Maisy's Keeper

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Maisy's Keeper Page 10

by Saffron Hayes

  Dan’s hand gripped Maisy’s chin and forced her to look at him, he looked like he was trying not to laugh. “Seeing as you’re having trouble keeping your eyes to yourself today let’s start with this. I want you to walk behind me with your eyes lowered to the floor.”

  She nodded and complied immediately, only for her chin to be lifted again, more gently this time.

  He kissed her again, fiercely, and leaned in to whisper, “I wonder how red you’ll turn when I parade you around naked like that.”

  She flushed deeply at the mere suggestion, but didn’t refuse. How would that feel? If the growing stripes on a certain part of the zebra’s anatomy were anything to go by, it was arousing experience. At least it didn’t have a fluffy tip on the end like a zebra’s tail.

  She nearly burst into giggles, but Dan’s raised eyebrow stopped her. She really didn’t want to explain that thought. She returned her eyes to the floor.

  Satisfied that she’d regained control of herself, Dan squeezed her hand and started walking at a slow and leisurely pace so she didn’t have to worry about tripping over in blind haste. Maisy concentrated on the heels of his boots, letting the welcome feeling of his control wash over her along with the scent of leather and polished wood.

  Maisy chanced a look at the bar when she was sure Dan wasn’t looking. She saw Claude engaged in conversation with Matilda, who had her arm slung casually around a tall brunette trainee’s waist. She caught a glimpse of a red beard as Matthew pushed a tumbler towards the chatting pair and a shimmer of sequins as a waitress hurried up with an order slip.

  Claude made eye contact with Maisy for a split second and she flinched. She looked back to her feet, wondering if Claude would tell on her.

  She jumped as Dan’s hand gripped her wrist, thinking she’d been caught out, but he just said, “Nod if you’re okay, Maisy.”

  She nodded then lifted her chin slightly so he could see her relaxed smile.

  “Good girl,” he wrapped her hand in his and pulled her to his side. She’d half expected to walk behind him all night, so the change was welcome. Made brave by his gesture, she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. He gave her a quiet grunt of approval. Aha! So he was a secret snuggler.

  Maisy heard feminine giggles from her right and voices raised in chatter. Now she stood with Dan rather than behind she couldn’t get away with peeking, a fact she was thankful for a moment or so later.

  “Who’s that with Master Dan?”

  Was that one of the trainee’s voices? It was hard to tell without looking and she didn’t know many of them, only the ones she’d met briefly at the bar.

  “Nobody. One of the charity subs.”

  She felt the cruel words like a punch in the chest. Charity? Well, yes, she’d been nominated for subsidised membership, but so had loads of other people, right? She’d never thought about it in that light, but the faceless voice made it seem so obvious. Kind Master Dan taking on the charity sub.

  If Dan didn’t have her hand grasped so tight she’d have run out of the club.

  “Don’t be such a spiteful bitch, Jenna.”

  The matter of fact London accent seemed familiar too. Claire maybe?

  A different voice, whispering, “But he doesn’t do those. Didn’t you say, Jenna? Didn’t you tell me that-”

  “Master Dan!” The woman’s - Jenna’s - already cloyingly sweet tones somehow got even more saccharine as they drew level to the table.

  Dan stopped. No, no, no! To Maisy’s relief, Dan guided her to stand behind him, still holding her hand.

  “Did I ask for you, sub?” Maisy jumped, for a scary moment she thought the question was directed at her, then she registered Jenna’s surprised squeak. Dan’s voice was positively icy.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I was just hoping to -” She’d winched up the high pitched ‘I’m such a sweetheart’ tone in her voice until it was on the edge of babyish.

  “If you were a well-behaved trainee I might be interested in what you were hoping.” Maisy smothered a smile when she heard Jenna’s shocked gasp.

  “Sir, I have never-” She was practically spluttering.

  Maisy kept her eyes on the floor, the picture of demure submission. In her head, however, she was giving Jenna the finger and cheering Dan on.

  “Enough. I don’t have time to deal with rude subs tonight. Who is trainee master this week?”

  “Master William, Sir.” Claire supplied, a little too helpfully.

  “Jenna. Go to Master William and tell him you’re a... what was it again? A ‘Spiteful Bitch.’”

  Claire actually giggled and clapped her hands.

  “I’m sure he has an appropriate punishment. Claire, go with her and explain what happened to Master William. Protecting your fellow trainee will not be rewarded.”

  Claire made a noise like an outraged cat, but didn’t argue. Nobody argued with a Drift Master for long.

  As they moved on Maisy felt Dan give her hand a reassuring squeeze. Apparently that had been for her benefit. She grinned, to hell with revenge being served cold, smoking hot with a side of gorgeous Dom was absolutely fine by her. Then again Master William seemed like a bit of a hard ass, and he had that whip...


  “Yes sweetheart?” He pulled her closer again as they walked towards one of the back tunnels so he’d be sure to hear her.

  “William, I mean, Master William, what will he do to them?”

  His chuckle echoed in the tunnel, “He’s all front, pet. Well, not all front, but he won’t do her any harm if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “A little.” She just about resisted the urge to look over her shoulder to see what had become of Jenna and Claire.

  “Seeing as she was nasty about a fellow submissive I’d hazard a guess at tickle torture.”

  “Tickle...” She shot him an incredulous look, then remembered herself and looked back to the ground.

  He laughed again, “You’d be surprised. I’m no masochist, but I’d rather take an hour long whipping with a single tail than ten minutes merciless tickling. She’s got it coming anyway, sweetheart. She’s been a trainee for ages. She should know how to behave.

  Maisy couldn’t bring herself to be concerned about the mean woman after that, tickling didn’t sound so bad. Although, Maisy really hoped Claire didn’t get in trouble for being the bearer of bad news.

  “We’ll sit here for now.” He sat then pulled her easily on to his lap. “You’ve done very well. You can have your eyes back now.”

  She lifted her gaze to his dark brown eyes and smiled her thanks.

  “Have you thought about that limits list yet?”

  Had she thought about it? She hadn’t thought about anything else since she’d left Drift on Thursday. That didn’t sound like an appropriate reply, but she had a feeling he knew as surely as if she’d said it out loud.

  Instead she said, “I have, but I’m still not sure on most of it. I know I don’t want to be whipped.”

  “So, whipping is a limit for you?”

  She nodded, “Absolutely, Sir, hard limit.”

  “Hm.” The noncommittal noise cranked her anxiety up several notches.


  He caressed her knee, pushing past her skirt and up her thigh with firm hands. His confident touch made her shiver with anticipation, but his hands never reached the place where all her attention was now focused.

  “I think the best way to make this point is to demonstrate, so I’m going to ask you to trust me to show you something now. You’re not going to like the idea, but I promise it won’t hurt beyond what you can handle. You can say no now or safe word at any time. Deal?”

  She nodded tentatively and slid her legs slightly apart, silently begging him to touch her a little more intimately.

  He grinned and pinched the inside of her thigh just enough to make her squeak. “Hey!”

  “I’ll give you exactly as much as I want to give you, little Maisy. No more. Do you rem
ember your safe words?”

  The serious question brought her back to Earth. He was going to do something to her, something she might find scary. Something erotic?

  “Yes Sir,” she answered quietly.

  “Good girl,” he bent to kiss the spot he’d pinched. Maisy felt his unruly dark hair tickling the inside of her thighs and considered asking him to kiss a bit higher. She held back, partly because she was eager to find out what he wanted to show her and partly because somehow it didn’t seem very submissive to brazenly ask for cunnilingus.

  Chapter 16

  Are you sure?

  Soon after, bound spread-eagled on a wood and leather contraption that Dan called a St. Andrew’s Cross, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to know what he was planning.

  He’d secured her so that she was facing away from him, tits poking provocatively through the upper v-shape of the cross.

  There was enough space around the damned thing he’d have access to every inch of her, but for now he stood behind her.

  “How do you feel about nudity and sex?”

  “Excuse me?”

  He walked around the cross to face her, the sound of his boots echoing through the tunnel, “How do you feel about being naked in the club?”

  She shivered involuntarily, not sure whether it was from arousal or the thought of baring her skin in a place with stone floors.

  Most of the people, at least the submissive people, she’d seen since she arrived tonight had been in a state of undress. She felt more conspicuous being fully clothed than she would probably feel if she was naked.

  “That’s okay by me.” She said.

  “Nudity is okay? Good.” Dan reached around the cross and lifted her skirt, swiftly tucking it up into its waistband. Then he pulled her knickers down until they were stretched tight between her bound thighs, adding another level of restraint.

  “Beautiful,” He said, leaning back to take in her bare legs and exposed pussy. Dan stroked her thighs as he had earlier, running his palms firmly over her skin. They crept higher, but never high enough. “And how about being touched intimately or fucked?”

  Distracted by his hands, she hesitated, her eyes closed and focused on the sensation of being naked and touched just a few feet away from the crowded bar.

  He stopped and dug his fingers lightly into her thighs instead. Her eyes flew open and she finally focused on the question.

  “Um, only you, right? Not other people?”

  He smiled easily and resumed stroking her sensitive thighs, creeping ever closer to her pussy, “That’s entirely up to you, sweetheart. You don’t have to be touched intimately by me either, if you don’t want.”

  “I do want!” She protested, trying and failing to push her bound hips towards him.

  “Me too,” he said. He tapped two fingers hard directly over her clit then withdrew his hands completely. It wasn’t painful, although it sent a jolt of unusual sensation through her like nothing she’d ever felt before. It was, however, cruelly frustrating.


  “No buts, sweetheart.” His boots echoed off the stone floor again and Maisy heard a long zip being undone. Now he’d moved away her arse and damp pussy felt cold.

  She gathered from the noise that he was rummaging in that big holdall that he called a toy bag. Honestly, she’d seen set builders at work with less gear. He took a few echoing steps towards her and stopped.

  Then there was silence. Well, not quite silence. She heard the murmurs of conversation from nearby members, indistinct laughter, and the tinkling of glass at the bar.

  Here, however, in their little bubble, there was silence. Both of them listening to the other breathe, waiting for the scene to ether


  She flinched away as something landed on her right shoulder. Instead of a whip he seemed to be stroking her with something silky soft.

  “Sir, wha-”

  The same object struck her waist with a crack. She squeaked, but the sensation wasn’t pain, more like tiny fingers tapping her.

  “Silence unless you’re addressed Maisy, understand?”

  She nodded.

  The thing cracked down again in the same place, harder. This time it did sting. “I was addressing you, little one.” He said, matter of factly.

  “Yes Sir,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Good girl,” she could almost hear the laughter he was keeping back. “This is for the attitude.”

  She squeaked indignantly as he flicked his wrist and whipped the same spot again, much harder.

  She let out a slow shaky breath, swallowing the cross words she’d just love to shout at him.

  When she remained still, silent, and obedient he began in earnest. Every stroke was as soft as the first one. The little fingers tapped her all over in a sensuous, rhythmic assault. He increased the pressure slowly and her skin warmed under his attentions. It was like receiving a massage from a thousand tiny hands. She sighed happily.

  “You like that, sweetheart?”

  “Feels nice, Sir,” she smiled and let her head sag to her arm. Her eyes drifted shut and she let the smells of the club wash over her. Leather, sex, pain, perfume, gin.

  He kept building the pressure up, never breaking rhythm but pushing until the blows started to sting again. When she began arching away from the blows he stopped and approached the cross. She hissed when the fabric of his shirt brushed roughly against her lightly pinkened skin.

  “Shh, I know.” One hand gripped her breast and the other stroked her arse. “Now then, little Maisy, is whipping still a hard limit for you?”

  “But that’s different, sir!” She turned her head to face him as well as she could, “I meant like, um, what’s it called? What William used the other day?”

  “That big single tail?” His gruff chuckle caught Maisy off-guard. “Yes pet, I can see why that would be a limit. But you’re no masochist, and I’m no sadist, so we don’t have to worry about that.”

  “But I don’t-”

  “You didn’t know that. You don’t know me, you don’t know your own limits, or what that scary whip thing is called.”

  She looked away, embarrassed. What was she doing playing dress up with her wimpy little submissive desires here? This place was serious business, she should have known that she wouldn’t fit in here.

  Dan’s gentle cupped her chin, “What on Earth is going on in that head of yours?”

  “Nothing, Sir,” she said, but to her utter horror she felt tears pool in the corner of her eyes.

  “Oh, sweetheart,” he kissed her forehead affectionately, “None of that is a bad thing. Remember what I said before? We don’t understand all that to start with, no-one does. That’s why we need to talk about it and try things out.”

  She nodded, blinking away the tears before they could fall. She wasn’t going to wimp out over a little soft flogging.

  He frowned slightly, “So, Maisy, we’re going to talk about what just happened then start again.”

  She nodded. Her skin thrummed with recently lost sensation. She wanted more.

  He continued, “You said that whipping was a hard limit, but I just flogged you for a good ten minutes and you look about ready to come for me, pet. So I’d say you were mistaken.”

  Her eyes widened at his crude assessment, but she couldn’t say he was wrong, “Yes, I suppose I liked it, but I meant I didn’t like pain.”

  He nodded, as if that’s what he was expecting her to say, “Alright, that’s almost true.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  The hand on her breast began to tighten, until it was just on the edge of pain - she wriggled under his touch, not sure if she wanted to pull away or beg for more.

  He bent to tongue her neck and pinched a nipple cruelly. She moaned and thrust her hips towards him, her arse pressed against his jeans for a moment, but to her frustration he leaned back until the cross held her and blocked her access. He chuckled at her frustration. The brush of cold air where his
mouth had been made her moan again.

  “It means that you like some pain, pet.”

  She couldn’t really disagree, but she frowned regardless.

  He pinched her nipple much harder and she squeaked, then glared at him. “Hey!”

  “You don’t like all pain,” he said, matter of factly, “But you do like some when it’s paired with submission and pleasure.” He pinched again, stopping at just the point where she gasped, just the point between pressure and pain.

  His other hand skirted downwards and she shook her head even as her arousal shot through the roof. To have him touch her was all she wanted, but still she shook her head, confused.

  “Overwhelmed, sweetheart?” His hand stopped at her waist and held her easily, “We can stop.”

  “Don’t stop.” She said.

  “Right.” He watched her for a moment with quiet, intense consideration. “We’ll continue, but I want you to remember your safe words.”

  She nodded and gave him a small smile. He didn’t find it quite as reassuring as she intended it to be.

  “Does it bother you that you like pain, Maisy?”

  She nodded again, “Some, Sir.”

  “Brave girl. Why is that?”

  “I don’t know. It just does.”

  “I’d like you to think about that if you can. I know it’s hard, but I think it’d serve us both well if you understood why you don’t like that you enjoy something so much. For now, can you agree that your body likes a little pain when I give it?”

  Her skin was still warm from the gentle flogging, her nipples still tight from his fingers - “Yes Sir.”

  “Would you be willing to explore it further?”

  Her gaze drifted to a nearby display that housed several impact toys. Was that why he’d chosen this area? “Maybe Sir.”

  “Good girl. Maybe is good. Do you understand what I was saying about limits now? That sometimes what your body wants is different to what your head is saying you should have and it’s okay to change your mind in both directions?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  He kissed her forehead tenderly, “That’s a good girl.

  He loosened the straps on her right side and gently placed her hand on the sturdy frame, so she knew to hold on in case she was wobbly. As is turned out she was a little unsteady, but it was more to do with the confusing and overwhelming arousal than the brief time in bondage.


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