “For example, can

  you play the kalika?”

  “No,” I said.

  “Do you know the exercises and luscious movements of slave dance?” he asked.

  “Not really,â€�
� I said.

  “So why should you be taught to read?” he asked.

  “I could spy on your mail,” I said.

  “I had not considered that,” he admitted “It could improve my price,” I said.

  “That is probably true,” he said.

  “Many men,” I said, “enjoy having a girl who can read. It gives them pleasure to

  make her serve as well, or better, than an illiterate girl.”

  “I shall think about it,” he said.

  “Thank you, Master,” I said. Whether I would learn to read or not was not up to

  me. In final analysis, it was up to masters. It would be done with me as they


  “Tell me, please,” I asked, “what is on my collar.”

  “A speck of dust,” he said. “There, I have removed it.”

  “Please,” I said.

  “It is simple,” he said. “It says, ‘I belong to Drusus Reneius, of Ar.’

  I kissed him. “It speaks the truth not only of my legal condition,” I said, “but

  of my heart.”

  He then, again, began to touch me. “Thank you, Master I breathed, again. I did

  not know whether or nor I would be taught to read. Then, in a few moments,

  gently, softly, I began again to yield to him.

  I lay on one elbow, regarding Drusus Rencius. “What did you pay for me?” I


  “It is not important,” he said.

  “I am curious to know,” I said.

  “Curiosity is not becoming in a Kajira,” he said.

  “Nonetheless,” I said, “we are notoriously curious. Doubtless the saying would

  not otherwise have gained such wide currency.”

  “That is probably true,” he said.

  “I would like to know,” I said.

  What is the difference of a coin or two?” he asked.

  “I know it was not much,” I said.

  “Oh?” he asked.

  I laughed merrily, and he reddened. I knew I had triumphed!

  “You paid for me!” I laughed. “You know what you paid! What did I cost you? What

  did I bring Miles of Argentum!”

  “I do not recall,” he said.

  “Miles of Argentum,” I laughed, “when he saw me in Corcyrus, thought I would

  bring a whole silver tarsk! He, then, too had only seen me fully clothed, clad

  in the full regalia of the Tatrix. Only my face had been unveiled! Had he seen

  me naked he might have raised his estimate! Too, suppose he had seen me in a

  posture of submission or had had me writhe at his feet in slave chains! Suppose

  he had put me through detailed and methodical slave paces, or had had me bring

  him the whip in my teeth!”

  “Perhaps he would have added a copper tarsk or so to your price,” speculated

  Drusus Rencius.

  “Who knows?”

  “You yourself,” I said, slyly, maliciously, “in Corcyrus, as I recall,

  conjectured that I would probably bring only between fifteen and twenty copper


  “That seems about right,” he said. “In a normal market, under normal conditions,

  of course.”

  “But that was untrained,” I said. “Subsequently I was trained.”

  “Yes,” he said, “that is true. I suppose it would be only fair to improve your

  price by a copper tarsk or so in virtue of such a consideration.”

  “But suppose a man particularly wanted a woman,” I said. “Suppose she was, for

  some reason, very special to him. Perhaps she had been cruel to him. Perhaps he

  mightily desired her. He might then be tempted to pay at least a little more,

  might he not, to obtain her?”

  “I suppose so,” said Drusus Rencius, irritatedly.

  “What did you pay?” I asked.

  “It doesn’t really make a difference, does it?” he asked.

  “I suppose not,” I said, “but I would like to know.”

  “I do not recall,” he growled.

  “Miles of Argentum,” I said, “truly at one time believed me, and with good

  reason, from his point of view, to be the Tatrix of Corcyrus. For that reason he

  paid fifteen tarsks for me, fifteen silver tarsks.”

  “What an idiot,” said Drusus Rencius, darkly.

  I laughed. “Fortunately he was your friend,” I said, “and for that reason would

  cheerfully accept a considerable loss in my resale.”

  “I paid more than fifteen silver tarsks for you,” said Drusus Rencius.

  I clapped my hands with pleasure. “I knew it must be 50!” I laughed.

  The face of Drusus Rencius was black with rage.

  “what did you pay!” I asked. “what did you pay!”

  “More than twenty tarsks,” he said, angrily. “How much!” I demanded. “How much!”

  “I paid fifty silver tarsks for you!” he said, furiously. “Fifty!” I cried.

  “Yes!” he cried, in fury.

  “Wonderful!” I laughed. “That is wonderful!” He scowled at me fiercely.

  “I am surely the poorest investment a man has ever made in a slave girl,” I

  laughed. “You will have to keep me forever. You will never recoup that loss!”

  “Oh!” I cried, thrown to my stomach on the love furs.

  Then my legs were thrust apart. Then as I gasped and clutched at the furs,

  almost before I could move, from behind, handled like the slave I was, I was

  pinioned, held and entered.

  “You need not fear I will sell you,” he said. “I have waited long to possess


  I squirmed, impaled.

  “And do not worry about the economic aspects of the matter,” he said. “You are

  going to make your sales price up to me in value, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I said, “a thousand times!”

  “Is that all?” he asked.

  “A thousand times a thousand times!” I gasped.

  “Is that all?” he asked.

  “And more, and more, and more!” I cried.

  “You will now move as I direct,” he said.

  “Yes, Master,” I said. “Yes, Master!”

  “I love you. I love you. I love you!” I moaned. “I love you so much I could die

  with the love of you.”

  Then his lips were again upon me.

  It was now in the early light of morning. In a few hours he would leave for Ar.

  I would accompany him, perhaps even in his chains, his.

  “You are doing it to me again!” I moaned.

  “Be quiet,” he whispered.

  Then I melted to him again, soft and lost, held, in his arms, and then he swept

  me up again, willless, his collared slave, like a swirling leaf high into the

  clouds of ecstasy, and love.

  37 Afterword

  Wars, I suppose, continue.

  who knows what knives are lifted, what secret, stealthy marches may be afoot?

  But these things’ seem far away.

  Ar, in the evening, seems very beautiful.

  I must conclude this narrative now. I h
ave been summoned to my master’s couch. I

  hasten to obey.




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