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Heart of a Warrior

Page 23

by Theodora Lane

  “Get out of town. Tonight. Be gone by morning.” Fiona lowered her sword. “Nic has orders to kill you both. I can’t protect you again.”

  Annie’s mouth and eyes flew open in surprise. She stared at Fiona, and then her body relaxed. “Thank you, Fiona. We'd planned on leaving tonight.” Her eyes spilled tears.

  Fiona, unable to speak without betraying herself, nodded, backed through the curtains, and then turned and ran from the room, to the door, and up the stairs.

  Before she reached the outer door, she stopped and caught her breath as she slumped against the wall.

  “What did I just do?”

  Cho crawled off the wall and onto her shoulder, his skin turning black to blend with her clothing.

  “Gave two friends a break.”

  “Oh, Cho, did I do the right thing?”

  “Do we ever know that? What does your heart tell you?”

  “That maybe there is redemption.”

  “Even for damned souls? Perhaps.”

  “How can I tell Nic? He won’t understand.”

  “No. I think that took a woman’s heart.”

  “I’ve betrayed him after promising him I’d go by his decision.” She put her head in her hands.

  “If they don’t leave, then you fix the mistake. If they leave, same as dead. For this city anyway.”

  “How can I live with Nic and keep this lie?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I went against everything he stands for, Cho. I have to tell him and live with the consequences.”

  “Don’t do that. Lie to him, Fiona.”

  “How could I look in his eyes? How can I be with him, knowing I betrayed him?”

  “Just think about it, Fiona. Give them the night to clear out.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “He needs you, Fiona. He doesn’t realize it, but he does.”

  “Does he? He has to trust me.”

  “He does. You know that.”

  “Right. And now I’m going to lie to him? Two betrayals? How is that keeping a trust? It’s more like destroying it. And if he finds out later, I’ll lose him anyway.”

  Fiona straightened and wiped the tears from her eyes with the palms of her hands. She swallowed, picked up her sword, opened the door to the outside, and stepped through.

  “Don’t leave us, Fiona.”

  “Oh, for once, Cho, please shut up.”

  Playing out the pretense of searching, she headed to the house next door. Fiona opened the outside door to the basement and went down the steps. The sun was almost down.

  She found a dimly lit basement, washer and dryer, and clothes hung on lines across one side of the basement. The other side held some workbenches, tools, and cabinets. The rest was storage.

  She turned back and went up the stairs. Each step brought her closer to the lie she was going to tell Nic. She felt like a rat. No, worse than that. She didn’t know what that was right now, but it was lower than a mangy, flea-bitten, sewer rat.

  She stood on the driveway in the fading light and looked up into the sky. The moon was just coming up, and the stars weren’t out yet.

  Nic found her standing with her hands on her hips, head back, gazing up into the night sky.

  “Fiona, are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She looked at him. Forced a smile. Might as well go all the way with the charade.

  “All clear.”

  “All clear.” She shrugged. “They must have cleared out.”

  “Probably long gone by now.” Nic couldn’t hide his relief.

  “Right.” She gave him a half-smile.

  “Can we go home now?”

  “Home. It sounds really good right now.” Nic smiled at Fiona.

  Another smile from the rat woman. Rat woman’s heart was breaking as she lied to the only man she’d ever loved.

  “Cho, go with Nic.”

  “But, Fiona…”

  “Just go, Cho.”

  “I’ll meet you there, Nic. I have to swing past my house, pick up some things.” She waved to him and headed to her car. She stopped and watched as Nic walked to the Jag, got in, and drove off.

  She held it together and made it into her drive before the tears started. Pushing the front door open, she stepped through, slammed it shut, and ran to her room. Throwing herself on her bed, she let the tears come, hard and salty, racking her body.

  — • —

  Nic pulled up to the house and parked the car. Whistling, he opened his door and hung the great sword and its scabbard in their place on the wall. He dropped Cho off at his tree. In the kitchen, he opened the fridge and took out a beer.

  “This calls for a couple of steaks, Cho.”

  “You seem really happy, buddy.”

  “I am. I found her, Cho. The one woman in the world who was meant for me.”


  “I never thought I’d feel this way about any woman. I love her, Cho. She’s the one. I’m going to ask her to marry me tonight.”

  The lizard sat on the branch of the tree and gave a sigh. Damn, this hurt. Then he started to think of a way to get Fiona back.

  — • —

  The steaks were cooked, and Fiona hadn’t returned.

  “Where is she?” She always could aggravate him.

  “Call her house, Nic.”

  “Good idea.”

  Nic picked up the phone and dialed her number. She picked up on the fourth ring.

  “Fiona? Where are you?”

  “I’m not coming back, Nic.” Her voice sounded strained.

  “What do you mean? What’s going on?” Nic walked to the leather couch and sat down.

  “I made a mistake. You’re a great guy, but…” Her voice faded out.

  “A great guy, but? Is this some sort of joke?”

  “No. I don’t know any other way to do this. I think it would be best if we just forgot about each other.”

  “What are you talking about, darlin’? I love you, Fiona. I’m not going to let you go.” Nic’s shoulders slumped, and his head hung down as he held the phone to his ear.

  “That’s just it. I made a mistake when I said I love you.”

  “Fiona.” His throat felt as if there was a clamp around it. “Please, don’t say…”

  “I don’t love you, Nic. It was fun, but I don’t want to see you again. I’ve decided it’s not the life I want. You’re not the man I want.” Her voice was hoarse.

  “No, Fiona!”

  “Good-bye, Nic.” She hung up.

  Nic lowered the phone from his ear and stared at it.

  Five minutes ticked past.

  “Nic, are you okay?”

  No answer. There was only emptiness where Nic’s thoughts used to be.

  “Nic. Please. What happened? What did she say?”

  Nic stood, picked up the beer he’d opened, and upended it down his throat. Then he strode back to the fridge and pulled out another beer. Opened it and downed it.

  “Come on, Nic.”

  He reached for the third beer.

  “Nic, this isn’t going to help matters. This won’t change her mind.”

  Nic’s hand froze as he reached for another beer.

  “How do you know what she said?”

  “I just figured.”

  “You reading minds over the phone lines now?”

  Nic turned to him, his eyes burning.

  “No, it’s just…”

  “You knew. She told you, didn’t she? In her thoughts.”

  “Nic, I hear a lot of things, and I don’t always…”

  “When were you going to tell me? Just let me make a fool of myself?”

  “No, Nic.”

  “Was it funny, Cho? Did you get a good laugh? I finally fall in love, and she dumps me.”

  “Damn it, Nic. Shut up. I loved her too, you know. You’re not the only one hurting.”

  Nic stared at the lizard and blinked.

  “She was right for us, Nic. She was th
e one, damn it. We connected, all of us.”

  Nic walked out of the room, down the hall, and to his bedroom. The room where he had made love to Fiona for the first time. She had given him that much, at least. Her greatest gift, she called it. How could she say she didn’t love him?

  He lay down on the bed, fully dressed, and stared at the ceiling.

  — • —

  Ivan loaded the last of their stuff in the van and looked at Annie. He slammed the cargo doors and then pulled her to him. Her lips met his as she clung to him.

  She pulled away. “I love you, Ivan.”

  “I love you too, Annie. Damn.” He caressed her cheek with his hand.

  “Let’s go.” Annie looked back at the house for the last time and nodded. They climbed into their seats.

  “Have you ever been to Texas?” Ivan’s brow furrowed.

  “No, never. I hear they have lots of land, lots of oil, and lots of cowboys.” Annie laughed. She was glad to be alive. Well, sort of alive. At least, not “dead” dead.

  “Biggest state in the lower forty-eight. Houston has over four million people, and Dallas isn’t far behind that. A couple of outlaw vampires like you and me could get lost in a place that big.”

  “I always wanted a pair of real cowboy boots.”

  “Yeah? I’ll buy you some made of rattlesnake.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’ll have to learn how to two-step.”

  “I think I can manage. But I draw the line at saying ‘howdy, partner.’”

  “That’s a deal.”

  Ivan started the van and pulled out of the driveway, headlights spilling before them. Annie sat back and hugged herself. She found she couldn’t stop smiling.

  A new life. A better life. She’d been given a chance, and she took it. For both of them.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cho was tired of eating leftovers and bugs. It had been almost two months since Fiona had left, and Nic had done nothing but go out, come back, lay on his bed with hands behind his head, and stare at the ceiling. And work out. Lots and lots of working out. Cho had no idea where he went when he left because Nic was still pissed and wasn’t talking to him.

  It had been a long time since Cho had seen what two people could do to each other, good or bad.

  At least the scary shit was over. Well, he hoped it was. He’d never seen Nic so low. Two weeks after Fiona had left them, Nic had come into the room holding a long dagger. He’d sat on the couch and played with it, balancing it in his hand, tossing it end over end, and catching the hilt.

  Cho had watched out of half-closed eyes, not paying attention. Not until Nic held the blade to his throat.

  “What the hell are you doing, Nic?”

  “I can’t live like this.”

  “Then don’t. But if you do this, who’s going to feed me? Have you even thought of that?”

  Nic had laughed, put the dagger down on the seat next to him, and stared at it for a long time. Eventually, he’d gotten up, gone to the refrigerator, and pulled out a beer.

  Better drunk than dead, Cho figured, but he’d kept a close eye on Nic after that incident, trying to judge his mood. Sullen and angry worked for him. It was morose and self-pitying that were dangerous.

  Today was just another day to get through. Nic came out of his bedroom and sat on the couch. There was the start of a beard on his face, and it’d been a while since he’d hit the shower.

  This can’t go on. When a man starts to stink, it’s time to take some action.

  “Nic, I can’t take this anymore. I’m starving, and you look like something the cat coughed up.”

  Nic’s dark gaze flicked to the lizard.

  “You have to pull yourself out of this, buddy.”

  Silence greeted him.

  “Nic, damn it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.”

  More silence, but this time it steamed.

  “If you want her so bad, get off your ass and go get her.”

  “She doesn’t want me.”

  “Yeesh, I thought you’d figure it out by now, but I guess you’re dumber than you look.”

  “What did you say to me, you scaly bastard?”

  “She lied to you, Nic.”

  “What? She lied about not loving me? Why would she do that?”

  Nic surged to his feet and paced around the living room. Cho could smell the pent-up sexual frustration like a heavy fog in the air. No, wait…that was him. Nic smelled like old socks, beer, and wet dog.

  “Fiona lied to you.”

  “You’re talking in circles, Cho. Are you saying she lied when she said she didn’t love me, so she really does loves me?”

  “Of course. That was after the first lie.”

  “She lied before that? About what?”

  “About the night she left. She found Ivan and Annie.”

  “Why didn’t she say so?”

  “Because she let them go.”

  Nic stopped pacing and faced Cho. The lizard thought if he was smart, he should probably run, but he held his ground and tried to keep the branch he sat on from shaking.

  “You knew this?” Nic’s voice dropped low and threatening as his eyes narrowed.

  “Yeah, I knew. She and I talked about it.”

  “And you told her to lie and go away?” Nic turned his back on Cho, his hands tight fists.

  “No, no, no. I told her to lie and stay.”

  He turned back. “Then why is she gone?”

  “She couldn’t be with you knowing she lied. She felt she’d betrayed you when she decided to let them escape after promising you she’d go by your decision to kill them.”

  Nic stared at Cho and then shook his head.

  “Neither of you thought I could handle that?”

  “Oh, please! You are the most this-is-what-I-do and all-vampires-must-die person on Earth. How could she tell you how her heart felt when she found them? Your inability to compromise drove her away.”

  “What would I not understand? That she felt some misguided pity?”

  “Exactly. Your words, ‘misguided pity.’ You still don’t understand.”

  “You are driving me crazy, Cho.”

  “She gave them a chance to redeem themselves, Nic.”

  “Vampires can’t be redeemed.”

  “Then explain why they helped you both.”

  “It was to their benefit.”

  “Was it? They are outcasts now among their own kind.”

  “Shut up, Cho.”

  “Hunted. On the run. And they knew it would come to that when they decided to trust you and get Amy back.”

  “I don’t care. They’re still vampires.”

  “No, Nic. Shut up and listen. They’re friends, whether you admit it or not. If you let this stand between you and Fiona, you’ll just be letting the best thing that ever happened to you, to us, slip through your fingers. Get off your ass and go bring her back!”

  Nic didn’t budge. He stared at the lizard. Put his head in his hands and scrubbed his scalp. When he looked up, he sighed.

  “How could I have been so stupid?”

  “Don’t forget hardheaded, inflexible, and stubborn, while you’re at it.” Cho flicked his tail and hissed just for emphasis. “You love her. She loves you. I love her. She loves me. Don’t you get it? Nothing else matters! Not the Council of Twelve, not the Board of Elders, nothing but you and her. And me, of course.”

  Nic turned, picked up the keys to the Jag, and headed out the door.

  “Wait, Nic! You’re forgetting me! Nic?”

  — • —

  Fiona sat on the floor of her bathroom in her old, ratty pink bathrobe. A timer sat on the sink, running down the seconds, each tick echoing off the tiles and straight into her head. In just a moment, she’d find out the truth. The last week she’d been so tired she could barely get out of bed. Two days ago, she woke up, raced to the bathroom, and emptied her guts in the toilet.

  Unprotected sex.

  Those words screamed in her mind. At f
irst, she wrote it off as a bug, until she’d tossed up her breakfast of dry toast on the second morning. It was the afternoon of the third day, and she was so damn tired she could barely drive herself to the pharmacy, and that was after she spent an hour throwing up. With no breakfast.

  How could I have been so stupid?

  She waited, needing the solidity of the floor and walls to support her, too tired to even balance on the edge of the tub. Besides, she needed the toilet free, just in case. The testing of the Emergency Pregnancy System was just to make it official. She already knew. In her heart and in her body, she knew.

  The timer sounded. Fiona closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Pulling herself up on her knees, she reached into the sink, picked up the stick, and held it front of her eyes.

  Pink. She knew it would be.

  Slumping back down on the floor, she sat holding the stick. So many thoughts raced through her mind she couldn’t keep them straight.

  Despite everything, all her efforts, she was worse than her mother. She didn’t think it was possible. Just like good old Mom. A whore who gave it away, knocked up by a one-night stand.

  No. She had to be fair to Nic and herself. She wasn’t exactly like her mom. Nic had not been a one-night stand. He’d been the one, and she’d made the decision to leave him. This was her doing, all her fault. There was no one to blame but herself. And she had to face the consequences. Alone.

  She was scared. Not the “ohmygodvampires” kind of scared, but the “whatthehellamIgoingtodo” kind. In a way, it was a bigger emotion, maybe because it wasn’t just a few moments of intense fear, but a lifetime fear.

  Looking in the mirror, she wondered if this was how her mother had felt when she had found out she was pregnant. Had she been scared? Thrilled? Or like Fiona, a little of one and a lot of the other. Of course, there’s a big difference here. Mom had been only sixteen, uneducated, kicked out of her house, and Fiona was twenty-six, on her own, and financially independent.

  Her mother had never spoken about her father. Fiona had just assumed it was because he was some ship in the night. She never had much to say about him except that he didn’t want them and left.

  Fiona slumped back onto the floor as her eyes filled with tears. What if her mother had loved her father and been rejected by him? What would she have done, Fiona asked herself, if she’d been sixteen, in love with Nic, and he’d tossed her to the side like some used piece of tissue?


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