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Misbehave: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 3

by Tia Siren

  “Cam, it's not like you think it is,” he replied.

  “Well, that’s not how it looked to me. Have you not forgotten what you have going on at home?” I asked in my warning voice.

  “Cam, Madison had an affair while I was overseas,” he replied with his head bowed slightly.

  “Aargh Fuck, man. I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was that bad, but doing this while you’re going through a separation isn’t going to help your cause.”

  “It’s killing me, man. I have given everything, and I get this shit dumped on me,” he said.

  “I have no idea how you feel. I have never been in that situation,” I said trying to choose my words.

  Owen stood tall. “If it is good enough for her, it’s good enough for me. Call it payback.”

  I have never seen Owen sound this down.

  “Once you head down this road, you know there isn’t any going back,” I said, glancing over my shoulder.

  “Cam, this won’t affect anything, it’s over,” Owen said with clear heartbreak in his eyes.

  “It isn’t over till the fat lady sings. I’m sure you can work it out. Loads of couples go through separations and then make it work,” I said as I held my head close to Owen’s ear.

  “Not this time, it is really fucked. Kelly has filed for a divorce. I got served the papers last week,” Owen said with glazed eyes.

  Owen told me everything, and I could really feel for him. He was a natural tough guy out in the field, but this situation, with his separation and impending divorce, had just rendered him useless. He looked broken, and this behavior appeared to be a way of proving his manhood to himself.

  “I’m sorry for making that crack about your ex babysitting this afternoon. Fuck, if I had of known, I would have said things a bit differently.” I ushered Owen toward the table full of beer.

  “Here’s to a fucked up life, and a bitch of a wife,” Owen called out. He raised his can in a toast.

  “Whatever, but I got your back,” I said as we touched cans.

  We stood and chatted some more about his situation, and I got to know how cut up Owen was about the situation. And he adored Kelly, and she appeared to love him. Maybe it was just too much for him to go through on his last tour. Maybe she’d had enough. Owen, I could see, had put on a brave face, but his emotional wounds ran deep inside of him.

  As we chatted, his newly found girl strutted back to us and placed her hands on Owen’s armS she smiled at me and batted her eyelids, so I made a swift exit.

  Damn, that girl looks the spitting image of Kelly. He's gonna make himself ill.

  I headed back into the kitchen and picked at some of the food which was on the table. I watched all the SEALs getting rowdy as they partied like only SEALs can. I thought back to my past and wild nights like this. I had been one hell of a party animal, Owen and I just blazed our way through them. Had it not been for Stacey, I would have probably ended up in so much trouble. She used to let me explore my wild side, but she tugged me back into line and drove me home when she could see I had enough.

  Those days had long passed, and I had a new woman in my life to keep me on the straight and narrow. Emmy couldn’t talk much, but she made me see a lot of sense, and I had promised myself and the memory of Stacey… I would never let anything harm her, no matter what it cost me.

  I placed my empty can in the trash and heard a commotion from the bottom of the stairs. The music faded and the shouting got louder. I headed through the dining area doorway and could see a circle of people standing there. I forced my way through to see what was going on.

  Well, would you believe it, the Admiral’s daughter?

  I could see the back of the guy, and he had hold of Katie's arm as she screamed at him to let her go.

  “You’re a fucking tease,” he shouted as he pulled on her arm.

  “Just fucking let go of me, you asshole!” Katie replied.

  I could see the guy was nearly six feet tall and Katie was tiny in comparison. She would have no way of defending herself against someone so big. I looked around at the group of people; they all watching as if it was entertainment. I could even see cell phones recording the event. I started to see red; no guy should ever treat a woman this way, no matter what they had done.

  “You’re all talk. You make yourself look a wild child all the time, but it’s just bullshit,” the guy said.

  He started to turn and I could see he was from the base. Peter Drake; he had been fast-tracked up to Junior Officer in charge of Charlie-Five platoon. He had proved himself to be handy in a battle scenario, but he had come from a wealthy family, and it had been his dad’s money that bought his position. I was sure of it.

  I watched as they argued more, and I could see, if he did not let her go anytime soon, I was going to shove that silver spoon he was born with right up his ass.

  “You’re a total dick! You know that, Peter?” Katie shouted.

  “I do love a good screamer,” Peter yelled as he pulled her toward the stairs.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder and pulled him to face me. “Let her go,” I commanded.

  Peter faced me. “Well, if it isn’t the real life Captain America come to save the day again.”

  “You heard me, just let her go and go home,” I said.

  “Always the God-damned hero. Do you never get tired of saving people?” he asked, trying to stand up to me.

  “You're only going to make a fool of yourself,” I replied. I sensed he was going to attempt to take this further.

  Try it and see how far you get, jerk-off.

  “You're just as full of shit as she is, you’re a fucking coward. You took an easy job training the cadets instead of manning up again and getting on the field,” he replied offensively.

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about; you know shit,” I replied.

  I had not been at the top of all my classes and become a certified war hero twice for nothing. I had an inbuilt desire and the urgency to protect my country, including the ones closest to me or the people in need. No piece-of-shit rich kid was ever going to make me see differently.

  And it was unfortunate for Peter. This just happened to be one of those very moments where I did what I did best; I protected.

  Peter pulled his arm back and lunged forward with his fist. I had seen this move five minutes earlier and had stood in proximity to him on purpose. He had no power, and his aim was off. I ducked to the side as his attempted punch just pushed a fist past my ear. As I stood, I followed through with my elbow and could feel his nose shatter as I struck his face dead center.

  “Sayonara motherfucker,” I murmured as I watched Peter fall back with his arms outstretched, blood pouring from his nose.

  I never looked for trouble, but in a scene like this, it always found me. I never made a show by fighting. I did what was necessary to end it as quickly and clean as possible. Peter found out the hard way; and this shit was gonna be posted all over the internet, again.

  Sorry, Stacey, she needed my help.

  I stepped over his unconscious body and could hear the murmurs from the ring of SEALs and women who stood in silence.

  “Did you see that shit,” a voice said.

  “Damn, I’m never going to upset that dude,” another voice whispered.

  “Who is that guy?” I heard one voice.

  “This, my friends, is the one and only living legend, Cam Cross,” Owen said as he stood looking at Peter sprawled on the floor.

  “Come on Katie, I’m gonna take you home,” I said, taking her arm.

  As my hand touched her, something inside of me stirred to life.

  It should not be like this.

  Katie looked up at me as she tried to free her arm. “Like hell you are!”

  I ushered Katie from the bottom of the stairs into the front garden.

  “You’re not my dad or have anything to do with me. What gives you the right?” she bawled at me.

  “Don’t you think you have been in enough tro
uble tonight?” I asked. I walked down the path, pulling on her arm to make her see sense.

  “I said it to him and I will say it to you. Let go of my fucking arm,” she screamed.

  “There is no need to make a scene. Tonight is over, trust me!” I stood between Katie and the house.

  “You think you now have the right to order me about?” she spat at me. “Well, think again.”

  God, she looked divine.

  I had heard rumors about Katie being a wild child, but I had my doubts. If she was wild, she would have dragged Peter’s sorry ass up the stairs and fucked the living shit out of him. She was feisty though, and would make any man think she was just out for a good time.

  “Katie, listen to me. I’m not ordering you; I’m just telling you it is better for you to go home now,” I said.

  “What happens if I don’t want to go?” she asked with her arms crossed.

  “Well, I would have to make you,” I replied as she tried to walk back toward the party.

  I grabbed her arm softly, and she started to beat her fists against my body. I could see she had become upset and would argue on everything I said to her. I could see what had to be done, but she wouldn’t like it, and would kick like a mule once I did it.

  “Katie, this is your last chance. Let me take you home,” I said.

  “If I go, you will have to carry me back. There is no way I’m going to walk,” she said.

  I scooped Katie up and threw her over my shoulder. Her legs kicked and she beat her fists on my back. I laughed and held her tight. I walked to my car and the sound of the party faded into the night air, replaced by the sound of Katie sobbing from behind my shoulder.

  “Katie, you’re alright with me.”

  Chapter 4


  Cam walked toward his car while I kicked and beat him with my fists as I hung from his broad shoulders. He wouldn’t put me down. Peter had tried to drag me up the stairs, and he had kicked off saying I was just teasing him. Well, I did have my reasons for not being dragged upstairs. And, it was a woman's prerogative to change their mind about anything.

  It appeared the stories had been true about Cam, and he was indeed (or had been) a real true to life hero. He was scorching hot and carried himself with a lot of dignity and finesse. It had been one of the most noble things a man had ever done for me, and most definitely the hottest.

  He had just laid Peter out cold with one wham of his elbow, no bullshit or losing his temper. He explained, to Peter, to let it go, and Peter felt the wrath come crashing down on him when he refused. And now, he had picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder like a knight with his princess. It was like I weighed nothing. I had kicked and screamed, but nothing seemed to make him divert from what he was doing, and I had become suddenly attracted to all the things that involved Cam.

  He arrived at his car and placed me on my feet. He opened the door for me and ushered me into the passenger seat.

  “Get in,” he said.

  Damn, he's fine with a capital fucking F, and he can order me around… anytime.

  “Okay, you win. I surrender,” I replied in a pissed off tone. I slid into the seat of the jeep.

  I sat in the passenger seat and was still pissed off; my night had ended so soon. I had drunk a little too much, and my head felt a little fuzzy. But I still had the sense to know what I was doing. There was no way he was going to take me straight home. I wanted to spend more time in his company.

  “Why did you step in and stop that asshole from dragging me upstairs?” I asked as I slumped in the seat.

  “I have my reasons, and it seemed you… well, it seemed you just needed some help.” Cam said. He started the car engine.

  “I can take care of myself. I didn’t need your assistance.” I twiddled with the radio knob.

  “Yep, sure, that was exactly how it looked to me, and I just did it for the sake of it?” he added with a grin.

  “Well, you sure know how to handle yourself. You really knocked his ass out,” I said as I listened to Drake Santino on the radio.

  Shake your thang, shake your thang, do it to me like a wild thing, came from the speakers. I sang along quietly, raising my arms and wriggling my hips.

  I sat there and thought of Cam and his situation. He had lived at the top of our street for a few years and had a beautiful wife up until a couple of years ago. I had heard she died during childbirth, and the kid he had on his shoulders must have been his daughter.

  I watched as Cam went to change gears, and I leaned forward to turn the radio station. Then, my hand brushed over him as he rested on the shift stick. I pretended I had not noticed and Cam made no attempt to move his hand from below mine. I could feel his immense power, just from this quick touch. From years of arduous training, he had honed a body into what many would call, a killing machine.

  Damn, he's just so handsome. His green eyes just pierced my gaze, and he has got me going, and I’m turned on; and his body, phew, he must do some serious working out to stay in shape.

  I sat in silence and couldn’t take my mind off how he had stepped up to the plate and protected me, without me even asking. I was not sure if it was because he knew me or if he was just attracted to me.

  Was this his paternal instinct taking over. Or maybe… no, it couldn’t be.

  “We should be home in around thirty minutes,” he said, glancing in my direction.

  “I can’t go straight home,” I said, “I was supposed to be out with a girlfriend.”

  “So, what are you trying to say?” Cam asked.

  “I told my dad, the Admiral, that I would be home later, and besides, I have been drinking, and he will know,” I said, smiling and blowing my breath at him cheekily.

  “Katie, stop! Oh, dear God.”

  “That’s not very romantic now, is it? You knock a guy out to save me, and then you tell me my breath stinks,” I replied with a grin.

  “Ah, so you lied to the Admiral huh. And where did you say you were going?” he asked, looking hot as hell and smelling even better.

  “I said I was going shopping and then out to dinner,” I added.

  “You have made it very awkward with yourself this evening,” he replied with a slight smile.

  “It needs to be at least another couple of hours before I can go home, or the alarm bells will ring with Dad,” I explained.

  “We have all been in that situation, so I know what you mean. I have a good idea what your breath smells like without you even letting me know,” he replied with a smile. The streetlights cast shadows over his face as we passed underneath them. He looked at me and my heart skipped. God, he was hot.

  “I’ve got this under control.” I squared my shoulders.

  He laughed as he looked at me, my slender legs bare. I had only worn minuscule shorts and a tiny bikini-like top with a cute, velvet jacket.

  “Do you go shopping like that very often?” he asked.

  Shit, I have forgotten my bag in Peter’s car.

  I explained to Cam I had left my bag in the jerk's car, and that was a secondary reason not to go directly home. Dad would still be up, and there is no way I could enter the house dressed the way I was and hope to sneak past him.

  I found myself changing the subject slightly and talking more about Cam, rather than the knock on effect of me going home while stinking like a brewery.

  “So, what is your kid's name, if you don’t mind me asking?” I tried to make polite conversation.

  “Emmy, her name is Emmy and she's the best thing that ever happened to me,” he said.

  “Why is that then?” I asked, quizzing him.

  “A long story, but let's just say, a few years ago, that guy Peter could have so easily been me,” he explained.

  “Well, I don’t know any fucker who could put you on your ass in the same fashion?” I replied with a laugh.

  “From the base… and not wanting to sound big-headed, no one could. But Emmy can; she just knocks me out every time I hold her,” he ad
ded, and I could see the compassion in his expression and his smile as he thought about her.

  “She's a cute kid, and seems oblivious to the situation around her,” I replied, trying to make him feel cool about the whole single dad thing.

  Since Cam had put Peter on his ass, I had become undeniably turned on. And when I was over his shoulder, I was surprised he couldn’t tell that I wanted him then.

  “So, you have a sitter at home with Emmy?” I asked, trying to act cool. The chemistry was really something.

  “Yeah, Mrs. Hyndley from down the street,” he replied. I could sense him warming up to me.

  He’s not like the others.

  “Damn, she used to sit me when I was younger,” I said as I wondered if he was in a rush to get home.

  “She's helpful, and I was lucky to get her this evening, or I wouldn’t have been able to go to the party,” he replied, pausing at the stoplight.

  “It's only a suggestion, but if you have a sitter, do you want to go somewhere else for a while?” I asked as I turned to him and melted from looking at the stubble on his face.

  Cam glanced in my direction and I could see he checked me out before he spoke.

  Keep looking buddy, look all you want…God, yes.

  “Not tonight. You’re going home,” he said as he fixed his gaze back on the road.

  “That’s not right. You saved me from the jerk, so I’m yours now. You do know that, right?” I asked in a flirty tone.

  “Life is not a fairytale, unfortunately. I have no white horse. Just this jeep,” he said with a grin on his face.

  I unfastened my seatbelt and opened my jacket. My nipples were already hard. I opened my legs as I turned to Cam and leaned in closer.

  “It could be fun to do something different. Let's go somewhere we have never been before,” I said as I ran my hand over my shorts and bit my lip.

  Again, he glanced in my direction. I could see him re-position himself in his seat. His eyes lingered for a moment longer than normal. As I tried to flaunt my body, without being too obvious, I wondered if he was aroused. It would be a great feeling if I had this effect on him.

  He was silent and so sexy.


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