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AMP_Phase 1

Page 11

by Brian K. Larson

  “Let’s not forget, Major, err, Colonel Griffin, who had you whisked away to a suspended animation chamber,” Nadine smiled.

  “Don’t get me wrong, lady...” Bennie started.


  “....but don’t EVER hold out information from me again, or I won’t stop next time I’m AMP’d.”

  Nadine, knew she was in a losing argument. She didn’t want to risk losing Ben at this phase of the project, “I’m sorry, Ben. I won’t let that happen again. I promise. You can scan my mind if you wish, but I hold no more secrets,” she said, crossing her finger across her heart.

  “Just don’t.”

  “Now,” Calvin said, standing from his stool, “Doctor? We’ve got a lot of data to go over.”

  “By all means, Mr. Jones...please, lead the way.”

  “Just a moment, gentlemen. I think I should accompany you.”

  “That’s okay, Nadine,” Rhodes smiled, “I’m sure Bennie would rather you stay with you can fully explain yourself.”

  The two left a nervous Nadine through the man trap and made their way to Calvin’s lab.

  * * *


  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Complex

  Nadine’s private office

  October 2nd, 2064 18:00

  Nadine sat at her desk talking on her data pad, “Yes... I’m telling you it was very difficult keeping him from discovering the truth... ... ...I know, but I wasn’t expecting such a surge from him. He is very powerful with the alien tech... ...yes, that’s the good news. It works. Rhodes just has to perfect the enzyme and we’ll be in full production down here. Yes, that’s right... ...I plan on it... ...okay, very well. I’m using Jen to see if we can get Bennie to focus on the problem... ...that’s right, huh uh... okay then. We’ll get this started at the first of the week... ...I know that’s another delay, but we really do need the data completely understood...and I’ll have to take precautions next time he’s AMP’d. I can’t risk Ben probing my mind, so I can’t be in the same room next time... ...okay, I’ll report back later this week...g’bye.”

  She disconnected her data pad, and got up from her desk, when there was a knock at her door, “Come.”

  The door opened to Calvin, “Do you have a minute?”

  “Mr. Jones. Come in and have a seat,” then returned to her chair and studied him intensely, “So, what brings you to my office? Must be fairly important, you never come a calling.”

  “Well, first off,” Cal began, “I want to see how you’re doing after Bennie’s mind probe? You still have a headache?”

  “No, not bad...and thank you for asking. Maybe there’s hope after all.”


  “Yeah, perhaps we got off on the wrong foot. I’m ready to let bygones be know, a fresh start?”

  Calvin fidgeted in his seat, “It would only benefit the project if we weren’t at each other’s throats all the time.”

  “Okay, so truce then?”

  “Yeah, sure thing.”

  “Okay, good. Now that we have that out of the way, what did you really come here to talk about?”

  “We’ve been going over and over the data we collected from Bennie’s first AMP.”


  “...and, we’re really no closer to understanding what happened.”

  “What are you saying, Mr. Jones?”

  “Call me Cal, please.”

  “Okay, Cal.”

  I’m saying it could take us days to fully extrapolate the data so it will make any sense at all.”

  “Mr. Jones...Cal, we really don’t have days.”

  “What’s the rush anyway? We saved your test subject already. Are there any others that are in the same state?”

  “No, Cal. Jenny was the only one.”

  “It was pretty fortunate that Major...Colonel Griffin was on hand when Bennie had his accident...I’ve been meaning to ask...”


  “How was it that Griffin was so close at the time of the accident anyway?”

  “Fourth of July celebrations were going on everywhere. He was in the same neighborhood for his party...really a stroke of luck...wouldn’t you say?”

  “Umm, yeah...lucky for her and all...”

  “So what else?”

  “Umm, well...”

  “Come on, Mr. Jones. Out with it.”

  “What color are your eyes? You mind if I take a look?”

  Nadine broke down with laughter at his question, “You think I’m chipped? That’s a good one, Cal. If it’ll make you feel any better, yes. My eyes are are about another 140 million others in the world.”

  “Yeah, really about two percent of the population.”

  “It’s really not that uncommon, Cal. No...I’m not one of those little green men that you ran into at the asteroid.”

  “Well, I don’t think you’d admit it if you were,” he chuckled.

  “If you thought that, then why did you even ask me?”

  “To see how you reacted, I guess...everything seems okay. Your eyes seem to be a normal green color and not the friendly neighborhood cyborg type.”

  “I’m glad you asked, know, we shouldn’t keep secrets from one another, Cal...”

  “Oh, you are quite right. We need to be able to trust one another.”

  “So, did you come here on your own, or did someone put you up to it?”

  “It was really most of us on the team, Ma’am...”

  “So you just drew the short straw then...well, you can go back to the others and reassure them I’m not your enemy, okay?”


  “...and tell Dr. Rhodes if he wants to ask a question, he can come directly to me next time.”

  “How’d you know it was Rhodes?”

  “Lucky guess.”

  Calvin nodded his head, “It was that obvious?”

  “Yes, can also inform the team that I won’t be interfering in your next few tests.”


  “You heard me right. I’m not going to be present for the next bout of testing. I’ve seen that you guys are capable of conducting the testing on your own. You can send me your detailed reports after.”

  “Thank you, Nadine. I’m sure that bit of news will be well offence, you know.”

  “None taken. You see? I’m trying to be a good team leader.”

  “That’s very much appreciated, Nadine.”

  “I do realize that what you experienced out there was traumatic, and that will most likely effect you for a very long time.

  “Thanks...well, I had better get back to the team.”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Lab Complex

  Calvin’s Lab

  October 2nd, 2064 22:30

  Calvin and Doctor Rhodes worked on interpreting the data late into the night.

  “I’m tellin’ ya, Doc, she’s got me all tense and worried.”

  “Well, yeah. She’s not a safe person to be around. Trust me. So, she really knew it was me?”

  “Yep, pegged ya dead on,” Calvin answered, pouring through the data on his screen.

  “I wish you wouldn’t use that term.”

  “Dead? Oh...sorry. I didn’t mean to be insensitive.”

  “Forget it, Cal. What I told you that Nadine has doing...”

  “Down in the dungeon of doom?”

  “Yes, and frankly, Cal, I’m scared.”

  “I don’ like it either, Doc. I mean, what was that scene with Bennie? That freaked me out. No way did I expect that dose of gamma frequencies to cause such an explosion of power in him.”

  “Let’s not lose sight that we’re dealing with alien technology here...we’re doing something to our brains and there is no way we could have had these expecta
tions. This is opening up a can of worms that, once this genie is let out of the bottle...”

  “...there is no putting it back inside?”

  “Exactly, Cal.”

  “Did I tell you that she’s not going to be present for the next few tests?”

  “Neither is McKenzie or Griffin,” Rhodes said, stroking his chin, “I wonder what that’s all about?”

  “You got me. But I do know they’re hiding something and they don’t want to be around for Bennie to discover what it is during his next little AMP session.”

  “You know, I think you hit the nail on the head there, Cal.”

  “Then there’s the Jenny factor.”

  “Yeah, that was strange. Why would Nadine and the rest keep that from us?”

  “That’s really a good implanted the chip in her. You could have said something.”

  “Look, I did it alright? But I never knew who she was. How could I? Nadine only referred to her as ‘the test subject.’ Besides, this is the first time we’ve been allowed alone to talk.”

  “I know, I know. We all feel like the guns pointed at our heads.”

  “Well, isn’t it?”

  “I suppose so, Doc.”

  “Just try and leave. You can’t even gain access to the elevator without McKenzie or Nadine’s authorization. Makes one think of being a prisoner.”

  “I tell you what, first chance I get,” Calvin said with a whisper, “I’m finding a way out of here.”

  “Calvin,” Rhodes said, leaning close to Calvin’s face, “take me with you. Vivian too. She had no idea what she was getting herself into. She won’t have a chance getting out of here.”

  “Oh, I’m already working on it. I’ve enlisted the help of my assistants. They don’t even know it yet, but their out scavenging me supplies that I can use to hack this complex. What about Bennie? You promised Tucker that you’d be by his side at all times down here.”

  “I think Bennie is safe for now. He’s got the only genuine alien tech. There’s no way we could get him out...’sides, I think he can take care of himself.”

  “It would appear so.”

  “What do you expect we should do once we do get out?”

  “Stay low,” Cal said, still whispering.

  “You have a place to ‘stay low’ do ya?”

  “Yep, I’ve already made the arrangements. And it’s not far either.”

  “How far?”

  “Down the island a few miles from the base. Nothing like hiding out right under their noses.”

  “Calvin, be really, really cautious of who you trust around here.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice, Doc. I already know that. I’m not saying we’re going to make a break for it tomorrow.”

  “Right. We need to make sure it’s the right time.”

  “For now, we should continue to make some progress. Stay close to the project, but be ready to go at a moment’s notice.”

  “I agree...I only hope we don’t have to wait too long, or I’m afraid none of us will make it out of here, short of a body bag.”

  “Hang in there Doc. We’ll be alright.”

  “So, where is Bennie, anyway?”

  “Good thing good ol’ uncle Cal here knows...’cause I’d hate for you to have broken your promise to Tuck.”

  “Very funny, Cal. He’s not your nephew...”

  “But he calls me that. I’ve known Bennie all of his life. I think it’s kind of cool he thinks of me as family.”

  “Where is he, Cal?”

  “He’s in his quarters with Jenny. They have a lot to talk about, you know.”

  “So, what about the data? You got anything yet?”

  “ a matter of fact, I do,” Cal said, pointing to some of the numbers and graphs.”

  “That’s amazing, Cal.”

  “Yes it is, but if you think that’s something,” Cal said, flipping through more data, “Then there’s this,” he again pointed.

  “You gotta be kidding me...”

  “I wish I were, but there it is. Right there, plain and simple in the data, and data don’t lie.”

  “This gamma wave modulator is activating the nucleus accumbens of the brain? That’s the part of the limbic system. That’s what caused Bennie’s euphoric state.”

  “Yep, it gives a person a high...especially at the initial wave frequency.”

  “This chip is amplifying any dopamine and serotonin that the brain produces.”

  “In effect, they are instantly addicted to being AMP’d.”

  “...and I’m pretty sure they are already aware of that,” Rhodes added.

  “I’m certain they are, but for what purpose?”

  “I think it’s something none of us expected, but, you can bet that the Company will take full advantage.”

  “All the more reason to get out of here as soon as we can.”

  “I’m 100 percent in agreement, Cal.”

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Lab Complex

  Bennie’s Quarters

  October 2nd, 2064 23:30

  “Oh, Bennie,” Jenny smiled, “that was so wonderful. I honestly don’t know why I waited until now.”

  Bennie turned in the sheets and landed on his pillow face up. Jenny melted to him.

  He relaxed and gave a sigh, “I thought I had lost you. They told me you were killed in the accident...why would Griffin be so close to the accident site and what is Nadine hiding?”

  “Bennie, don’t go spoiling the moment now,” she snuggled in his arm.”

  “Still, what happened?”

  “Stroke of luck? Fate? I can’t say for sure. All I know is that I’m glad to be in your arms. It feels good to live again.”

  “What was it like?”

  “How should I know? I was dead, remember? I died...I was dead for two months for god sakes!”

  “Sorry! Something’s different, Jen.”

  “What do you mean, sweetie?”

  “I mean, you seem different...” Jenny lifted up and gave him a stare, “...oh, I don’t mean it in a bad way,” he smiled in return, “I like the new Jen.”

  “I don’t know. I guess I just have a new lease on life. I’m the same Jen you’ve grown to love,” she settled back into his arm, “Now, be still and enjoy the moment.”

  “I can’t stop thinking about Nadine and what else she’s keeping from me.”

  “Bennie Petersen!” she shot up and snapped, “Nadine is the one who just happened to have saved my life! You need to give her some respect.”

  “It was Griffin.”

  Jenny lowered her brow, “Griffin was instrumental in finding you, yes. But don’t forget Nadine is the one who put my body in suspension, near death, until the alien tech was recovered. They chose me to be the first one healed by the chip.”

  “I think I own that title, Jen.”

  “You may own the first ever, but I have the first hybrid,” she smiled.

  She tugged on his arm to raise him up, “Come on, let me show you something.”

  “Haven’t you shown me enough already for one night?” Ben made a show of eyeing her up and down.

  “Oh, stop.”

  “Sorry, that’s my dad coming out again.”

  She playfully swatted at his arm and then brought him sitting on the floor with their legs folded. They sat facing each other. Jen took his hands in hers.

  She intently looked at Bennie and smiled, showing him her love through her eyes. Bennie smiled at her in return.

  “Wow,” Ben commented, shutting his eyes, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m projecting to you how I feel about you.”

  “I’m getting all tingly,” he smiled again.

  “How I really feel, deep down inside me. Ben, you’re a part of me. Feel it?”

  “Yeah, cool.”

  “Okay, now you do the same thing. You try and project. Use the c
an do it.”

  “How can I? I need to be plugged in first. It doesn’t last that long after the waves stop.”

  “Nonsense,” she shook her head, “Then tell me how I just did it to you? I’ve never been AMP’ least not yet...and frankly, I really can’t wait.”

  “Cal wants to make sure there are no harmful side effects before he’ll let anyone near that amplification module again.”

  “Go ahead, try again, Ben.”

  Bennie closed his eyes and gave out a sigh, already expecting nothing to happen. Then he popped his eyes wide open with a gasp. They looked into each other’s eyes and watched as their iris’ turned bright green, and her hair rose up as if it were statically charged. Bennie’s hair on the back of his neck stood on end. They bathed in the sereneness for several moments. A golden glow surrounded them. They experienced total and complete bliss, and then almost as fast as it had begun, it faded away.

  He leaned forward and embraced Jen, “Thank you for showing me this.”

  “It was special, wasn’t it,” she wrapped her arms around his neck and the two kissed and fell to the floor in each other’s arms, and then made love through the remaining night hours.

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

  Oak Harbor, WA

  Underground Lab Complex

  Nadine’s Office

  October 3nd, 2064 00:00

  Nadine Switched off the monitor showing Bennie’s quarters and then picked up her data pad, “This is Nadine... yes, seems as if Jenny is already having an effect on him. Yep, he’s fallen for her... ...I’ve seen their me...I know how to do my job. Very well. I’ll send you the data feed so you can see for yourself. I’m telling you, they activated a small dose of gamma by themselves... ...I know the risk. Hey, I said I wasn’t going to be present... ...don’t worry about me... ...I can keep my thoughts private... ...if you didn’t think I was a good fit for this job, then you should have picked someone else...I’ll get it done.”

  She abruptly hung up the data pad and tossed it on the desk. Then she turned on the video feed from Bennie’s quarters, continuing to monitor the two. She made a copy of the AMP event of the two, and transmitted the file to the Company.


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