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Dark Goddess

Page 6

by J. N. Colon

  “I don’t even sing.”

  Hayden peeked up, distant flames flickering in his irises. “Can you sing?”

  I pursed my lips in thought and shrugged. “It’s never really been my thing. I usually stick to dancing. Then again, I’ve never really tried.” I opened my mouth to belt out a note.

  Hayden suddenly clamped his hand over it. “Oh hell no you don’t.”

  My brows knit, silently questioning him.

  “Your pouting is bad enough and you already mesmerize an entire crowd just by walking in the room.” He slowly removed his hand and kissed me gently. “I can barely say no to you as it is. You start singing a siren song and I’m done for.”

  A smile threatened my lips as my fingers trailed under his shirt. “You’re already done for baby.”

  He cocked his head in thought. “You’re probably right.” He helped me remove his shirt, tossing it on the floor. “But I’m about to have you undone.”

  Heat seeped through my body at his promise. His lips crashed on mine again, devouring them in the possessive way I loved. His fingers found the top button on my shirt, nimbly undoing each one until my silk purple bra was showing.

  “Mmm, Hartley.” His voice deepened, the control wavering. Hayden hooked my leg around his waist, hiking my skirt up and shifting his hips against mine.

  A moan of pleasure slipped out my mouth as I arched into his body.

  A dark laugh vibrated through his chest moments before he pulled away and started trailing kisses down my chest.

  “Hayden,” I hissed when he arrived at my lower abdomen, flicking his tongue across the skin below my belly button. “Are you going to tease me all night?”

  Another dark laugh. “Baby, I haven’t even started.”

  A hot thrill rolled through me that Hayden could obviously feel from the naughty glint in his eyes.

  His mouth clamped down on the button of my jean skirt, expertly prying it opened with his teeth. His tongue licked the skin at the top of my panties.

  My sharp intake of air echoed through the room. He seriously wasn’t kidding about teasing me.

  My fingers tangled in his hair, uncertain whether I wanted him to come back up or continue going down. Hayden smiled smugly at my dilemma.

  A flash of lightning charged through the room and Zeke suddenly appeared in front of the fireplace. The moment he saw us in the precarious position on the couch his eyes widened and cheeks burned.

  “What the fuck Zeke!” Hayden hissed, crawling forward and holding my shirt closed with his hands.

  “Sorry.” Zeke averted his eyes toward the ceiling. “I didn’t expect you two to be getting hot and heavy in the living room.”

  Hayden’s eyes sparked, but started to fade. “Just turn around idiot.”

  Surprise swirled inside. I thought Hayden would have gone full on flaming the moment Zeke appeared. The two brothers hadn’t had contact in months since we visited Mt. Olympus after Hecate’s spell was broken.

  Hayden helped me button my shirt and pulled my skirt down before retrieving his shirt and tossing it over his head. “You can turn around now,” he growled.

  Zeke faced us, his blue eyes lingering over me a little too long for Hayden’s liking as demonstrated by the deep snarl he released.

  “What is it Zeke?” I asked, breaking the thickening tension.

  He took a deep breath, a glint of worry entering his eyes. “Have you heard or seen Ixion yet?”

  Hayden shook his head. “Nothing.”

  “Neither have we.” Zeke rubbed his face in frustration. “I’m trying to lay low and do nothing, but this silence is worrying me.”

  Hayden shrugged noncommittally.

  I rolled my eyes. “What do you want to do?” I asked Zeke.

  “I’m worried about what Ixion might do.” He fixed Hayden with a pointed look. “What if he comes after Hartley to hurt Hera or get to her somehow?”

  My brows lifted. “Is that possible?”

  Hayden chewed on his bottom lip. “I’ve considered it, but I doubt he’ll do that. If he’s been listening he knows Hera isn’t exactly mother of the year. She did in fact try to kill Hartley.”

  “Still. She also saved her from Ares.”

  I grimaced. “Don’t remind me.”

  Zeke shoved his hands in his pockets and shifted nervously on his feet. “Maybe you should consider letting Hartley come to Mt. Olympus for safety.”

  Hayden shot to his feet, his eyes flaming again. “You’ll use any damn excuse to get close to my girlfriend,” he snarled.

  Zeke didn’t exactly deny it. “I want to keep her safe too.”

  Flames spread down his shoulders. “Hartley’s safety is none of your business Zeke. She isn’t your little prophecy girl anymore. She’s with me! Get the fuck over it.”


  The flames on his shoulders suddenly died. At first I thought he was attempting to remain calm on my behalf, but fury still morphed his face, giving no indication that was his intent at all. If not, why did his fire fizzle out?


  I gnawed on the end of my pen as I sat restlessly in class. If I chewed on it any harder it would bust, exploding ink all over my mouth. My mind was going a hundred miles a minute, trying to figure out what was happening to my powers. First I lost consciousness and now my fire was fizzling out. I was god of the Underworld. I couldn’t lose my powers. It wasn’t possible. There had to be a reasonable explanation for this.

  I was sure of it.

  I needed to figure it out before Hartley persisted with her questions all the while worry growing on her beautiful face.

  A tap hit my shoulder and I spun around to find Reese staring at me with a pair of dark, knowing eyes. “What?” I hissed.

  “What’s wrong with you?”


  One dark brow arched, disappearing into his hair. “Something is off with you. What’s going on?”

  Shit. Not him too. “Not a damn thing,” I lied.

  Reese cocked his head to the side in disbelief. “I’ve known you for a long time and something weird is going on.” He leaned forward, his scent of gunpowder hitting my nose. “You passed out the other day. Gods don’t pass out. So what’s the deal?”

  My blood ran cold because a deep down part of me knew something was definitely wrong and I fearing it would get worse.

  “Come on Hayden,” Reese continued as we walked through the hall toward Hartley’s locker. “Just tell me. I want to help.”

  I shot a skeptical glare over my shoulder at him. “Why are you suddenly trying to buddy up to me Reese?”

  “Come on. We used to be friends. Okay, sort of friends.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Fine. I’m trying to make up for possibly almost killing your lady love. And you two are the hot power couple these days. I’d like to be in your good graces.” He shrugged. “You know I like to go where the power is.”

  That sounded more like the god of war. “Go suck up to my brother. The king and queen of the gods are powerful enough for you.”

  Reese sucked his teeth. “They’re boring and so is Mt. Olympus. You guys are exciting.”

  “Oh yeah. The Underworld is the newest hot spot,” I joked.

  Reese let lose a grin.

  Shouting echoed down the hall and I recognized Blake’s voice. With a look of agreement Reese and I jogged around the corner to see him tag-teamed by those two punks who attacked Hartley at a party when they were influenced by the lust spirit.

  “Son of a bitch,” I hissed.

  “I remember those two.” Reese’s eyes were so dark they reflected the florescent lights unnaturally.

  “Your fault,” I reminded him.

  “Let’s go.”

  I nudged Reese toward Blake, his quick reflexes yanking him away seconds before the short one punched his jaw.

  I grabbed the blonde wiry one named Mike, easily twisting his arm and flicking him away as if he were a mere fly. His light blue eyes widened wh
en he recognized me, probably remembering our last run in.

  A leer curled my lips, liking the fear radiating off him. “Mike,” I growled. “Haven’t you learned not to piss me off?”

  The other one—Daniel—was sneaking up behind me, but I was a god so the sneaking part was basically nonexistent. With barely a look over my shoulder I punched him in the gut with a satisfying oomph and then tossed Mike into a locker.

  Several cheers resonated down the hall and then I caught sight of Hartley leaning against her locker with a relieved expression. My heart shivered.

  I took one step in her direction, my suddenly one track mind ready for my thank you kiss until a fist went straight for my face.

  A smack reverberated followed by an explosion of pain. My nose instantly began spurting blood.

  Several thoughts flew through my mind, most centering on one single question—what the hell just happened?

  And then that punk with short man syndrome was coming back, an expression of elation on his face. I reared back and punched him, knocking his ass out cold.

  Hartley came running at me, her face a myriad of panic and worry. “Hayden. Oh my god.” She held the hoodie she kept in her locker up to my nose.

  I tried to swipe it away. “I’m fine.”

  She pouted and eyes began watering.


  I let her put it up to my bleeding nose before pulling me toward the bathroom. On the way I caught Reese’s worried expression that mirrored my own hidden thoughts. I was passing out, losing my flames, and now bleeding from a little human punch to the nose.

  “Hayden, what is going on!” Hartley screeched as we stood in front of the sink in the girls’ bathroom.

  “Nothing. I’m fine Hartley.” I shoved another wad of tissue in my nose to stop the bleeding.

  “You are not fine,” she hissed, her hands planting on her hips and eyes flaring with anger. “Now tell me what is happening to you.”

  If only I knew. “Baby, it’ll be okay.”

  “Don’t baby me damn it.” She gripped my bicep hard and spun me toward her. “You tell me what is going on or I’ll…”

  I cut her off. “Are you about to threaten me?”


  I threw the bloodied tissue into the trash with unnecessary effort. “Everything is fine Hartley,” I hissed, my eyes flaming. “I just need to go back to the Underworld. It’s my domain.” I motioned my hands in the air. “Not here.”

  She wasn’t even fazed by my anger. “Well, let’s go.”

  “No.” I leaned down. “You need to finish your classes and then do your homework.” I would love for her to come with me, but I needed to think. I couldn’t do that with her distracting me.

  Her mouth hung open. “Who the hell do you think you are, my father?”

  I ignored her. “Just stay here. I’ll be back for you tonight. Call me if you feel the pull. Or Hermes. Not Zeke.”

  Before she could say another word I disappeared in a ball of flames. She was going to be pissed next time I saw her.

  Chapter 6


  I tied black and gold ribbons around my ponytail in a neat little bow and smoothed the black tank top with Lions written across. Although cheerleading was over—thankfully—my duties as a senior and captain were not finished. Lastly Callie and I had to run tryouts for the following year while the other seniors taught the routines and mentored.

  My eyes followed Darby’s reflection who was lounging on a bench in the locker room, twirling her bubblegum around her finger while she giggled into her phone.

  She’s going to be a stellar mentor. Not.

  I absolutely did not want to be here. I wanted to be in the Underworld, finding out what was wrong with Hayden. I couldn’t believe that jerk disappeared on me. I had half a mind to call Hermes to take me to the Underworld—or Zeke. That would really piss him off.

  The corners of my lips twitched, threatening a smile. It would serve him right.

  My smile faded, picturing the blood covering his face. Maybe I would do it if I wasn’t so worried about him. That was a sight I never wanted to see again. He always seemed so invincible. The few times I’d seen him physically hurt were when he fought gods—once with Persephone and Hercules and once with Zeke—but this was a human teenager.

  Something was not right with him.

  Leslie and Kathryn skipped by, their arms linked. Leslie waved, tripping on her left foot and almost bringing Kathryn down. That girl could not walk and chew gum at the same time. Literally.

  Darby snorted and mumbled something in her phone that sounded a lot like dumbass.

  My eyes narrowed on the bleached blonde before coming to Leslie’s aid, gripping her arm. “You okay?”

  She nodded, her cheeks flushing red. “Yeah.” She shrugged. “You know me.” She hugged Kathryn, almost putting the petite girl’s face right in her boobs. “At least I have my bestie to break my fall.”

  Kathryn giggled, pushing her away. “Yeah, but I might break bones in the process you giant.”

  I smiled at them, shaking my head. “I’ll see you guys out there.”

  “Idiots,” Darby mumbled under her breath as they left.

  She’d been super bitchy these past few months. It already took a lot being nice to her considering she had her tongue down Hayden’s throat a few months ago. Of course she didn’t remember, but I sure as hell did. Her nasty attitude didn’t help.

  “Darby,” I started, crossing my arms against my chest.

  Callie skipped into the locker room, her blonde ponytail swinging and blue eyes sparkling. “There you guys are. We’re about ready to start.”

  “Yeah. I’ll be out in a sec,” Darby said with a roll of her eyes as she turned back to her cellphone.

  Callie glanced at me with a questioning expression. I urged her on with a small nod.

  She cleared her throat and stood tall—well as tall as her tiny frame would allow. “Let’s go Darby. We’re all waiting on you.”

  “I said I’ll be out in a sec.” She made a face and pointed at me. “Aren’t you all waiting on her anyways? As usual…”

  Anger slowly coiled in my chest, annoyed she was talking down to Callie. I opened my mouth to say as much, but Callie thrust her delicate hand up, halting me.

  “I-If you don’t want to participate in this then don’t.” Callie planted her fists on her hips.

  “Fine. I won’t.”

  Callie’s mouth opened in shock before she quickly recovered. “Then you won’t participate in the celebration party either.”

  Darby scoffed. “You can’t do that.”

  “One.” Callie held a finger in the air. “I’m co-captain and two…” She held another one up. “It’s at my house and I can invite or uninvited whoever I want.”

  A stunned expression crossed Darby’s face as she glared dumbly at the usually demure and too sweet for her own good Callie.

  I on the other hand was radiating pride for my best friend who was finally beginning to find her inner bitch.

  After silently considering her options Darby finally sighed and popped her gum obnoxiously. “Uh fine. Whatever.” She peeled herself off the bench and marched out the door.

  “Good job.” I squeezed Callie in a tight embrace.

  Her cheeks were flushed and she was grinning ear to ear. “Thanks. She’s been a real pain these past few weeks.”

  I linked my arm with hers. “Tell me about it. I thought I was the only one who noticed.”

  Several girls from eighth grade to juniors were on the gym floor, stretching and chattering excitedly. The senior varsity cheerleaders were doing the same, all easily spotted by the black Lions tank top and shorts. The spotlights hanging from the tall rafters beamed down, glinting off the glossy wood floor. Black and yellow mats were pulled out and stacked in one corner, a precaution for stunt training. I cringed just thinking about the eighth graders’ wobbly arms and legs attempting to do elevators, extensions, and pop cradles.

/>   A whiff of gunpowder and spicy cologne caught my attention and my eyes instantly sought him out, my brows slamming together. Damn Reese! He’d been stuck to my side the entire day after Hayden left.

  A groan slipped out my mouth.

  Callie’s eyes followed my line of vision to the god of war. “What’s Hayden’s cousin doing here?”

  I shrugged.

  “Is Hayden okay?” she asked, a hint of worry creeping into her tone. “He left school after that fight. Is his nose broken?”

  I swallowed hard. Lying to Callie was never easy. “He’s fine.” Lie. “He just wanted to get it checked out and decided not to come back to school.” Another lie.

  Callie nodded quietly, but I had a sinking suspicion she wasn’t buying it.

  Reese stalked toward us, his obsidian eyes shining mischievously. “Hello ladies.”

  Callie waved as she walked away. “I’m going to stretch.”

  I nodded.

  Reese reached out and flicked the hem of my shorts. “These are nice.” He licked his lips suggestively.

  I slapped his hand away and narrowed my eyes. “Knock it off Reese. Or I’ll throw a flame at you.”

  His lips curled in a half-smile one side hitching up. “I know for a fact you can’t do that outside of the Underworld.”

  My cheeks reddened and I sucked my teeth. “Damn it. Who told you that?”

  A deep laugh tumbled out his mouth. “A little birdy.”

  I crossed my arms against my chest with a huff. “Yeah well maybe today is the day I figure out how to.”

  Reese flicked my ponytail playfully. “Naughty, naughty. You can’t use your powers in front of humans.” He tilted his head, motioning to the group of girls watching us.

  My jaw flexed tight. “Just go sit down.” I gripped his thick bicep and tugged him toward the bleachers. “If you insist on being stuck to my side stay out of my way and keep your trap shut.”

  He sat down and saluted me. “Yes ma’am. I like a girl who knows what she wants.”

  I shook my head and turned heel, striding toward the group of cheerleader hopefuls.


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