Book Read Free

F.M.P. Society

Page 7

by Dakota Cassidy

“Flowers!” Cara rushed forward, smiling as she lifted the vase to smell them.

  Yup, flowers. Big friggn’ deal.

  She tore open the envelope and frowned, “Who’s Ralph?”

  His jaw twitched, “An old boyfriend?”

  “Don’t be silly, Alex. I don’t have an old boyfriend. I don’t even have an old-old boyfriend.”

  Then who the fuck was Ralph?

  “Here, can you read the last name on the card?” She handed him the flowery square.

  “Anderson. Ralph Anderson. He wants to have dinner.” Wait a minute, Ralph Anderson from accounting? Ralph Anderson from his accounting department?

  Her eyes scanned the card, “I can’t remember a Ralph…Oh!” She snapped her fingers, “Wait, now I remember! Ralph is so sweet. I managed to save him the last chicken salad sandwich, because he’s allergic to peanut butter. So if I know he’s due for lunch I try to set one aside because he comes in later, after the rush. He’s a sweetheart!”

  Sweetheart, schmeetheart…he’s a dweeb. An interloper. A girlfriend stealer.

  And who said she was your girlfriend? All right, he conceded, she wasn’t officially his girlfriend yet, but she would be soon enough if he had anything to say about it.

  “Oh, look he wants to have dinner? That’s odd…”

  Alex snatched the offensive card out of her hand and slapped it down on the coffee table. Pulling her to him, he kissed her soundly.

  “You can’t have dinner with Ralph, who, by the way, works for me. Because you’re having dinner with me, remember?”

  Her perfect curves fit snugly between his thighs. “Yes, of course I remember. Dinner tonight at your place, are you cooking? Or are we having hot dogs?”

  Alex groaned when she wiggled against him. “I’ll have you know, I’ve been single for a long time, and I know how to cook. How much do you like Hamburger Helper?” he said against her ear.

  “Depends on what kind of Hamburger Helper we’re talking about. If it’s the one with the noodles and peas, then I’ll have to protest.”

  He cupped her ass and wedged her tightly against his throbbing cock. “I’ll be sure to avoid anything with noodles and peas.”

  “We’d better go. It’s getting late and I’ve already left Ruby alone for too long.”

  He let her go with reluctance. “Just remember who you’re having dinner with tonight.”

  She laughed at him and teased, “What was your name again. Ralph, right?”

  He growled at her and planted a kiss on her forehead. “You’d better watch what you say there or you’ll be eating peanut butter and jelly for dinner tonight.”

  She cocked her eyebrow at him. “Oh, no I couldn’t have that. Ralph is allergic to peanut butter, remember?”

  Alex frowned at her. “Get your purse and I’ll walk you to work.”

  Cara chuckled as she headed for the door, swinging it open. He admired the sway of her hips as she walked out the door, just as he grabbed the offensive bouquet of flowers and stuffed them in the kitchen trash can.

  * * * * *

  “Look at Ms. Thang. Get a groove on, did ya?”

  Cara’s cheeks burned, but she was grinning from ear to ear. A big, dumb, goofy grin, but she didn’t care. She’d had the most wonderful night of her life. All because of a pair of shoes and three women who couldn’t manage to produce a single brain cell if they squeezed really hard.


  They might be pretty, but maybe it wasn’t as easy as everyone thought it was. And she was growing fonder of them by the millisecond.

  She hugged Ruby tightly and kissed her round cheek. “Thanks, Ruby. You’ve always been a good friend. Now what do we need to prepare for the breakfast crowd?”

  “It’s all done kiddo. The only thing left to do is wait for the morning rush.”

  “I’m sorry, Ruby. I should have gotten here earlier, but—”

  “But you were all tied up. Don’t worry about it, sugar. If you hadn’t given me this job, where would I be?” Ruby harrumphed, “Sittin’ in some rocking chair and livin’ with a litter of cats.”

  “That’s not true, Ruby and you know it. You’d be having conjugal visits in the game room at the local nursing home.” Cara winked at her.

  Ruby cackled back. “Gotta do something to keep the old ticker pumping.”

  “Well Rube, the feeling is mutual. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to keep this place going.” Cara smiled at her over her shoulder as she headed back toward the freezer to get some backup trays of milk and orange juice. Ruby had been a blessing in disguise, she might not look capable of much physically, but her insight and knowledge of the food industry was what made this venture a success for Cara. In the beginning, they’d worked long hours, but it was starting to pay off and she’d given Ruby a substantial raise because of it.

  “Got another date with, Mr. Booty-licious tonight?”

  Cara’s toes tingled. “Yeah, I do. Tonight we’re having dinner. He’s cooking.”

  “Well, well, Miss Hot-pants, got him trained already, do ya?”

  “You taught me well, master.” She bowed to Ruby as she hoisted another tray of toast.

  Ruby chuckled, “Did I tell you that another guy was down here asking about you?”

  “Another guy?” This grew more puzzling by the day. “No, but did I tell you what Alex does for a living up there?”

  “He manufactures adult toys,” Ruby stated plainly, as if everyone on the planet knew.

  Cara gasped she was shocked. “How did you know that?”

  “Ruby knows everything. It’s not a secret, you know. Smart man that Alex, to tap into the needs of women. Women who are lonely and horny,” she laughed.

  “Stop right there, Ruby! I can’t hear you. I don’t even want to know how you know these things.” It was like talking to your mother about your sex life. Not gonna happen.

  “But don’t you want to know about the Galactic Invader?”

  “Ruby, I’m warning you!”

  Ruby followed close behind Cara as she went to open the doors for breakfast. “Oooh, what about The Camouflage, I hear it’s really pretty. It has five settings and—”


  * * * * *

  Cara’s day was busier than usual. Out of the blue, droves of employees in the building decided the cafeteria was the place to eat lunch. She rubbed the back of her neck wearily. God, she was tired. Glancing at the clock on the wall she realized she’d better hurry up if she was going to meet Alex for dinner. She couldn’t wait to see him. She’d spent the better part of the day replaying the events of last night in her head.

  Ruby patted her on the back. “It was a busy day, huh? The men are crawling outta the woodwork trying to get to you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a long line of men since we started. All wantin’ a good look at you, miss.”

  “Oh, they are not. None of those men looked at me twice before, Rube. That hasn’t changed.”

  “If you say so, but the way I see it,” Ruby dug around in the pocket of her uniform pulling out a bunch of slips of paper, “these all have your name on them.”

  Cara took the stack of paper from Ruby and shoved them in her pocket. “It’s probably the suggestion forms I put out last week. Everyone’s in an uproar because I want to change Tuesday’s breakfast menu.”

  “Right,” Ruby gave her an appeasing smile. “If you say so. You better hurry and meet the man of your dreams, it’s getting late.”

  “Will you lock up?”

  “No problem.”

  “It’s getting dark, take a cab for me will ya, Ruby?”

  “No need, George is coming to get me.”

  “Who’s George, Rube?”

  “He’s who I use the Galactic Invader vibe with.”

  “I can’t hear yoooouuuu!” Cara yelled over her shoulder as she left the cafeteria to the sound of Ruby’s fits of laughter.

  Chapter 6

  Alex heard the ding of the elevator and peeked around
the corner. His walking wet dream come true came around the corner, wending her way through the rows of cubicles, looking rather unsure of where she was going.

  His cock waved hello to her. Damn he was like a rabid teenager whenever she was near.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he called from his office. She was indeed just that, beautiful, and then some.

  She looked a bit confused as she located him, but gave him a tired smile. “Hey, how was your day?”

  “Good, yours? You look pretty tired.” He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her, letting his tongue lazily explore the hot cavern of her mouth. She leaned into him with a sigh, that breathy sigh that turned his insides to jelly and made his cock throb. She tasted new and familiar at the same time.

  Cara pulled away for a moment to comment on the boxes that lined the wall. “Wow, big delivery?”

  “Yup.” He didn’t want to talk about work, he wanted to throw her on his desk and fuck her senseless. But that might freak her out.

  “Whatcha get?”

  “Vibrators. Lots and lots of vibrators,” his hand trailed to the zipper of her uniform.

  Her cheeks flushed with color. “Oh.”

  “It’s going to hold me up a little. I wasn’t expecting this shipment ‘til Monday. I just have to do a quick inventory.”

  She frowned at him playfully kissing his jaw, “Does this mean I don’t get my Hamburger Helper?”

  “Depends on if you think I’m worth the wait.”

  “Depends on how good your Hamburger Helper is.”

  “Nobody can make Hamburger Helper the way I do, good looking, and don’t you forget it.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her as she straddled his lap.

  “Well, in that case I’ll wait with bated breath…” she offered, as she circled her hips above him.

  He moved her long, coppery hair out of the way and massaged her neck. Cara gripped the arms of the chair and arched her back, rolling her head.

  “You’re all in knots. If you want, you can go grab a shower.”

  Her pretty lips pouted. “But then I’d have to walk all the way home and I’m too tired.”

  He ran his hands over the soft swell of her breasts, relishing the way her nipples beaded through the thin cotton of her uniform at his touch. His tongue itched to taste them. “No, I have a shower here in the office. It’s got a massaging shower head,” he whispered suggestively. What he really wanted was for her to massage his head.

  She circled his wrists as he kneaded her breasts, “Ooooh…a massaging shower head, huh? If you don’t mind… a shower sounds good.”

  He teased her nipple by nibbling on it. “I don’t mind at all. There are clean towels and a fresh bar of soap in the small closet to the left of the bathroom.”

  She swung her legs off him and gave him a quick kiss. “You’re a prince among men, Alex Mackenzie.”

  A horny prince among men, he mused.

  He admired her rounded ass as she sauntered off to the bathroom. When he heard the water running, he started ripping open boxes and counting vibrators.

  “Alex?” His head popped up, he was knee deep in vibrators in every shape and size, scattered on the desk. She had a towel wrapped around her, holding her uniform in her hand and still wearing her shoes. Her long hair was slicked back and her face freshly scrubbed.

  “Well, look at you, very sexy those shoes. You make quite a fashion statement.” He chuckled and winked.

  “My…feet…They get cold…a lot. I told you that, so I always wear shoes.” She sounded almost defensive. Wear the shoes, don’t wear the shoes, it was all the same to him. He wanted her to wear him.

  “I could warm those feet you know,” She shook her head no and held out her uniform to him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “My zipper is stuck on my uniform and I can’t get it to budge.”

  “Lemme see,” he held his hand out to her and tugged her toward him. “Sit with me and I’ll see if I can fix it.”

  She tightened the towel around her and sat in the chair beside him. “So these are the infamous vibrators, can I see?”

  His cock yelled a resounding, yes! Lord, chill out down there. “Go right ahead, I put batteries in this one, we’ve been having some trouble with this particular model.”

  “This blue one, is this the ever popular Galactic Invader?”

  “And how do you know about the Galactic Invader? Been surfing the web checking up on me?”

  She held the blue vibrator in the palm of her hand and curled her fingers around it grinning, “A friend told me about it. She seems to like it.”

  Okay, if she didn’t put the nice blue vibrator down he was going to embarrass himself.

  “It’s smooth, too,” she ran her fingers over the blue surface. Clicking the small button to the “on” position, she jumped. “Wow, that packs a punch.”

  He pulled her chair toward him, the squeak of the wheels tangible evidence that she was here in his office.

  Naked under a towel and touching a vibrator.

  He fought the impulse to fuck her senseless. Women like Cara should be treated with respect, she wasn’t like all the others who cared about nothing but his money. For the first time, in a long time, he wanted to spend time with a woman.

  This woman.

  She’d caught his interest and she wasn’t letting go. “If you don’t stop that, I can’t be held responsible for what might happen. “Like I might rip that towel from your body and ram my overheated, behaving like a foolish teenager, cock into you.

  Her breathing was quick and shallow. So was his.

  She laughed and circled the fake cock with her hand, running it slowly up and down its length. “You mean this?” her eyes glittered with mischief.

  “I mean that.” He warned, his voice sounded husky and thick to his ears.

  “What will happen if I don’t stop?” she taunted him by licking the vibrating shaft. Her pink tongue slid over the blue surface, running its length then back up again in a slow glide. She let her lips graze the head of it, lingering over it like an ice cream cone.

  He groaned, “I’ll show you what’s going to happen.”

  She stopped laughing as suddenly as she’d begun. Their lips were mere inches apart, as a moan escaped him. He imagined the silk of her mouth on the fake cock, on his cock. When she ran her tongue over her bottom lip, it was his undoing. He cupped the back of her neck and tugged her toward him, capturing it between his lips. When his tongue touched hers, his head exploded with the taste of her. He was going to scare the shit out of her if he wasn’t careful, but he couldn’t control the urge to devour her.


  She clung to the vibrator as he pulled her up off the chair and held her tightly. His lips grazed hers, gently at first then deepening the pressure as he crushed her mouth to his own. She groaned softly when he tugged at the towel, letting it fall to the floor in a damp heap. The cool air tightened her nipples beneath his hands. He rolled them lazily between his fingers, before he claimed them with his mouth.

  The pebbly surface slipped easily beneath his tongue. He groaned at the sweet taste of her. Her free hand tangled in his hair, fingernails scraping his scalp. Alex wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to the floor. His gaze swept over the supple curves and hollows of her naked length. Her hair had begun to dry and splayed out over the floor, a stark contrast of copper against the beige carpet. His cock pounded against his jeans when his eyes settled on her smooth cunt.

  “How come I’m the only one naked here?” That soft, breathy tone that knifed through his gut and lodged in his heart inquired.

  He tore at his jeans and yanked at his shoes all at once, pulling off his shirt for good measure. “You’re not completely naked. You still have your shoes on.” He watched as her eyes flew to her white shoes that matched her uniform.

  “I told you my feet get cold…really cold, brrr. So come over here and warm me up and forget about my shoes, huh?”

  Consider her shoes forgotten. If sh
e wanted to wear shoes while they made love, he was fine with that. She could wear a pair of gloves and a scarf too.

  He lay down beside her and cradled her against the length of his body. Her smooth skin was hot to the touch and silky soft. She straddled his leg, the smoothness of her pussy rubbing against his thigh. She was still clinging to the vibrator. “Want me to take that for you?”

  He felt her head shake against his neck, “No, I want you to use it.” Her words were stilted and husky.

  Electricity shot to his cock, leaving him throbbing painfully against the flat plane of her belly. “Cara, you don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable. I told you that.”

  She lifted her head, her blue-green eyes smiled. “I know what you told me, and I know what I just told you. Are you going to use this,” she held up the blue vibrator under his nose, “or not, Mr. Mackenzie?”

  Alex placed his hand over hers, guiding her with the vibrator to the smooth cleft at her thighs. She rolled over laying flat on her back, leaving her arm draped around his neck. Their eyes met for a brief moment, he searched hers for any sign of fear. Cara lifted her head and pressed a kiss to his lips in silent reassurance.

  He laved the sweet skin of her neck as he dragged the vibrating cock between her folds of slick flesh. Settling firmly on a nipple, he nibbled around it, letting his breath graze it, fascinated by the tight pucker his lips brought it to. Cara arched her back, pressing the heels of her feet into the carpeted floor when he rubbed the vibrator against her swollen clit. Her head rolled back and forth, as her chest heaved when he lay his tongue flat against her nipple and wrapped his mouth securely around it. Alex tugged at it as he slid the vibrator closer to her entrance.

  He left her breast reluctantly and swept over her belly until his mouth found the object of his desire. He rolled Cara to her side, sliding down her body until his head rested on her thigh. She gripped his legs, running her hands wildly over his skin, kneading the muscles.

  Keeping the vibrator pressed firmly at her passage, Alex spread the sweet lips of her pussy and licked. Her hips thrashed against his face on impact and she moaned his name. The vibrator’s soft hum became muffled as he slid it into the moist warmth of her. He felt her inner walls contract and accept the blue shaft, her hands groping wildly at his thighs while her hips drove toward his mouth.


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