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Dr. and Master Sha

Page 7

by William Gladstone

  After the death of Jesus many reports of miracles continued to be reported, all related to matters of Catholic faith. In fact, the number of miracles reported has been so extensive that the Catholic Church has created protocols for the investigation of reported miracles and even requires evidence of posthumously performed miracles to elevate former popes such as Pope John Paul II to beatification, as was done by Pope Benedict XVI on January 12, 2011, and his canonization by Pope Francis on April 27, 2014. In addition to official church confirmations of miracles at sites such as Lourdes in France and Fatima in Portugal, there are many unofficial reports of miracles on record at small churches and chapels throughout Europe dating back hundreds of years. While studying cultural anthropology at Harvard University I was presented with an undergraduate final thesis on the topic of reported miracles in Spain from 1500 to 1800. The author, William Christian, had investigated authenticated official church reports of miracles in many small towns throughout Spain, which reported that prayers, in most cases to the Virgin Mary, had overcome myriad illnesses ranging from the recovery of sight and hearing to the use of arms and legs that had been badly damaged through accidents. In Spain this investigator uncovered what had become known as “the Cult of the Virgin Mary,” which was the strong belief that praying to Mary was the most effective way to achieve medical miracles. Entire towns (mostly the women, as the men left the miracles to the women) would pray for the end of droughts and other “miracles.” In many cases the townspeople were absolutely certain that it was divine intervention by God through Mother Mary that brought rain and saved them from famine.

  The Catholic Church was concerned with the growth of the Cult of Mary and the possibility of direct entreaties requesting miracles that did not require official church supervision. Although not limited to the Catholic Church, many women who reported “miracle healings” were considered to be working with the devil or to be witches and were often tortured and put to death. It is interesting to note that the performance of “miracles” or the appearance of performing miracles created such violent reprisals. Although much toned down today, there are still many medical doctors and scientists who, when presented with healing miracles whether performed by Dr. Sha, John of God, or other miracle healers are outraged that such claims are made, as they violate the scientific dogma and are as blasphemous to modern science and medicine as the gifted peasant healers were to the Church centuries ago.

  Turning from the Catholic Church, we can find documented reports of miracles from a wide range of historical and present-day figures representing all major religions and all nations throughout our planet. Whether Jewish, Hindu, Sufi, Buddhist, Mormon, or from less-established religions, the concept of documenting actual miracles is universal. In all cases miracles are considered signs of divine intervention favoring those who have been able to entreat and connect with the divine. There is no limit to the specific types of miracles reported. In Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi, he reports on the ability of his own great yogi teachers to bi-locate; that is, to be in two different places at the same time. As a casual believer in Yogananda and not a devout student, I find this claim unlikely, but Yogananda’s devoted followers are certain this is just a factual report. Certainly, if true, this ability would be considered the manifestation of a miracle. We also have countless reports of psychic events that seem miraculous. My own mother had psychic abilities and once, on a trip in Paris when I was a young boy of nine, phoned our housekeeper and warned her to remove me and my brothers and sister from our house in Scarborough, New York. She had just woken up from a dream and in the dream saw the boiler in the basement exploding and setting the house on fire. I remember our caretaker calling the fire department and the fire chief telling her, “Good thing you called us. In another twenty minutes this boiler would have exploded.” I am not sure I would consider this psychic dream a miracle, but certainly it indicates an extraordinary occurrence that some would characterize as miraculous.

  In modern days, increasingly the focus has been on medical miracles. This focus on medical miracles may be in part due to the better reporting and measurement tools that we have due to advances in Western medicine. We can now measure blood counts and other phenomena associated with terminal conditions, and when healings reverse such measurements and patients return to balance and continued physical well-being for extended periods of time, it is appropriate from the perspective of today’s scientific knowledge to call such events medical miracles.

  Dr. Sha is not the only human being on planet Earth at this time performing healing miracles. I believe he is the only healer claiming he is capable of teaching others to perform healing miracles, but there are many others who have reported and continue to report astounding results from their healing practices. In most instances, these healing practices defy the logic of our present medical doctors and our Western medical paradigm. Not all of these practitioners call what they do “miracle healing,” and many of them prefer to focus on the scientific principles that govern their abilities and their results, eschewing altogether any claims for a connection to the divine or the ability to perform “miracles.” I have had the opportunity to either directly or indirectly experience or interview some of these healers and I can attest to their effectiveness. Many of these healers, such as John of God of Brazil, do not have a specific scientific explanation for what they do and how they do it. Others, such as Braco, do not even speak when they sit and provide energetic “blessings” for thousands of people at a time. Many of those in attendance report remarkable healings and experiences. Of course, not all of those who attend report positive outcomes. Is it just a matter of self-delusion and playing the odds that there will be a significant number of “spontaneous” remissions, or in some cases are true healing miracles taking place?

  I have also worked with other medical doctors, such as Dr. Uwe Albrecht of Germany, who have developed their own unique healing systems, which in many instances have produced results that defy medical diagnosis and scientific expectations and explanations. Dr. Albrecht is careful not to link his healing system to official medical intervention of any kind, as he does not want to conflict with any of the many laws both in Germany and the United States that prevent the marketing of medical “cures” or systems that have not received official government approval. Having investigated the level of success of Dr. Albrecht’s Innerwise system, it is clear to me that miracle or not, something remarkable is happening with these energetic interventions that suggest that present-day physical ailments can be resolved by focusing on the alignment or lack of alignment with an individual’s emotional and soul vibration with the vibration of their higher connection to the source. Dr. Albrecht’s Innerwise system has many similarities on the theoretical level to the type of “soul healing miracles” that I have seen Dr. Sha perform. The fact that other practitioners are using similar techniques to those used by Dr. Sha was one of the reasons I wanted to do more research on exactly how Dr. Sha accomplishes soul healing miracles. My background as an anthropologist leads me to believe that the principles that govern one type of successful procedure are likely to be mirrored in other practices. The fact that this is the case encouraged me to interview actual patients who have received soul healing miracles from Dr. Sha and to also interview other healers who Dr. Sha has trained to provide soul healing miracles.

  I have a young client, Jake Ducey, who is a brilliant inspirational speaker and the author of his autobiography Into the Wind, written when Jake was just nineteen years old. Jake ends all of his e-mail with the quote “miracles are normal.” By definition, miracles can never be normal or they would not be miracles. Evidence seems to be mounting that what we have considered to be miracles are not miraculous at all, but demonstrations of certain individuals such as Dr. Sha to utilize the emerging knowledge of the true nature of time, space, and physical reality to connect our everyday reality to soul reality. With our limited present knowledge, the healing results I am about to report are indeed healing miracles. Wh
en skeptics and believers can reconcile their views on spirit and science and how the two can work together, we will have achieved a true miracle, a miracle that is obtainable with just the slightest effort and the willingness to remain open to true knowledge.

  The Evidence

  THIS IS REAL,” stated the chief of police of New Brunswick, New Jersey, Don Bowling, after he received a five-minute soul operation from Dr. Sha. Police Chief Bowling had fallen down some stairs twenty-one months previously and fractured his ankle, hurt his knee and back, and had been using a cane since he was unable to pivot or walk normally. There were tears in his eyes as he thanked Dr. Sha for the healing.

  Don Bowling is not the kind of man you would expect to even know about a healer such as Dr. Sha. Don Bowling does have faith and his own spiritual beliefs but is a typical police chief, focused on gathering evidence and only believing in what he can see with his own eyes and evidence that meets the requirements of his sharp mind. Don is over six feet six inches tall. The video that was taped of this healing is available at this link: Hopefully you will watch this healing and the others on which I report in this chapter. Each is incredible in and of itself, and together they are truly incredible as they include a police chief; a young mother and her baby in Vancouver, Canada; a major actress in India who had been deaf for more than twenty years; a nurse from Hawaii with a chronic knee injury; a former drug addict in Colorado; and a sixty-four-year-old man whose doctors believed he would die within a few months since he had multiple cancers that could not be removed with surgery or radiation or be treated with chemotherapy. Though we may still need additional proof that these are true miracle healings, my initial investigation is that these are extraordinary outcomes that scientists and medical researchers should investigate.

  One of the more curious aspects of these healings is that at no time does Dr. Sha actually touch the individuals whom he heals. The video does show some slight physical acupuncture contact in the case of the Indian actress who had been deaf for more than twenty years, but for the rest there is no physical contact whatsoever. I think this is important as it establishes the principle that these are, as Dr. Sha explains, “soul operations.” Soul operation means divine light goes through Master Sha’s hands and spiritually opens the area that needs healings. Divine light removes soul mind body blockages in the area. This is the soul operation concept that Master Sha shared with me. Soul operations involve healing the soul with the belief that once the soul is healed, the energy will flow to the body and heal the aspect of the body that has been out of alignment with its soul. Dr. Sha believes that each body organ and body part has an individual soul and that the Divine has the ability to realign such out-of-kilter organs and body parts. If nothing else, the fact that Dr. Sha generally does not touch a patient should encourage those who are skeptical to allow themselves to experience a soul healing themselves. The soul operation is noninvasive and has no side effects.

  Police Chief Don Bowling explained that he had not been able to walk normally for almost two years. The insurance company had determined that he was no longer eligible for any surgery or additional care. He had adopted a regimen of exercise to prevent further deterioration of his leg, ankle, and knee, but in his words he had reached a state where his condition “was getting no worse, no better.” Dr. Sha explained that he would perform a “soul operation and soul transplant” for both legs. Master Sha explained that during the soul transplant the Divine would create a new soul for an organ and transmit it to the recipient. The healing was taking place at the United Nations in New York City in front of an audience that had assembled to learn about Dr. Sha’s soul healing techniques. Dr. Sha focused on Police Chief Bowling’s leg. Dr. Sha made movements with his hands and arms and focused his attention with intensity that was noticeable. After just a minute he asked Police Chief Bowling if he could feel anything. The police chief responded,” I feel warmth in my left leg.” This was the injured leg. Dr. Sha politely asked the police chief to hand him the cane he had been using to walk. Police Chief Bowling handed Dr. Sha the cane and was asked to turn and walk. Much to the police chief’s surprise, he could turn and walk effortlessly and without pain.

  Don Bowling is a man with a good sense of humor, and when he was given back his cane he asked the audience if anyone “wanted to buy his cane,” as it was clear to him that he no longer needed it. He turned to the audience and explained that he was a man of faith and that he did not put up roadblocks that might prevent his recovery, for he believed everything is possible. He was clearly amazed and grateful for the healing he had just received. He had tears in his eyes briefly when first asked to speak. Choking back those tears, his comment “This is real” was clearly heartfelt and his honest assessment of what he had just experienced. To him and to those in the audience it certainly seemed a miracle.

  An even more amazing miracle healing on this same video clip is that of Zakary. Zakary’s mom was notified late in her pregnancy that her fetus had developed hydrocephalus, known in layman’s language as water on the brain. The swelling was so severe that the prognosis was for a stillborn. Zakary’s mom was encouraged to meet with Dr. Sha, and Dr. Sha performed a soul healing operation, major karma cleansing, and divine light body on the yet-unborn fetus. A divine light body means that the Divine creates a new soul for all systems, organs, and cells, and this was transmitted to Zakary. The baby was born alive but with severe challenges. The water around the brain was so great that the brain itself could not be detected. The swelling required a shunt and made Zakary look deformed. Zakary also had seizures and scarring on his eyes and lesions in his joints and throughout his body. The doctors were not sure what to do and warned that Zakary was unlikely to live more than a few weeks or months.

  Zakary’s mom continued to have treatments with Dr. Sha’s students and followed the forgiveness regime that Dr. Sha had taught her. At the age of one Zakary was still alive and received a second healing blessing from Dr. Sha. At this time Zakary was still feeding from a nose tube and had numerous challenges, but he was on the path to becoming a normal child. His mom was providing extensive care and love but was giving primary credit to the soul healing that Dr. Sha had performed a year earlier just before Zakary was born. On the video clip Dr. Sha performs another soul healing with soul transplants and soul operations on many different organs in Zakary’s body, including his central nervous system and his brain. At the end of the session Dr. Sha’s students join in a chant of “divine light being” addressed to Zakary. Zakary seems to comprehend and smiles as he is serenaded.

  A year later via Skype, Zakary’s mother reports back to Dr. Sha that now, almost two years old, Zakary can eat on his own, his seizures have stopped, the scarring on his eyes has healed and he can see, his brain has grown so quickly that the doctors have had to remove the sutures, and Zakary can sit up on his own, recognizes colors, and can play with animals. Based on the video shown from the previous year it seems to be a true miracle. The doctors who had been afraid to even touch Zakary have no explanation other than Zakary is “healing naturally.” This seems odd for these doctors to fall back on healing naturally when they were the ones who prior to birth and in his first few months after birth had predicted that Zakary would not survive. If indeed Zakary is “healing naturally,” it can only be because Dr. Sha’s soul healing operation, karma cleansings, and many, many divine treasures have realigned Zakary with his true nature and the true nature of his soul and that of the universe. At a minimum that is the explanation Zakary’s mom believes.

  When I spoke with Zakary’s mom, Erica, I learned that she was living in Moose Jaw, Canada, and was finishing her degree with a concentration in special education. As a young girl she had been born on a small island in British Columbia, and since her mother was Polish, she only spoke Polish until she was seven years old when she moved to Moose Jaw. When she was sixteen years old she befriended a deaf student, and it was at that time that she decided she wanted to work with t
he disabled. She worked part-time in Moose Jaw’s Valley View Center for the mentally ill and developed an appreciation as well as compassion for those less fortunate. She resolved, in her words, “to dedicate my life to equality for all people.” Erica is a strong-willed young woman. She met her future husband, Zakary’s father Kevin Rimmer, when she was only seventeen at an A&W Root Beer stand in Moose Jaw. When Kevin came to her parents to ask if he could court her they told him, “You probably can’t afford her,” as they had taken Erica on trips to Poland to visit family and accustomed her to a life that would include travel. Kevin at the time was working as an automobile mechanic and already had a child from a previous relationship. But Kevin was determined, and although it took him five years to complete his education so he could obtain a position as an instrumentation specialist with higher pay, he returned when he felt he could afford Erica and with a one-carat diamond ring announced his intention to marry her. Erica had been attracted to Kevin from the start and with her parents’ blessing agreed to marry Kevin.


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