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Wanted: Engineer (Silverpines Series Book 11)

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by George H. McVey

  “You know I can’t, not yet.”

  “Then go home.”

  “What will you do if I do.”

  Jeremiah looked his new friend in the eyes. “I deal with it the mountain way as it should be.”

  “You yourself said it, Jeremiah; it’s a new age, time for the old ways to pass.”

  “Not. This. Time. Go. Home.”

  Alexzander looked to Nathan. “Tell him, Nathan. You’re a U.S. Marshal, you can’t let him do this.”

  Nathan looked at Alexzander. “For everything there is a season, Alexzander, that’s the Bible. Mountain ways are Biblical ways, you know that.” Nathan slowly and purposely reached up and unpinned his badge and put it in his vest pocket. “Not a Marshal today. Today I’m just a mountain preacher. You need to decide what you are today, Alexzander, because I’m pretty sure your jurisdiction ends at the town line.”

  Alexzander thought for a minute and then nodded. “If either of you ever breathe a word of this to Betsy.”

  “Just mountain men here today, Alexzander, nothing else.”

  Alex also reached up and unpinned his badge and placed it in his pocket as well. “How do we track him?”

  Jeremiah smiled. “I know where they are.”


  Nathan looked at Alexzander. “Don’t think, don’t guess. Just right now close your eyes and tell me where Betsy is.”

  Alex did as he was told and pointed straight to his parlor where his wife sat worrying about her friend. Nathan was pointing south and west. “And how do we know where they are, our wives?”

  Then Alex understood. They were one connected. Jeremiah knew where Maude was, he’d take them straight to her. “Then let’s go see mountain justice done before I come to my senses.”

  With that the three men mounted up and two mountaineers followed the groom to his bride.

  They rode up the hill and turned into the woods at the overlook where Jeremiah had almost forgotten himself with Maude just over a week ago. Alexzander swore under his breath. “There’s an old trappers cabin up in the woods about half a mile. We had a miner hide up there after the disaster. He got killed by a mountain lion. Only place up here they could be. Only one way in and one way out.”

  Jeremiah nodded. “That’s where they are. He plans to gut shoot me. Make me watch him take Maude before killing us both.”

  Nathan grunted. “Please tell me you’ve been practicing?”

  “Every day just like you told me, Nathan. Smooth and sure. Accuracy too.”

  They got just a few yards to the cabin. “Just me from here, gentlemen.”

  “You sure, Jeremiah?”

  “My wife, my right.”


  Nathan took the reins of Jeremiah’s horse and Jeremiah walked into the clearing on foot. “Lucius Fagan. I’m here for my wife. Send her out and that’s the end of it.”

  There was some shuffling inside and then the door swung open and Lucius walked out with Maude in front of him. “How’d you know where to find me, Henderson?”

  “I will always know where to find my wife, you sidewinder. Now let her go and we’ll settle this like men.”

  Lucius laughed and licked the side of Maude’s neck. It took every ounce of control Jeremiah had not to rush him right then. “I don’t think so. You got my mine shares?”

  Jeremiah looked at his wife and smiled. “Maude. You okay?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll be better when you get me home and I can wash his slimy spit off of my neck.”

  Jeremiah laughed. Lucius turned red. “Don’t ignore me! I asked you a question.”

  “I only have one thing for you, Lucius, and that’s contempt.”

  The outlaw went for his gun and Jeremiah said, “Maude down!”

  His wife let her knees drop out from under her and sat straight onto the ground. As she hit the ground Jeremiah’s hand smoothly pulled his Colt peacemaker and it barked one single time. Lucius Fagan fell back, a hole between his eyes, before he even knew what was happening. Jeremiah moved forward and holstered his pistol, taking his wife in his arms. He carried her to where Nathan and Alexzander waited.

  He sat her on the saddle and climbed up behind her, settling her on his lap. Alexzander looked at the corpse laying in front of the cabin. “What do you want to do about Lucius?”

  “Coyotes gotta eat too, Alex. Mountain’s way of cleaning up after itself,” Nathan said.

  The three men turned and rode off to Silverpines, never once looking back.

  When they reached the town line Jeremiah reined in. “I’m taking Maude home. Let Betsy know she’s safe and there won’t be any more trouble from Mister Fagan; and thank you both.”

  Then without a word he took her home where he heated a bath and stripped her of her dirty clothing. He slipped her in the big copper tub that had been delivered that morning, knowing he’d have to empty it by hand, and climbed in behind her. He took the rose scented soap he’d purchased for her and lovingly cleaned every speck of dirt and trace of spit off of her neck and washed the rest of her lovingly. He then washed her hair and climbed out, wrapping her in a towel and carefully drying her, before picking her up and carrying her to their bed. He placed her in bed and climbed in beside her and wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried out her fear and terror. He dried her tears and kissed her face. Whispering his love for her as she drifted off to sleep. When she woke he’d show her how much he desired her; for now he would just love her and keep her safe as she slept and chase any nightmares that dared attack her away.

  Maude woke to the soft even breath of her husband. Her hero. She looked at his face and thought back to his tender care of her earlier that night. Never asking, never demanding just loving her and caring for her. She thanked God again for bring him back to her in time. Before she gave up on her dream of him. She’d placed an ad for Wanting an Engineer and what she got was a hero. Her Hero. Her Husband. Her Soulmate. She couldn’t have asked for anything more.



  April 1925

  Jeremiah sat on the back porch of their home, waiting for his and Maude’s children and grandchildren. He finally retired from running the mine, leaving the day to day operation to his son, Howard Ryder Henderson, who like all young men, was full of innovations and new ideas. The company was in good hands and Jeremiah made sure Howard knew that he thought so.

  It had taken him ten years, but Maude had finally given in and let him hire an architect and rebuild her dream home on the land they used to dream about living on. Today was her birthday and the family she was so proud of was coming to celebrate with her. Her sisters and their families were coming as well. She’d gone in to town as was her tradition to put flowers on the grave that contained all those lost to the mine including her own beloved Mr. Howard.

  He felt her enter the house before he heard her or saw her. Their connection as strong today as the day they’d married. Life had given them much and demanded much as well, but they had a good life together and he was always thankful for God allowing him to return to Silverpines and the only woman he ever loved.

  She came out and kissed him, handing him the mail. “You got a letter from Redemption. Figure it’s from Nathan or more likely Cindy.”

  “Probably; Nathan doesn’t write much since Grace passed. But Cindy does try to remember important things, probably just wishes for your birthday.”

  He opened and pulled out the single page. As he read the words, life changed.

  “Jeremiah? What is it? What’s wrong?”

  He looked up at his heart and soul. “It’s the end of an era, Maude.” He handed her the letter through tear-soaked eyes.

  Dear Uncle Jeremiah and Aunt Maude,

  It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you that Papa was shot and killed today, attempting to apprehend Baby Face Nelson at the Redemption National Bank. In true Nathan Ryder fashion, he entered to make a deposit to see the criminal holding it up. Without a thought
to his age or lack of badge, witnesses say The Preacher drew his trusty Colts one last time. Apparently the robber heard him and turned, and as Papa’s Peacemakers fired, so did the bankroller’s tommy gun.

  David arrived moments later and took the bank robber into custody. Papa got his last man, just as he’d have wanted. Witness said as he fell he said: “I knew them tommy guns were too fast.”

  They brought him home but there was nothing we could do. I held his hand as he struggled with his last breath, the doctor working to try and save him. He pushed the man away and looked into the corner, reached out his hand and said: “Hello, Grace Honey. I’m ready for our next adventure,” and then he was gone.

  I know you both understand what that means as he always swore your connection was just like theirs.

  We plan to bury him on the hill next to Mama. But I knew I had to tell you that he was gone. Please let Alexzander and Betsy know as well. Levi and I and Nate and David wish you all well.


  Cindy Ryder Cody.

  Maude climbed onto his lap and laid her head on his shoulder “He went out like he wanted, didn’t he? Fighting evil. Imagine, sixty-eight and he still almost outdrew a tommy-gun. Then to be met by Grace to have adventures beyond the veil. Perfect for Nathan.”

  Jeremiah nodded. “Yes, perfect for Nathan. Me, I want to be a hundred holding you and we go to sleep and wake up young and ready for new adventures beyond the veil.”

  Maude kissed him. “I think I want your version too. Together in this life and beyond.” Until their family arrived they sat there, together mourning the loss of their friend and celebrated his reuniting with the love of his life. Indeed, it was the end of an era and only the legend of the Preacher would live on. But they would remember the friend who brought them together by celebrating their love until they met again.

  The End.

  About the Author

  George McVey always wanted to be a superhero; sadly, no radioactive storms or animals have been a part of his life. One day while spinning a tall tale for his family, some suggested once again that with all his experiences in ministry, and his imagination, he should be writing books. This time it was like lightning struck him and he decided, why not.

  Since then, George has been hard at work using his creative imagination and writing several books. He's still adding to his bibliography to this day. You can find them all on his page. George lives in the wonderful state of Almost Heaven, West Virginia. In a lovely basement apartment with his wife of 31 years, Sheri, and a service dog named Daisy Mae.

  If you ever come to visit him, you will probably find him sitting in his lazy boy recliner or at his desk in the corner office working on some writing project. If not a teaching book, then a novel. If he isn't working on a novel either, then he will be working on a short story or blog post. If he isn't doing either of those then he is either asleep or eating, his other two favorite past times.

  You can reach him by email at You can also find out more about his books, get a free book, or join his beta readers team to help make the books he sells better at his website You can also connect with George on Facebook at his author page

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