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Page 5

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘I thought Phil might like to come back to ours. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Phil?’ I asked, fluttering my eyelashes at him.

  Phil gave a smile so salacious it should have been x-rated, then murmured into Rob’s ear, making it abundantly clear just how much he’d like that, thank you very much. I’m pretty sure I saw him sucking on Rob’s earlobe afterwards as well.

  ‘Beth?’ Rob’s eyes were like a rabbit’s caught in the headlights. His voice cracked as he attempted to continue. ‘I ... uh, are you, er, sure about this?’

  I think my fingers stroking his inner thigh let him know just how very sure I was, and I noticed Phil doing the same on the other side. ‘Oh Jesus!’ Rob whispered, his eyes practically rolling back in his head. ‘Christ! Er, give me a minute, OK. I don’t think I can walk right now.’ That wouldn’t have surprised me, judging by the way his leg was trembling under my hand. Oh yeah, and the massive boner he’d just sprouted. I noticed Phil giving it a quick grope before we let Rob be for a minute.

  We didn’t get another round in – there was an unspoken agreement that what we all really wanted to do was leave as soon as possible. You could feel it in the air, in the spaces between our awkward words and our needy bodies. There was a cloud of lust around that table so thick I’m surprised the rest of the punters couldn’t see it.

  ‘Ready?’ I asked my men, and they nodded, following me out into the cool night air. Phil and I chatted about films and TV shows on the short walk to our flat, carefully avoiding the subject I reckon we were all thinking about. Rob kept his trap shut and I worried that he was having second thoughts, but Phil slung his arm around Rob’s shoulder so I snuck mine around Rob’s waist, and somehow we managed to negotiate the narrow pavements without having to let go.

  It was once we’d stepped through the front door that things became awkward again. I’m not sure what I’d expected. Maybe that we’d be ripping each other’s clothes off in the hallway. As it was, once we’d separated to get through the door, Rob felt obliged to offer Phil the grand tour of the flat, all three rooms of it. I didn’t think that’s what Phil was after, so I suggested they make themselves comfortable on the sofa. There was a bottle of blackcurrant vodka in the freezer and I reckoned that’d go some way towards loosening us all up a little. Well, loosening the guys up, anyhow. I was already feeling pretty limber and lithe and oh-so-ready for a bit of action.

  And so for the second time that evening I walked in on the guys while carrying drinks. Bugger me, they were sucking face! I nearly dropped the shot glasses, my whole body trembling with anticipation. God, there was something so fucking sexy about watching them kiss. Nothing gentle about it; just raw, animal passion. Rob’s hands were everywhere, as if desperately making up for all the years of denial. Phil’s hands were more relaxed, one holding Rob’s head, the other kneading his arse. I could tell just how turned on Rob was getting by the tent in his jeans and the way he moaned into the kiss. Oh yeah, that and the way he started frotting against Phil’s hand when it found its way down to his dick. Let’s not forget that. That was hot.

  I dropped onto the sofa next to them, happy to watch for the time being. Almost absent-mindedly, I pushed my hand up my skirt to my aching pussy. Rubbing myself through my damp knickers, I reached a fever pitch of excitement so quickly that I just couldn’t help reaching out for Rob’s erection, just as he was reaching out for Phil’s. As I rubbed him through the denim, he groaned and bucked up against my hand, so I set to work on his fly. Freeing Rob’s cock and taking it into my eager mouth, I caught a glimpse of him managing to get Phil’s out of the confines of his tight jeans.

  Sucking Rob’s cock and watching him give his first fumbling handjob to another guy, I had a thrilling idea.

  ‘Phil? How about giving Rob your dick to suck too?’

  ‘Huh?’ Rob said, as Phil scrambled to his knees. My poor love, he looked dazed and confused; his hair dishevelled and his face glowing. ‘Oh, right. Yeah, uh, OK.’ Rob gave a breathless laugh as he caught sight of Phil’s prick. He went a little cross-eyed trying to focus on it, which made me want to start giggling too. I stifled it by swallowing down Rob’s cock again, tilting my head so that I had a great view of Rob taking Phil’s hard length into his mouth, just a little way at first, pulling back to kiss and lick. He looked like he was in heaven and I wondered if I should be feeling jealous, but just then he looked down at me, smiling around the head of Phil’s cock. Yeah, there was love in that look, all right. We shared a moment, a special one, what with both of us having a mouthful of dick. The strangeness of the whole situation hit me squarely. I mean, if you’d told me that morning that this is what we’d both be doing before the end of the day I’d have said you were a nutter, but here we were, and it was bloody fantastic.

  ‘Hey, third guy in the room here,’ Phil protested. ‘I hate to break up this little love-in, but shouldn’t you both be sucking dick?’

  Well, he had a point, but I couldn’t resist giving his arse a slap before getting back to the job in hand – sorry, that should be the job in mouth, I guess. Mind you, Phil seemed to enjoy that slap if his whimper was anything to go by. Well, either the slap or Rob’s rather messy but enthusiastic blowjob. Even with my attention half on what was going on above me rather than on Rob’s dick, I felt him grow close alarmingly quickly. Not that I could blame him – there’s nothing quite like having a mouthful of cock to get me going either. I took him deep, swallowed around the head then drew back as my mouth filled with his delicious salty tang.

  I watched Rob as he came, his eyes closed and his mouth a perfect ‘O’ as his body bucked and heaved. He still had his hand on Phil’s prick, but had abandoned sucking it for the duration. Probably wise – I wouldn’t have wanted him to spoil things by accidentally biting down in his ecstasies.

  ‘Fucking hell, Beth! Jesus, I ... I never ...’

  Whatever Rob had been about to tell me was cut off by Phil rubbing his dick over Rob’s lips in a way that made it very clear what he wanted. Rob made a happy sound, the same one he makes when eating ripe strawberries, and opened wide for a mouthful. There was a moment when I worried he might be about to choke, but he managed not to. He wasn’t deepthroating yet, but he’d be there with a little more practice. I decided I rather liked the idea of watching him practise.

  I sat up to watch my boyfriend finish the job, which I judged wouldn’t take long by the way Phil was groaning, his hands twisting in Rob’s hair. Hand back in my knickers, it only took a few flicks of my swollen clit to have me creaming myself, just as Rob pulled back with a ‘Mmmpf!’ and received his first face full of come.

  His shocked expression was priceless, and I couldn’t help but giggle, pulling him over into a sloppy kiss while Phil collapsed back on the sofa, groaning. The taste of Phil’s spunk in Rob’s mouth tingled at my tastebuds, and I felt like I was going to come all over again.

  ‘You enjoy that, then?’ I asked him as I broke our kiss.

  ‘Uh huh!’ he nodded, pulling his T-shirt off and wiping his face clean. The dopey smile on his face said more than his words could, and I grinned, handing him a shot of vodka to wash the unfamiliar taste out of his mouth.

  There was this moment, then, that could have been awkward, the three of us sitting there in a post-orgasmic haze. Phil, this guy we barely knew who had just shot his load in my boyfriend’s face – well, what do you say after that? I figured words were overrated, so I pulled my top off instead. Rob always says my tits are one of my best features, and that he likes a woman with a bit of cushioning on her. I reckoned Phil might have been of the same school of thought by the way his eyes widened.

  ‘Nice pair,’ he said, and I figured it was about time I found out just where on the scale of gay to bi he fell.

  ‘Move over, lads,’ I said, seating myself between them with a wriggle. ‘I think it’s my turn for a bit of attention, seeing as how I’ve been so generous in sharing my man and all.’

  ‘I like your missus,’ Phil said to Rob.
‘She’s got balls.’

  ‘Cheeky bugger! I bloody well haven’t. Look, I’ll prove it.’ Well, I didn’t need much excuse to show off my undies – a rather pricey black lace set Rob had bought me for my last birthday. After shedding my skirt, I was thrilled to find not one, but two pairs of hands exploring me and pushing down my bra. Two mouths dragging over my skin, my ears, cheeks, neck ...

  I think I must have yelped when I felt a mouth close around each of my nipples. My brain short-circuited and all signals went directly from my nipples to my groin. I was sopping wet, aching for someone to touch me there. When I felt fingers pushing my knickers aside, I had no idea who they belonged to and that made it even more exquisite. They rubbed over my clit, sending sparks through my body, before plunging into my cunt and firing up an electrical storm that crackled through me and left me limp and twitching.

  I don’t know how long I was out of it, but when I sensed movement above me I opened my eyes. Phil and Rob were at it again, up on their knees, now naked, locked in a fierce kiss while their cocks did battle. Oh, for fuck’s sake.

  I cleared my throat. They both looked down at me. Rob’s lips were kiss swollen and I just wanted to eat him alive. Now was not the time to be coy.

  ‘So boys ... which one of you is going to fuck me then?’

  ‘Umm ...’ Rob looked at Phil, a question in his eyes. ‘Beth, you do know Phil’s gay, don’t you?’

  ‘He is?’ I must say, it did come as a bit of a shock, considering he’d just been fondling me and sucking my nipple like it was going out of fashion.

  ‘I thought you said you’d told her,’ Rob said. He sounded angry.

  ‘I did. In the pub. I told you I was a friend of Do–’ Phil clapped his hand over his mouth, but he couldn’t hide his laughter. ‘Sorry, Beth. I thought you understood but I should have been clearer. I’m gay. I’ve never been with a woman before.’

  I was confused. ‘So what was all that about?’

  Phil blushed, slumping down on the sofa next to me, his hard-on drooping. ‘I was curious. And you’re attractive, for a girl, and it felt fine with Rob here too. I just ... I don’t think I could fuck you. Sorry.’

  ‘Oh.’ I wasn’t quite sure how to take this revelation. One part of me was insanely flattered, and another part was a little put out, feeling like a third wheel. Should I offer to leave them to it?

  But Rob, bless him; my Rob had an idea which saved the evening. His eyes lit up with dark fire, and he laced his fingers through mine, before doing the same with Phil.

  ‘How about this: I screw you while Phil does me from behind? Sound good?’ It certainly seemed to agree with Phil, whose face lit up while his cock took a renewed interest in proceedings.

  ‘Oh yeah!’ Phil said, as if there could be any doubt as to his feelings about the matter.

  ‘Please, Beth? I really want you to be with me for my first time.’

  Well, how could I resist a plea like that? A smile spread through my body, making every nerve ending tingle with anticipation.

  We stumbled through to the bedroom, as that’s where the lube was. I remembered to check that Phil had condoms first – I might be happy to share Rob, but I didn’t really want to share anything else. He looked healthy and all, but you just can’t tell, can you?

  We landed on the bed in a mass of writhing limbs and hungry mouths. I lay back, spreading my legs. I needed to see this, to watch Rob’s face as a man took his cherry. Rob slid into me smoothly with an ease born of much practice, then froze still, eyes shut and biting his lip, as Phil began to prepare him with his fingers.

  ‘Rob, sweetheart, you need to relax.’ I squeezed his arms, relishing the sensation of him trembling within me as Phil opened him up. ‘Remember what it was like with the strap-on?’

  Rob’s eyes sprang open and he let out a shuddering breath. ‘Yeah, you’re right. I remember. Phil’s bigger than that though.’

  Phil chuckled. ‘You two are super kinky for a straight couple, you know that?’

  Rob jerked and moaned, falling forward onto me. I figured Phil must have hit his prostate, as that was Rob’s usual reaction when I did the same. I wrapped my arms around Rob, feeling warm and fuzzy at the idea I could help him like this. That I could make it all less strange.

  When Rob was penetrated I felt his whole body quiver, panting and dripping with sweat. I stroked down his back, making comforting shushing sounds and kissing his ear as his face was firmly buried in the crook of my neck. Phil caught my eye and winked. He had his hands on Rob’s hips, his dick buried in Rob’s arse and it looked so good my insides tingled.

  ‘You ready for this, Rob?’ Phil asked.

  Rob raised his head, locked his big brown eyes on mine and gave a tremulous grin. ‘Yeah, you ready, Beth?’

  ‘God, yes!’

  It took a while for Rob to sort out his rhythm, as I think he was overcome by the sensations. There was no letup for him; every time he slid out of me Phil thrust into him, which made Rob grunt and falter for a moment. I could feel the force of Phil slamming into him transmitted through the head of Rob’s cock, and that combined with Rob’s ecstatic expression tipped me over the edge, my orgasm rippling through me as I cried out my pleasure. By the time my climax had subsided the boys were sorting out their rhythm and I began bucking my hips to meet Rob’s thrusts.

  Rob was undone, incoherent; his body spasming wildly as he came inside me, pulsing hot and wet into my cunt. But Phil wasn’t finished, and as he pounded Rob’s backside I felt every thrust as Rob ground against my clit. I howled, letting another wave of glorious pleasure crash through me as Phil stiffened and shouted.

  I gathered Rob and Phil in my arms, the three of us a shuddering, panting heap. Everything felt wonderful, and I let them both know with kisses. Rob accepted his sleepily, gratefully, before dozing off on my shoulder. Phil froze for a moment then opened his lips to mine, gently exploring my mouth with his tongue.

  ‘I enjoyed that,’ he said, sounding surprised.

  I grinned at him, winking. ‘Reckon you need a woman like me to turn you bi.’

  ‘Dunno about that.’ He looked over at Rob and stroked his cheek. Rob snorted and settled himself, dead to the world. ‘Tell you what, though, I wouldn’t mind you trying.’

  One More Night

  by Sommer Marsden

  She was rushing past the cottage two doors up from hers when she heard, ‘Hey there Little Red Ryder Hood ...’ and froze.

  The deep baritone with accompanying backup slammed her back ten years. The hair on Ryder’s neck rose up in a ghostly wave of fine blonde down and she spun, feeling off kilter already. Her eyes sought but could not find the singer, until she heard a deep chuckle that slammed her in the belly like a cotton-wrapped fist.

  ‘Hubie! Joe?’ she called. Feeling a little desperate, a lot crazy. ‘Guys?’

  There was no way. She had not seen them in nearly a year. No way at all, and yet she knew it now. Could feel it in her bones, that heavy knowing that mimicked the feeling she got after recovering from a long illness like flu or a drawn-out bout with a fever. A deep-seated awareness came over her.

  The song that was being hummed somewhere in the trees sealed the deal. It was the boys out there. Ryder stomped her foot. ‘Hubert Sullivan Usher! Joseph Michael Palmer! Come out this instant!’

  And then she waited. Was she crazy?

  No. They stepped into the clearing, one tall and dark and gruff like a bear in a man suit. The other long and lean and ethereal. Ice blue eyes and pale blond hair. The boys.

  They had been friends all through college. Inseparable – the three of them. Friends, only, no funny business. But for that one night.

  ‘So no man yet? No marriage, no kiddies, no picket fences? It’s been nearly a year, woman,’ Hubie said. His deep voice was like a warm hand sliding up her neck and in the orange glow of the fire pit Ryder shivered.

  ‘Nope. I have a thriving jewellery business. I have books, friends, good wine, nights out, invoices
and paycheques.’ She grinned. ‘But none of that.’

  Joe smiled, his eyes somehow surreal in the glowing flash of heated light. ‘Hubie doesn’t either, so don’t listen to him. Nor do I.’

  He said the last in that prissy, proper way that made him so endearing to her. She loved his almost stuck-up, uptight ways. But in Joe was a heart of gold and an old soul.

  And a cock that could work miracles. Soft lips that know how to kiss. Really know how to kiss – and eat pussy. He rocked you to more than one orgasm while Hubie was …

  But she let that memory drift away on a curl of wood smoke. She couldn’t go there. It had been one night a long, long time ago. Her 20th birthday. It had happened – just happened – after her drunken salute to herself and their youth. Her long monologue about their love for each other and how it would still fade, because nothing lasted for ever. It would fade and so would their youth. They were only going to be young once, only going to love each other this fiercely once. And how special were they that they had found each other. Three kindred spirits, friends, almost family but something more. She had let all the muzzy-headed words tumble out and then she had toasted herself and then them.

  And then the boys had taken her. No one discussed it. It had just happened. A mix and turn and shift of three bodies. A mélange of forms and naked parts and soft words and cries. Orgasms and skin on skin and laughter and, at the end, a satiated peace and sleep.

  The morning brought reality and no one had ever mentioned it again.

  ‘... selling to?’ Hubie said.

  Ryder shook her head and tried to draw back the words that had come before the end of his sentence. She couldn’t. ‘I’m sorry. I spaced out on that. What?’


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