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The Fall of Troy

Page 32

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  And that promise was the stone that took down my Everest of doubts, shielded in anger. With one single throw, I no longer cared who or what was in his past. I no longer worried about the obstacles that we might face.

  I no longer needed anything except to know that I was his and he was mine.

  “Troy.” My name was a strangled supplication. His restraint was breaking. He was crumbling, holding on to a respect of my choice. “You… you need to choose.” His eyes shone a shade of blue that I’d never seen before. Damaged and vulnerable. “You should go…”

  Melancholy never looked so handsome. Or so mine.

  Love is war.

  And war takes two sides to fight. Without both, there is no battle… there is no love.

  He was the other half that made this fight.

  He was the other half that made love possible.

  Aux objets répugnants nous trouvons des appas.

  In the storms, we find the nourishment to grow.

  In the dark of night, we stand in awe of the beauty of the dawn.

  In the pain, we appreciate finding peace.

  In sadness, we realize the full potential of true happiness.

  This life we have is only understood… is only fully lived… in opposites.

  My life was only half of the equation without him. I was my own person… but until him, I couldn’t appreciate everything that I was. And in the midst of loathing, we cling to the only thing stronger than hate; in loathing, we find love.

  “You should go…”

  That first step away from the door felt like I was walking on water, expecting every inch to be the one that pulled me under. But Léo, he was my god that kept me floating. As long as I never looked from him, Troy would never fall.

  “I’ll never go, Léo.” Another step closer without sinking. “I can’t go. You’ve done something to me… you’ve changed me…” I insisted, reaching for words to explain that this never was… never could be a choice for me. “What we are… what happens between us… is a one-way reaction. We combined… we combusted… we became something that was altogether different than what we were separately and we can’t go back. We can’t reform into what we were. Just like you can’t take ashes and turn them back into whatever was burned. This is our future… this is our fire… there’s no turning back now.”

  “You’re going to regret this.” I would never give up on him.

  “You keep saying that,” I said softly. “When are you going to realize that I’m never going to listen to you?”

  “When are you going to realize that I will end up destroying you?” I would never not fight for him.

  “When the sun decides not to rise.” My chin was propped up. No matter what he said, I would come back. No matter what he did, I would never leave.

  This Troy would never give up.

  “Take off your clothes.” His eyes glinted dangerously. “All of them.”

  My gaze tethered to his, I complied. If my heart was racing before from anger and hurt and then adrenaline, it was nothing compared to now. My desire for him was like a black hole—once it opened, anything and everything that could hold me back was sucked right into it. All my worries. All rationality and reason. There was nothing left by the vacuum of need for him—to feel him inside me.

  “Last chance, Miss Milanovic.” On purpose, he always pushed. “Last chance to run.”

  I shimmied out of my underwear.

  “Last chance to claim me, Professor Baudin,” I taunted back, sliding my hand down my stomach toward my swollen sex. “Before I have to take care of myself.”

  The growl that came from him was vicious as he jerked off the desk, his hands on his belt.

  “On my desk. Legs spread wide,” he commanded. “I want to look at the lips that listen to my commands… the ones that don’t talk back.”

  My teeth sunk into my lower lip as I hoisted my butt onto the chilled wood. Laying back on my elbows like before, I bent my knees and spread my legs apart, my heels searching for the edge of the desk.

  Pants hanging low on his narrow hips, the outline of his erection taunting me, pushing against his briefs and the tails of his shirt. His torso dropped over me and his mouth claimed mine. Peace. More than his words, this kiss washed everything away. Everything but us.

  I whimpered into his mouth as my legs wrapped around his waist, my hips searching for fire and friction. Needy. Always needy.

  “Léo…” I was drunk. Lost.

  “You’re mine, Troian. La mienne, ma petite.” His teeth tugged hard on my lip and my body jerked. I wanted him to mark every inch of me. “Is she wet for me, your sweet little pussy? I bet she is.”

  I moaned, knowing that everything below my waist was soaked.

  “You had your chance, ma petite. Now, I’m going to fuck you the way I’ve been needing to—the way that brands every inch of you.” His gravelly voice was like electricity down my spine. “I’m going to fuck you so deep, Troy, you’ll wonder if I’ll ever be able to find my way out and then, when you are screaming my name as I dent your womb, I’m going to come inside you.”

  I gasped, pathetically needing all… everything he said right now. I felt my sex clenching in anticipation, desire dripping down toward my ass.

  He ground his granite ridge against my core and my back arched off the wood.

  He left me shaking on the desk to free his erection. In a daze, I still stared at him. Each time, I wondered if this would be the time that he was too big to fit. And each time, he found a way.

  Another rush of moisture gushed from me as his head pressed against my entrance. No barrier. No protection. The hot, silken hardness of the blunt head of his dick probing through my slit.

  “Fuck, Troian.”

  Another wave of desire crashed through me and just as I was coming up for air, he slammed inside me. My fingers gripped onto the edge of the desk to stop me from sliding back with the force of his thrust.

  My muscles protested. No matter how slick, it had been a few days since he’d last been inside me. Now, they were peeled and stretched wide.

  His fingers gripped my chin, dragging my gaze to his. “Je t’aime. I love you, Troy.” My heart wept. “Mon Dieu… I love you.”

  I couldn’t stop staring at the thick cords of the muscles in his neck as he threw his head back. I could see the way they vibrated as his jaw tensed. Sweat beaded on his forehead and the thrill of power rocked through me, knowing how much he loved me and how desperately he wanted me.

  And then those twenty-thousand leagues drew me under and drowned me in dark desire. “I’m going to coat every inch of you so that you never ever question again who you belong to—or what is always on my mind. Because it’s this.” He pulled out and rammed back into me. The friction of the slide against that sweet spot drove me even crazier as he hit up against my womb. “It’s you. Always you.”

  My head dug back into the wood. I couldn’t listen anymore. I was so desperate for release. I tried to arch my hips, to move against him, but in the end, it was the begging pulls of my sex on his cock that pulled him over the edge.

  Over and over he drove into me, my body quaking with each thrust.

  “Take me,” he demanded, and I came.

  I shattered without a sound. The pleasure was too intense to allow my body to do anything else but break down around him. My pussy exploded in waves around him, massaging his length with my climax.


  I’d never tire of hearing my name from his lips—the roll of the ‘r,’ the little hook on the ‘n.’ And the way it became so much more than just a name when he came.

  A moan tore from my aching chest, feeling the way he erupted inside of me. He’d come inside my ass before, but this was different. I felt the warmth of his cum all the way up in my stomach. I felt each wave of it as his dick pulsed inside me, washing away the line that we’d just crossed.

  And he stayed there. He waited until there was nothing left in him—until I’d taken everything t
hat he had.

  I wasn’t the kind of person who made it to heaven. But I no longer cared, because I’d found something better. In her.

  I’d live here, buried inside her, if I could. My Troian would fight me with her all and in the next breath, she’d give her all to me. It was nothing short of miraculous.

  I stared down at her flushed body sprawled on my desk. Her nipples peaked and red, made me salivate. My cock was still lodged inside her swollen folds. My hand drifted to her stomach, knowing the severity of what we’d just done. Slowly, I began to slide out of her, my red, throbbing dick appearing out of her pink slit, coated with creamy white from both her and me.

  And just like I told her, when my cock slipped all the way out and bobbed between us, I stared down at her spread before me and watched the liquid run out of her.


  I groaned. I love that voice. The one that told me that I’d literally fucked her mind from reality and now it was up to me to bring her back to it.

  “So beautiful, Troian.”

  I dragged my finger up her slit, letting the juices coat it. Lightly, I traced the word ‘mine’ into her stomach with the mix of her desire.

  “You should go, ma petite,” I rasped, reaching for a tissue to clean up her leaking pussy.

  “I don’t want to go,” she protested softly.

  “I don’t want you to either, but half the building saw me practically drag you into my office…” My mouth thinned. “Just for a little longer, you’ll stay my secret. Just a little longer…” I didn’t know how, but I’d come up with a way to take her across the ocean with me where a love like ours wouldn’t be crucified.

  She pushed up on the desk and reached for another tissue.

  “Leave it,” I demanded, looking to the smudges of cum on her stomach. “That’s my tattoo on your skin. So you know who you belong to.”

  She shivered and stood, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “How could I forget?” she whispered against my lips.

  With a groan, I kissed her again because I didn’t know how to stop myself. No matter how many times I’d had her, when she was in front of me, I wasn’t complete unless I was inside her. And again already, my dick began to harden again like I was fifteen years younger… like I was her age.

  “Go, ma petite.”

  Thankfully, she abided by the request. Wincing, I righted my clothes while she quickly redressed.

  “When… will I see you again? W-we have to talk.”

  About the future. About what was next.

  “Friday. After studio. At the apartment.” It was a few days from now, but I needed the time. I needed time to figure out how to take her with me and space to now be distracted by my body’s desperation for her. “This… today… was risky,” I consoled her, brushing her cheek with my thumb. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I love you, Léo,” she whispered.

  “I love you, too.” But the words didn’t seem enough. How I felt was too much for those words. I just kissed her gently and whispered, “Go.”

  She looked back once when she pulled the door open and the look she gave me was one that I’ll never forget. The look of someone who’s realized they have everything… and now have everything to lose.

  And then she was gone.

  My heart was still pounding. Screaming angrily at having been locked up for so long. I didn’t know how I was going to do it… I didn’t know what the future would hold… but someone would have to pry Troian from my dead grasp to keep me away from her.

  She was mine. There was nothing that could keep me from her.

  “Tell me you didn’t fuck a student, Léo. Tell me.”

  Nothing except that.

  I was used to the most important things in my life being ripped viciously from my grasp.

  He must have seen her leave. Her clothes weren’t exactly put back on in the most orderly way. Or maybe he saw her face and realized that it was the same one he’d seen in my office just an hour ago.

  “Fucking tell me, Léo,” Jack demanded from behind me, the door to my office slamming shut once more.

  He didn’t need to hear it to know that he’d guessed the truth. He was hoping I’d be creative enough to give him a lie his conscience could believe. If it was anyone else… if he was anyone else… I would have tried.

  But he wasn’t. He was the closest thing—the only thing—that resembled a friend, a luxury that this past year hadn’t afforded me. He’d brought me here to save me. He’d tried to save me before I’d married Amélie. And he tried his damnedest to bring me back from the darkness. He’d tried to save me so many times, I’d never be able to repay him. And now, I was about to tell him something… and beg him to save me once more.

  I turned to face him—and the truth. “I love her, Jack.”

  “Motherfucker—” he swore, covering his mouth with his hand as he turned, desperate to escape the answer that I’d given him.

  There was no escaping it—for either of us.

  Now, when he looked at me, it was like he didn’t know me.

  “She’s the reason, isn’t she?” he accused. “Earlier when I asked what had changed—she was the answer.”

  “She is my answer!” I roared at him. “You don’t think I know what you are thinking? You don’t think I know what you are going to say to me? How wrong this was of me? I know. I know this isn’t Paris. I know that being an adult here still doesn’t mean you are treated like one. I know what the fuck I’ve done.”

  Our raw, heavy breaths echoed through the room. Everything else in dead silence, waiting for the battle to start.

  “How could you—” He broke off again and I knew he didn’t want the answer.

  “I don’t know how, Jack. I don’t know how because isn’t that how love works. It’s fucking magic. You’re not supposed to know how or why, not really. If you knew, then you would have a choice. If you knew, then you’d be able to stop it if you wanted.”

  My heart was racing, but my body felt like it was running underwater. Slow. Sluggish. Trying to move against an impossible current that threatened to drag me back and rip me under forever.

  “Would you have been able to stop it—to stop yourself from falling for Kate?”

  His gaze whipped to mine. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell me that it wasn’t the same. That she wasn’t a student.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” His fist slammed into my desk. Wouldn’t be the first dent that was put it in over this girl.

  “You think I wanted this? With all the other shit I have to deal with—or not deal with? With Amélie…” I pinched my brow. “I didn’t want this. I didn’t want to want her. But then I breathed her in, and for the first time in so goddamn long, I didn’t feel like I was drowning.”

  “Don’t.” His hand came up to stop me. “I don’t… I can’t hear this.” I could practically see the fucking smoke coming from his ears as he tried to figure out what to say… what to do.

  Gripping the back of the chair, he looked at me. “This is the last time, Léo. This is the last time I’m interceding on your behalf.”

  My heart jammed in my chest. He was my judge, jury, and, if he wanted to be, executioner.

  “I’m not going to report this even though I should. Especially because it’s Meghan’s daughter. Another faculty member, for Christ’s sake.” I wished he’d just punch me and get this over with. “I’m not going to report you because it would end you. It would end whatever shreds you have left of what was once a very bright career.”

  I felt it coming—the other shoe dropping, the hammer, waiting to nail me.

  “But I am going to tell you to leave.” And there was the first blow. “Next week is finals. I’ll have someone cover for you or if you want to leave Giselle to handle it; I don’t care.”

  “So, that’s it?” I rasped. “I leave and you let this go.”

  “You leave her, Léo.”

  My body went rigid. “She’s an adult, Ja
ck. I can’t force her to do anything.”

  His eyes flat, he replied, “I’m sure you have your ways.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “No, fuck you, Léo. I asked you to come here as a favor to you—to show your superiors that you could still handle teaching, that you could still handle being a decent human being. And you go and screw one of your students.”

  “I also fell in love with her.”

  He let out a tortured laugh. I hated it. And I hated him. He knew how I felt and no matter what came out of his mouth, his body language told me he sympathized.

  I watched the bricks of his mask fall back into place. Piece by piece. I’d never get him on my side. Not for this.

  “You need to leave. Tomorrow. Friday. Before Monday, you need to be back in Paris where questionable morals are an acceptable food for that city to run on. And I don’t care what you tell her, but you have to end it.” He wiped a hand over his mouth. “Do you even know why she’s here? Do you know she tried to kill herself? Did it ever occur to you that maybe someone so young falling ‘in love’ with you might have more to the story?”

  He came at me like he was going to attack me with the only weapon he had. “Did you think about her future at all? Did you even think about yours? Where the hell could this possibly go?” His vehemence spewed into my face. Any other person, I would have punched him. “Was she going to drop out? If you love her, is that what you want from her?”

  No. No fucking no. But I hadn’t had the chance to think about the future. I’d been so grateful… so in awe… of the fact that I felt like I was finally living again that I got lost in it, in the present. In her.

  “You’ve been living—No. You’ve been stuck in the past for so long now, Léo, maybe you don’t know how to think ahead… maybe you don’t want to. I get it. I fucking get it, man. But that time is up.” He sighed heavily. He looked and sounded as defeated as I felt. “You need to leave. And this needs to end.”


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