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Maisy's Keeper

Page 17

by Saffron Hayes

  "Are you being impatient little sub?" Daniel stroked her arse as he spoke. She’d heard the laughter in his response, but she was unsure how tolerant he’d be of her sass in this environment, especially as a few people were standing close enough to hear anything she said.

  "No Sir - ah!" She cried out then stifled a giggle when he swatted her arse lightly.

  "Liar." He whispered in her ear then kissed her check. Anyone who’d followed them or been intrigued by their process through the bar was blocked off by his torso as he knelt by her side and stroked her arm.

  Ah. The talking bit. Maisy felt a tiny swarm of panic. Every time they spoke in detail about sex stuff she started to over think what she was doing, but she knew this was necessary. She still couldn’t quite get past how naughty she was being, bad in a good way.

  It was exciting, but this was still new and frankly a large part of her wanted to rush in head first, avoid the fear, and think about it all later.

  Judging by the easy question he started with Daniel had more or less guessed her thoughts. "How do your wrists feel? Your back?" He murmured in her ear, no-one else could hear them.

  "They’re fine," she smiled and tilted her face into his hand.

  "Remember what I’ve told you about safe words, sweetheart. If you want out you know what to do."

  “Yes Sir,” she kissed his palm then licked it, savouring the slight saltiness of his skin and his surprised laugh.

  "Good girl." He stroked her cheek gently and held her gaze. "You taunted me into punishing you, so I’m going to do so. However, I’m going to do it my way."

  She grinned at him and flicked her tongue out to lick his little finger.

  "Lucky for you, sassy little sub, I’m in a giving mood."

  He stood so she had to strain her neck upwards to maintain eye contact.

  "You’ll get more than you bargained for, that I can promise you."

  A dark shiver ran through her at those words. She recognised the sincerity in his promise and she couldn’t wait to experience its implications.

  "Thank you, Sir," she said. He bent to kiss her lips briefly, barely concealing his smile. She grinned happily, his apparent pride at her obedience was hugely pleasurable to her.

  He stood properly and released Maisy from his gaze before stalking away from her head. With him gone she was more aware of her surroundings. Voices whispering nearby, moans further afield, the prickle of eyes on her skin.

  She inhaled deeply, determined not to panic herself out of something she wanted so badly. Daniel rested his palm warm and heavy on the base of her back. To a casual observer she was being used as his armrest, but just like kneeling by the wall this action was meant to calm her.

  She saw some bare feet shuffle closer in her peripheral vision. Was it the submissive she’d locked eyes with? She tried to twist her shoulders to look but there wasn't enough give in the restraints.

  She could hear the low rumble of Daniel’s voice conversing with another male behind her, but she couldn’t make out their words. Their conversation paused when an attendant - Maisy heard her 1920s style beaded dress rustling - approached, then resumed when the attendant moved away.

  Maisy shifted her feet and wriggled her arse, hoping that her underwear hugged her body the way she imagined it did.

  "Oh Maisy." She could hear the amusement in his voice, "You so nearly avoided this."

  "Avoided wh- Oh."

  He knelt behind her and pulled her ankles closer to the bench with two smooth yanks. The shackles were lined with soft fur which she was grateful for. Her legs were spread further than they had been, she felt exposed.

  The soft sound of rustling beads returning seemed to cause the ripple of quiet conversation that had been building around them to die out.


  She arched her back, intensely aware of the newly commanding tone in his voice. "Why are you receiving this punishment?"

  "Because I was cheeky, Sir."

  "Yes. And you watched Laura after I ordered you to keep your eyes down." He trailed his fingers up her spine as he approached her head.

  She nearly argued that he was being unfair, but it didn’t matter that he’d planned it all, it was adding to the punishment fantasy she was enjoying so much.

  Black silk enveloped her head and the murmurs, the feet, the floor were gone.

  "Your gaze is mine. Your pleasure is mine. Your cunt is mine." He growled into her ear through the hood and she turned her head towards the sound searching for his lips.

  "Maybe later, sweetheart." He brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. She felt his breath warm against her cheek, but then he was gone.

  Where had the blindfold come from? Was that what the attendant had been sent for? Without her vision she had no way of knowing if she’d brought Daniel anything else from the club’s no doubt intimidating reserves.

  His calming touch was gone and she felt the weight of anticipation. A blow was coming, but from his hand or some other implement?

  The slight fear just fed into the thrill. Here she was bent over some bizarre sex furniture in her lingerie about to be spanked in public.

  "Count Maisy," he said, interrupting her thoughts before she had a chance to get lost in them.

  Maisy stiffened. Moments before something broad and stiff landed on her right cheek with a heavy thud.

  "One. Thank you, Sir," she said before the blow had even finished. She wasn't going to be tricked into receiving twice as many blows because she didn’t count properly.

  Daniel squeezed her glowing arse affectionately, she got the feeling that he’d be chuckling if they were alone.

  "Good girl." The next two swats came almost simultaneously and this time she cried out. Whatever it was in his hands it was much crueller than his hand or the flogger had been.

  "Two. Thank you, Sir. Three. Thank you, Sir." She raced through the words, tensing up as she heard him approaching her shoulders. Already the pain from the blows was turning into a pleasurable tingling. She yelped in surprise as he fisted her hair and pulled her head up so he could speak in her ear without kneeling. His voice was low enough for her to be the only one privy to his words.

  "This is hard isn’t it, sweetheart? Two more with the paddle then I’ll move on to something you’ll enjoy more. Nod if you’re still green and speak up if not."

  She nodded hastily and tilted her lips towards the sound of his voice again.

  This time he did chuckle. "Greedy little sub," he gave her a quick peck.

  "Three more with the paddle seeing as you’re so needy today."

  She gasped, "No! That’s not fa-"

  Her lips were stopped by his hand gripping her chin roughly.

  "I’m sorry, little one? What were you saying?"

  She wished she could see him; when his voice was cold and his entire demeanour was commanding he exuded an almost bestial sexuality that melted her.

  "Nothing Sir"

  "Quite right, sweetheart." He kissed her properly then, lingering on her bottom lip and only loosening his grip on her chin when he stood and stalked away.

  "You’ve had two."

  The next swats landed in quick succession again. She hissed through her teeth. The paddle really stung when it hit the places that had already been pinkened by earlier blows.

  "Three. Thank you, Sir. Four. Thank you, Sir."

  He hummed his approval and smoothed his hand over her warm arse. She wriggled in her restraints and stretched towards him as much as she could. His gentle touch after the sharp sting of the paddle seemed to transform all the confused and excited energy she’d been feeling into pure pleasure.

  "Thank you, Sir," she whispered.

  "You have to wait until I give you the blow, sweetheart."

  She felt him place something on her back - the paddle? - at the same time as she heard a quiet female giggle to her right. This was immediately followed by a muffled cry and some shuffling as the giggler was taken away.

  Whoops. Sounds like Laura
was in trouble too. Maisy grinned - hopefully her trouble would be as fun as Maisy’s own.

  "I think we’ll save your final paddle blow. What do you think?"

  She hesitated, "Whatever pleases you, Sir?"

  "Good answer."

  She could almost feel his approving smile.

  He traced a lazy pattern on her arm as he spoke his next words. "There are many benefits to membership at this club. The atmosphere, the exclusive clientele, the unusual furniture-" he pulled at her wrist chain to illustrate his point. "You also get access to brand new toys. It’s a very expensive membership."

  Her eyes grew wide under the blindfold.

  "You want to keep your underwear on, yes?" She nodded, glad that he’d anticipated her lingering modesty despite the exhibitionist turn the night had taken. "That’s fine, but I want to put something in your pretty little pussy. Is that okay?"

  He paused, waiting and presumably watching for her reaction.

  "I..."she stopped and forced herself to think. What did she actually think about his proposal? "Hang on... Sir!" She added hastily.

  "Take all the time you need, sweetheart." He carried on stroking her arm while she thought about it.

  She tingled from head to toe. Every nerve in her body was alive and desperate for stimulation, fuelled by his blows and caresses and jealously of Laura’s orgasm.

  Maisy’s body wanted whatever Daniel was ready to give her. This was new and terrifying and more arousing than anything she’d ever experienced.

  "Please Sir." She said firmly.

  "Please what?"

  "Please give me more."

  He cupped her cheek and kissed her very gently, "Good girl."

  Apparently the attendant had bought more supplies after all. She heard a soft buzzing behind her. She shivered as he massaged something cold and slippery around her entrance then pushed the buzzing thing inside her. The toy wasn't only internal. It was a clever C shaped thing that cradled her clit with strong pulsing vibrations even as it filled her with pulsing girth. Much like the toy they’d used the night before when they played with wax, but thicker.

  "How does that feel?"

  She tried to answer but only managed an incoherent moan as the vibration changed patterns. The bastard had a remote control.

  "That good, huh?"

  She nodded, "It feels great."

  "I’m glad. What do you say?"

  The vibrations suddenly intensified tenfold and she growled, pulling away from the strong sensations and finding that there was no-where to go.

  The vibrations stopped entirely.

  "I was looking for ‘Thank you, Sir’, actually."

  She grinned, she did like these games, "Thank you, Sir."

  "Good girl."

  The toy was switched back on and she moaned happily as the steadily pulsing vibrations pushed her towards ecstasy.

  Maisy started as she felt something against her lips then she realised it was his cock. She opened her mouth and sucked him hungrily. She moaned around him as the pattern changed to a faster frequency before licking him from base to tip. She was good at this and even if she was distracted by a vibrator she was going to make him feel fantastic.

  It seemed to be working. She heard him muttering soft curses and he began to thrust very gently as she worked him. She relished the taste and feel, trying to ignore her building pleasure so she could finish him off first.

  However, that was not Daniel’s intention. The incessant waves of sensation caused by the toy were pushing her towards the edge quickly. She struggled to maintain a steady rhythm with her mouth and then he pulled away, sensing that she was nearing orgasm

  The toy’s rhythm changed again to an even faster one. She inhaled the scent of leather and sex and sweat and revelled in the freedom of submission. As she began to fall into climax she wished he would fuck her so she could come around his cock.

  The tidal wave of sensation crashed over her and she moaned then screamed as the final blow from the paddle landed hard on her arse. The unexpected pain just intensified the clenching pleasure and she moaned over and over as the orgasm shook her from head to toe.

  Maisy took a shuddering breath and breathed a final "Thank you."

  Chapter 26


  Daniel removed her blindfold, releasing her from her private sanctuary back into the chaos outside.

  "Maisy? Sweetheart?" Daniel’s satisfied smile faded as he took in Maisy’s depleted state. He cupped her cheek just as tears began to gather in her eyelashes.

  "Bollocks." Daniel cursed under his breath and began unfastening her arms, signalling to an attendant to take care of her ankles.

  "Just hold tight, sweetheart, you’ll be down in a minute. You’re fine. You’re safe." Daniel murmured words of safety and comfort. She didn’t respond, too far gone to form a coherent sentence, but he carried on speaking calmly as one might address a startled animal.

  "Arms around my neck, there you go." She obeyed unthinkingly. She heard him and she felt him help her down from the bench. She felt his protective embrace around her, heard the comforting rumble of his voice as he spoke. Her awareness only stretched to him.

  She wasn't quite there. All the adrenaline had evaporated along with the anxiety and arousal that had fed it and she’d been left empty. She’d just stopped being for a moment. Not sad, not anything. She was empty and overflowing at the same time. It was like someone had pressed the reset button and she was caught on standby.

  She felt Daniel rubbing her wrists, checking for any signs of damage. She saw rather than felt as Daniel swung her up into his arms. It was like an out of body experience, or that one time she’d gotten high at university, or perhaps the come down afterwards.

  "Daniel," she struggled to say even that one word and she wasn't sure what she wanted to follow it with. She realised she was crying. Tears ran down her cheek onto his white shirt.

  "Shh, sweetheart. don't speak yet." Daniel settled them on the low back seating and cradled her close. She didn’t hear - or rather didn’t understand - what he was saying at first, but she watched his lips move and wondered why she was crying. She wanted to say thank you again, to tell him how happy she was, that the crying wasn't right at all, that she’d had a good time like she always did, but she couldn’t.

  Every time she tried to speak she sobbed instead so she just lay in his arms and focused on stopping the tears.

  The attendant had tailed them to their nook and now knelt discretely by their side. Maisy watched the sequins of her dress dance in the candlelight and smiled. She thought she heard Daniel say something about chocolate as he slipped the woman a tip.

  He resumed his low mutterings and Maisy realised that he was soothing her, saying meaningless comforting things and waiting for her to come back to herself.

  "I’m crying," she said.

  He stopped mid platitude and scanned her face. Apparently something he found there gave him cause for relief because his shoulders visibly slumped as the tension left his body.

  "Yes sweetheart. You’re crying rather a lot."

  "I’m sorry about your shirt."

  He barked out a tense laugh. "Forget about the shirt."

  "I’m sorry. I - I don't know what’s wrong with me. Christ." She tried to sit up, but he tightened his hold on her. His expression brooked no argument and she didn’t have the energy in any case.

  "Stay where you are until you’ve recovered please, Maisy."

  The firm line of his mouth and concern in his eyes erased all thoughts she might have had of rising.

  "What’s happening?" She brushed ineffectually at the tears with the back of her hand, "Why can’t I stop?"

  "It’s just something that happens after a scene sometimes. It’s perfectly normal."

  "Doesn’t feel normal," Maisy nuzzled into Daniel’s chest. The tears were slowing and her thoughts were coming in more or less the right order, but she still felt drained. This was an exhaustion unlike anything she’d experienced be

  “It’s called sub drop. Your body and mind has been through a lot. Sometimes the endorphins rising and falling can cause a drop in mood or any number of other symptoms. Tiredness, shaking and so on.”


  "Quite." He ran a finger down her cheek and smiled wryly, "I feel responsible. I shouldn’t have done a scene with you, even a light one, after the day you’ve had. It was asking for trouble.

  "But I wanted to." She frowned and held her tongue as the waitress Daniel had tipped came back over with a basket and an armful of Maisy’s dress and shoes. Where had they even left those?

  The woman in 20s beads, a brunette with a ponytail that brushed the bottom of her back, gave Maisy a sympathetic nod before she left.

  "Are they all...?"

  "Yes. They’re mostly submissives. Some of them are attached to Doms who are members here, some of them just want to work somewhere with this atmosphere without the constraints of a relationship."

  "Do they ever play?"

  "Not while they’re on the clock." Daniel winked at her, "I don't think you’re up to round two anyway, sweetheart."

  She just rolled her eyes at him. As the spoke he pulled a thick knitted blanket from the basket and wrapped it around her, that she didn’t bother arguing was testimony to how used to Club Drift’s idiosyncrasies she’d become in the last few weeks.

  "They sometimes play with experienced Doms in technique demonstrations on open nights, that sort of thing."

  "Huh. Interesting job." She curled further into his chest.

  "Second job. The lovely lady you were just making eyes at, for example, is a lawyer in her other life."

  "Wow. She’s even more attractive now."

  "I know, right?" Daniel pulled her hair gently and handed her the first of two bars of chocolate. "Eat this. Tea is on the way."

  She sat up just enough to eat the chocolate, "Your sex bar serves tea?"

  His loud laugh caused a number of patrons to glance in their direction. “Of course, sweetheart. We put our subs through a lot, they need something to get them back to themselves after a hard scene."


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