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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 10

Page 23

by Maxim Jakubowski

  Suddenly conscious that they were in the faculty parking lot and the car windows were completely fogged, she reluctantly slid back into her seat. There was so much wetness between her thighs and on his lower stomach, she didn’t know who had made a bigger mess. She suspected it was her.

  “Hand me my panties,” she said. “They’re in the glove box.”

  He chuckled as he handed her the black lace thong. “You’re just going to make a mess of them.”

  “Better them than the back of my skirt,” she said ruefully as she shimmied into her panties and smoothed her wrinkled skirt into place. She looked over at Henry sprawled in the car seat with a satisfied smile on his face and his flaccid cock glistening against his pale stomach. He was an even bigger mess than she was and she frowned. “You can’t go inside like that.”

  He looked down. “No mistaking what I’ve been up to, is there?”

  “There should be tissues in there, too,” she said.

  He fumbled through the glove box until he found the packet of travel tissues and cleaned himself up as best he could. Moments later, shirt tucked in and pants fastened, he still looked like the cat that ate the cream. The noticeable wet spot on the front of his pants didn’t help matters at all.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, following the direction of her gaze. “I have a pair of pants in the office.”

  “Keep extra clothes at work, do you?”

  He grinned. “You never know when a beautiful young woman is going to offer herself up in exchange for an A.”

  “Always prepared.” She smiled at him. “You’re quite the boy scout.”

  He stroked a hand through her mussed hair. “You’re not bad yourself, love. I’m wiped out.”

  “Hmm. Well, don’t think I’m letting you off the hook that easily,” she said with mock sternness. “You never know when I’ll be wanting a repeat performance.”

  “Sounds promising.” He retied his tie and adjusted the collar, using the vanity mirror to guide him. “Not that this wasn’t a nice surprise, but when can we spend a little more time together?”

  “I’ll give you a call later.” Though she was completely satiated, Charlotte couldn’t help but give him a teasing smile. “Tennis tomorrow, maybe? I’ll make you sweat to get me into bed.”

  “I love a challenge,” he said, leaning over to press a kiss to her forehead before he slipped out of the car.

  She laughed as she watched him sprint across the parking lot. At some point during their lovemaking, the sun had broken through the clouds and the squirrels had returned to their frolicking. She waited until he was gone from sight before she pulled out of the lot and headed back to the library. She was going to need an energy drink before the day was over.

  “I need you,” Ian growled.

  “That’s sweet, but I’m going out with the girls tonight,” Charlotte said as she drove through the heavy downtown traffic. “Remember?”

  “Ah, right, I forgot it was girls’ night,” Ian said. “I’m on call this weekend, but as long as there isn’t a five-alarm fire, maybe we can do something tomorrow.”

  Charlotte hesitated. “Well, I told Henry I’d play tennis with him tomorrow. I haven’t seen him in weeks.”

  “Fine, fine, far be it for me to come between you and your old professor. How is Grampa, anyway?”

  Charlotte found a parking spot on the street and maneuvered into it one-handed. “Don’t be mean. Henry is barely fifty and he’s in great shape.”

  “But I want my girl to myself,” Ian said. “I guess I’ll have you on Sunday.”

  “You’re a darling,” Charlotte said, and meant it. “Why don’t you stay over tonight? I’ll be in late, but I’ll wake you when I get home and you can have me then.”

  “Oh, really,” Ian’s voice reflected his interest. “It’s that time, hmm?”

  Charlotte checked her lipstick in the vanity mirror and smiled at her reflection. She looked happy. She was happy – and hopeful. “Well, yes, but I’d still want you to stay over.”

  “Uh-huh,” Ian said, not sounding at all convinced. “Well, then, have a good time with the girls and hurry home.”

  Charlotte disconnected and smoothed her skirt before leaving the car. Henry wasn’t the only one who kept a change of clothes at work. She now wore a shimmery silver blouse with a red skirt. Red was Terrence’s favorite color.

  Melissa and Wendy were already waiting at the bar for her inside the trendy bar Fringe. The décor was disco-chic and Charlotte’s silver blouse glinted in the light reflected by the mirrored tiles embedded in the walls.

  Melissa handed her a dirty martini and leaned in close to be heard over the house music. “I didn’t think you were going to make it. Is Ian peeved?”

  “Oh no,” Charlotte said, scanning the growing crowd in the club. “He’s staying over and I promised to wake him up when I get home.”

  “You’ve got that man wrapped around your little finger.”

  Wendy laughed. “He’s not the only one.” She tilted her head toward the opposite side of the club. “Here comes your little boytoy.”

  Charlotte followed the direction of her friend’s gaze and felt her pulse jump. At six-foot-four, with a body of lean planes and sculpted muscle, Terrence was hardly little – nor was he anyone’s boytoy. He was, however, barely out of college, a fact that held more appeal than Charlotte could ever explain. She had met him when he’d come to the library to do research for his senior thesis. He had kept coming back after graduation. He was a lazy, but brilliant, music student with hands that could play her like a finely tuned instrument. As he strolled across the room, oblivious to the predatory looks he was getting from women of all ages, a shiver went up her spine.

  “Hey, babe,” he whispered in her ear as he pulled her into a tight hug. “Long time no see.”

  “I suspect you’ve been staying busy.”

  “I do all right,” he said with a lazy shrug. “But I’ve missed you.”

  Wendy and Melissa made themselves scarce, giggling behind their hands as they left the two alone. Terrence knew the effect he had on women, with his exotic features and often insolent expression. It amused him to turn women into quivering, stuttering schoolgirls. Charlotte let him think she could take him or leave him – which she could – and that made her attractive to him.

  “Want to get out of here?” There was no subterfuge with Terrence, no hidden agenda. It was one of the things she liked best about him.

  “Impatient, sweetie?”

  He threw an arm around her shoulders and leaned in. “Impatient to be inside you,” he said. “I told you I’ve missed you.”

  A naughty thought took hold in her imagination. She took Terrence’s hand and pulled him toward a dark hallway. She led him into the women’s restroom off the kitchen area where harried kitchen staff put together heavy appetizers to complement the cocktails.

  “What are you up to?”

  Charlotte closed and locked the restroom door behind him before turning on the light. “What do you think?”

  She didn’t give him a chance to respond. Pressing him up against the door, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down for a fierce kiss. She parted his lips with the tip of her tongue, deepening the kiss with the intention of distracting him from their surroundings. He tasted of tequila and the sharp tang taste reminded her of other things. She knew she had him when she hooked her leg around his hip and rubbed against him. He groaned softly, gripping her ass in his hands as he pulled her up hard against him. She could feel him beginning to stiffen and whimpered low in her throat.

  He pulled back, a little breathless from their kissing. “You are wicked.”

  She fumbled with his belt, laughing softly. “Let me show you just how wicked I can be.”

  “I really don’t think this is a good idea.”

  Having managed to get his belt unbuckled, Charlotte was not about to stop now. She proceeded to unfasten his trousers, noticing Terrence’s cock did not share his
doubt about her naughty intentions. His cock was shaped like his beautiful fingers – long and smooth. She felt her own body respond to his arousal and clenched her thighs together.

  “Maybe I can change your mind,” she said, thankful for her thigh high stockings as she slipped to her knees on the dirty tile floor.

  Above her, Terrence’s dark eyes went wide. “What are you up to?”

  She pulled his cock free from his pants and underwear and kissed the engorged tip. “What does it look like?”

  “It looks like you’re a very nasty girl.”

  Wrapping her hand around the length of him, she looked up into his eyes. “Oh, you have no idea.”

  She held his cock in her hand and licked his shaft from the tip to the base and back again. His sharp intake of breath turned her on, made her want to tease him long and slow. Unfortunately, she knew they didn’t have that kind of time before someone came knocking on the door to use the restroom, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t tease him a little bit.

  Looking up at him, she licked the ridge of his cock again. He threw his head back against the door and closed his eyes as she took him inside her mouth, cradling the broad head in the hollow of her tongue. He groaned softly, tangling his fingers in her long dark hair. She didn’t move, didn’t suck, just held him there in her mouth as she looked up at him. Finally, his eyes opened and he looked down at her, his gaze unfocused.

  “Please, babe,” he said hoarsely.

  That was all she needed. She took him deeper into her mouth, sucking him to the back of her throat before sliding off him. She went back down again, as far as she could, sucking him in rhythm to the muffled throb of the music beyond the door. When he was slick with her saliva, she used her hands to stroke his shaft as she sucked, slow and steady, until he was reflexively pumping into her mouth.

  Reaching under his cock, she cupped his velvety balls in one hand. When she gave them a gentle tug, he gasped and bumped his head against the door.

  “Oh hell, Char.” His fingers clutched at her hair. “You’re driving me out of my mind.”

  She swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, tasting his arousal, before pulling away. Much as she would have liked to finish him with her mouth, that wasn’t in her plan tonight. She couldn’t help but smile at his grumble of disappointment when she stood up. She stroked his cock as she reached up to kiss him.

  “I need you,” she said. “Please.”

  He kissed her hard, thrusting against the palm of her hand. “Anything you want, babe.”

  A sense of urgency came over her, not only because they were in the public restroom and she could hear voices not far away, but because she ached to feel him inside her. She pulled up her skirt and turned to face the counter. Thrusting her bottom out, she looked at him over her shoulder.

  “Fuck me, Terrence. Fuck me hard.”

  He didn’t hesitate. Pulling her cherry red panties to the side, he was balls deep inside her in one smooth motion. She arched her back and whimpered, biting her lip to keep from screaming at the sudden, shocking fullness.

  Guiding her hip with one hand, he caught her long hair up in the other hand. She met his lust-filled gaze in the mirror as he pulled her hair hard enough to make her arch her neck. They were both a little out of control now. She knew it and knew the risks – and she didn’t care.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped as she met his steady thrusts. She closed her eyes, lost in the intense feeling of him deep inside her.

  “Open your eyes,” he said roughly. “Look at me.”

  She did as he said, staring at him in the mirror as he drove into her. This was her favorite sexual position, being taken from behind, because his cock hit her G-spot in just the right way to give her mind-blowing orgasms. She liked the feeling of his lean body covering hers, the way he pulled her hair that sent shivers down her spine. The tables were turned now – she wasn’t the dominant older woman any longer – she felt feminine and helpless, completely at his mercy. But now, the mirror seemed to add another layer of intimacy to their lovemaking.

  She couldn’t hide behind her curtain of hair, couldn’t escape his dark, knowing gaze as he moved his hand up to tweak her nipple through her flimsy blouse. She tried to tuck her chin against her chest, feeling incredibly vulnerable all of a sudden, but Terrence gave her hair another tug so that she had no choice but to look up.

  “Watch me, babe,” he said, his voice low as he thrust into her wetness. “Watch me while I’m inside you.”

  What had started out as a playful, seductive game had become something else. She felt out of control, wanting him to be rougher with her, to pinch her nipples harder, to drive his cock into her until she screamed. She knew they didn’t have much time, but she wanted to strip off her clothes and let him fuck her senseless. She gripped the edge of the sink and tried not to cry out as he withdrew his cock to the tip and then slammed into her. Over and over again, bumping against that sensitive spot inside her, he fucked her until she could feel her juices trickling down the insides of her thighs.

  She whimpered softly, biting the inside of her mouth because the temptation to scream was almost unbearable. Not that anyone would hear her over the club music, of course. Terrence was silent and stoic, only his heavy-lidded eyes giving away his arousal. He had been so turned on by her going down on him she expected him to finish inside her at any moment, but now he seemed capable of going on like this for hours. If only they had hours.

  “I’m not coming until you do,” he said, as if reading her mind.

  She whimpered again, clenching her pussy around his cock. She wanted to come, but she was distracted by the sound of the voices and music and Terrence’s penetrating stare. She closed her eyes once more, feeling like she needed to close off one sense so she could concentrate on what he was doing to her body. She focused on the sensation of his cock gliding into her, the way her body clung to him as he slowly withdrew before pushing back inside. She arched her back a little more, feeling his cock angle down.

  “Right there,” she gasped.

  He thrust into her, faster now, pulling her hair taut until she felt like a bowstring humming with tension. She reached the breaking point as he curved over her, whispering in her ear, “Come for me, babe.”

  She couldn’t help it, she let out a loud, lingering moan as her orgasm washed over her. She opened her eyes, meeting his eyes in the mirror so he could see what he had done to her. He watched her as he continued to fuck her through her orgasm, sweat glistening at his fine-boned temple.

  “Yes, oh god,” she gasped, feeling as if she were being turned inside out. “Terrence!”

  Terrence made a sound low in his throat and went still against her. Her pussy rippled along the length of his engorged cock and, with one hard thrust that elicited another soft moan from her, he was coming, too. Eyes closed, he pumped into her a few times before going still again. He leaned over her back, his damp forehead against her cheek when she turned her head.

  “Oh my. That was nice,” was all she could manage to say.

  She felt, rather than heard, his rumble of laughter. “That’s one way to describe it,” he said, nipping her earlobe. “You really are wicked.”

  “Yes, I am,” she whispered.

  Still feeling the lingering tremors of her orgasm, she became acutely aware of their risky position. Reluctantly, she shifted beneath him. His cock slid out of her and she felt empty. Wetness streaked down her inner thighs and she met his gaze in the mirror, smiling contritely.

  “I need to clean up,” she said. “Think you can sneak out while I make myself presentable?”

  Terrence’s laugh was pure masculine satisfaction. “You are perfectly presentable. You just look as if you’ve been well fucked.”

  She shifted her gaze to her own face and realized he was right. Her hair was mussed and her cheeks were flushed. Her dark red lipstick was smeared and she was fairly certain she’d left some behind on Terrence’s cock. Her eyes sparkled in a way that suggest
ed she had a very delicious secret – which she did. She shook her head. “Well, I’ll do the best I can.”

  Terrence straightened his clothes and tucked his still-damp cock back into his trousers. “I don’t think it’ll be a late night for me. I’m wiped.”

  “Oh, poor baby,” she said. “Every woman in the club will be disappointed to see you go.”

  Terrence gave her a tired, teasing grin. “I only care about the woman who just came on my cock.”

  She didn’t really believe that, of course, but it was sweet of him to say so. Terrence was still young and wild and unlikely to settle for one woman when he could have three, but he had good manners. “That was lovely, darling.”

  He listened at the door before turning the lock. “Give me a call, babe. It’s been too long and I’d like to do this properly sometime soon.”

  “I will. Promise.”

  Charlotte smiled as he slipped out, giving her a rakish wink as he went. She locked the door behind him and met her own smudged eyes in the mirror. “See you in four weeks, darling boy,” she whispered as she set about taming her hair back into place. “Maybe.”

  Charlotte awoke at dawn, naked, and cuddled against Ian’s warm, bare chest. She felt a pleasant kind of soreness through her entire body which seemed to radiate from between her thighs. Sighing contentedly, she tucked in close to Ian and breathed in his clean, masculine scent.

  Just as she started to drift off again, she felt his hand shift from her hip to between her thighs. She squirmed, thinking he was still asleep by the sound of his steady breathing. Then his fingers began a gentle probing that let her know he was awake – and wanting her.

  Silently, she shifted until she was lying on her back, still nestled against his muscular shoulder. He touched her gently, parting the lips of her pussy with his fingers. She wasn’t aroused yet, but she knew his soft touches would get her there fast. Sighing, she spread her thighs so he could continue his exploration.

  He rested one finger at her opening as he cupped her mound in his warm palm. He gently squeezed her, letting just the tip of his finger slip inside her. She gasped at the dual sensations and pushed her pelvis up to meet his touch.


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