Don't Get Me Wrong (Love in Brazen Bay Book 4)

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Don't Get Me Wrong (Love in Brazen Bay Book 4) Page 2

by Brill Harper

  Then we just sit. Quietly and without speaking. Because, now what? There are no etiquette books for this kind of thing. Well, maybe there are, but I’ve never actually looked at an etiquette book. I’m guessing the index doesn’t include things like Penis, accidental viewing of or Sleeping, groping strangers while.

  “So, I’m Nick,” he says after a drink of tea.

  Yeah, okay. I bet the etiquette books do go over introductions. I can’t believe I’ve seen his penis, and he doesn’t even know my name. This is so ridiculous. “Hi, Nick. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Katie.”

  We shake hands, and a frisson of sparks dance where our skin touches. Wow. I catch his eyes and notice he looks a little confused, too. Did he feel it? Did he like it the way I did?

  He shakes his head like he’s clearing his thoughts. “You’re a student at the university then?” He takes another drink of tea and pulls a face. I’m guessing he doesn’t like tea and is only drinking it to be nice. He’s read the etiquette books maybe.

  I nod. “I’m majoring in sociology. I hope to get my master’s in social work next.” If I can afford it. “I graduate at the end of first semester this year.”

  “So you’re not taking any anthropology classes?” The way his voice raises at the end sounds hopeful.

  “Nope. I’ve missed your department altogether.”

  “Well, that’s good. I mean, not that you wouldn’t be a good student. I just—even though you’re not a student in my department, what happened earlier was wrong.” Are all men so adorable when they are flustered? He’s this big mass of testosterone and academia mixed together who travels the world and teaches future archaeologists how to be future archaeologists, and he’s tongue-tied and rambling just the same. I get the feeling most people don’t get to see this side of Professor McFuckme. “Katie, I’m very sorry. I hope you understand I would never have forced myself on you. I’ve been traveling for days and wasn’t thinking clearly. I thought I was dreaming.”

  My girly bits start tingling. “You were dreaming of me?”

  Not the point, Katie.

  “Never mind. Don’t answer that. I’m not going to take this to the dean, Professor. You didn’t do anything wrong. The circumstances are...well, I don’t even know how to describe them. I know you wouldn’t make a move on me under normal ones.”

  He sets his tea down. “If you weren’t a student, and I wasn’t too old for you, I can’t say that I wouldn’t have made a move. But I don’t usually start from naked and work backward to introducing myself.”

  Great. Now all I can think of is his penis again. Penis penis penis. Wait, did he just say he would have made a move on me?

  I blink. He’s being kind. No way would this highly esteemed, highly revered, highly in demand professor want plain old me. He could literally have a line of women at his door willing to take turns if he wanted it.

  This has been the strangest night.

  “I should maybe pack my stuff. I’m sure you want to go back to bed.”

  I bet the sheets smell like him now. I’d love to roll around in them. Get his scent all over me.

  Focus, Katie.

  “Where will you go?”

  That’s a good question. “I...I don’t actually know. I’ll probably couch surf for a night or two until I figure something out.”

  “Stay here tonight.”

  “I couldn’t impose.”

  “Katie, I can’t send you out in the middle of the night. You take the bed back. I can stay on the couch.”

  I could roll in his “I couldn’t do that to you. It’s your bed. I’ll crash on the couch and leave tomorrow.”

  “I’m not throwing you out into the streets. This was supposed to be your home. It’s not your fault my brother is irresponsible.”

  “You’re being so nice. But it’s not your fault either.”

  He reaches over and covers my hand with his. “I’d really like it if you would stay.”

  My lungs squeeze when I meet his gaze. His eyes are gray like storm clouds, and I feel like there’s definitely a tempest brewing inside me. He swallows thickly, and we both lean in an inch like there’s a string pulling us together. His breath is warm and smells like chamomile.

  A slow, delicious ache wells up in my body. The quiver in my thighs returns, and I clench my toes involuntarily as the tension builds between us. His eyes darken and take on a fierce, primal look. It’s new, a little scary, a lot exciting.

  I should move away but I can’t. I’m drawn like a magnet to steel. He stares at my lips and my tongue darts out to lick them.

  “Katie,” he groans. “This is wrong.”

  “We haven’t done anything.”

  “We’re going to.”

  Chapter Three


  “We are?” she asks, all innocence. That floral scent that fueled my carnal dreams earlier is still doing the job. Only I’m not dreaming. I’m wide awake and horny as fuck for this woman.

  This is wrong. She’s a student. I’ve never, ever touched a student.

  But she’s so close, her scent wrapping around me and warping good sense. Her blue eyes sparkle with something I want to learn more about. And her lips are all glossy, ready to be kissed. My control is crumbling. I’ve never been so drawn to a woman before. Never needed to know what she tastes like, what my name on her lips as she comes will sound like.

  I need to move away from her, but I can’t. She’s trembling slightly, and I want to pull her onto my lap.

  She swallows thickly. “We shouldn’t, though, should we?”

  “We shouldn’t,” I answer, my voice sounding like a growl. I take a breath. “Tell me no. Tell me to leave you alone.” That’s the only way I’ll be able to stop what’s happening here.

  Her eyes are wide and locked on mine, and out comes that pretty pink tongue to wet her lips again. Those full, pouty lips. “What if I don’t tell you no? What if...” I can see the pulse racing in her throat. “What if I don’t want you to leave me alone? What happens then?”

  She’s playing with fire. My muscles clench tightly, trying to rein in my need for her. “This is such a bad idea, sweetheart.”

  She brings her soft, small hand up to my face and gently caresses my new beard growth, frowning a little as she concentrates so hard on it. My hand flies up to capture her wrist. I think I meant to pull her hand away, but instead I hold it right there. Her touch soothes me and inflames me at the same time.

  “Nick, please...” My name sounds so sweet on her lips.

  “Tell me no. Now before it’s too late.”

  Time stills and the roar of my own pulse fills my head. Instead of no, she closes the distance between us, her lips hesitant on my jaw, like she’s testing the texture of the stubble there.

  I can’t fight it. My hand slides to her jaw, the other cups the back of her head possessively. I hold her perfectly still and she swallows hard. “Nick, if you don’t kiss me, I think I’ll die.”

  Well, I can’t let her die. Not when I just found her. My mouth crashes into hers, crushing those soft wet lips against mine. She moans, low in her throat, and my dick swells, aching to be let out. Fuck.

  She opens to me immediately, and our tongues slide together, mating. Her hands grip my shirt, holding me close to her. Damn, she’s hot and eager, pressing into my body like she can’t get close enough.

  This is so wrong, but I can’t stop myself. I push her backward, following until she’s beneath me on the couch like we’re two horny teenagers. My greedy fingers slip under the hem of her t-shirt to tease at the soft flesh of her belly. She shivers, rocking into me, and groans when she feels my rock-hard cock pushing back against her. My breath saws in and out, and my heart is racing like we’ve been running for an hour.

  The way she molds herself to my body makes me crazy. I tear myself away from her mouth and let my lips roam over her jaw. When I get to her neck, I try to resist but end up taking a quick nip of that sweet flesh. She jolts, rocking her hip
s against me, trying to get closer. Trying to satisfy an ache.

  This woman. I’ve never felt anything so fast or so strong. It’s crazy. I’m crazy. This is so unlike me. Growing up the big brother of Devon, I always had to be the responsible one. This is anything but responsible.

  I pin her wrists down and grind my throbbing dick against her hot center. Her legs wrap around my waist tightly, and she arches her back. Her eyes flutter closed, and I realize she’s nearly ready to come. Already. The sound I make is primal. I feel like a caveman. The only thoughts in my head are: Make. My. Woman. Come.

  My cock is pushing at the zipper of my jeans trying to get at her. In her. I rock back and forth, thrusting against her, giving her the friction she needs. She starts bucking wildly beneath me, her voice crying out as she reaches a climax. When she finally goes limp, she opens her eyes, a bright pink blush painting her cheeks.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “You’re beautiful,” I tell her. It’s sappy and cheesy, but I can’t hold the words in.

  Reality crashes in hard. What am I doing? This is wrong. I let go of her wrists and sit up. Taking Katie, a student, is something my brother would do. She deserves better.

  She gets up on her elbows, her glasses askew, her hair a wild mess. Fuck. I want inside her.


  I curse at myself, near panic rushing through me.

  I still want her. I can barely restrain myself from pulling her onto my lap and finishing what we started. I close my eyes. “I’m sorry, Katie. I shouldn’t have...we’ll talk in the morning.”

  She’s confused, blinking out of her orgasmic haze. “But you didn’t...” She gestures to my lap.

  “It’s fine.” That’s what cold showers are for.

  I’ve made an awkward situation worse. I can tell when she starts looking for clothes to put on and realizes she’s still fully dressed. Her face is red, not from a sensual heat. I’ve embarrassed her. I’m such an ass.

  “I should go,” she says, standing up, putting on a brave face.

  “Take my room.”

  She shakes her head. “No. Absolutely not. I mean I should leave.”

  “Take my room.” It comes out harsher than I mean it to be, and she jerks like I slapped her. “Please.”

  She stares at me, the color leaving her face. “I’ll be gone in the morning.”


  I TURN AND RUN TO MY bedroom, his bedroom, and slam the door.

  I’m mad that he ordered me around. I’m mad that he’s giving my emotions whiplash. I’m mad that I just had the best orgasm of my life and only got to enjoy it for thirty seconds before being reminded that I’m still a virgin and just came on a guy who doesn’t even want me enough to finish. Not just any guy, either. He’s a legend and I am just...ordinary.

  I’m so embarrassed. Emabarrassedamundo. Who does that? He must think I’m such a horny slut. I literally humped him until I got off.

  I pull out my suitcase, intent on leaving, but stop before I get anything into it. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I’ll get up extra early and sneak out before he even wakes up. Yes. That is a better plan.

  I change into the t-shirt I sleep in and slide into the sheets. Big mistake. They do indeed smell like him, and I am instantly wet again. Survey says: I really am a horny slut.

  No man has ever looked at me the way he did before he changed his mind. I’m not someone who gets much attention about my looks. Most people just sort of gloss over even looking at me. The only one who’s ever called me beautiful is my daddy, and he thinks I walk on water, so he doesn’t count.

  But Professor McFuckme changed his tune pretty quick, didn’t he? Of course he did. He probably realized he could do much, much better.

  An unfamiliar ringtone gets my attention. Great, he left his phone on the charger on the nightstand. It’s probably some woman who he would like to fuck texting him for a booty call. I throw back the blanket and unplug his phone before I stalk across the room and pull the door open.

  He’s standing there, his hand in the air about to knock.

  “I heard my phone. Sorry if it disturbed you.”

  I hear the words, but I can’t make sense of them. He’s not completely naked this time, but the boxer briefs do little to hide his still hard dick. There is no place to look at him that doesn’t make my mouth water. Heat floods between my thighs. His chest is chiseled, his abs ripple. And that bulge in his underwear twitches when my gaze lowers to it.

  I thrust his phone toward him. “You left your phone. It made a noise.”

  It made a noise? Smooth.

  He doesn’t smirk, to his credit, since I’m acting ridiculous. But maybe that’s because he’s staring at where my t-shirt stops. My chest heaves trying to get enough air. When he finally meets my gaze, his eyes are blazing hot. Hungry. Needy.

  “Aren’t you going to see who messaged you?” I ask.

  “I don’t care who messaged me,” he says thickly. “Jesus. I can’t look away from you.”

  “You seemed to look away just fine a few minutes ago, Professor.”

  He scowls at the reminder of his social status. When he speaks, his voice is fierce. “I’m trying to do the right thing. And it’s killing me. You’re killing me. What I doesn’t matter what I want. You’re forbidden fruit.”

  “I am not fruit!”

  He exhales loudly. “Sweetheart—”

  “Professor Sanders, do not call me sweetheart unless you mean it. Otherwise, you may call me Katie or Ms. Trenton if you prefer. I will be out of the way by morning, and you never have to see me again. I can assure you I won’t be telling anyone how I humiliated myself on you like a dog humping a leg, so your reputation as the very honorable professor who would never sully a student is safe.” My hand is on the door, ready to close it right in his face.

  “You didn’t humiliate yourself. Watching you come was the most erotic thing I’ve done in a long time. You’re beautiful and ...” He loses his train of thought when his eyes roam down my body. In a much lower voice, he continues, “You’re beautiful and you’re...wet. I can see it through your panties.”

  Normally, this would cause me to combust into a human torch of humiliation, but the way he said wet was so reverent, so full of longing, all I can do is respond with a whisper. “Yes.”

  He swallows hard. “You’re wet for me.”


  He takes his phone from my hand and throws it behind him over his shoulder. My eyes widen as he steps into the room. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  “I’m sure it will pass.”

  He scowls again. “You think I didn’t want to continue what we were doing on the couch? It took every ounce of willpower I’ve ever had to stop. I’m a professor at your university, Katie.”

  “Yes. You’re right.”

  “I’m too old for you.”

  “I’m not arguing with you.”

  “The minute I smelled you on my sheets I wanted you.”

  I don’t respond to that. I can’t. My heart is climbing up my throat.

  “The second I touched you, I knew you were mine.”

  Am I dreaming this? I take a step back into the bedroom, and he takes a step forward.

  “I can’t stop thinking about the sounds you made when I made you come. I want to hear them again.” His deep voice sends shivers down my spine. The tension in the air between us crinkles.

  “Are you going to tell me it’s a mistake again?”

  A shadow crosses his face. “I should. But I’m done fighting.” I gasp when he reaches one of his big hands out, cupping my ass and bringing me closer. We both moan at the contact of his cock and my body. “Last chance. If you’re not sure...”

  “I—” I falter. He starts to pull back, but I hold his shoulders tightly. “I need to tell you.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Well, here’s the thing...” Maybe I shouldn’t tell him. Maybe it will make him stop. Maybe he won’t want some inexperienced girl
when he’s used to women. Women who aren’t students. Women who wouldn’t ruin his career if the wrong person learns they had sex.

  “Tell me,” he says, his voice a little stern, a little demanding. Which, by the way, is fucking hot.

  “I’m a virgin.”

  Chapter Four


  Maybe that should have been like a dousing of ice water on the situation, but hearing she’s untouched just made me harder than I’ve ever been. If I tell her what I want to do to her and how I want to do it, I’ll scare the poor girl off. Especially now that I know she’s a virgin.

  My heart thunders with raw need. “Are you sure about this? You’ve waited for—”

  “I’ve waited for you. I want it to be you.”

  The light catches the hickey on her neck from where I bit her earlier, where I marked her, and every doubt, every reason why this is not a good idea, dissolves. She’s mine. She’s meant to be mine.

  She casts her eyes to the floor. “If you still want me, I mean. I get it if it’s a little more intense than you were expecting.”

  I tip her chin up with one finger and look into her eyes. My father once told me that a man knows when he looks into the eyes of the mother of his unborn children. I’m lost to her. “I still want you, Katie. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything my entire life.” If I have to give up my teaching job to keep Katie, it won’t even be a choice. I don’t know where this is coming from, or how I can be so sure. But my future is in those pretty blue eyes.

  “I don’t mean to make this complicated, Nick. I know it’s just a one-time thing. Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I don’t understand how these things work.”

  One-time thing, my ass. “That’s not going to work for me, sweetheart.” I swoop her up and carry her to the bed. I like the way she gasps when I toss her gently onto it. “But it’s really not all that complicated.” Her brows furrow in confusion. “I’m going to take you tonight. I’m going to make you come, hard. Many times. I’m going to turn your tight little body inside out until your whole world is my big, fat cock.” Now her brows raise into her hairline. “And then I’m going to do the same thing tomorrow and the day after that, and after about fifty years, I’ll still do it, but probably less often.”


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