Page 14
Yeah, thousands of pounds worth of equipment and somehow, some teenage kids with too much knowledge moved the sensors towards the street and not the doors.
“Did they tell her what the CCTV was for?” I ask, slightly worried. Susan will be going out of her mind and will no doubt be calling Nina. And, well, Nina in a crisis is a nightmare. She doesn’t handle things well if something bad happens to the ones she loves. She’ll be a wreck, even after seeing I’m okay.
“No. We reported a victim was attacked in the early hours of this morning and needed the footage. We’re hoping we can get a description of him, something to go on.”
I wince at that. “He’s white and has a gravelly voice. That’s all I can tell you. He had a hood pulled over his head and eyes, so I didn’t see his face. He also targets women on chat sites because he thinks we’re desperate. He must see us as helpless little women needing a date.” I smile at the memory of my fist meeting his face and my nails scratching his skin. He might not have made much of a deal last night about it, but that shit will hurt this morning.
“Why are you smiling?” Beau asks, looking at me like I’m batshit crazy.
Maybe I am.
But I did fight back, something I’ve always been taught to do.
“I fought back, Beau. I hit him, scratched him. Even before he hurt me. He jumped out of the alley by Poundstretcher. He startled me, so I punched him in the face. It was a kneejerk reaction.”
He forces a smile, his voice hoarse. “Well done, baby. Well done. We will get him. I promise. I won’t rest until we do.”
“I know―”
“She’s my fucking sister. I want to see her,” Aiden booms from somewhere outside my door. It bursts open to Aiden and Mark fighting their way in, getting stuck in the door-jam when they try pushing through together. I giggle a little.
Lily follows behind them more quietly, looking utterly worn out and distraught. She’s not slept, I can tell. And from the way her hands keep fiddling with her dress, she’s clearly having one of her anxiety episodes. I’m guessing being at the hospital isn’t helping. She’s never liked them since she was in one for a while when she was saved by the police.
“Boys,” I snap, but it comes out hoarse.
They stop, each having the other in headlock as they turn to me, their eyes wide and filled with dread.
My eyes flick to Lily, who is still standing in the hall with tears running down her face. She looks so tiny and lost, and it’s breaking my heart.
“Lily, baby, come here.”
She doesn’t unfreeze, her eyes never leaving the injuries on my body. I’m glad they put me in a gown and under a sheet, because I’d hate for her to see what I can only guess will be a mass of bruises on my body. But being in here and not being able to go to her is torture. She needs me. She needs—
“Lily,” Mark calls softly, stepping over to her. “Aiden, can you go get Maddox?”
“No, I’m not leaving either of them. Ever again.”
Beau chuckles, but respect flashes across his features. “I’ll grab him. I need to get back to the station before I get fired.”
“Fired?” I ask, panicked.
“I’m joking. I’ll be back later.” He leans over my body and kisses my forehead. I savour the feel of his cool lips on my burning skin, feeling relief course through me.
“See you later.”
His eyes rake over me once more before he reluctantly leaves.
My attention reverts back to Lily who has stepped into the room, even though my heart feels like it left with Beau. He’s gone and already I have the need burning inside me to cuddle next to him, to hear his voice.
“Lily, girl,” I call again, my eyes feeling heavy. But I need to know she’s okay before I pass out, this time from exhaustion.
“Lily,” Maddox calls gently, stepping inside the room. He ignores me on the bed, and I know it must take some strength. He wants to concentrate on Lily, and if he sees me he’ll lose his mind, like my brother Aiden is seconds away from doing. He still hasn’t looked away and it’s unnerving. His eyes and expression are hard, his breathing laboured, and his hands are clenched into fists at the side of his body.
Hello, meet The Incredible Hulk.
“Maddox?” Lily’s soft whisper calls.
“Yeah, it’s me, Lils.”
“He hurt her badly. Really badly,” she chokes out, tears running down her face.
Mark walks over and takes the seat Beau had been sitting on. “She was holding it together outside, but we knew this would happen. It was only a matter of time. She was ready to explode. We didn’t think she’d follow us in without Mum with her.”
There’s guilt in his voice, and I reach out to take his hand. “She had to see me, Mark. There’s no covering this up.” I gesture to my body, making him grimace.
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Aiden suddenly shouts, storming out of the room, but not before we get a look at his face. Tears were running down his cheeks and the veins in his head were pulsing.
Mark looks torn on what to do. I make the decision for him. “Go after him. I’m not going anywhere.” My attempt to joke is met with a narrowed gaze.
“I’ll sort him out and be back. Don’t go anywhere. I love you.” I give him a dry look then stare down at my body. “Ah, yeah. Won’t be long.”
He leaves as Maddox eases Lily into the room, sitting her down on the bed. “See, she’s… awake.”
He grits his teeth when he sees me for the first time. I’m sure he was about to say I was fine, but stopped himself before he could, getting a good look at me.
“Lily, I’ll be okay. I promise. I remembered all the moves our dad and uncles taught us. I got away,” I lie. I don’t want to tell her I passed out, having no idea if he had left or stayed somewhere in the shadows. It will only make her worry more.
“Really?” she breathes, sitting closer.
I smile. “Yeah, punched him right in the nose and everything.”
“I’m sorry this has happened to you. I’m sorry I can’t be stronger for you.”
My heart breaks at the sound of her own resentment. “Lily, you are one of the strongest people I know. Never doubt your worth or strength. You are our everything. You hold us together.”
“She’s right, Lils. Look at how many times you’ve saved your brothers from Faith trying killing them, or your brothers killing each other. You organise our little getaways, so we can all be together. You’re strong, Lils. You don’t see it yet, but you will.”
Maddox runs a hand down her hair. He loves her like a sister, like he loves Madison. But most of all, she’s his best friend.
“I hate seeing you like this,” Lily tells me, her eyes full of sadness.
“Me too. I promise I feel fine, just tired.”
“We’ll let you get some rest. Mum and Dad are going to stay here until the doctors release you. I’m going to head to yours and grab you some stuff, then head to Mum and Dads to do the same.”
“Your too good to me.”
“We love you, now get some rest.”
She kisses me much the same as everyone else, only lingering longer, before walking to the door, where she waits for Maddox. He leans down and kisses my cheek before moving towards my ear.
“I promise you, Faith, once we find the fucker who did this, he’s going to wish he never fucked with a Carter.”
My throat closes with emotion as he leans back, showing me through his eyes how much he means it. The conviction and determination are there, bold as day.
I just hope none of them get into trouble.
But as he leaves, closing the door quietly behind him, a sick feeling fills my stomach.
Staying at my mum and dads had been fun… for the first few days. But I’ve been here for two weeks recovering and now I’m ready to go home for some peace and quiet.
Everyone, at one time or another, has come to keep me company or check up on me. Beau has even been around
most days, just not when he’s at work or working late. Seeing him, though, made my day. I was worried when I first agreed to recover at my parents that I wouldn’t get to see him, but I needn’t have.
I needed my parents though, not just the safety of their presence and for peace of mind, but because I needed Mum’s help. As much as I knew Beau would take care of me, without even being asked, I needed my mum to help me shower, so I didn’t get my cast or stitches wet.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay another week?”
“I’m ready to go home, Mum. I’ll have Beau across the hall and Roxy with me all the time.” Roxy, who was sent to a neighbour’s after Mum got the call, hasn’t left my side since I returned home. She’d gone for walks with the boys, but always whined to come back, positioning herself in protective mode.
“She has been a little soldier. I thought she was going to tackle Landon when he walked in.”
I giggle. “It did seem like he was sneaking in. She just didn’t realise it’s how he always walks.”
Mum laughs. “All right, but the minute you feel like you want to come back, ring me or your dad and we’ll be there. When is Beau picking you up?”
“Any second.”
As if hearing me, a horn blares from outside. “Must be him.”
Mum carries my bags to the front door. We’re greeted by Beau and I smile like a goof at seeing him. He couldn’t stop by yesterday since he was at work. It feels like it’s been a week though.
“Hey.” I wave, feeling lame.
“Hey, you ready?” He charms me with a grin as I nod eagerly. We step outside, Mum following us.
We’re at the end of the walkway when we hear a commotion to our left. I jump, startled, but sigh with relief when I see Aiden, Ashton, Mark, Trent and Jacob running towards us. Jacob pushes Aiden into the bush outside Harlow and Malik’s, and his feet flying in the air knock Trent forwards.
“What on earth?” Mum gasps.
“This should be fun,” Beau chuckles.
“Faith,” Aiden yells, getting back to his feet.
Mark tackles Ashton to the floor a few feet in front of us. It’s Jacob, followed by Aiden and Trent who stand in front of us, gasping for air.
“Faith,” Mark breathes out, panting.
“I’ll come stay with you,” Jacob offers.
Yeah, because his parents would let him.
“Dude, she’s my fucking sister. I’m staying with her,” Mark snaps.
“You’ve got your own place. I’ll stay with her; I’m her favourite,” Aiden yells at Mark. Mark pushes him back, before stepping further in front of me.
“I’ll help do the cleaning.” Yeah, that will never happen. “And take Roxy for a walk.” Okay, that would be nice. “And I’ll even cook dinner twice a week.” The earth will end before I get an edible meal out of him.
I open my mouth, but Ashton interrupts. “I’ll just stay with you. You’ve spent your whole life with those two goons, you don’t need to see them any more than you already do. I’ll stay with you. It’s no problem.”
“I said I’d stay with her,” Trent argues, shoving Jacob.
Oh, for heavens sakes.
“Guys,” I call out, but they ignore me, or don’t hear me, over their own arguing. They keep shoving each other, fighting over who will be staying with me.
I knew this was going to happen. Landon had already offered to move in with me for a bit, but I’d declined his offer. And he can actually cook.
“You want me to move in with you don’t you, Faith?” Ashton asks, still shoving Mark around.
“Guys,” I call again. Once again, they ignore me and fight amongst themselves on who will be staying with me.
Mum sighs next to me before taking a deep breath. “Boys! Move away from each other this instant. Faith has something she wants to say.”
They all stand to attention at the sound of Mum’s voice and I roll my eyes. I wish she’d tell them I didn’t want any of them staying. They’d probably take it better and not answer back. Instead, she had to put me on the spot.
Thanks, Mum.
“Did you pick me?” Ashton asks, pouting.
Those eyes really don’t work on me.
Okay, they don’t work on me anymore.
“Guys, I think it’s amazing you all want to stay with me.” They beam with pride, their chests puffed out. Jesus.
“We can’t all stay with you, you don’t have the room. I’m your baby brother, Faith, it should be me.”
“No, dickhead, as the oldest it should be me. I can protect her,” Mark puts in. I groan, looking to the heavens for strength.
“You saying I can’t look after my own sister because I’m younger? I’d fucking kill for her,” Aiden yells, glaring at Mark. He looks ready to kill him. If I wasn’t still pretty banged up, I’d clip them both around the ear.
“I didn’t say that, Aiden. You’re being sensitive again.”
“Me being sensitive? It was me who said I’d move in with her first.”
“Because you want to move out of Mum and Dad’s,” Mark yells, throwing his hands up.
“Faith, pick one. You can’t have us both,” Aiden demands, staring pointedly at me.
I take a breath, preparing myself for the ear-lashing I’m going to get when I give them my answer.
“I’ll be staying with, Faith,” Beau tells them, his voice steady as he eyes my brothers and cousins. My heart stops for a minute as I slowly turn to face him. He’s serious. I’m not sure what to think or feel just yet. At the moment, I just want to get home. Although, the thought of spending time with him in close proximity does excite me.
“That isn’t fair, you live next door,” Ashton yells.
“Can I move into yours?” Aiden asks with no shame.
“No! Now let me get your sister home. She still needs to rest.”
Their eyes come to me, their expressions ashamed.
God, I really do love them.
“I’m sorry, Faith,” Mark tells me.
“Me too,” Aiden adds, still pouting. “Are you sure I can’t―”
“Nope,” Beau tells him before he can finish.
“We’ll let you go, but if you need us, call us,” Jacob tells me before he walks off with Trent.
“I love you for offering, but I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, she’ll have me,” Beau gloats, earning a glare from each brother.
“Come on, before they tackle you to the ground,” I tell him, fighting back a laugh.
I turn back to Mum and pull her into a hug. “I love you, Mum. Thank you for being here for me.”
“Always. There isn’t anything in the world that could pull me away from my children. I love you. Please call me if you want to come home or need me to come over. I’ll pop in tomorrow with some shopping. Your dad didn’t have a chance to fill your cupboards.”
Her sheepish look gives everything away. “You mean he thought by not filling them that I would stay here?”
She looks away before grinning. “Yeah, kinda. He got the idea from your uncle Max.”
“That doesn’t surprise me. Love you, Mum. See you tomorrow.”
We give each other another hug before pulling away. Beau helps me into the car and even straps me in, before getting in himself. Mum is still standing at the end of the path, watching with a smile on her face. She winks at me as she waves goodbye.
I wave back, rolling my eyes at her. She’s continues waving until we lose sight of her. As soon as we pull out of the street, I relax back into my seat.
The peace and quiet is welcome.
*** *** ***
“I don’t fucking believe this!” Beau yells, sitting on the edge of the sofa. “How the fuck can this happen to her after everything she’s already been through?”
I fight the laughter threatening to bubble free. I’d answer his questions but I’m too entertained by his theatrics.
“I can’t deal with this. Please tell me this is a mistake?”
p; “I’m sorry, Beau, I can’t.” It’s hard to keep a straight face, but I manage.
“You’re telling me she went back to Tree Hill to start a family and she can’t have kids? First, she gets a foster kid, but the chick changes her mind at the last possible second, and now this? She doesn’t deserve it. She should have offered that Haylee chick more money for Jamie.”
At that, I burst out laughing, falling back on the sofa. “Oh, my God, Beau, it’s a TV series.”
He glares at me. “It is not just a TV show. It’s Brooke Davis. And Jamie is pretty fucking cool.”
“My brothers would so lay into you right now.” I laugh.
“I’m comfortable enough in my own skin to admit this show is the shit. What are we gonna start after?” He looks so eager, I can’t help but melt.
“Well, Hayden recommended Game of Thrones. She found it in her mum’s boxsets at home. What do you think?” I ask, liking that he wants to keep up our series nights. We’ve had them ever since we met. One Tree Hill has been our thing from the beginning, it’s just a shame it ends at season nine.
“Sounds like a plan,” he agrees, his eyes back on the screen. I laugh when Quinn starts trying to sing, Eye of the Tiger.
I love this show.
“What do you want for dinner? I can cook or we can just order in.”
I don’t even need to think about it. “Chinese, please. I love my mum’s cooking and all, but I miss my junk.”
He laughs at that. “Chinese it is. Anything special?”
“Everything on the menu,” I tease, half joking.
He gets up and walks over to the kitchen where he left his phone on charge. He makes quick work of ordering for us before sitting back down.
We’ve been back for nine hours and I’ve yet to bring up the conversation about us. It’s been playing on my mind since we got back from our trip. I felt that if I brought it up whilst I was recovering, I wouldn’t get an honest answer. I don’t want him to feel sorry for me, or say things just to appease my feelings.