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Blood Match

Page 17

by K. A. Linde

  “All of this is mine.”

  Then he kissed his way across to the space between her breasts and down, down, down slowly to her navel. His tongue dipped into her belly button.

  “This ass is mine,” he growled.

  His hands slipped under her body, taking each cheek in his big hands. Then he lifted her lower half up off the bed and pressed her core into his face. He dragged his nose up her soaked underwear, drawing in a deep breath.

  “This pussy is all mine.”

  “Yes. Dear God, fucking yes.”

  He tore the thin material off of her body and buried his face in between her legs. His tongue teased her clit while his hands forced her legs wider apart. Then he slicked a finger through the wetness already coating her opening and inserted a finger into her. With her already primed, he pushed a second finger into her. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted more. She was already on the verge of orgasm and she wanted to feel his cock pulsing inside of her while she let loose.

  “Beckham, fuck me. Just fuck me,” she said, trying to sit up to pull him toward her.

  But he had other plans. He used one arm to weigh down the top of her body. “Put your hands over your head and don’t move them until I tell you.”

  She eeped and lay back down with her hands over her head. Thinking about keeping them up was a lesson in control she’d never had to work at. She wanted to bury her hands in his hair as he coaxed her clit into submission until her body was vibrating with an ache she was dying to unleash.

  He curled his fingers inside of her body, moving them at a slower tempo to his tongue. And suddenly as both sensations hit her with the force of a moving vehicle, stars exploded in her vision. Her body convulsed, sending a shock wave from her middle all the way to her fingers and toes.

  She heard a loud noise and realized as she came back to reality that it was coming from her. She had come so hard that she didn’t even know what sounds her own body was making.

  Beckham released his hold on her. She felt like a puddle lying on the bed. Her limbs were Jell-O. Her brain wasn’t functioning.

  “You moved your hands,” he observed with a sly smile on his face.

  “I have hands?”

  He laughed. A light merry thing that made her want to cling to the sound. To find a way to make all of his sounds her everyday reality. That sigh, that grunt, that laugh. Oh, she would die happy for one more laugh.

  “You have hands,” he assured her. “And I would like you to get on them.”

  “On my hands?” she asked, her brain slow to process.

  “Hands and knees.”

  He reached forward and flipped her over. She giggled as she adjusted her body to the position he had requested. Her ass was in the air. Her hands on the comforter. Her hair fanning out in front of her face. Beckham nudged her knees farther apart.

  “That better?” she teased, swiveling in place.

  His eyes were on her exposed lower half. They drifted up to her and he smiled. A heart-wrenching smile that knocked the breath right out of her.

  Her Beckham.


  That smile.


  She wasn’t just his. Every inch of her heart, body, and soul didn’t just belong to this man—every single part of him belonged to her too.

  She watched as he took his cock in his hand and aligned it with her opening. She could feel the head pressing against her. Her body clenched. It didn’t matter that she’d had one of the most mind-blowing orgasms of her life. Her body was a greedy bitch. It wanted more, more, more. Never enough of Beckham. Never enough.

  “Brace yourself,” he said, placing his hand on the small of her back.

  Almost before she could even comprehend what he meant, he thrust forward in one rough movement, seating himself inside of her.

  “Oh fuck,” she moaned.

  So full. So fucking full.

  Holy shit.

  She’d forgotten. Everything. Just everything. How amazing he felt. How big he was. How completely he filled her.

  His hands gripped her hips, slicing past pleasure into pain and then mixing all together. If there weren’t bruise marks in the morning, she would be shocked. And she didn’t care. Couldn’t even find enough mental capacity to care. Because she wanted this—all that he had to give. The pain, the pleasure, the intensity. Nothing would ever feel as good as Beckham with his cock buried in her pussy.

  Then he moved and proved her wrong.

  He pulled back until the head popped out of her and then he sheathed himself once more. One more slow pull like a drag on a cigarette before the blissful exhale as he crashed back into her body. He rocked not just her entire body forward, but the bed creaked with the force of it.

  She’d be lucky if she could walk tomorrow.

  Or maybe she’d be lucky if she couldn’t…

  He didn’t slow his pace. He drove into her over and over again. Not taking his time just connecting with her until she was face-first into the comforter, her hands gripping it in tight fists, and her body shaking with the need for a second release.

  “So…close,” he got out through gritted teeth.

  With another thrust, he buried himself in her and then reached to pull her up. He pressed her back against his chest, holding her tight to him. She lay her head on his shoulder as he started up again.

  She felt his fangs drag across her exposed neck. She knew that if he bit her now she would completely lose it. Her orgasm would hit her and she’d probably black out. She could sense the tension between wanting to take what was his and how close he already was to release. And she still let him take complete control. Bite or no bite. This was the best fuck of her life. Beckham was the best anything in her life.

  He leaned forward and she expected the bite. Anticipated it. And then he kissed her as he reached to strum her clit like a guitar.

  She exploded a second time and Beckham followed, releasing her to fall back onto her hands as he emptied himself inside of her. When he was finished, he gently extracted himself. She fell into a heap on the bed and lay there panting. Her eyes drifted to where he was standing, an arm braced against one of the bedposts, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

  He was magnificent. The most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She could live a thousand lifetimes and never find anyone better than the man before her.

  She stood and crossed to the bathroom. After she cleaned up, she crawled back into bed. Beckham joined her a minute later. He pulled her against his chest with one hand draped across her naked torso.

  “This is how I always wanted that night to go,” he confided against the shell of her ear. “What I imagined would have happened if I hadn’t lost control.”

  “This is perfect.”

  He kissed her ear and lapsed into silence. She lay there, her eyes drooping. She didn’t want this night to be over. She didn’t want to wake up and find that it had just been another miraculous dream. And yet she couldn’t seem to stop the exhaustion from hitting her.

  Chapter 22

  Beckham was gone when she woke up.

  But the indentation from where he had slept was still visible. It was even a little warm. Evidence that their perfect night had really happened.

  There was other evidence too.

  Like the scream that erupted out of her when she tried to stand. The pain as she hobbled across the room and into the shower. Her lower half was sensitive to the touch. They’d definitely gone even harder than she’d thought. She’d have to be gentle with herself for the next couple days until her body recovered.

  The bruises on her hips were a road map to their pleasure. She took care tracing them across her hips to her ass. She liked them.

  Despite the pain, she liked it all. It was proof that this life was real. Perhaps next time she wouldn’t need such a powerful reminder,
but it wasn’t as if she hadn’t wanted it. She’d begged for it. And she’d do it again.

  Her only regret was that she’d never gotten around to asking Beckham about Laura’s wedding dress. She’d had it on her to-do list and then it had just slipped her mind. Like most things did when they were together. It had been so long since they’d been together that she couldn’t blame herself for losing track of everything but him. She’d make it a priority for next time…when she wasn’t acting like a sex-craved teenager. Hopefully Becks could figure something out on such short notice.

  Reyna spent the rest of the day in bed, trying not to move around too much. She knew eventually she’d have to go downstairs to eat, but she didn’t want to answer the inevitable questions. Her stomach was grumbling so ferociously by dinner though that she had finally had to put on the loosest sweatpants she had and a baggy T-shirt. Her hair was in a topknot and she knew that she looked like shit. But she was too hungry to care.

  She was teetering toward the door when a knock sounded through the room. “Come in,” she called, because hurrying wasn’t an option.

  Jodie poked her head in. “Where the hell you been all day?”

  “I haven’t been feeling great.” Not entirely a lie.

  “I brought you some dinner,” she said, holding up a bag.

  “You’re amazing.”

  Jodie shut the door and wandered into the room. Reyna took the bag from her and eased her way back across the room.

  “Why are you hobbling like an old lady?”

  “I told you, I don’t feel well.”

  “Uh-huh,” Jodie said, unconvinced. “Explain these symptoms.”

  Reyna’s cheeks heated as she crawled back into bed. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Oh man, please tell me that you got fucked so good you’re waddling. You look like you’ve been riding a horse!”

  Reyna buried her face in her hands. “Jodie!”

  “Come on. Tell me you got some.”

  “Fine,” Reyna said. She pulled herself together and started picking out the sandwich and water Jodie had brought her. “I had sex last night.”

  “So…vamp, huh? What’s it like? Did you let him bite you?”


  “Girl talk, Reyna! Give me the goods. I was locked up for ten years. I need this.”

  “It was amazing. And he didn’t bite me. He didn’t want to lose control.”

  “Lame,” Jodie said.

  “What? Lame?” Reyna squeaked.

  “Yes, lame! If your vamp boyfriend wants a sexy snack mid-fuck-session, you want that shit. I heard it makes it ten times as intense!”

  “Well, I do want it,” she admitted. “But last time, it got out of hand. That’s…well, afterward I ran out, and then I got kidnapped and taken to Visage. So, he’s gun-shy.”

  “Damn. Was it better with the bite?”

  Reyna considered. “Different. When it was just Becks, it was already the best sex of my life. Like he understood exactly what I needed and then took it. When I had the bite, it was a complete loss of control. It took over and heightened everything. I’d take either as long as I have him.”

  “Well, fuck. Sign me up!” Jodie said with a laugh. “Where do I find my own vampire boyfriend?”

  Reyna shook her head. “You’re outrageous.”

  “Sounds right.”

  “Did I miss anything today while I was gone?”

  “Nah,” Jodie said, slouching back into a chair. “Laura has been out of commission too. Meghan disappeared early this morning. I’ll tell you…I’d really like my own room sometime soon so I don’t have to hear her come and go.”

  “Yeah. I think most people are bunking up. I’m surprised I don’t have to share.”

  Jodie rolled her eyes. “With vampire boyfriend on your side? Puh-lease.”

  Reyna laughed. “Vampire boyfriend. I love that.”

  A knock sounded on the door. “Come in!” Reyna called.

  Meghan stuck her head in the doorway. “Hey. Just the people I was looking for.”

  Jodie raised her eyebrows. “You were looking for us?”

  “Yes,” Meghan stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. “I talked with Reyna the other day, and I’ve been thinking a lot about our conversation. And I want to help you. Both of you. I know what you went through was horrible, but we are not Visage. We want you to be happy. We would love to help you find anyone if you have people you want to bring in. Do you have someone we could look for?”

  Jodie shot a look at Reyna, who held up her hands in surrender.

  “You want to help me?” Jodie asked.

  “Yes,” Meghan said. “I do.”

  Jodie glanced down at her hands where she threaded her fingers together and then apart. “Then why did you never come for me?” It was the first time Jodie had sounded vulnerable. “Why did you leave me in there for ten years?”

  Reyna could feel something slice open in Jodie. Her heart ripped and she spilled all the inner turmoil onto the floor. The abandonment, the years of tests, the hopelessness. It all came tumbling out.

  Meghan’s eyes welled with tears. “Ten years?”

  “You saved Reyna after eight weeks, but left me forever. Left all of those other kids forever? How could you do that?”

  “I didn’t know,” she whispered. “I didn’t know, Jodie.”

  “How could no one know?”

  “I didn’t have access to that information. I had no idea that they had done this or that they had you or even that there were others like you. I found out when I went in and we got you out. I would get everyone out of there if I could. That is what we want long term. What we have always been fighting for.”

  “You really didn’t know?” Jodie asked.

  “No. And if I had, I would have done something about it. We’re still building up to the resources we need to make a break of that caliber. But I don’t want anyone in there any more than you do, Jodie.”

  Jodie deflated. As if all the pomp and swagger she had been riding on had just dissolved. “I have a cousin, June Gardner. They took me from her.” Jodie looked up into Meghan’s face. “Can you help me find her?”

  Meghan nodded automatically and shot both girls a bright smile. “Of course. I would love to help you find your cousin. Why don’t we start now?”

  “You’re serious?”

  “I think she is,” Reyna said.

  “What’s the catch?” Jodie asked.

  “There’s no catch, Jodie. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that we’re not Visage for it to sink in with you.”

  “Probably a few more.”

  “Come on. I bet Tony in tech can point us in the right direction.”

  “Reyna, do you want to come?” Jodie asked uncertainly.

  Reyna nodded. “If you don’t mind me hobbling around?”

  Jodie snorted. “I don’t mind.”

  “Why are you hobbling around? Are you sick or injured?”

  “You could say that,” Reyna muttered.

  “She’s been fucked properly.”

  Meghan laughed. “Oh dear God, I don’t even want to know.”

  Reyna carefully got out of bed and hobbled behind Meghan and Jodie. The idea of finding June had clearly already brightened up Jodie. She seemed more relaxed and less wary. If they could help her, maybe they could help all those people who had been stuck in Visage. One day she was going to make sure that Harrington paid for what he had done to all of those people. For what he had done to Jodie. For what he had done to her.

  Chapter 23

  “Reyna?” Beckham said casually a few days later.

  He was dressed in a sharp black suit that must have been hand-tailored. It was distracting. All she could think about was tearing it off and seeing the magn
ificent man underneath.

  Her eyes snapped back up to his. She got lost in the obsidian staring back. The gleaming dark eyes that sucked her in like a black hole.

  “Hmm?” she asked.

  “Were you even listening?”


  He laughed. “Pay attention.”

  “My mind’s on all the ways I was quite adept at paying attention a few days ago.”

  He smirked. “Don’t change the subject.”

  “Why not? I think I’m pretty good at following your rules.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Well, I think I got…open your mouth down pretty well. And get on your hands and knees,” she said with a sultry smile as she walked across the room to him. “I’m not sure I’m the best at keep your hands over your head, but I’d give it another shot.”

  He grasped both of her wrists in one hand and pressed her back into the wall. His head dipped to the spot between her neck and shoulder. She shivered at the touch. He placed a deliberately slow and enticing kiss there. “You are impossible.”

  “Uh-huh,” she said dreamily. Her mind was envisioning all the ways he would take her against this wall again. The bed wasn’t enough. She wanted to fuck him on every surface of this room.

  He glanced into her eyes again. “What are you thinking?”

  She told him.

  “Every surface?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

  “I’d like to not be able to walk for two days again.”

  “Two days?” he asked, his eyebrows climbing higher. It wasn’t often that she shocked him.

  “Yeah. Jodie said I looked like I’d been riding a horse.”

  She thought maybe he would worry that he’d hurt her. That had always been his MO before. The monster was going to come out and break her. Blah blah blah. He couldn’t be trusted. Blah blah blah. Something or other.

  Instead a self-satisfied smile crossed his features. “Good.”

  “What? And here I thought you’d be appalled that you rode me so hard I was incapable of basic human function.”

  His hand drifted down between her legs. “I like the idea that you can still feel me after I’m gone.”


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