Kendric: King's Descendants MC #4

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Kendric: King's Descendants MC #4 Page 1

by Bella Jewel



  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. August 23, 2020.

  Copyright © 2020 Bella Jewel.

  Written by Bella Jewel.

  Also by Bella Jewel

  Iron Fury MC

  Darkest Hour

  Sassy Little Thing

  Our Final Tale

  Whiskey Burning

  Hushed Torment

  Me, please.

  Jokers' Wrath MC





  Jokers' Wrath Boxed Set



  King's Descendants MC


  MC Sinners

  Hell's Knights

  MC Sinners Next Generation



  Rumblin' Knights

  Knights Rising

  Knights Fury

  Knights Burden

  The MC Sinners Series

  Knights' Sinner

  Heaven's Sinners

  Volume One

  We Are One


  Number Thirteen

  Wingman (Woman)

  'Til Death

  'Til Death Pt 2

  'Til Death Boxed Set

  Flawed Heart

  Flawed Love

  How To Fall In Love


  Fleeting Moments

  Amore - Boxed Set

  Wild Child

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By Bella Jewel



  KENDRIC | Copyright © 2020 Bella Jewel



  1 | ZARIAH

  2 | ZARIAH

  3 | ZARIAH

  4 | ZARIAH

  5 | ZARIAH

  6 | ZARIAH

  7 | ZARIAH

  8 | ZARIAH

  9 | ZARIAH

  10 | ZARIAH

  11 | ZARIAH

  12 | ZARIAH

  13 | ZARIAH

  14 | ZARIAH

  15 | ZARIAH

  16 | ZARIAH

  17 | ZARIAH

  18 | KENDRIC

  19 | ZARIAH

  20 | KENDRIC

  21 | ZARIAH

  22 | KENDRIC

  23 | ZARIAH


  Want to follow me on social media? I’d love to have you!

  Also By Bella Jewel


  To Lance

  For believing in me and kicking my ass to keep writing even when I didn’t want to.

  For this awesome title. I suppose it’s pretty good ☺

  For always making me laugh, even if I occasionally snort.

  For loving me harder than I’ve ever been loved.

  For being the best damn thing to ever happen to me.

  This is for you.

  It’s always for you.


  All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.


  Copyright © 2020 Bella Jewel

  KENDRIC is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.


  As always, my heartfelt thanks to every single blogger, reader and author that has supported my journey. From reading my books, to sharing them, to raving about them, to being there for me. Thank you. My career would be nothing without any of you.

  A huge thanks to the gorgeous ladies from Give Me Books for organizing my reveals and blitzes. You all do such an amazing job. No matter how many times I use you, I am always blown away by how efficient you are. Nothing is ever a drama. Thank you for giving me so much support.

  A massive thanks to Ben Ellis from Tall Story Designs for this gorgeous cover. You’re the easiest, most efficient person I’ve ever worked with. You make my covers absolutely gorgeous every single time. I couldn’t do it without you.

  To my favorite editor Wendi from Ready, set, edit, for always coming through for me on my edits, whenever I need them. You’re amazing and I’m so thankful to you. You’re super easy to work with and so nice. I’m glad to team up with you for these things.

  And of course, to my admin, MJ, for ALWAYS keeping my page running beautifully. I couldn’t do it without you, girly. I love your teasers and your passion; thank you for taking the time out of your life to help this poor girl keep everything running.

  And, last but certainly not least, to my loyal readers. To each and every one of you that picks up my books and give me a chance. To the reviews you write, good or bad. To the time you take to make me a better person. You make this real for me; never stop giving such love and passion. You make our journey so amazing.



  My eyes move over the dark surroundings, and fuck if I can get them to adjust. I hear voices, voices that are far too close. Far too fucking close to where I’m trying to cover our tracks.

  Told them I’d make it out.

  Told them I’d sort this out for us.

  I’m running out of time, I’m running out of options.

  A low voice echoes through the trees, and I know they’re too close now for me to do anything but surrender. I left it too long. I should have run with Mykel, Samson, and Waverly, but I stayed. I fucking stayed. I did it for my club. For everyone that is relying on me. It’s me or them, and if anyone is going down, it’s not going to be them.

  Dax set it all up, the perfect plan.

  It’s up to me now to make sure that plan doesn’t play out.

  I could run, I could hide, I could find any fucking reason not to be here.

  I don’t do any of those things.

  I push my shovel into the soft dirt surrounding the body of Constable Bennett, and I wait.

  I wait for them to appear.

  To arrest me.

  I turn, glancing in the direction that my brothers ran into and consider, for a second, that I might have time to run.

  Then I think of the implications on the club.

  “Do not move.”

  I turn slowly and see three cops standing in the darkness, flashlights shining on me. One of those cops is Zariah, a woman I thought the club had come to trust. She could change this around for me, she could tell them I have nothing to do with this, clear everything up. But she doesn’t do that—no, she fucking steps forward, her eyes pleading with me to understand. “You’re under arrest, anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can’t afford one the state will provide one.”

  Her voice echoes through the night
as the other cop radios in for backup.

  I drop the shovel, and I meet her eyes. “Zariah,” I try to say, but she looks away, her face tight.

  “Cuff him,” another cop orders.

  Zariah steps forward, and in a voice that’s strong and yet so incredibly fucking weak, she tells me to turn around. I do as she asks, and my jaw tightens as she snaps the cuffs on my wrists. My chest tightens with rage, rage that she’s not speaking up, rage that she’s not helping me, rage that she’s letting all of this happen.

  “Where’s the rest of them?” a tall, prick of an officer demands as he steps forward and gets up in my face.

  “Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

  “Know this is the work of your entire club, so where are the fuckin’ rest of them?”

  I lean in closer, feeling Zariah’s hands tighten on my arm as she tries to hold me back. “I said,” I hiss. “I don’t fuckin’ know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’re here alone, is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

  “Does it look like I’m surrounded by people?”

  His face tightens.

  “You’re standing over the body of a police officer, there are women in the basement, and we know exactly what’s going on here. We also know your club has something to do with it. I’ll ask again, where the hell are they?”

  Pushy motherfucker.

  “I was workin’ with Dax, I buried this body, and I’m helpin’ him with sellin’ those girls. I have no fuckin’ idea who told you the club had something to do with this, because they didn’t.”

  “You’re lyin’ to me,” he growls.

  “Fuckin’ prove it, pig,” I snarl.

  I’m on the ground in a split second, fists smashing into my face. The officers kick me in the ribs while the other one hits me with his fist over and over again. Blood pools in my mouth and anger bursts forth. I thrash on the ground, trying to fucking get up but nobody comes to help me.


  Not even fucking her.


  “You think you’re tougher than us now, boy,” the officer snarls, driving his boot into my ribs once more. “Fuckin’ pathetic biker.”

  They reach down and haul me up, and my eyes meet Zariah’s. She looks horrified, but not once did she step forward and stop them. Not fucking once. She let them treat me like a fucking dog. Kicking me on the ground like I’m a piece of shit.

  “You’ll fuckin’ regret that,” I roar at the cop.

  “You think I’m scared of you and your little club, boy?” He laughs. “Fuckin’ bikers. Get him to the car.”

  He shoves me at Zariah, and she catches me, holding onto my cuffs as she whispers, “Yes, sir.”

  She turns me and we move down the path, the two of us, dead silent.

  I’m sure she has plenty to say, but she’s not fucking saying it.

  “You could have helped me,” I growl into the darkness. “You could have fuckin’ stopped that.”

  “It’s not that easy, Kendric,” she whispers.

  “It is that fuckin’ easy. You let them abuse everyone and stand back and watch? I’m a fuckin’ human being, you bitch.”

  She makes a shocked sound in her throat but doesn’t say anything else as she pushes me toward the large group of cops who are currently searching Dax’s property.

  With every step, my anger builds.

  My rage turns into a fucking bomb inside my chest, ready to explode.

  I want to turn around and throttle her.

  I want to fucking take back my words.

  But I’m a member of a club, a club I’m fucking loyal to.

  I will go down for this, but one thing is for fucking certain.

  I’m taking her down with me.



  “Hi, baby,” I croon, kneeling down to watch my two-year-old son run toward me as I pick him up from daycare after my long day at work.

  Seeing his face and the way it lights up when I walk into that room makes everything worth it. Every god damned broken thing inside me feels a little better when my son is around. He’s the best thing to ever happen to me in my life and without him, I’m certain I wouldn’t have gotten through some of the hardest things I’ve ever had to endure.

  Including everything I’m going through right now.

  A club that doesn’t trust me.

  A man that hates me.

  A piece of scum on the loose because we didn’t get him in time.

  Too fucking much.

  “He had a wonderful day,” Sara, a daycare worker, tells me as I pick up my son. “He is such a happy child.”

  He is.

  He really is.

  He’s the kind of child you want to have over and over again.

  If you knew you were having four of him, you’d make it happen.

  I bring his little face close to mine and breathe him in. He looks just like his father, and sometimes, that hurts. It hurts because his father ... he’s broken. Jayden gives my life meaning, and even though our family isn’t together, he makes me believe every single day. Just believe. In what, I don’t know, but it’s something.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow, thank you.” I smile, waving to Sara as I collect Jayden’s things and leave the daycare.

  The entire drive home, he babbles in the car.

  I go over my day in my head. I think about what’s ahead for the club, for Kendric, for my sister, Waverly. I think about how I’m going to make all of this go away, but mostly I think about where the hell we’re going to find Dax. I don’t trust anyone in my department, and with good reason. Constable Bennett was working with Dax, doing highly illegal things and covering it up.

  Am I to truly believe nobody else is in on that?

  Bennett was close to a lot of people.

  Everyone really, except me.

  He hated me.

  They all do.

  They don’t think I’m capable.

  I grit my teeth and grind them together a little as I pull into my two-bedroom apartment. I try not to let it bother me, you know, that I work with a bunch of sexist assholes. Sometimes, though, it does bother me. It makes me feel like maybe I am reaching just a little too high.

  But I’m also strong and stubborn, and there’s no way a bunch of men are ever going to push me away from doing what I love.

  Even if right now what I love is a little skewed.

  I exhale and look back at Jayden, who is waving his toy fire truck around.

  I do it for him.

  All of it.

  I get out of the car and get him from his seat before heading inside. It’s already nearing six o’clock at night, and some days, I don’t get nearly enough time with my son. My life is all work and no play. I haven’t been on a date in god knows how long, and we won’t even get into the last time I had sex.

  That’s mostly because my relationship with Jayden’s father, Reece, is complicated.

  He’s complicated.

  And dangerous.

  And a little scary.

  He also seems to think we’re not over and if I do manage to get it through to him, he then becomes a jealous, enraged asshole, and I can’t have that around Jayden, so for the most part, I try to keep the peace.

  I try to keep things calm and the atmosphere as best I can for our boy.

  My phone rings just as I reach the kitchen, and I stare down to see Waverly’s name flashing across my screen. She and Mykel disappeared to New York yesterday. That’s the best idea for both of them at this point. Kendric has taken the blame, and Waverly has nothing against her at this point, so she’s free to go. The less time she spends here with the club, the better.

  “Did you make it?” I ask her, answering the phone.

  “I did. Have you been to this place? It’s huge! I seriously can’t get over it.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, it’s something else alright.”

  “I don’t know how Mykel knows his way around, I really don’t. He�
�s back and forth, up and down, like he was born here. Mind you, I’ve heard quite a few grunts coming from his lips in the last ten minutes so I think he’s over it already.”

  “I can only imagine.”

  Those bikers are a moody bunch, I can’t see any of them doing well in a big city.

  “Have you spoken to Kendric?” she asks.

  I frown when I think about having to confront him. His bail has been set, and the club is currently working on getting enough to free him until trial. I’ve been going into the prison daily, using the excuse that I’m questioning him, but he won’t speak to me. He won’t even look at me. I can feel the hatred radiating off him—I don’t need to hear him say it.

  Guilt hammers away at me, making my chest heavy.

  I know I could have done something. I know that, but I couldn’t risk everything I’ve worked for, either. I told the club I’d help them, and I have, but I never swore I’d take sides. My job matters, it has always mattered. They know that. But when I had to arrest Kendric and I had to watch him get shoved into the back of a police car, not saying a word as he confessed and got locked away for something I know he didn’t do, I felt horrible.

  Of course I did, I’m not a god damned monster.

  I want the chance to explain things to him, to tell him that I’m going to get him out of there, and I’m going to work tirelessly to find Dax so I can clear his name.

  That’s if I can get him to listen to me.

  He hates me in a way I don’t think I’ve ever been hated in my life.

  I don’t like how that feels.

  “Not yet,” I finally answer Waverly. “I’m going to speak with him again tomorrow. We’re just waiting for the club to post bail so he can be released.”

  She exhales. “What about Dax? Anything from him, anything at all?”

  “Nothing,” I tell her. “Literally nothing. He’s disappeared, and so far we’ve been able to find nothing to link us to him to find where he’s gone. His plan is paying off for him but, eventually, we’ll track him down.”


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