Maisy's Keeper

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Maisy's Keeper Page 9

by Saffron Hayes

  “Nothing much.” Maisy took a tiny sip of water, “Work’s the same, living with this human jack-in-a-box is the same...”

  Harry reached to the empty chair to her side and raised a cushion threateningly, grinning when Carol tutted.

  “About work, have you...?” Geoff didn’t need to finish the question. The three of them had been nagging her about looking for a new position for weeks, but Maisy hadn’t yet found the courage.

  “Oh, you know. I’ve not really had time what with the wedding season.”

  Geoff nodded glumly, “Right-o.”

  Maisy had begun to wish she’d never told them how bad Michael had been recently. She’d just been so frustrated after another day of the idiot undoing her good work and sleazing about the office she’d needed to unload.

  Immediately, they’d been outraged, what’s family for if not a bit of supportive outrage? However, they’d also demanded that she take action. Get another job, start her own business, stage a mutiny (Harry’s pitch, obviously). Honestly, it’d been a bit much.

  “Your brother wouldn’t put up with this,” Carol said, not for the first time.

  “Mum -” Maisy bit her tongue. Maisy’s brother had a big temper and a wilful streak that’d cost him several jobs when he was younger. He might have it under control now, but Maisy did not like the implication that she should be more reactionary, like her brother, rather than biding her time as she was now.

  She’d look for another position when everything settled down a bit. Michael Snr. had only been in the ground a few months, it seemed wrong to abandon the company she’d loved for so long so soon after he passed.

  “Fine. What about you? Anything new, Harry?” Carol asked, an easy smile replacing the motherly frown that clearly said, ‘this conversation is paused, not over.’

  “Maisy’s got a boyfriend!” Harry shrieked before hiding behind the cushion with a peal of laughter.

  Stunned silence met this announcement. Both parents stared at the girls, mouths agape, trying to work out if this was another of Harry’s jokes.

  They weren’t prudish, in fact they were well used to discussing Harry’s escapades over the dinner table. Generally, Geoff kept his mouth shut and his eyebrows raised during those conversations. Maisy’s love life, however, was so barren it rarely warranted discussion.

  “Maisy?” Carol couldn’t disguise the hope in her voice. Bless her, apparently one grandchild wasn’t enough. She always sounded a tiny bit disappointed when she had to respond to well-intentioned enquiries about Maisy’s love life with a cheery ‘Nothing to report!’

  She’d had flings of course, but nothing serious enough to mention. Maisy had been more interested in work than dating for some years as her mother knew very well.

  Speaking of which so did Harry, and what had happened the night before with Daniel definitely did not constitute ‘dating.’

  Maisy glared at Harry when she peeped out from behind the cushion, “That’s not quite true.”

  That clearly wasn’t enough for her parents. Her mum smiled encouragingly and her father seemed keen to learn more too, even if his eyebrows had started to creep towards the ceiling.

  “I went on a date.” Maisy crossed her fingers behind her back knowing full well her second encounter with Daniel in a London BDSM club wasn’t exactly what her parents would call a date.

  “He seems nice and I want to see him again. That’s about it.”

  Carol and Harry exchanged a loaded look.

  “Shall I put the kettle on?” Maisy asked with a bright smile. She didn’t wait for an answer before striding off to the kitchen.

  She wasn’t cross with Harry, not really, it was just the sudden thrusting of Daniel as a possible partner into her consciousness. She’d considered it briefly last night, when they’d been cuddling, but she was still convinced that that he was more interested in marketing the club than seeing her.

  Why would an experienced, gorgeous guy like him be interested in a clueless newbie? Anyway, everyone at the club, Dan included, had made it very clear that dating wasn’t an option.

  She loosened her grip on the kitchen counter and took a deep calming breath. It wasn’t as if anyone here knew what Daniel was to her and if they asked after the six weeks were up she’d just say it had fizzled out. It’s natural for them to be curious. It wasn’t a big deal.

  He is a big deal though, she thought to herself before pushing the troubling thought away.

  The kettle clicked off the boil and Maisy realised that she hadn’t even got the coffee pot out of the cupboard.

  “Maisy?” Harry’s wide eyes peered around the kitchen door. Maisy smiled, determined not to make a fuss.

  “Sorry, I think I ate too much.” She started pulling the coffee pot and cups from her mum’s meticulously ordered cupboards.

  Harry fetched the tray from its usual place and sidled up alongside Maisy.

  “Sorry,” she said, giving Maisy’s hand an affectionate squeeze, “You just seemed so giddy last night I thought you must be smitten with the guy. I was only teasing.”

  “It’s fine,” Harry was a jokester, but her good nature ran deep. How was Harry to know that her smile was more to do with experimenting with light BDSM than any grand romantic emotions? And if Maisy thought that there might be more to it than that then she certainly wouldn’t say so to Harry, not if she couldn’t even admit it to herself.

  MAISY TOSSED ANOTHER ripped pair of tights over her shoulder. The laws of sod dictate that when you’re in any kind of rush you’ll never be able to find clean, intact underwear. She decided to forego tights in the end. It wasn’t a cold day and she’d be entrenched at her desk for most of it in any case.

  “You okay in there?”

  Harry. They hadn’t spoken much since they got back from Maisy’s parents place on Friday.

  Maisy opened the door and smiled brightly, “Fine thanks!” It sounded false even to her own ears.

  Harry looked even shorter than usual, her bounce temporarily diminished to make way for contrition. She held something behind her back and for a moment Maisy had a strange feeling that she was going to present her with a bunch of flowers or a kitten.

  “Look, I know I ballsed up.” Maisy shook her head, but Harry interrupted, “No, I did. I shouldn’t have teased you like that at home. I thought your dad’s ears were going to fall off.”

  “It’s fine, really.” It was fine. Maisy hadn’t even realised she’d still been a bit cross until Harry turned up just now. “You didn’t do anything wrong I’m just...” Just what? Hormonal? Confused? Having a tiny sex-fuelled identity crisis?

  “Doesn’t matter.” Harry said, her infectious smile returning full force now she’d been forgiven. “So, I was going to save this for your birthday, but I thought you might like it now. Close your eyes.”

  Maisy closed her eyes and held out cupped hands. Harry placed what felt exactly like a book in them.

  “Okay. Open.” Harry was still holding the book that was now in Maisy’s hands. It was a new copy of her favourite romance novel. The one that she’d loved and reread quite literally to shreds.

  Before she could thank her for the much needed replacement, Harry opened the book to a few pages in.

  To Maisy, May you always have a book in your hands and love in your heart. Carrie Ridley x

  “Oh wow.” Maisy didn’t know what to say. Her big mouthed friend had a big heart to match.

  “She was in town the other week. And before you say anything, no I didn’t ask when the sequel is coming out. The woman ahead of me in the queue asked and I got the feeling she was the 999th to do so. That author lady has an excellent death glare.”

  “It’ll come out eventually.” Maisy said, running a finger over the inscription.

  “I’m glad I’ve sent you in to rapture, but you’re late.”

  “Crap. Thank you, Harry. Really.” Maisy put the book carefully on the bed then gave Harry a bruising hug. “See you tonight.”

er 14

  Club Drift

  Maisy found herself sitting opposite Club Drift’s owner just after opening time, both of them nursing a cold drink.

  Claude had been in reception when she arrived. In fact, it was almost like he’d been waiting for her. Claude had swept her through to the main club before Carl could say hello. Maybe Matilda had reported back to the boss about Carl’s gossiping.

  Every time the door that led to the offices and changing room opened Maisy started. Was it Daniel this time?

  “I don’t know what is taking them all so long. Talking about me, I expect.” Claude stood, looked over at the bar, towards the main entrance, then at the stairs in the far corner that led to a door marked ‘private’.

  Maisie felt a twang of guilt. Claude should be supervising his business, not babysitting her. She was trying to think of an appropriate way to tell him it was okay to leave her when he called out a greeting.


  Maisy recognised the lithe figure with fierce eyes and almost white blond hair as the whip wielding man from Thursday night. He was loping towards them at an alarming speed.

  She instinctively leaned in behind where Claude was standing, some subconscious part of her eager to conceal herself from this intense man. She noticed that he gripped a riding crop very tightly in his right hand.

  “I’m here. Happy now?” He practically barked at Claude. Despite the man’s alarming appearance, she couldn’t help being reminded of a teenager stropping at their parent.

  She looked between the two men – father and son perhaps? No, no way was Claude old enough for that, William had to be over thirty. Maybe a wayward brother then?

  Claude’s expression remained impassive. “Perhaps you could introduce yourself to our new member instead of parading around in a temper.”

  William’s fierce blue eyes focused on her for the first time and she sat up a little straighter.

  The man pushed past Claude and knelt before Maisy in one smooth motion, his expression softening in an instant. How’d he get to be so elegant anyhow? She’d look like a stumbling kitten if she tried that (she should know, she’d practised kneeling in the mirror). Speaking of which -

  “I thought you were a Dom,” she blurted out.

  Claude tried, and failed, to stifle a laugh. The man in front of her merely raised an eyebrow. That cool intense gaze still held her motionless and she belatedly realised that he was wearing a black Master’s armband just like Dan’s.

  Of course he was a Dom, what else could he possibly be?

  “Sorry, I just meant, because you were kneeling. Um...nice to meet you properly, Sir.”

  He chuckled and bowed his head, hiding his crinkled eyes. “Mistress Maisy, it’s a pleasure.”

  She blushed down to her heels, “I really am sorry, I’m just...”

  “Nervous,” Claude interrupted, “And no wonder. Maisy is new to our way of life and to your teasing, my friend.”

  The strange man took her hands in his and kissed each reverently. “Call me William. I apologise for storming over here like a pit bull, but not for teasing you because I like the way you blush, love”

  She giggled tentatively and Claude sighed. “Need I remind you that you’re on duty tonight, William?”

  The younger man rolled his eyes, not bothering to look up at Claude. “It’s good to meet you properly, Maisy. I’m not as bad as the other subs say, promise.” William gave her a wink and pulled himself onto the seat beside her with another display of impossible grace. “Alright, fill me in,” he said, instantly affecting a business-like demeanour.

  Master Claude sat down at his other side and the men discussed the nights rota. William was going on DM duty in the main tunnel first, then someone called Ben was going to take over, then Matilda was taking the last shift.

  Daniel wasn’t going to be on bar tonight. Was that because of her, Maisy wondered. Claude was going to pitch in, something that William found hilarious for some reason.

  His informal London accent clashed almost comically with Claude’s rich French lilt. She hadn’t noticed it when he’d been kneeling in front of her. Strange. She cleared her throat discreetly.

  “Yes pet?” William’s eyes turned on her and she froze. His focus was so intense, it was like there was nothing else in the room but him and her. She had no idea what she’d been about to say next.

  “Dial it back, friend, there’s plenty of time for that,” There was laughter in Claude’s voice.

  William faux bowed at Claude before turning back to Maisy. “What was the question?”

  His eyes were the same striking blue as before, but the hold they’d had over her faded away. How did he turn that on and off? She’d have to ask him one day. “Sorry, I was just going to ask how many of you there are. House Masters, I mean?

  William paused, working it out “I think there’s about a dozen at the moment. Changes a lot though. Claude keeps adding people and people drop out sometimes. Seems to me he needs to slow down though, we’ll end up with a club full of arrogant wankers with fancy armbands at this rate.”

  “Thank you, William.” Claude gave him a stern look and the younger man shrugged. It looked like keeping his mouth shut was hard for him. He’d be a terrible sub.

  Maisy giggled at the thought of him wearing a ball gag. He caught her eye and winked at her again, “I like laughing subbies, it’s extra fun to make them cry.”

  The colour drained from her face and he laughed again, but there was no cruelty behind his eyes this time. Christ on a bike, he would be scary as hell to play with. She had no idea when he was serious and when he was joking.

  “Stop scaring Mistress Maisy and go change your armband,” Claude looked at his watch then gave her a warm smile. “I believe Daniel will be here any moment.” The crowd around the bar was growing rapidly.

  William stood, stretched like a cat, and waved the riding crop in a farewell gesture, “See you later, love. Let me know when you get bored of Daniel.”

  He swept away as quickly as he’d arrived. Claude rested his hand on her shoulder for a moment before he followed. “If it becomes too overwhelming come and find me or Matilda, oui?”

  Maisy didn’t have time to nod before she was alone on the velvet sofa, holding a glass of gin flavoured melted ice.

  Chapter 15


  Maisy heard boots approaching from behind her sofa and stood up. Dressed in head to toe black and gorgeous as ever, Dan smiled when he met her eyes. “Sorry sweetheart, been on the phone to a supplier for ages.”

  He leaned over and grabbed her hair, forcing her to kneel up on the sofa and kiss him or risk falling over. “I’ve been looking forward to that all day.”

  “Same,” Maisy replied. Just a simple hand in her hair and a kiss and she was right back to that half-aroused and half-nervous state that domination, or maybe just Dan, consistently inspired in her.

  He lifted her effortlessly over the back of the sofa and tucked her arm in his, “The club has a big anniversary coming up so Claude’s doing a celebration event for members. It’s a nice idea, but I’m sick of organising it to be honest with you.”

  Maisy made a non-committal interested noise. She’d jump at the chance to arrange any event at this venue, let alone some glitzy thing for lovely Claude, but she had promised herself she’d keep it all separate. Anyway, she liked it here and if she made a mess of the event she’d feel awkward coming back.

  If Daniel had expected her to say anything about helping he didn’t press the issue.

  “Might I suggest water, Maisy? You may want to save your next gin for later on.” Maisy might have been intrigued by the naughty glint in his eye, but she didn’t notice it. She’d just seen a pair of naked male slaves with cages on their cocks kneeling for a majestic woman in a wheelchair.

  Meanwhile a man in aged brown leathers rested a hand on one of the slaves’ shoulders. Maisy didn’t mean to stare, yet again, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the anticipatory s
miles the slaves wore.

  Maisy averted her gaze when the male Dom started unzipping his leathers.

  “Having fun, sweetheart?” Dan asked, offering her the bottle of water he’d procured from the bar.

  She blushed, “Sorry, am I being really rude?”

  “Nah,” Dan glanced towards the scene himself and nodded at the Domme when she saw him looking, “A bit starey perhaps, but you’re new so nobody’ll mind much.”

  Maisy groaned and squeezed the plastic bottle until it crinkled. “So embarrassing,” she muttered.

  Dan laughed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “Don’t worry, love. They won’t think anything of it. If they didn’t want to be watched they’d go to a private area.”

  She nodded, “That sounds nice. Can we go to one of those, maybe?”

  “Not feeling the exhibitionism, hm?” That assessing gaze of his always seemed to lay her thoughts and feelings open to examination.

  “I don’t know if it’s really me.” She glanced again at the happy group and was disconcerted to feel a stab of arousal when she heard a low sexual moan coming from one of the slaves. Oh God.

  Dan’s mouth turned up at the corner, “We’ll see. We’re going to see how you feel about following simple orders for a bit, okay?”

  She dragged her eyes away from a naked man in a zebra mask covering his eyes. Was it Xavier? It was hard to tell with the mask, but she thought she recognised him as the formal submissive from Thursday evening.

  He had painted white stripes over his deep brown skin. Somebody must have helped him do that, especially down...oh my. They really had painted every inch.

  A petite black Domme in a leopard print body suit, a black armband, and fuck-me heels pushed a bottle of water into the zebra man’s hand and said something that made his eyes light up.


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