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Page 15

by Allyson Young

  One of her slender hands passed over the hard bulge of him and he willed her to hurry, but she almost lazily worked the panel of his uniform leggings open, intent on her task, and an eternity passed before his cock was freed. Vayne moaned at her touch, her fingers tracing the raised ridges in his flesh, drifting over the sensitive cockhead, and he gritted his teeth to control the urge to thrust into her hands.

  “Beautiful,” she murmured, rubbing her cheek against him.

  “Suck me.” As a command it fell short, and the sovereign wasn’t used to begging—ever.

  He peered down at her as she lowered her head over him, pursing her lips tightly against any advance and his cock took up the challenge without any direction from him. It pressed harder against the seam of Neira’s mouth and was granted access in excruciatingly tiny increments, slipping inside on her saliva and the enticement of her tongue. Little, come-hither strokes drew him ever deeper, and as commanded she began to suck him down, surrounding him with sensation until he was lodged deep in her throat.

  His beast surged and Vayne set his hands on Neira’s head, a benediction, before taking charge of the delightful task. She didn’t resist, her own hands resting on his thighs, fingers clenching as he directed her mouth. He could make out the fan of her lashes across her flushed cheeks and was granted with the sight of those ripe lips as he pulled her away, only to wrench her back to take him again and again. She used her tongue with abandon and soon his strokes faltered as his orgasm boiled forth, his seed stored up for days as he waited for her to consent. He erupted into her throat, massaging that slender column as she swallowed him down, and he regretted only the loss of an opportunity to give her a child. When he carefully withdrew, his member wet and only slightly softer, Neira stared up at him, her mouth swollen once again. She looked well used—and satisfied.

  “You please me, Neira.” He sounded as gratified as he felt and she smiled mysteriously in response. Females—all females—appeared to appreciate their power, and Neira was most definitely female.

  Standing, he stripped away his uniform, watching her watch him as she scanned his body, her golden eyes shimmering with lust. She accepted his hand and he lifted her to her feet, his arousal building impossibly again but now well within his control. He swept her up and swiveled to place her on the bunk, reveling in the way she relaxed into him. Straddling her, he traced the same line he had dropped kisses on earlier, wanting to believe he could see his mark. “My chosen.”

  Neira shifted restlessly beneath him, and Vayne accepted there was still much to discuss, but for now he would enjoy this time with her. Palming her breasts, he lifted the tender weight, his thumbs rubbing her nipples into tighter points. His breath caught in his chest when she raised her hands above her head toward the cuffs.

  Wordlessly, he accepted her offer and buckled her in, pressing a kiss on each wrist. “You’ve already ensured my control with your clever mouth, little warrior. But this way I can bring you the greatest pleasure while you are powerless to gainsay me.”

  Neira’s eyes dilated and her lips parted. Vayne observed her carefully for signs of distress but detected only arousal.

  Dropping a kiss on her mouth, he smiled wickedly when she tried to capture him with those sweet lips.

  “As you had your way with me, so shall I with you.”

  “Certainly, Sovereign.” The obviously faked acquiescence in her voice was supported by the demureness of her gaze and Vayne ground his teeth. The gods of Isord hadn’t lied when they forecast the lure of a submissive woman with a fiery spirit. What they’d failed to point out was that earning such a one’s trust might dictate the strongest connection. And the most enduring one.

  Returning to her breasts, he again lifted them and lowered his head, teasing each tender bud with his teeth and tongue, relishing Neira’s tiny gasps and the way she tried to lift into his caresses. “Patience,” he murmured, and laved the undersides, swirling his tongue over the silken flesh.

  When he finally suckled her, Neira arched into his body, her long legs stretching and flexing restlessly behind him as he switched from breast to breast, assessing her breathy whimpers and near-silent pleas. She would scream his name before he was done with her and his cock filled again at the thought.

  Taking his time, he followed along the delicate cage of her ribs with his lips, traversing the plane of her belly as fingers replaced his mouth, tweaking her nipples with devilish intent. So responsive. Had anyone taken their time with her? Had she ever enjoyed a lengthy sexual congress? Intimacy. His leicat feared it and he would teach her to never fear anything with him. She would never have that kind of privacy if he was to give her the pleasure she so deserved.

  Licking past the cup of her navel, he traced her hip bones, marveling at the narrow breadth of her pelvis, hoping his child would soon be sheltered there, and on impulse he turned his head and rested his cheek against her satin skin.

  Neira’s breathing slowed and grew steady and they shared the long moment before he took up his quest. “Open your legs to me, little warrior.”

  Her long thighs parted and he inhaled deeply of her feminine musk, his beast stirring restlessly. He coaxed her legs further apart, bending them and setting her feet flat to allow him total freedom. Kneeling between them, Vayne stroked the soft skin with reverence before continuing upward to where her arousal glistened. Such a small, tight pussy with pouting lips the color of the fruit Neira liked at their morning meal. He dipped his head for a taste—tart yet sweet. She audibly sucked in air and he raised his face to ensure she saw what was written there, embodying what he felt. She blinked and everything in her eyes told his future. Their future.

  It took effort to break their stare. The muscles in her belly rippled as he looked down at her center again. Crimson petals edged with pink, shining with her juices, the knot of her pleasure beckoning. Vayne had often refused such a summons but understood he could never resist his chosen.

  Settling at her apex, his wide shoulders preventing any effort to hide her from him, he slipped his hands beneath her buttocks to tilt her for his best sensual attack and lowered an openmouthed kiss, his tongue lapping along Neira’s slit in its entirety. Those long legs slid over his shoulders in an effortless motion and she whimpered and entreated him. But he worked at his pace, learning her, tasting her and rejoicing in his chosen. He sipped at her fount and she gave him more, fighting his hold as she chased an orgasm.

  “Please, Vayne. Please.” The cuffs rattled as she strained against them.

  Ah, not yet screaming, although such impassioned sobbing was close. He sucked the tiny cluster of nerves between his teeth, flicking it with his tongue, and his little warrior came on a cry that echoed in the small space. Relentlessly, he drove her up again, worrying her clitoris and stroking into her clenching opening. He pressed his thumb against her tight rosebud, slick with the cream of her efforts, and gained entry as she went over again. Neira actually lifted his bulk from the mattress with a shudder and arch of her strong body, her heels hammering wildly against his back. He’d forever cherish the sound she made, a combination of his name and a prayer, and relented, petting her as she came back to herself.

  Easing her legs to the mattress, he worked his body upward to lay on his side, close to her damp form, and kissed away the tears of extremis. His cock jumped at the touch of her skin and he shifted to lessen the torture. When at last her eyes fluttered open he fell into her yet again. His chosen.



  Propping his head on his hand, he leaned on his elbow and coasted his free hand over her, stroking first one breast, then the other, passing down her belly to cup her mound. Neira tightened her thighs around him and he obeyed her unspoken edict, content to simply hold her, knowing she needed a few moments. His beast rumbled again, not fully sated and definitely lacking patience, demanding it be unleashed.

  Extricating his hand, Vayne worked the cuffs free and Neira brought her arms down with a grateful glance.
He rubbed at her shoulders, alternating to ensure she was comfortable.

  “That was…something.”

  “Merely something?” he teased.

  “I would have stopped you pushing me into that second release if my hands were free.”

  “And you wouldn’t have learned you are capable of falling again and again.”

  “You’re an arrogant, smug male, Sovereign.” But her accusation held no heat and he smiled at her. Smiling had not been in his repertoire over the past decades and it felt like a new experience each and every time Neira drew one from him.


  There was definitely a certain freedom in having no choice. Especially when the one taking the choice away wasn’t a threat. Well, maybe an intoxicating sensual threat but Neira figured she could come to accept that fact—easily. She then stirred a little in discomfort at the thought, because there were lots of other ramifications here. This wasn’t about fucking and she knew that when she’d given it up. Even though there hadn’t been any actual fucking…

  As if reading her mind, something that seemed a very real possibility, Vayne began to caress her again. Neira could have interfered, could have grasped his wrist and pushed it away. She could have, but instead pushed into his touch, her nipples once again beading and aching with need. His mouth was amazing, surrounded by stubble that embodied the essence of the man—the alien. They truly weren’t so different. She dared a cautious touch of his pectoral, then traced the scar nearby, wanting to press a kiss against it.

  “Stabbed by our mutual enemy, little warrior,” Vayne contributed as he trickled his fingertips toward her mound. “Under my armor somehow and straight into the heart.”

  She stilled. “Baraith? This is his work? How did you survive?” Her words tumbled over one another.

  “The Shadalla have two hearts and our spleen has separate functions. Our vision is exemplary as is our hearing. We are also stronger than your species overall.”

  That explained the curious echo in his chest. The cadence had been off. “And you’re okay?”

  He shrugged, the movement causing his finger to jerk against her clit in a most enticing fashion. “Never better.”

  “Anything else I should know?” There was probably an enormous amount of information she absolutely didn’t know, but one thing at a time.

  He slid a finger inside her, the residue of those two amazing orgasms facilitating entry, although she felt restricted because her pussy was so swollen from those two amazing orgasms. That digit in her ass had been a new experience and, while it had felt strange at the outset, had definitely increased her pleasure. His finger dallied in a mysterious place at the front of her sheath and a spring deep inside of her began to wind tighter. “Anything else—about our physiology?” he asked.

  When she didn’t reply immediately, intent on the coiling of that spring, he spoke again. “Shadalla males have bigger cocks.”

  Somehow, she came up with a quip. “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

  Truth be told, his cock had barely fit in her mouth, and while she’d given head before she still wondered how she had conquered her gag reflex with Vayne. Except it had seemed effortless.

  He responded to her offhand comment, rising to loom over her with a glint in those turquoise eyes and she wished he’d put his magical finger back inside. “On the Home World I believe you’d be called a brat. Or a tease.”

  Neira arched her brows and fluttered her lashes. Lord, she was flirting again, only this time it didn’t feel so foreign. Vayne dropped his weight on her and slanted his mouth over hers. He tasted like…joy and life. And that four letter word she couldn’t yet voice but felt in her heart. Neira pulled him closer and inhaled, wanting him again.

  He pulled back and she panted, reaching out, but he shook his head. “Hands and knees, little warrior.”

  If he’d called her his chosen she might have balked. Being taken from behind would assert his dominance even more, but he’d already taken her places she hadn’t expected. She rolled over to take a position on her knees, bracing her weight against them and on her hands.

  A finger traced the length of her spine and Vayne’s heat blanketed her as he kissed first one shoulder then the other, nibbling at the nape of her neck until she bowed her head. The scarring didn’t seem to put him off despite how he’d responded that first night. Curious how she hadn’t even thought about it since. Because he accepts all of you.

  “Chest to the bunk, Neira, bend your elbows. Yes, like that,” he rumbled, his voice sounding pleased as she obeyed, her epiphany lost with his command.

  She shivered and he immediately laid a hand on her back, soothing her. “Tell me.”

  “Again, I’m not used to being so intimate, giving up control.” Although her hands weren’t tethered.

  “What I ask of you and you are willing to give is received with my ultimate gratitude, Neira, and cherished. I will never take it for granted.”

  Holy shit. She melted at his words and the depth of emotion in his voice. Vayne coaxed her ass higher, sliding a pillow beneath her hips, and urged her thighs apart. When he slid a hand between them to test her wetness she bit her lip against a moan, her cheek pressing harder against the bunk.

  He alerted her to his intent, the hard length of his thighs pressing against the base of her buttocks. She felt the difference in the texture of their skin and the wash of his breath as he leaned over her. As he traced the fine web of scarring on her back, the usual sensations of numbness and prickling pain weren’t at all obvious, and she wanted to purr beneath the gentle touch—and acceptance. He stroked the curve of her hip. “Do you consent?”

  “I do,” she somehow choked out.

  “Remain still.”

  She wasn’t going anywhere, crouched before him, one hand under her chest and the other finding a purchase amongst the rumpled bed linens. The wide head of his cock slipped along her wet slit to bump her clit and she tried to control her flinch at its sensitivity. Vayne passed his shaft back and forth, slipping and sliding along her moistening folds and she held back a plea for more. Her vulnerable position, coupled with his expert teasing, began to break her down to her most female side, the one she’d denied since childhood. No longer needing to take care of herself and everyone around her. Her sovereign would shoulder that burden when she offered it. Right now she had but to receive.

  “So wet. Almost time.” She had to strain her ears to hear him.

  One big hand slipped around her neck to pin her securely and for an instant she felt a flicker of panic before he notched himself at her opening and worked inside. Parting and stretching her swollen tissues, he gave her no quarter, and she embraced the pleasure-pain, courting a sense of fulfillment she’d never experienced. Vaguely registering the nestling of his sac against her when at last he bottomed out, Neira submitted. There was no shame in this, no embarrassment or need to prove anything. Nothing but to receive.

  The tightness of his new grasp on her hip signaled his intent and Vayne took her without a hint of mercy. It was all about him, and his pelvis slapped against her ass in a measured beat, hard shaft thrusting deep to almost pull out before he drove deep again. Over and over until she could hear the slickness of the friction, hear the wet, grasping sound of her channel around him as he expressed his lust and hunger. He took her and claimed her, and her body responded, that coiled and primed spring boiling from her depths. Her breath expelled in frantic pants and her vision clouded. Vayne shoved his hand beneath her to unerringly seek out her straining clit as he stiffened and bellowed above her. His cock swelled impossibly larger, and hot seed flooded her deep inside as he pinched her nub and propelled her into the abyss.

  Surrender was the ultimate freedom and she welcomed it.

  Chapter Nine

  Perhaps he required the full use of both of his hearts, after all. Vayne brought his ratcheted pulse down in increments and struggled to take his weight from Neira’s crouched form. He reluctantly released the grip on her nape as his co
ck slipped out of her sweetly clasping sheath on a slip of their cum.

  “Neira? My love?” She didn’t move and he carefully turned her on her side, first gently freeing the arm folded beneath her chest, then inveigling her legs straight. He awkwardly rubbed the long muscles in her thighs and reached to do the same for her calves, admiring the slender length of her tidy feet. Everything about her was perfection.

  She moaned and hitched onto her back, and Vayne gave her room, cramming against the bulkhead. His bed on Nibiru was commodious and there would be none of this fighting for space, although he treasured the closeness too. And Neira would never escape his touch no matter the size of their sleeping accommodation.

  He sought for words to describe his state of being. Bliss was perhaps the closest he could come, with utter satisfaction being second. His balls felt pleasantly empty and his chest full. He wouldn’t think about how near he’d come to losing her. There would still be challenges ahead, and not only between them. He would need to convince the status quo on his planet that definite changes were in store if they were to procreate and save themselves from extinction. The beatific state he enjoyed—as would those lucky enough to find their chosen—would be convincing enough if lifemates were found for those who would challenge him and his rule. His mind was already sorting through the possibilities, the curse of his position and duty when he wanted to enjoy the postcoital gift of his chosen.

  Tucking Neira close, he drifted a light throw over her, noting that she no longer felt cold to the touch. He was overheated and famished and in a moment would summon sustenance but couldn’t bear to leave her side even for the time required to reach the display panel. When she murmured and inched closer he sighed. This was the stuff poems and sonnets were written about, and he basked for another moment. The medic had detected a residual taint of birth control hormones in Neira’s blood but such a small quantity that it was almost negligible. Vayne assumed it had been administered prior to her capture by the Juxtant and it spoke to her state of mind that she hadn’t renewed the injection upon her discharge. It was unlikely that sex had been something she’d have wanted. That was something else he wasn’t thinking about—what Baraith had done to her sexually. It was enough that monster hadn’t spawned with her.


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