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Innocent Darkness

Page 25

by Suzanne Lazear

  Her hand darted out, pushing him away, preventing him from kissing her. “Oh, no you don’t, Steven Darrow. I’m done with having my emotions toyed with.”

  Jutting out her jaw, she scooted off his lap onto the branch next to him.

  “I’m sorry.” He snaked an arm around her waist.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Explain.”

  “Gladly.” V sighed, as if exhaling the weight of the world. “I was going to tell you as soon as we had a moment alone—only Lottie had to go and bind herself to the magic before I got that chance. You see, I was afraid that if we went far enough the magic would bind you, because you would accept me as your lover and that you belonged here with me. Even last night when you tried to profess your love for me, I sensed the magic wanting you, waiting for you.” His lips brushed across her forehead, making other parts of her tremble.

  She eyed him. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? We had time alone before now.”

  He blushed to the roots of her hair, eyes on his lap. “I just wanted protect you, like I always have and will continue to do so. Though I realize bringing you heartache wasn’t protecting you and I should have told you sooner.” His fingers brushed her face, trailing down her cheekbone. “I never wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry I made you cry. I’ll never do it again. We don’t have to deny our feelings anymore.”

  The faces hovered dangerously closed as she leaned into him. Yes, they definitely weren’t children anymore. But this … this was just was nice.

  Maybe even more.

  “I believe you,” she replied, allowing him to continue to hold her, touch her. V had always sheltered her, protected her, taken the blame, so it didn’t come as any real surprise. But that didn’t mean she had to like it. “You said you’d be honest with me—even if it hurt.”

  “I did. I … I’m sorry.” He buried his face in her shoulder. “I won’t do it again.”

  She didn’t doubt his sincerity, but she wasn’t done talking about this. “You would have saved the both of us a lot of heartache.” Noli stroked his hair, her voice a whisper. “Do you know what it did to me, you kissing me one moment, shouting at me the next?” The memories made her wince. “Do you know how long I grappled with my feelings? Before coming here I never felt such … urges.” It seemed most improper to speak of these things in mixed company. However, she wanted him to know. “I felt like such a dollymop. But when I sorted everything out, my mind finally decided what my heart understood all along.” Reaching out tentatively, she cupped his face with her hand. “It’s what I’ve always wanted, but never wanted to admit to myself.”

  V lifted his head from her shoulder and once again his face got very close to hers. His breath came out ragged. “What is that, exactly, Noli?”

  “You. I want you.” She bit her lip and forced herself to meet his gaze. Her heart skipped a beat. Would he reject her again?

  A surprised look swam through his eyes. “Why didn’t you want to admit it?”

  “I’m a hoyden, my mother works, I enjoy fixing things and playing in the dirt.” Her words got faster as if they might fade away into nothing if she didn’t get them out quick enough. “You’re from a respectable family and now I find out you’re a prince, and you know how that always ends in the stories—”

  His warm lips met hers covered hers, silencing her before she could finish. She found herself pulled back into his lap as he kissed her, reigniting the inferno in her belly. One of his arms tightened around her, the other tangled in her hair as he pressed his body into hers. She wrapped her own arms around his neck, trying to anchor herself; otherwise she’d float away on clouds of pleasure.

  He broke it off, both of them gasping for breath. V’s fingertips brushed the length of her face as he gazed into her eyes with an intensity that made her soul burn.

  “Those are just stories, Noli. This is real.” Then he kissed her again.

  Thirty Two

  As the Dust Settles

  “Shall we?” Priscilla giggled, hooking her arm through his. Or was she Pamela? Perhaps her name was Persephone. It didn’t matter; she was just another mortal joy-girl.

  “Of course.” Kevighn led her off for a walk in the gardens. This morning he possessed an alternate agenda. Otherwise, he’d be lying in the dark with more of Mr. Chun’s rather fabulous—and potent—opium.

  Steering her close to the fence of the school, he kept a watch for any girls. He needed to figure out some way to obtain entrance, perhaps by touring the school as a potential place to send a fictional sister.

  As they passed by, he spied two girls in grey dresses, hanging laundry under the watchful eye of a dour-faced matron. For a moment he paused, recalling when he’d seen Noli and her friend doing the same task. These girls didn’t giggle or smile.

  One possessed the Spark, but not enough, not like Noli or her red-haired friend.

  As they continued to stroll, she nattered away with womanly nonsense. Noli wasn’t a chatterbox. By the Bright Lady, he missed her.

  There were no other girls outside at the school today. The little faery garden lay empty, he didn’t even see any wood faeries. Perhaps they’d all died. He could feel the weak state of the magic and last night had difficulty lighting a single candle.

  Fictional sister it was. Though it seemed a betrayal of Creideamh’s memory. He still didn’t have a good idea as to why girls ended up here, other than they didn’t behave the way society thought they should.

  Stupid mortals. They hadn’t learned much in the time he’d been interacting with them. Mortals were also easy to influence. There was a reason so much now ran on steam and was formed of brass instead of the iron they seemed to prefer.

  “I think it’s time we return,” he told the harlot. She made eyes at him, but he steered her back towards the opium den. He’d need a better suit, one saying respectable gentleman not high roller. What would his sister’s ailment be? Perhaps he’d use what Noli told him, that she was a willful hoyden prone to youthful disobedience. What poppycock.

  What else did he need?

  Before he could make a mental list, the magic went haywire, searing right through him like one of the queen’s energy bolts. A maelstrom of magic built rapidly, binding the girl with a ferocity he’d never felt before. The sheer force of the magic made him stumble backwards.

  “Are you feeling poorly?” The trollop steadied him.

  “Yes, it is quite warm today, don’t you think?” He struggled to catch his breath. Someone had been chosen.

  Anger coursed through him. He’d never regain favor with the queen if someone else found the girl. His failure meant he probably shouldn’t bother returning to the Otherworld.

  No, he needed to return, if only to make sure it wasn’t Noli. Surely, she’d understand, forgive him, give him a chance.

  Queen Tiana would also send someone to look for him if he took the coward’s way.

  The mortal strumpet smiled, revealing dimples, unaware of his thoughts or what had happened. “Let’s go inside. I’ll make you feel better.”

  Oh, she was a winsome one. One sultry look made his resolve weaken. It wouldn’t delay his return by much.

  He smiled at her in return. “I think you’re just what the doctor ordered.”

  Steven awoke to light streaming through his window. As with the other rooms in the nursery, this was the room of a child. His box of playthings amused Noli, but hearing her laugh at his tales made it all worthwhile.

  A bigger bed wouldn’t be unwelcome. The beam of light hit the sleeping beauty lying on his chest, giving her the appearance of an angel in her white nightdress. Tangling her braid around his hand, he planted a kiss on her forehead.

  All had been forgiven last night. They’d made their peace, as had she and Charlotte. He and Noli stayed up late, lying on his bed, talking. She’d spent the night in his arms, though both of them remained fully clothed. Unfortunately.

  Parts of him felt frustrated, especially with where one of her soft hands currently
lay as she slumbered peacefully, using him as a full body pillow.

  Their evening hadn’t been fully chaste. No, he’d gotten plenty of her sweet kisses and been rewarded with her cute little noises of satisfaction as he’d kissed, stroked, and touched her. Eventually, he’d break her of her very mortal sensibilities. For the moment he’d be happy to hold her, to love her the way he wanted for years without fear.

  Well, his father wouldn’t approve. Charlotte and James were different, Charlotte being the chosen girl. That was temporary.

  Noli, being mortal, was temporary in her own way. One thing at a time. The land possessed her sacrifice, now he needed to return Noli to her mother. He’d yet to find anything he could do about it. Yet. Pity, Quinn wasn’t here. Maybe James had an idea.

  He eased Noli off him and onto the bed, then padded down the hall to James’ room. Rapping softly on the partially open door, he walked in.

  James lay asleep in his own little bed. The weapons on the wall made Steven smile. His younger brother wasn’t alone. A dainty pair of milky shoulders peeked out of the blanket. Red hair contrasted with James muscular chest. Someone else hadn’t gone to bed alone and from the bare skin it probably hadn’t been as chaste as his.


  He cracked open a single eye. “I’m sleeping, Stio.”

  The childish nickname made Steven grin. “I see that, and not alone, either.”

  “Oh, don’t give me any mortal nonsense.” Sleepily, James stroked Charlotte’s bare shoulders. “She was completely willing, I promise. You didn’t go to sleep alone.”

  “Our clothes stayed on.” He eyed the heap of discarded clothes on the floor.

  James’ eyes popped open. “Why?”

  Why indeed? “Noli’s a lady.”

  “So is Charlotte.”

  “They’re two different girls in two different situations,” he retorted.

  “I’m sure you’ll convince her eventually.” James flashed him a rakish grin.

  “In time.” At least she’d forgiven him for hurting her, for pushing her away.

  “Why are you here?” James closed his eyes again. “I need your help. Noli wants to go home.”

  “What do you want me to do, wave my wand?” He turned over, back to Steven. “Let me go back to sleep.”

  “I can’t find anything in a book. Should I venture home and ask Quinn?”

  James snorted. “As soon as father sees us, we’ll be on restriction until manhood. Besides, you know what your options are.”

  Steven raked his hair with his hand. “Yes, I had wished to avoid that option.”

  “I suppose the queen knows.” James curled around Charlotte protectively, back to longer to Steven.

  “The acceptance by the magic was so forceful I’m sure everyone felt it. It’s only a matter of time before her majesty visits.” He didn’t look forward to that, either.

  “I’m not allowing her to take Charlotte to the palace. She wants to stay here.” James’ voice held quiet ferocity as he continued to cradle the sleeping mortal protectively in his arms.

  “I’m sure the queen will try to tempt her, but she’d never force her, not now. Charlotte has the right to live where she pleases in the Otherworld, with whomever she pleases. The queen could probably even get you out of trouble with father, if she wished.”

  James made a face. “The key word is if she wished.”

  “Yet you want me to ask her to release Noli?”

  “She is our mother. Now, I’m going back to sleep.” Rolling over, back to Steven, James faked a snore. With a shake of his head, Steven left.

  “Will you hand me the wrench, V?” Noli held out a tan and calloused hand. Steven handed her a wrench and couldn’t help but grin. They were outside as she attempted to construct a wheeled chair for Charlotte from pictures she’d once seen of something that she called a Bath Chair.

  “I’d really like to design something with a relining seatback, a foot rest, and suspension so James can take her for walks. It should also be stylish.” She tightened the wheel onto the axels she’d made from random things James found.

  “Stylish?” The contraption seemed to consist of a wicker chair and the wheels from Elise’s old tricycle. It didn’t look practical or comfortable.

  “Yes, stylish. So Charlotte can be the belle of the ball.” She picked up the handle from a wagon. “This will do for the moment. If only I knew how the queen’s chariot worked.”

  The queen herself probably had no idea how her chariot worked, not in a way that would satisfy Noli. Oh how he loved seeing her happy. She practically glowed with joy. A shadow fell over them. Frowning, he looked up from his place on the grass next to her and her invention.

  “Whatever are you doing?” Queen Tiana looked down at them, brows furrowed on puzzlement. She wore a diaphanous gold gown with trailing sleeves. The front of the dress cut up in an asymmetrical arc, revealing a myriad of pale gold ruffles beneath. On her shoulder perched a gold mechanical bird.

  Well, he had expected her to come eventually. The wrench nearly dropped from Noli’s hand as she eyed the queen dubiously. “I’m building a chair for Charlotte, your majesty.”

  The queen’s cold blue eyes narrowed. “You are not the chosen girl.”

  Noli cocked her head, still sitting on the grass, not standing. “No, Charlotte is.”

  “Good morning, your majesty.” Steven stood and bowed. “You remember Noli.”

  “I do.” She eyed Noli, who still hadn’t stood.

  Steven jerked his chin. Sighing heavily, Noli stood, and curtseyed, a vision in green ruffles. He was running out of new gowns for her to wear, but he did love seeing her in green.

  “James and Charlotte are inside,” he added.

  The queen looked around. “Séamus is here? Ailís as well?”

  “James is here, Elise isn’t.”

  “Oh.” For a moment the queen looked disappointed— or it could have been the light.

  “But who is Charlotte?” The queen’s eyes cast around the garden. A few guards and courtiers joined her. A brunette wearing what looked like a gold and leather fishnet waved at Noli. Noli waved back.

  “She’s my friend, your majesty.” Noli bobbed again. He stifled a laugh—Noli still held the wrench. Only Noli.

  “Why don’t you let me introduce you, your majesty?” Anxious to get her away from Noli, even though the present danger had passed, he gestured towards the house. Queen Tiana’s eyes went alight with curiosity. “That would be splendid, Stiofán.”

  He looked to Noli. “Would you like to come with us?” “I’ll stay here.” She held up the wrench. “Tell Lottie I’m nearly done.”

  “Of course.” He wished he could stay. Ignoring his mother, he leaned over and gave Noli a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll return soon.” He turned to the queen. “Shall we?” They walked towards the house while Noli returned to her project, the queen’s entourage trailing behind. She looked down her nose at him. “You found another mortal. I’m disappointed in you. You could have had everything you wished.”

  “I still found you one.” Well, not truly. Charlotte bound herself.

  “Indeed. You may keep your mortal.” The queen lips pursed into a self-satisfied smirk. “I hope she’s worth it.” “She is. Noli is mine? You swear it?” By giving Noli his sigil with his particular intentions, he’d made her his, but the queen allowing him to “keep” her was another matter entirely.

  The queen’s expression contorted. But only for a moment. “You are your father’s son.” She held up a dainty, pale hand. “I swear that Noli is yours until you decide otherwise, entitled to all rights and privileges therein.” Her eyebrow rose. “Satisfied?”

  “Yes.” Protected, Noli could now visit the Otherworld. Well, once he figured out how to bring her back to Los Angeles.

  He led the queen into the library where Charlotte and James were being obnoxious, as usual. They lay on a window seat together as he read her a story out loud.

  The queen
stopped in her tracks, clearly startled by the scene before her. “My, Séamus, you’ve grown.”

  “Good morning, your majesty, I wondered when you’d arrive.” James sounded resigned, not pleased at their mother’s appearance. He sat up, easing Charlotte into a sitting position. Still holding her hand, he stood and bowed. “Your majesty, may I present Charlotte Wilson. Charlotte, this is Queen Tiana, our high queen.”

  Charlotte inclined her head. “Pleased to meet you, please pardon me if I do not stand.”

  The queen looked her up and down, confusion dancing in her eyes. The mechanical bird on her shoulder let out a little squawk. “Why?”

  “I can’t stand or walk, your majesty.” She squeezed James’ hand.

  “Charlotte knows—about everything. She’s chosen me as her consort.” James stood stiff-backed and proud, for once acting like the man he looked like. “She also wishes to stay here, at the House of Oak, not at the high palace.” “The palace is much more comfortable. You must at least come and see for yourself.” She smiled one of her phony smiles. “Certainly, it would be more convenient.”

  “Of course, your majesty,” James replied as Charlotte simply nodded, a bit more pale than usual.

  “It’s nice to see you, Séamus,” the queen replied. “I look forward to getting a chance to catch up. Perhaps you could send for Ailís? I’ll arrange for a small staff, if you insist on staying. If Ailís comes, I’ll make sure she has what she needs—a governess, lady maids, playmates.”

  Could their mother miss Elise?

  “I’m not sure father will allow her to come, you majesty,” Steven interjected. “She’s still quite young.” And thought their mother was dead.

  Her eyebrows arched as her attention turned to him. “Will you be gracing us with your presence, Stiofán?”

  “I hope to return Noli to her mother as soon as possible, but yes, I’ll visit.”

  “I give you the mortal and you wish to bring her back to her own realm?” She laughed heartily, as did her courtiers. “How exactly do you plan on accomplishing that?”


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