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Two Wolves and a Librarian [Werewolf Castle 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Cara Adams

  Flynn walked at a brisk pace, expecting that the men, considerably taller than she, would be more than capable of keeping up with her. They looked to be muscled and fit, not flabby, but if anyone started breathing heavily she could always slow down. Not that she was super fit herself, but she did spend a fair proportion of her day on her feet and walking around the library, even though part of her day was spent sitting at a computer. She liked the variety in her job. She preferred being hidden away in the workroom, but helping readers answer their research questions was a very rewarding part of her task, and supervising the children’s story time and craft activities was sheer fun. However, the mental challenge of cataloguing books and resources was also appealing. All in all she loved her job with its various tasks and demands.

  The walking track wound its way steadily up the hill, through an area of very tall trees, then a section that had at one time been a pine tree plantation, now gone wild, and finally to a higher level where the soil was no longer a rich brown but more a dusty yellow and the land became rocky. Behind her the men walked easily, occasionally commenting on something as they passed it.

  They were almost at the lookout when Flynn stopped dead. Two wolves with golden-brown coats stood on a rock maybe fifty feet away from her. And they were staring right at her. They were her wolves. They had to be. Their fur was the same and although they were too far away to see their eyes, she sensed they’d recognized her. “Hello again. You’re so beautiful.” She breathed so softly she didn’t even know if they’d hear her.

  Flynn sensed Kiril pressing against her back. “Don’t be afraid. They won’t hurt you,” he whispered into her ear.

  “I’m not afraid. I’ve met them before.”

  One of the wolves raised his muzzle to the sky and howled. The sound sent shivers all up and down Flynn’s spine, but it wasn’t scary. It was beautiful. Then both wolves stared at her again, and to her surprise, Magnus gave a wolflike yip. Once again the wolves looked right at her for a long heartbeat of time. Flynn knew they couldn’t stay around too long, but she still was sad they were about to leave. “Please come back again one day,” she said. She almost thought the smaller wolf nodded at her, but likely it was just her imagination as they both turned and loped away.

  Flynn gave her body a little shake. “Aren’t they amazing? I’ve only seen them once before but they’re just so beautiful. I wish I could see them every time I come here.” She turned and hurried up the rest of the track to the lookout, staring in each direction, but the wolves had completely vanished.

  * * * *

  The moment Magnus had seen the wolves he’d known they were shape-shifters. They were too far away for him to scent them properly or to read the expression in their eyes, but he instantly connected with them and knew Kiril had as well. He wished he had a way of finding out which pack they were from, and if they were just here for the inauguration of the Alpha of Germany as Supreme Alpha of Europe. For a brief moment, he even wished Flynn wasn’t with them so he could change and show them who he really was.

  But he squelched that thought immediately. Flynn was his future, his and Kiril’s. He could never wish her away. She was too important to them both. And besides, these wolves might be on the wrong team. They might belong to one of the packs that opposed the Alpha of Germany.

  When the male howled, Magnus knew it was the wolf’s way of telling him he knew Magnus and Kiril were shape-shifters like himself. That’s why he’d responded with a yip. There was no need to be rude. Then Flynn said she’d seen them before, which made him wonder if they were from the Alpha of Germany’s pack, and if so, who they were. He and Kiril had worked for the Alpha of Germany for part of the time while they were here, but only in human form. He tried to recall a man and a woman with golden-brown hair, but there were millions of blonds in Germany, so that didn’t really help him. Besides, he hadn’t met many women. Most people on construction teams were men, especially considering there were far more male werewolves than females anyway. He shrugged his thoughts off and followed Flynn up the track. There’d be plenty of time to think later.

  Flynn walked across to a large flat rock, Kiril beside her, so Magnus followed and they sat facing the direction Flynn had chosen, which was toward the setting sun. They hadn’t arrived too soon. It was just a ball of fire only an inch or two above the horizon now. Magnus longed to put his arm around Flynn but didn’t want to spoil the moment. In particular, he didn’t want her getting angry with them and making them leave. He hadn’t even had a chance to get to know her properly yet. But still his fingers itched and twitched to touch her.

  He sat slightly side-on so he could watch her expressive face as well as the setting sun. Both were equally entrancing. Behind her glasses, her pale blue eyes were sparkling with happiness and her mouth curved up into a hint of a smile. He wondered how much of her happiness was due to having seen the wolves, and how much was because of being here with him and Kiril. He hoped at least a bit of her joy was because of him. He wished for nothing but happiness for her, but he really hoped her happiness included him and his best friend in her future. Already he couldn’t bear to think of a life without her. He wanted to take her back to his mountains and let her hike the trails there, showing her all the wonderful scenery. He wondered what she’d think of Werewolf Castle. Would she be happy living there? Or they could live on the mountain, or even in the small town. Wherever she wanted to be was fine by him. As long as he was part of her future.

  The sun dropped below the horizon and there was a moment of inky blackness. Kiril stood up but Flynn said, “Wait.” Magnus wondered what she was waiting for. The sun had set. End of story. But then, almost as if an electric company foreman had flicked a switch, the black sky lit up with stars and a pale crescent moon was also visible.

  “Even though the sun is setting it’s still bright enough that it hides the stars. It’s not until people’s eyes have adjusted to the darkness that they can see the stars and the moon,” said Flynn.

  “I haven’t ever thought of it that way before. You’re very observant,” said Kiril.

  “What did you think of my wolves? I’ve only ever seen them once before, but aren’t they amazing? The most spectacular creatures,” she said.

  “They were truly beautiful,” agreed Magnus trying to think of a way to find out more about her feelings toward paranormal creatures.

  “Do you have pets?” asked Kiril.

  “No companion animals, no. My apartment is too small for a cat or a dog, and I’ve never particularly wanted a bird or fish. If I ever lived in a house with a yard I think I’d like to have a dog, though. One I could rescue from a shelter.”

  There was silence and once again Magnus wished he could think of some way to find out more about her. How would they prove she was their Ms. Right unless they could communicate on a deeper level?

  “One day you must come and visit our mountains. We’ll take you up to one of the plateaus and watch the sun set there. Maybe camp overnight. We could show you some wonderful waterfalls as well,” he said.

  “That sounds great. Tell me more about your mountains.”

  Kiril answered her, and Magnus kept part of his mind on what Kiril was saying, and the other part was trying to figure out how to get her talking.

  “Were you both born in the mountains?” asked Flynn.

  “Born and bred,” answered Kiril.

  At last. My opportunity. “Where were you born, Flynn? You said it was in the country somewhere I think.”

  “Yes, that’s right. South of here, down toward Liechtenstein and the mountains, but in a more rural area. It was a great place for a child, with space to run around out of doors.”

  “So we have the mountains in common,” he said, his heart beating fast with happiness. He was more than content for her to fill his home with books or electronic reading devices, but the thought of showing his mountains to someone who’d appreciate them was even better.

  They turned and began walking back to the parki
ng lot. He was a little worried about her hiking the trail in the dark. Of course, she’d done it before, but she wasn’t a wolf and therefore her eyesight was not as good as his and Kiril’s. And she didn’t have hiking boots on either, even though she’d suggested the walk. Hmm. Hadn’t she said something about librarians not being particularly well paid? Was that the real reason why she didn’t have boots or a companion animal?

  “Will you come out to dinner again with us tonight, please?” he asked.

  There was silence for such a long time he was terrified she was about to refuse, but finally she said slowly, “Yes, I will. Thank you. The same place as last night or do you want to go somewhere else?”

  “What would you like?” asked Kiril.

  “There’s a Swabian restaurant near here. How do you feel about lentils and sausage?” she asked.

  “That sounds good to me. Do they have noodles as well?” asked Kiril.

  Flynn laughed. “Of course.”

  “Let’s go there, then,” said Magnus.

  He didn’t want to distract her too much on the walk down the trail, knowing her eyesight would not be as good as theirs. But she trod confidently, and never even looked like she was wandering off the trail or tripping on a rock. She was either very surefooted, had better night vision than he’d assumed, or came this way regularly. Or even all three.

  Back at the parking lot he escorted her to her car. It was old and he remembered it making some rattling sounds as she’d arrived. Was that another sign she didn’t have a lot of money? “We’ll follow you to the restaurant,” he said.

  “I just need to change back into my shoes,” she replied, walking to the trunk of her car and taking out her purse and a pair of black pumps.

  She sat sideways on the driver’s seat and as quick as a flash he dropped to his knees. “Allow me.”

  He unlaced her athletic shoe and slipped her foot out of it, then handed the shoe to her. She blushed, blinked, and handed him the pump for that foot, then he repeated his actions with the other foot.

  She slid neatly under the steering wheel, her face still adorably pink.

  “Thank you,” she said softly, dropping the athletic shoes into the footwell on the passenger side.

  Magnus stepped backward and she closed the car door, then he and Kiril waved and hurried over to their own car.

  “So far, so good,” said Kiril as they followed Flynn’s car along the access road back to the main road.

  “Hell, yes. I didn’t think she’d agree to eat with us, it took her so long to decide.” He shivered remembering the gut-clenching moment as she’d thought before saying yes. “Do you think it’s because she doesn’t have a lot of money? That she’s worried she won’t be able to cover her account or something?”

  Kiril frowned but Magnus noted he kept his gaze on the traffic, not on him. “Surely she’d know that if we asked her out to eat we’d pay for her?”

  “That’s true. Maybe she just likes to think everything through carefully before she answers a question. I like that in her.”

  This time she did sit in her car for a few minutes, brushing her hair and putting on lipstick before she got out and joined them.

  Guiltily, Magnus looked down at his own clothes, checking there was no dirt on his jeans and hoping the restaurant didn’t have a “no athletic shoes” policy.

  Once they went inside though, he saw it was a family-style restaurant. Some people were dressed up, but most were not, which suited him just fine. Again he watched as she chose a table at the back of the restaurant, looking out at the room.

  They all ordered the lentil stew, which came with frankfurter sausages and spaetzle noodles. Magnus nodded to himself. It was a hearty dish, meant to feed a hungry working man at the end of the day. Inside the lentil stew were onions, carrots, and leeks, all of which added extra flavor to the meal.

  “Did you find a good place for your friends to stay?” Flynn asked him as she sipped her water. He’d offered her beer or wine but she’d shaken her head and chosen water again. Perhaps she genuinely preferred it.

  “We’re going to look at three places tomorrow. Did you have a good day at work? What exactly do you do apart from helping lost tourists?” he asked not wanting to explain why they were looking at houses to rent instead of motels.

  Kiril got her talking about her work and the community here while Magnus concentrated on how to ask her to spend the night with them. It was very soon. Only the second date, but they had talked some and she seemed to be everything they wanted. He could think of no other way to deepen their friendship than to go to bed together. To spend the night together. If she’d agree. But the problem was it’d taken her some thought to even agree to share a meal with them. What if inviting her to their motel frightened her away completely? At least they knew where she worked. They could always try again he supposed. But he had to hope she was ready for the next step. It seemed perfectly logical to him. In fact, he’d tried and tried and could think of no other way to progress their relationship right now.

  While the server was bringing their coffee, he took one of her hands and Kiril took the other. “Please, Flynn, will you come back to our hotel with us tonight? We’ve really enjoyed our time together and want to get to know you better.”

  She looked from him to Kiril, scanning their faces thoughtfully, then finally gave a sharp little nod. “Yes. I will.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles, then turned it over and kissed the inside of her wrist. “You won’t regret it. I promise you.”

  “We will make you very, very happy,” added Kiril.

  * * * *

  Kiril wanted to haul Flynn into his arms right there in the restaurant and kiss her but knew that would not only get him thrown out of the restaurant, but likely make her change her mind about going back to their room with them. So he wrapped her hand with both of his and gently kissed each finger, making love to each one with his lips and tongue as if it were her body.

  When he finished he gazed into her eyes and she smiled at him, then pulled her hand out of his and pushed her eyeglasses up higher on her nose. He grinned, then wiggled on his chair. Damn. His dick was harder than the rocks in the mountains, and giving him hell. It wanted to be inside her so badly it could hardly wait. He could hardly wait. Thank all the saints he’d packed lube and condoms in his luggage. He always did, even though they’d spent two years looking for their mate and never found her. It was just as well he’d never given up hope because he was damn sure Flynn was The One.

  And tonight would be all about Flynn. He was determined she’d have an orgasm. At least one. Two would be better. He’d heard some women found it very difficult to reach orgasm. Hell, he’d heard there were women who’d never had an orgasm. Well Flynn was not going to be one of them. He’d devote himself to finding out what aroused her, what pleased her, what made her come. And he’d keep doing that until she exploded on his mouth, his cock, his fingers, or better yet, all three of them.

  Magnus was a Dom and he was neither a Dom nor a sub, but more just a helper in Magnus’s scenes, but that was in the dungeon. In their everyday life they were best friends, work colleagues, people who understood each other so very well they could work together all day long and hardly ever argue. Introducing Flynn to BDSM could not happen for a long time yet. Hell, they were taking a huge risk even inviting her into their bed so quickly. But she seemed so right for them. Everything they knew about her, everything she did and said, just made Kiril even more convinced she belonged to them.

  So tonight would be bland vanilla sex, but the kind of sex that ensured she came and came hard. Twice. Then maybe next time they could fuck her together. Double penetration. Then after that perhaps Magnus would introduce a tiny hint of BDSM. Hold her hands while he fucked her, or slap her ass once or twice. Nothing that would scare her, just a hint to see if she liked it. And then, finally, in maybe a month’s time, they’d be ready for a dungeon scene. After waiting two years to find their woman,
waiting another month for a dungeon scene was hardly any time at all. He could do that, no worries.

  Kiril smiled as he followed Flynn and Magnus out of the restaurant and over to Flynn’s car. It was quite old, and a bit rundown looking, but he mustn’t be rude about it. It was Flynn’s car not his.

  “You will follow us to our hotel?” Magnus asked her.

  “Yes, but don’t go too fast. Poor Oscar starts to shake if I put him in top gear too soon.”


  “Top gear?” He and Magnus spoke together.

  Flynn grinned and patted the hood of the car. “This is Oscar. He’s almost as old as I am and very faithful. But he shakes if I rush him through gear changes. He’s a stick shift, not an automatic transmission, so I make sure he’s quite ready before I change into top gear.”

  He’d noticed she opened the door with a key, but there were still plenty of cars without central locking. And manual cars, too, he supposed. Again, it was none of his business.

  At the hotel Kiril jumped out of the SUV to show Flynn where the visitors’ cars were to park, as Magnus drove around to their allotted parking space. Then he walked her inside the foyer and they waited the few moments until Magnus joined them, climbing the stairs together. There were no elevators at Werewolf Castle either. It was all stairs to climb there, too, but he was used to hotels having elevators. He supposed there was one for the people who worked here, but he and Magnus had carried their own luggage up to their rooms so he didn’t even know that for certain.

  “We’ll go to my room,” said Magnus. Kiril just nodded. He’d expected that, even though he couldn’t imagine Magnus needing his toy box as yet. Unless he had condoms and lube in it. That might be what Magnus meant. Flynn walked up the steps with them, not even breathing heavily by the time they reached the third floor. Her body seemed to be rounded just the way he liked a woman’s body to be, from what he could tell despite her clothes, which were loose and didn’t display her flesh at all. But she was definitely fit, which he also liked. And very soon he’d get to see her completely naked. His dick stood up and pressed hard against his zipper at that thought.


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