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Odd Coupling

Page 14

by Jaylee Davis

  “I still miss the comfort of a bed.” Bethany slumped in her chair.

  “Me too,” Nouri agreed.

  Bethany scooted to the edge of the seat and leaned toward her new confidant. “I might have a solution. Would you help me?”

  “Of course.”

  Thoren’s voice interrupted them before she could share her idea. “The scheduled communication from NASA is ready. Acknowledge.”

  They rushed to Vren’s office. Nouri motioned for her to sit in the chair. Once Bethany was in front of the view screen, the woman tapped a button on the desk and spoke.

  “Ready, Thoren.”

  The screen brightened and Shelly’s face came into focus.

  “Bethany! It’s so good to see you! Are you okay? Are they treating you good?”

  “Whoa. One question at a time,” Bethany said while laughing. “I’m fine, and I’ve never felt better. Everyone’s been very nice.” She didn’t bring up the fact that she’d just woken from a three-day nap. “You were passed out the last time I saw you. Are you okay?”

  Shelly shrugged. “I’m good.” She held her hands up to the screen, and Bethany could clearly see the cuts on her wrists. “They’re healing. I’m staying in an apartment here at NASA. You should see this place. It’s amazing.”

  “Why are you staying there?”

  “I don’t have any place else to go since someone broke in and destroyed my other apartment. They took everything, including my underwear. Sickos!”

  “That’s terrible. Why would they do that?”

  “Because of all the news reports! You’re a celebrity, and I’m popular by association. Our faces are all over the news. Where have you been? Under a rock?”

  “No, but it sounds awful.”

  “I have a security guard twenty-four-seven.” Shelly waved to someone off screen. “NASA thinks some rebel group is out to kill me and you. At least the crazies can’t harm you up there.”

  Hope not. “Maybe you should stay with me,” she suggested, immediately concerned for her friend’s safety.

  “I don’t think they’ll let me leave,” Shelly said as she reached up to tug her earlobe.

  Bethany understood. It was a secret code they’d made up years ago. It was a warning that someone else besides the security guard was listening.

  “Well, if things get worse, you let me know.”

  “I will. Hey, there’s something I need to ask you.” Shelly seemed hesitant, almost nervous.

  “Sure, Shell. You know you can ask me anything.”

  “You seem happy about staying on that spaceship. Are you sure you don’t want to come back home? You can tell me.”

  “No, I’d rather stay here. Everything is perfectly fine. You know?”

  “I understand.” Shelly wrinkled her nose to show she’d caught Bethany’s hidden meaning. She looked over the screen, then back to the center. “They’re telling me I’m running out of time so I better cut this short. I hope we can talk again soon.” When she finished speaking, she sealed her lips tight and quickly touched them with the tip of her forefinger before she moved out of sight. The screen went black.

  Shelly’s silent message meant she’d kept quiet about something. Since she’d never mentioned Vren, Bethany suspected her friend hadn’t told anyone about what she’d discovered that night. It was best to keep it a secret. No one on the planet needed to know she’d mated with an alien.

  * * * *

  An unnatural silence permeated the bridge. The crewmembers didn’t speak to one another as they silently performed their daily routine. There wasn’t much for Vren to do, except stare at the main screen. It showed a partial view of Earth set against a star-littered background. His mate’s planet was beautiful, much like his own home world. He glanced down at the chronometer for about the tenth time in the space of one minute. His shift would end in two. He could leave if he wanted. He was the captain. No one would mind or complain, but he was determined to stay.

  Normally, he didn’t have a problem completing a shift, but before he’d left his quarters that morning, his mate had said she’d have a surprise for him when he came back. She’d warned him to not arrive early. He’d been bursting with curiosity ever since. He looked at the time. One more minute. Before he could stop it, the tip of his tail slapped against the side of his chair. A couple crewmembers looked up from their workstations, but went back to work as soon as he glared at them.

  When he’d come back to the ship after he’d attended the meeting on Earth, she’d asked him if she could order some new furniture for their living space. He’d happily agreed. Ever since then, she’d avoided talking about what pieces she’d selected. A week had passed, and now she said she had a surprise for him.

  His mind filled with possibilities. He hoped she’d ordered a couch like the one they’d coupled on in her home. The very idea made him uncomfortable and he had to shift his position in his command chair to ease the pressure. The chronometer softly chimed, marking the end of his shift. Vren entered the lift as the last tone sounded.

  * * * *

  Bethany hurried to the bath to take a quick look in the mirror. She’d changed her mind at the last minute and had decided to wear the D’Lyrian clothing instead of the drab jumpsuit she wore when exploring the ship. The brightly colored top, called a swara, was similar to a halter top, but much skimpier. It barely concealed her breasts, but it covered more skin than the tapa did. The triangular front portion hid the seam of her pussy and nothing else. I’m wearing a hankie and butt floss. Thank god for hair removal!

  Bethany smiled at her reflection. Vren would love it, and that was part of her plan. Get him turned-on as fast as possible, then spring the trap—her surprise. She hurried to the living room and then sat on her new couch. He’d like it because it was almost identical to her old one. She heard him enter his office, and she struck a seductive pose to await his reaction.

  He bolted into the room almost before the door had completely opened. His green eyes widened in surprise as soon as he saw her and he purred. Oh yeah. Her plan was working.

  “You’re lovely,” he said in a soft growly tone. “I like the couch too.”

  “Lose the uniform, my love. This is just the beginning.”

  Bethany loved watching him undress. He started by kicking off his boots. His uniform top was the next to go. Each discarded item revealed bold stripes and powerful muscles. He never looked away from her as he stripped. She’d gotten used to his unblinking stare. It turned her on. She licked her lips as he unsnapped his trousers before he slid them down to mid-thigh. He shimmied out of them and then slowly approached. The only item he didn’t remove was his tapa.

  He pounced on her just as she’d hoped. Their lips met, and he took charge. He deepened the kiss, and she moaned as his tongue teased hers with quick thrusts. A jolt of desire tore through her. If she didn’t stop him, they’d be coupling sooner than she’d planned. She ran her fingers through his thick silky mane and stopped when she reached his ears. Slow, gentle caresses to the bases made him purr louder. He broke the kiss and shook his head to force her to release him. D’Lyrian males loved to have their ears scratched, but not during sex. He gave her a questioning look.

  “I want to show you my surprise,” she explained.

  “This isn’t it?”

  Bethany shook her head and pushed against his chest. She wasn’t strong enough to actually shove him away, but he stood and helped her up.

  “Follow me,” she said. She made sure to exaggerate the sway of her hips as she walked away. A soft growl sounded behind her. She stopped at the edge of the alcove that contained the coupling bench.

  “Why did you put a curtain across the opening?”

  “For some privacy, and I think it makes the space more intimate,” she explained. “Don’t you think it’s a good idea?”

  He nodded. “I want intimacy right now, mate.”

  Bethany held up a finger. “Give me a second. Don’t come in until I call you.”

sp; She darted behind the curtain and then hurried to undress. She tossed her tapa and swara over the curtain, making sure she threw them hard enough to clear the top.

  “Bethany!” His voice sounded harsh and impatient.”

  “Not yet,” she yelled, and he answered with a loud growl.

  She gave the king-sized mattress a hopeful look. It was flat on the floor. She sank to her knees and crawled to the center. Once there, she stretched out on her side and tried to look sexy. Vren loved to see her naked. She prayed he wouldn’t be able to resist her.

  “Come in,” she called.

  He burst through the curtain and came to an abrupt standstill. He stared at her, then shifted his attention to the bed. He looked over at the coupling stand that she’d shoved to the far corner before his gaze finally came back to settle on her. He swallowed hard.

  “Surprise!” She forced a smile.

  “What is this?”

  Bethany took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “This is a coupling platform.” She patted the mattress. “Join me.”

  “It’s a bed,” he countered.

  “No, it isn’t,” she stated firmly “Our bed is in the place where we sleep. This isn’t where we sleep, is it?”

  His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “No.”

  “So this can’t possibly be a bed, can it?”

  He snarled. “Maybe not.”

  She held his attention by caressing her breast. “I think we should try our coupling platform. It’s softer than the floor,” she said in a sultry tone.

  He gave the bench a quick glance, then looked back at her. “A coupling…platform?” A faint smile appeared. “It looks comfortable.” He sidled closer and his nose flared.

  He’d smelled her arousal. Bethany wasn’t certain she’d won him over until he reached down and ripped off his tapa. In no time, it joined hers on the other side of the curtain. Vren dropped to a crouch, then growled as he crawled toward her. She made a weak attempt to escape and screamed playfully as he captured her and held her down.

  “You’re mine, Bethany. Your happiness means everything to me. I don’t ever want to lose you. If you prefer a coupling platform, then that is what we’ll use.”

  “You’re my mate. I’d be miserable without you.” She threw her arms around him.

  He purred. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She nipped his shoulder. “Now couple with me before I pull your tail.”

  The End

  About the Author

  In her early teens, if Jaylee wasn’t perched in front of the TV watching a sci-fi show she was in her bedroom reading a sci-fi novel. It wasn’t until she discovered her mother’s secret stash of romance books squirreled away at the back of a closet that her interests took an abrupt turn.

  Jaylee is a retired RN and has been married to her own wonderful alpha for several years. They live on the Gulf Coast in southern Texas. When the youngest of three children left the nest a couple years ago, she decided to follow her dreams and write full time. Thankfully, her cast of characters never gave up on her. They remain stuck in her head, waiting for her to write their stories. They’re an impatient group.

  Also by Jaylee Davis

  Training the Warrior

  Lord of Capra

  Defenders of Capra

  Fantasy Warrior




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