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Misbehave: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 64

by Tia Siren

Amelia’s words made me feel a little better. I leaned down and rested my forehead against hers. “It’ll be okay?”

  “Yes, it will,” she assured me once again.

  I nodded and kissed her once more. As I pulled back, Jo’s voice announcing that Alex had just arrived echoed through my office. I looked Amelia in the eyes and she smiled.

  “Go get him, tiger,” she urged taking the folder I needed from my desk and handing it to me. I chuckled, patted her stomach and kissed her one final time before walking to the door.

  My heart was lodged in my throat as I approached Alex’s office. I felt like a kid going to the principal’s office, which was ridiculous since I was forty years old.

  I stood outside his door and took a deep breath. After one single knock, I pushed it open and walked inside. Alex was sitting behind his desk, reading contracts and drinking something from a Starbucks cup. Crap!

  Completely innocent to the fact that I was about to drop a nuke on his head, Alex greeted me with a smile. “Morning, Kellan.”

  “Good morning,” I took a seat in front of him and placed the folder to the side. I had to do this now, or I’d chicken out again. “I know we have business to discuss, but there’s something I need to tell you first.”

  Alex frowned at the seriousness of my tone and nodded. He closed the file containing the contracts he was reading and placed his reading glasses to the side. A lump formed in my throat when I realized I had his undivided attention.

  “It’s about Amelia,” I blurted out.

  At once, Alex’s features were covered in worry. “Is she alright? Did something happen?”

  “No,” I said with a shake of my head. Feeling like a moron for starting this all wrong, I ran a hand through my hair and tried again. “Amelia is fine. Actually, she’s great. But she’s pregnant.”

  Alex raised a brow. “Yes, Kellan. I’m aware of that.”

  I knew what I had to say next. What I didn't know was if I had the strength to say it. A desperate desire to stand up and leave washed over me. As much as I wanted to be different from my father, I finally understood why he took the route he did. Being shitty was a lot easier than being decent.

  However, at that moment, I realized something important. I wasn’t about to hurt my best friend with the worst truth he would ever hear because I wanted to be decent. I didn’t give a crap about that. I was doing this because I couldn’t imagine Amelia and our son living a life that didn’t include me and I didn’t want to imagine my life without them.

  Fueled by that realization, I took a deep breath, cleared my throat and grew a little taller in my spine. “It’s my baby.”

  “Excuse me?” Alex asked.

  “I said that Amelia is carrying my child,” I said a little louder.

  The room filled with a thick blanket of tense silence as the comfortable warmth shared between friends disappeared. The fire of Hell burned in Alex’s eyes as he stared deep into my eyes. I wanted to look away, but I knew I couldn’t. I wanted him to see me as someone worthy of his daughter and not a coward.

  We continued to stare at each other for what seemed like hours. Once the silence became too much for me, I spoke. “Alex, I’m so sorry.”

  My apology was met with a scowl of pure disgust. It was the very look that I had dreaded since the moment I found out that Amelia was pregnant.

  “How long have you known?” he asked, his tone dry and cold.

  “About three months.”

  The anger and disgust gave room to just a little bit of hurt. “So you knew when she was at the hospital and chose to let her face me alone?”

  I looked down at the ground, but I knew there was no hiding my shame. “I was afraid to be a father, and I didn’t react well when she told me.” I closed my eyes and saw Amelia’s face telling me everything would be okay. That image gave me the strength to look up and face her father once more. “I wasn’t involved back then, but I am now.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Alex muttered, standing up. “I never thought you to be a coward until now. You’re a real piece of shit, Kellan, and I feel sorry for my grandson.”

  I watched in shock as he walked around his desk. I half expected him to come and knock a few teeth out of my mouth. We both knew I deserved it, and somehow I knew that being punched would make me feel better. To my surprise, he didn’t. Instead, Alex walked past me and out of the office without another word. I knew Amelia would be heartbroken if I allowed her father to go without the whole story, so I turned on my heels and ran after him.

  “Alex, wait,” I called after him, unfazed by the attention I was drawing to us. He didn’t stop moving until he reached the elevator. I was almost there when the doors opened, and he walked in. I ran faster and slipped inside just as the doors were closing.

  My breath was heavy as I turned to look at him. I had never noticed before, but his eyes were the exact shade of green as Amelia’s and that similarity gave me a boost of encouragement.

  “Alex, I know I’m shit. You don’t have to tell me that.” Pacing my breaths as to not give him room to interrupt, I continued, “I’m also selfish, stupid, child-like and about a hundred different names your daughter has already pointed out to me. However, I am also the father of your grandson. Now, I won’t argue that conceiving him was a mistake because it was, but he is not a mistake. He’s probably the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

  His silence was louder than the apathy on his face. Despite my words, Alex was still pissed, and I didn’t blame him. He knew me better than anyone and, therefore, was blatantly aware that, if I wanted to, I could sell salt water to the ocean which made him naturally wary of my words. However, what he didn’t know was that I had changed. His daughter and my unborn son had changed me.

  All I had to do was show him that.

  “For some reason, I’ll never understand Amelia has forgiven me and she is giving me the chance to have a real family, and I’m not going to give it up. You’re my best friend Alex and this company is my life, but I’ll walk away from both of you in a heartbeat to be with her.”

  I wanted to laugh once those words were out of my mouth. I had dreaded them for months, but now that it was all said and done, I realized I had worried about nothing. The worst-case scenario was losing my friend and my job, but the importance of either those things paled in comparison to having Amelia and our son in my life.

  Alex looked at the relief in my face skeptically and asked, “What are you saying, Kellan?”

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out a blue velvet box. It was something that I had impulsively chosen on my way back to the office the previous afternoon. At first, I hadn’t been sure if I was actually going to use it, but the longer I carried it around, the surer I was about it. I opened the box and showed Alex the diamond ring inside.

  “I’m saying that I want to marry your daughter and raise my son with her. Please, let me show you that I can be the man she deserves.”

  He looked at me like I had grown several heads and he wanted to punch each and every one of them. Then, as the elevator came to a stop and I continued to stand between him the only available exit, Alex closed his hand into a fist and settled for punching the only head I owned.

  The punch was strong enough to send me thumbing down the building’s elegant foyer. I could feel my skin heating and swelling, and I could only imagine the massive bruise I would have by this time tomorrow. Still, I didn’t blame Alex. If it had been my daughter, I would have done the exact same thing.

  “Are you alright? Do you want me to call the cops?” A young guard asked me, but my eyes stayed focused on the man I still considered my best friend.

  I shook my head and pushed the boy away. Ignoring the stares of the strangers and workers around us, I watched Alex shake his hand as he walked away from me.

  With a sore eye and a heart that felt both heavier and lighter, I headed back up to our agency completely conflicted. On the one hand, it felt amazing to have everything out in t
he open and my intentions for my future with Amelia clear. On the other, I knew I had broken something between Alex and me that would never be fully repaired. I couldn’t help but worry about how things would be between us from now on, but once I reached my office and saw Amelia waiting for me with a cup of scotch, all of my worries faded away.

  She frowned at the shiner on my face and went to get some ice from the mini fridge. “I guess I was wrong about him not hurting you.”

  “Yep,” I groaned taking a seat on the couch.

  Amelia sat beside me and nudged me until I laid back and rested my head on her lap. “He’ll come around,” she whispered placing a baggy filled with ice on my eye.

  “And if he doesn’t?” I asked, looking up at her. “Then I’ve lost my best friend for what?”

  “For the baby and me,” she deadpanned.

  I smiled at her and kissed her belly before closing my eyes. I don’t know how long it took me to doze off, but before I knew it, I was dreaming of my mother and brother. For the first time in a long time, it was a happy dream.

  A light buzzing on my hip woke me up. Still a little groggy, I scrambled to pull the device out of my pocket and answered the call with what I assumed was a proper greeting.

  “You hurt Amelia again, and I’ll have your dick,” Alex spoke from the other end. Instantly I sat up straight. “And you better use that ring and marry her, Kellan. I swear to God, I’ll have your head if you make my grandson grow up without a name.”

  My lips settled in a ghost of a smile as I looked at Amelia working at my desk. She winked at me as I used with every ounce of honesty I could muster to reply, “I will and you have my word that I’ll never break her heart again.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I checked my phone for the millionth time since Kellan left home that morning and was annoyed to see that I had no calls or texts from him. I knew he and my father were super busy getting ready for the fashion show later today, but his unusual lack of contact made me super worried. Not wanting to be the needy girlfriend, I fought the urge to call him and walked to our walk-in closet to pick out my shoes.

  After a month of family dinners and long conversations about the future, my parents had finally forgiven Kellan and, as it turned out, dad was actually euphoric about adding his best friend to the family. With me nearing my final trimester, Kellan and I had decided that it would be best for me to move in with him. There was just no point in setting up two nurseries when we were in love and so freaking happy together.

  It was sometimes hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I had gotten everything I had ever dreamt of having. I had a Harvard degree, an incredible job, and Kellan’s love. In addition to that, I also had a few things I had never imagined having, such as the interest of the entire fashion community.

  As much as I’d like to say that their interest was due to my job or even my sharp sense of style, it wasn’t. All they cared about was how a girl like had landed fashion’s most infamous womanizer. The blogosphere buzzed with gossip regarding us, but I was too preoccupied being happy to worry about what people babbled about me. With that being said, I definitely wanted to look beautiful for our first public outing at the show tonight.

  I squeezed my swollen feet into a gorgeous pair of red Louboutin pumps and looked at myself in our walk-in closet’s full-length mirror. A smile curled on my red lips at the edgy and yet pregnancy appropriate look I had put together. Beneath a white motorcycle jacket, I wore a simple and fitted knee-length, black dress that flaunted my new curves and some bold jewelry that complimented it well. The look was tied together by beach waves, a sharp winged eyeliner and a golden clutch.

  Satisfied with my appearance and already five minutes late, I called my driver and made my way out of the apartment. Once I was sitting at the back of the car and on my way to the venue, I tried Kellan again. After a few rings, he finally answered the call.

  “Hello, love.” I could barely make out his voice over the commotion, but I still relaxed instantly.

  “Hi!” I purred. “I was starting to worry.”

  “I’m sorry,” he responded. “I’ve been really busy with work today. I planned to go home and change, but I ended up doing it at the office to save time. Are you on the way?”

  I nodded even though I knew he couldn’t see me. “I am. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  “Perfect!” he exclaimed and then asked me about my day. We talked for a little bit before I finally hung up.

  For the remainder of the ride, I checked my social media and fussed with my hair and makeup. As vain as it may sound, I wanted to look perfect and sexy for Kellan. After keeping me on edge all over his whereabouts, it was his time to suffer—and maybe, have a little flashback of the fashion show in which little Ben was conceived. I giggled at the idea.

  After twenty or so minutes, the car stopped in front of an old church. As I stepped out of the vehicle, I admired its intricate marble detail and stained windows. It was truly a beautiful and perfect place for a bridal fashion show.

  “There’s my beautiful girlfriend,” Kellan called from the crowd. I turned in his direction and, as per usual, he was dressed to the nines in a crisp white button down with the top few buttons undone to expose his tame chest hair, a pair of khaki pants with the hems rolled just a few inches, and a pair of tan Oxford’s. I would have jumped him then and there if the law permitted.

  “Am I overdressed?” I asked after kissing his lips.

  “Definitely, you should have way fewer clothes on. No clothes would be even better,” he stated in a serious tone that made me roll my eyes and laugh.

  Happy Kellan was always my favorite Kellan, and I could tell that despite the unusual nervousness in his eyes he hadn’t been this happy in a long time. He winked at me and guided me down the carpet where we stopped for a few photographs before making our way inside the venue.

  The inside of the church was just as magnificent as the outside. Adding to its architectural beauty, were tons gorgeous fresh flowers, candles and white silk banners that had been carefully placed to create one of the most—if not the most—romantic setting I had ever set foot in. I was instantly enamored with it.

  I was so distracted by the beautiful serenity around me that I only noticed we were at our seats when my parents stood to greet me. It was strange to see them actually attend a show since they always either stayed backstage or at the bar, but that was fun to have them there and share the gorgeousness of the place with my mom.

  As we waited for the show to begin, the four of us talked—mostly about the baby and our progress with the nursery—and I was amazed at how excited mom and dad were about everything. My mother even clapped her hands when we told them we had chosen a safari theme for Ben’s room. By the time the lights dimmed announcing the start of the show my heart was so full of love, I wondered how it was still able to pump blood.

  I had never known I cared so much about wedding dresses until the first model walked down the catwalk. I was entranced by the sea of white and pastel lace with the gems and sparkles dancing in the spotlights. My heart pounded as I admired the details in each dress and veil. I was acutely aware that Kellan’s eyes were focused on me as I gawked at the gowns, and though I didn’t want to scare him or make him feel pressured in any way, I just couldn’t peel my eyes from them or stop dreaming about wearing one of those beauties myself.

  One particular dress made my eyes tear up. It was a traditional dress with long sleeves made of sheer fabric with lace trims. The bust was cut in a deep v shape with a crisp white material lining panels of delicate lace that faded onto a long tulle skirt. The dress looked regal and perfect and, at that moment, I decided that one day I would wear it.

  In the blink of an eye, the show ended, and I stood to clap along with the rest of the crowd as the designer came down the runway. Confusion lined my forehead when Kellan kissed the back of my hand before joining the designer on stage.

  I turned to look at my
parents, but they only shrugged with ridiculous looking grins on their faces. I glanced over at Kellan and saw he had a microphone in his hand. He motioned for people to seat back down and they did.

  He looked sexy and confident as he started, “As you all know, I got myself a girlfriend, which is odd considering . . . well, me.” The people around us chuckled and whistled, but I frowned with curiosity as my boyfriend continued to speak. “I’ve never been a settle down kind of man, and I never thought I would be, until that gorgeous woman right there caught my attention.”

  My face grew warm and red as Kellan pointed at me and the cheers grew louder. Gazing deep into my eyes, he continued, “Even with that bun in the oven, I fought my feelings for her and my desire to have her permanently in my life until she eloquently pointed out that I was an idiot. Well, I’m tired of being an idiot.”

  Before me even noticing it, my lips turned up into a smile, the crowd fell silent, and my beloved boyfriend slowly made his way towards me. My heart raced and fluttered and did every other weird thing a happy heart can do as Kellan came to a stop in front of me.

  Kellan handed the microphone to my mother who held it up to his face as he took one of my hands in his and helped me up to my feet. His lips delivered a soft kiss to the back of my hand as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box. Tears flooded my eyes as my gaze shifted from the object in his hand to the handsome face I had loved for most of my life.

  “Amelia Blackwell, you have made me want to be a better man,” he cooed as tears pooled in his eyes as well. “I know for a fact that I don’t deserve you, but I love you more than I could have ever imagined loving another person. I want the chance to spend the rest of my life trying to not deserve you a little less.” With watery and amazed eyes, I watched as Kellan Shepard dropped to one knee in front of me and said, “Will you marry me?”

  It was an odd moment. Dreams weren’t meant to come true, but somehow mine did, and the reality far exceeded them. Beside me, I could hear my mother sniffing and my dad breathing heavy the way he did when he was really anxious. Knowing we had not only their blessing but also their excitement, made my heart—and my tears—overflow.


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