Don't Get Me Wrong (Love in Brazen Bay Book 4)

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Don't Get Me Wrong (Love in Brazen Bay Book 4) Page 3

by Brill Harper


  “I like the way my name sounds on your lips, sweetheart.” My fingers trace the skin between her shirt and her panties “See, nothing complicated about it at all.”

  She gasps when my finger traces the leg seam of her panties. “You don’t have to promise me forever. I don’t need this to be real. It’s okay.”

  She doesn’t get it. I haven’t made myself clear yet. “I need it to be real. I need you to know it’s real.” Her breath catches when I push her shirt up, revealing more skin and the bottom of her perky tits. I think I’m going to have to come once before I take her, or I’ll embarrass us both. “I’m yours, Katie.” I don’t remember her last name. Doesn’t matter, I intend to give her mine as soon as she’ll let me. “I hope you like dirty professors because you’re stuck with one now.” I can feel how fast she’s breathing. Her pulse quickens, too. “Did that turn you on, baby? Do you like knowing you own me now? Or maybe you like hearing I’m dirty. Is that what you like?”

  She arches her back, trying to get closer to me. “Both. God, both.”

  I kiss her raw and hard, claiming her fully. My hands slide up the smoothness of her skin to her ribs, then higher curving to cup the outer swell of each naked breast. They feel so full and soft and firm. I work her shirt up and off her.

  “Maybe I should tell you something else, Professor,” she says as she eases back down.

  I pull a pillow up for her head to land on. “What’s that?”

  “Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I don’t think about sex. I promised myself when I found someone to share myself with, I wouldn’t be shy. Well, too shy.”

  “You’re fucking perfect.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “So am I.”

  “Nick...I don’t want you to treat me like I’m made of glass. Or that I need to be protected or coddled. I want...I want you to take me.” She pulls my boxers down, and my cock pops straight out as we work together to get my underwear off my legs. “I’ve waited a long time for this. I promise I won’t regret anything we do.”

  She guides my hips back up her body, but I keep going until I’m straddling her chest, my cock resting on the tops of her juicy tits. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

  The way her pupils dilate, I’d say she agrees with me about that. She sighs. “I don’t want you to be gentle or careful. I just want you.”

  “You’re going to have your wish, sweetheart. You’re getting every inch of me and more tonight. But I hear what you’re saying. You don’t want romance and roses, you want a hard, dirty fuck. The thing you don’t know yet is that I can give you both. And I will.” I take her hands and use them to push her breasts together as I slide my cock into her bosom. “You’re so soft.” The mushroom head of my dick pushes through her pillowed cleavage, my balls crushing up against the rounded bottoms. “So beautiful. Hold that there. Just like that, sweetheart.”

  I reach down and gently pinch each nipple, getting them to stand up. Watching them become pebbles. She moans when I work them over and over into hard points. I push my hips a little more, the tip of my dick moving toward her chin and then backing out slowly, leaving a trail of precum between her tits, a slippery track for my dick to glide easily through.

  “God, that’s hot,” she says, squeezing her breasts together tighter, and I’m lost.

  I fuck those tits until they bounce. I’m mesmerized by their jiggle. I guide the tip of my cock toward her chin as I reach behind her head and gently bring it up so that I’m pointing at her mouth. “Show me how dirty you want to be, Katie.” My cock presses against those full lips. “Do you want to be my dirty little princess now? Open.”

  She doesn’t hesitate. I slide right in a few inches, and she sucks the precum off. I take a minute to appreciate the perfection of this woman. My cock sandwiched between her fleshy breasts while she sucks deeply at the tip of my cock. I’m a lucky bastard.

  But I’ve been too worked up to spend the hours I want to here. Another time. We’ll have plenty of it.

  “I need to come, Katie.” My balls tighten, the base of my spine tingling warmly. “Where do you want it, naughty girl. Where do you want me to come?”

  My dick slips out of her mouth with a pop. “All over me. Please come all over me.” She smiles sweetly, at odds with the naughty request. “I’ve always wanted to say that.”

  Sweet and raunchy at the same time. “Ask me again.”

  “Please come all over me. I want it so bad.”

  Oh, fuck. How can I say no to that? I lean back and direct my cock at her chest as my orgasm overtakes me, and we both watch rope after rope of cum bathe her breasts in sticky white. I hold my cock directly on her nipple, the need to mark her strong, as another spurt coats her there. Fuck me, but I rub it in.

  Mine. She’s mine.

  It’s hard to imagine just an hour ago I was exhausted. I want more already, my orgasm only taking the edge off my need for her.

  I slide down her body and nuzzle her soaking wet panties. She whimpers as I peel them off her. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m going to take good care of you.” My face hovers above the lips shining like they’re coated in honey, and my fingers glide across her silky pussy, slowly parting the folds. She’s pink, warm, and moist. I sample my first taste of her from my fingers. Honey indeed. Lust grips me in its fist. I’m already swollen again, ready for her. Her scent drives me crazy.

  She shivers at my hot breath on her pussy. “You don’t have to...we can just...”

  “Trust me when I tell you that I can’t wait to get my mouth on you.”

  She blinks dazedly. “No one’s ever...”

  That eggs me on even more. “Oh, fuck. You’re killing me.”

  I guide my tongue between the glistening folds of her pussy, her flavor blooming in my mouth as I delve in. Heat radiates against my face, and her hips undulate.

  “Oh, God.”

  Darting back and forth, my tongue explores lightly, teasing. The scent of her, pressed firmly against my face, drives my desire. She’s addictive. Intoxicating. My eager tongue pushes inside, wriggling, exploring, trying to delve deeper.

  She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Her eyes flutter behind closed lids, her breathing ragged pants punctuated by sweet moans. Her essence coats my tongue. She’s a goddess.

  Driven by lusty need, I seek out her clit, my tongue circling around it, teasing her. I capture it and suck harder now. She squeaks and I smile into my prize. She’s gonna do more than squeak.

  I lick and suck and feast on her now. Her body moves and jerks, her hands delve into my hair. Her cute little squeaks turn into much louder moans.

  I try to slow down, enjoying the way she squirms and her sexy, lusty groans. She grows wetter, warmer. Firmly grasping her ass, I pull her closer still, pressing her sweet pussy into my face. Her body shivers with excitement. I have to hold on tight to control her convulsions as every muscle in her body contracts then relaxes several times as a flood of her pleasure flows into my mouth, fueling a primal reaction inside me.

  I hold her still against my face as she whimpers my name and her body convulses. I’ve never felt more like a man.

  And I’m nowhere near through with her.

  Chapter Five


  I’m totally unprepared for this. I have no defenses against such unfamiliar sensations, no understanding of them and no way to control them. I lay back on the bed as pleasure overtakes every inch of my body.

  I never imagined anything so intense. Am I supposed to feel this much?

  “You’re so fucking perfect,” he says against my trembling thigh. “How do you feel? Are you okay with what we’re doing?” He moves up my body. “Katie?”

  “I didn’t know it could be like this.”

  He cups my jaw and looks right into my eyes. “I didn’t either, sweetheart.” And he kisses me, long and deep, and I taste myself from his tongue. Soon, sooner than what’s normal surely, an aching kn
ot of pleasure grows deep in my belly again.

  “I need...”

  “I know,” he answers gruffly, the hard length of him grinding into my center.

  Oh, yes. That’s exactly what I need.

  He moves to his haunches and parts my thighs, splaying me open to his intimate gaze. The freedom of being laid bare to him is overwhelming. He’s been stripping me of inhibitions all night. I don’t feel shy or virginal or scared. I feel like a woman with power untold. This man, this previously unattainable dream of a man, is mine. I feel it in every cell of my body. In the marrow of my bones.

  Even if it’s just tonight, he belongs to me.

  He growls when he slips his fingers through the slick, swollen lips of my sex. “Such a pretty pink treat. You taste like heaven, you know.” He pushes one thick finger in my entrance, and we both moan. “Jesus, you’re so tight and wet.” He strokes slowly, his thumb rolling over my clit until I almost come again. Almost.

  He stops, removing his hand and chuckling when I protest.

  “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” He rolls his big, fat cock over my clit, and I moan louder.

  God. He’s so big and hot and hard. He slides around, teasing the head of his dick at my entrance and then moving back up. Back and forth. Back and forth until I’m panting. “Please.”

  He holds the plum-sized tip just inside, stretching me. “Please what, sweetheart?”

  “Please. I need you inside me. I need you so much.”

  “You need me to fill you up?”

  “Yes.” I groan when he pushes just a bit more but holds still, unmoving.

  “You feel so good, Katie. I want to make this last, but I don’t think I’ll be able to.”

  I’m consumed with need for him. I try to shift, to arch, anything to get more of him, but he’s so strong. I’ve been reduced to some kind of animal, and he’s still got self-control. Not fair.

  I reach back for that feeling of untold power and bring my hands up to his face. I look deeply into his eyes. I don’t have to fight fair either. “I loved it when you came all over my breasts. I felt so sticky and messy and naughty. I can’t wait to feel you fill me with your cum. I want you to come inside me, Professor.”

  His jaw clenches under my hands. “My sweet angel has a devil side. You sure you’re ready for me to stretch your tight little pussy?”

  He doesn’t wait for an answer. He pushes inside me, his face still in my hands, his eyes still locked on mine. I can’t help the small gasp as he stretches my tight walls. The sensation of being filled sends waves through me. Inch by inch, he makes me his woman.

  I didn’t think I’d still have a barrier, but I feel him press against it, stretching it until a small jolt of pain makes me grit my teeth. His grip tightens on my hips, and he murmurs an apology against my lips.

  We hold still, allowing my body to adjust to this new invasion. It’s done. I let him claim my body in a way no other man ever has. The pain fades quickly, and we begin an ancient dance in slow, deep strokes. The sensation of his thick cock dragging along my inner walls sends a spasm through my body. Each stroke stretches and fills me over and over.

  His fingers tighten on my hips, digging into my skin. His marvelous cock pumps into me again and again, slowly picking up speed as he drives into me harder, deeper. The sound of our labored breathing fills the room as the scent of sex permeates the air.

  My hands move down and grip his biceps, nails digging into his flesh. I can feel his orgasm approach. See the moment he remembers we’re being reckless. There is nothing I want more right now than to feel his hot seed filling my belly. Regardless of what that means.

  “Please don't stop,” I whisper.

  “I don’t want to. I don’t want to pull out.”

  His words push me even further. “Please.”

  “Such a bad girl,” he growls.

  “It’s your fault. I used to be a good girl. Now I just want to be the professor’s plaything.”

  My words inflame him, and he starts pounding harder into me. A primal grunt escapes him as his whole body jerks. The first jet of his hot cum splashes deep inside me as he releases himself into me. Mine. He feels like mine.

  My eyes roll back as an incredible heat swells in my belly. Stars explode behind my eyes as my pleasure mounts into an almost unbearable orgasm. It ravages me from the inside out.

  “Your pussy is milking my dick so hard, Katie. Fuck.”

  I feel a second thick, hot rope coating me and a white-hot explosion rips through me as a second orgasm explodes, blending with the first into rolling waves. We go someplace new, someplace where we’re more than the professor and the coed. We’re us, but we’re different, more. It’s like touching the sun. It’s like touching pure joy.

  Chapter Six


  I should be comatose. The travel and the sex and our long, hot shower should have done me in, but I sleep lightly. I’m not used to sleeping with a woman. It’s been a long time since I’ve shared my bed overnight. But that’s not what’s keeping me awake.

  I’m excited.

  It’s like my whole world flipped upside down and everything is new and things I never gave much thought to are suddenly important. The world is full of possibilities.

  I’m spooning Katie, loving the way she feels in my arms, the way she smells. My hand rests possessively over her abdomen.


  I came inside her unprotected. She says she’s on the pill, but it was still a risk. A risk we both took willingly. Hell, a risk we took gleefully.

  I should be lying here berating myself for what I’ve done tonight. A virginal student. A much younger woman. A stranger. Risky sex. No amount of logic can explain my totally out-of-character behavior, and I don’t even fucking care.

  I’m in love with a stranger. I actually hope her birth control fails us. I want to marry the shit out of her and fill her with babies. Biology is fighting with my common sense and it’s winning.

  I know I got her into this bed and satisfied her body, but I’m not sure she understands how deep this goes. I’m not sure she’s ready for marriage and babies and some big oaf claiming to love her at first sight. Wanting to claim her, mark her, keep her. She’s young and never even lain with a man before me—how can she possibly be ready for what I want from her?

  I’ve never been with a virgin. I was her first lover. I’ll be her last. I’ll keep her so fucking strung out on sex she won’t have time to look at another man and wonder what she’s missing.

  She’s so passionate. Damn, right there with me the whole time even if she didn’t have the experience. Hell, I’ve never had the kind of sexual experience we shared before tonight. I’ve had sex, loved sex, but never had it alter the course of my life. Never felt it in my soul.

  I’m going to have to hang up my science degree and take up poetry if I keep this shit up.

  She shifts in her sleep, rubbing her ass on my dick and it stirs. Jesus. It’s going to wear out if I use it one more time tonight. And she’s probably going to be sore. I need to give us both a break. But tell that to my dick.

  I doze a bit, stirring when I hear a car outside, its engine idling loudly. I blink as the soft light of dawn tells me it’s still fucking early. But a protective instinct wells up inside. I need to check it out, make sure my woman is safe. I pull on some sweats and go to the living room when I hear the doorbell. I look out the window as the car peels away from the curb, but I open the door anyway.

  Why is there a baby on my porch?

  Am I dreaming? I look around, but the car is long gone and nobody else is outside. The baby is awake, bundled in a pink hooded get-up and still buckled in a car seat. I can’t just leave it out here. I pick up the handle and grab the bag decorated with teddy bears and baby chicks and bring them both in the house.

  I set the baby carrier on the coffee table and sit on the couch staring. Now what?

  My guess from the all pink outfit is she’s a girl. And she’s got big,
wet eyes of grayish blue. And she’s very serious. She’s scowling at me. Are babies supposed to scowl? Her lower lip starts to quiver. Uh-oh.

  “Don’t do it,” I tell her.

  The wet eyes get wetter.

  “Seriously,” I say. “I don’t know anything more about what is going on than you do but crying won’t help.”

  Her whole chin starts to vibrate lightly, and I know we’re knee-deep in it now. I see a sucky thing clipped to the seat, so I try to stick it in her mouth, but she turns her face from me. Shit. Little hiccups follow while I try to figure out how the fuck to unbuckle the contraption she’s in.

  I finally get her out of the seat, but I don’t actually know what to do with her next. I hold her awkwardly. She’s so tiny. I know enough that her head needs to be supported, but that’s it. And that’s not enough because the hiccups turn to whimpers. Oh, man. I can’t stand it. She’s so helpless and sad and I don’t know what to do, so I bring her up to my chest and start talking. About I don’t even know what. Just nonsense. The whimpers become hiccups again, so it must be working.

  I snuggle her onto my chest and stand up, trying to sort of rock her. “There, there, little one.” The hiccups become snuffles, and her little fist flattens on my chest. I don’t know what to do next, so I just keep walking and talking.

  And fall in love for the second time in twelve hours.


  I DREAM OF BABIES. Awake to the sound of one crying. I open my eyes. It’s probably because I’m worried that I may have gone and gotten myself pregnant by the first guy I slept with. What was I thinking, begging him not to pull out? I feel so irresponsible. So naughty. So dirty. So horny again already.

  I stretch. The dream that woke me was pretty vivid.


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