Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 14

by William Gladstone

  I had always wondered about Dr. Sha and where he might be, but this was the late 1980s and early 1990s and there was no e-mail and no way to make a phone call to him. I just focused on my studies and did not pursue my interest in Grandmaster Sha.

  BILL: So, many years passed before you reconnected with Dr. Sha?

  HENDERSON: Yes. It was not until 2010 that I thought to reconnect with Dr. Sha and it was through what I view as a divine “accident.”

  BILL: Please explain.

  HENDERSON: I had pulled a muscle in my back. It was the same muscle I had pulled years before as a young street dancer in Manila. I was in a great deal of pain but instead of being angry or disappointed I was grateful. I was grateful because I realized that God was telling me to search for Dr. Sha. It was the busiest month of the year for me at work but I had a legitimate excuse to take the day off. I stayed in bed and pulled out my laptop and did a search for Dr. Sha. To my surprise I learned that Dr. Sha was now a spiritual teacher based in Toronto, Canada with a center not far from me in San Francisco. I started reading about him on his website and discovered that he was teaching that the way to heal yourself and others is to raise your frequency. The very next day a friend of mine posted a video on YouTube about frequency that explained that low frequency draws matter together and high frequency repels matter. This explained to me why Dr. Sha’s techniques of raising frequency could dissipate cancer cells in patients. I was intrigued and purchased Dr. Sha’s tapes and CDs. I started playing them quietly every day in my office. Within three months I noticed enormous changes. My relationship with my boss improved and the happiest and most productive people in the office were drawn to my office.

  BILL: You felt the tapes and music from Dr. Sha were raising the frequency of your office and attracting more positive energy?

  HENDERSON: Absolutely.

  BILL: What happened next?

  HENDERSON: Well, one day my boss came to me and told me I couldn’t take the vacation days I had coming to me because there was too much work to do. I told him I was ready to leave anyway and arranged, after a suitable adjustment period, to resign and follow Dr. Sha full time.

  BILL: Had you decided that you would become a full-time student that quickly?

  HENDERSON: No, I had not decided whether or not I would become a student. I just knew I wanted to explore what Dr. Sha was teaching. I had plenty of money in the bank and good stock options, so at my own expense I just started going to all of Dr. Sha’s retreats all over the world and volunteering to help him in any way I could.

  BILL: Your business friends and colleagues must have thought your decision strange.

  HENDERSON: Most of them did, but they were also supportive when they learned that I considered this my spiritual journey. One of my best friends decided he needed to check out Dr. Sha for himself. He warned me that if he saw anything phony about Dr. Sha he would be the first one to knock me on the head and bring me back to my senses. He accompanied me on a trip with Dr. Sha to Taiwan. By the time we returned he acknowledged the integrity of Dr. Sha and my journey and no longer questioned my decision to abandon my career as a graphic designer.

  BILL: In my encounters with other spiritual seekers they have all felt that their spiritual master was best for them. In your case as a devout Catholic, how have you resolved your potential conflict between your belief in Jesus and your belief in Master Sha?

  HENDERSON: I believe in the miracles of Christ and I believe in the miracles that Dr. and Master Sha has performed. When Dr. Sha explains his miracles he teaches his students about Tao. Tao means the way. Christ also taught, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Light.” Fundamentally, the teachings are the same. By the time I was in the fifth grade I had read and studied the Bible at least twice. Jesus showed love and forgiveness to all people. Jesus forgave all who approached him. Dr. and Master Sha demonstrates the same truth and practice. For me Jesus will always be the most high. Jesus is the son of God. Dr. Sha is not the son of God but what he teaches is pure and true.

  BILL: Dr. Sha mentioned to me that he chose you to be one of his disciples and Divine Channels. What does this mean?

  HENDERSON: I was honored and blessed to be chosen to be a Divine Channel in November 2013. I was humbled and grateful for such an honor.

  BILL: Does this mean as a Divine Channel that you are able to do soul healing miracles?

  HENDERSON: Yes. I have done more than a dozen. Even before I was a Divine Channel I was doing healings, and some of those I have healed had stage four cancers and other severe challenges.

  BILL: So Dr. Sha has actually taught you how to do healings of such severe challenges? How can this be? I have never encountered in any literature information about any other healer who had the ability to train others to perform healings of such severe illnesses. The common belief among scientists and researchers is that even if miracle healers exist, they have unique abilities and qualities that account for their miraculous results and that these qualities cannot be imparted to others. Can you please explain what you do, how you do it, and how Dr. Sha was able to teach you these unique skills.

  HENDERSON: First off, there is nothing really unique about me and other Divine Channels and miracle soul healers. We are ordinary people. We have studied Dr. Sha’s forgiveness techniques and learned from him how to perform karma cleansings and soul transplants and how to help individuals access their own treasures. We work hard to purify ourselves and to be of unconditional service to humanity. Our practices raise our own vibration, and the higher our vibration the better we can serve. We do not actually do the healing at all. We serve as channels for the Divine. The Divine does the healing.

  BILL: What do you mean? This makes no sense to me.

  HENDERSON: The healer is the channel. The healer channels down the frequency from Heaven to the receiver (patient) and that will change the vibration of the receiver. As a result the patient will be healed. Let me give you an example that is close to my heart. My father has bone cancer. When I first reconnected with Dr. Sha I would request a blessing for my father every time his PSA count went up. Dr. Sha would give him a blessing and his PSA count would go down. My father does not believe in soul healing miracles and yet I learned firsthand that Dr. Sha’s ability to raise my father’s vibration resulted in healing my father’s bone cancer. I think my father would heal and hold his healing faster if he believed in Dr. Sha and would do some of the forgiveness practices but even without my father’s participation, my father’s condition is not getting worse.

  BILL: What makes for a successful soul healing intervention?

  HENDERSON: There are many factors. It is not just the purity of the Divine Channel or healer. No matter what the vibration of the individual healer, Heaven’s frequency is going to be a million times more powerful. When Heaven comes down to Mother Earth miracles happen.

  BILL: Once you learn to allow the frequency of the Divine to come through you and to those you hope to heal, are you guaranteed success?

  HENDERSON: Neither I nor Dr. Sha nor any other miracle soul healer can guarantee results. You must remember karma. In the end the results will be determined by how much negative karma an individual brings to the moment and how much of that karma can be removed and how quickly.

  BILL: Well this has been a most enlightening conversation. Thank you so much.

  Preliminary Conclusions

  I HAVE ALWAYS warned my clients and friends that if something sounds too good to be true, be careful, as it probably literally is too good to be true and is in fact false. I was quite prepared when I started writing this book to prove Dr. Sha was illogical and that his soul healing miracles could not possibly be true. Guess what? I lose. This is the one time when something that seems too good to be true actually is true.

  I am probably one of the most fortunate people on earth. My life has always been blessed, but having had the opportunity to spend intensive days with Dr. Sha and his disciples, students, and “case studies” has been a blessing beyond any of
the numerous blessings I have already received. My encounters with Eckhart Tolle, the Dalai Lama, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, leaders of some of the largest corporations in the world, billionaires, visionaries, and religious leaders from all major world religions, sports heroes, Hollywood celebrities, and of course hundreds of brilliant authors I have represented, many of whom have been essential contributors to the founding of companies such as Google, Apple, and Microsoft, pale in comparison to the blessing of working closely with Dr. Sha.

  Dr. Sha will always be Dr. Sha for me. I am not intending to become his student or disciple. My golf and tennis buddies would never understand if I altered my highly joyful lifestyle. I have a full and wonderful life. I have a business to run. I have more books to write. I have obligations to my wonderful author clients such as Thom Hartmann, Jean Houston, Barbara De Angelis, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch, and so many others whose books and life commitments I admire and enjoy. But Dr. Sha is likely to become much more than just a client. He already is. I have learned so much from observing him, and I am a better person for investigating the principles and experiences that have led him to become Dr. and Master Sha: World Renowned Miracle Soul Healer.

  After investigating his claims, seeing him in practice, debating his beliefs, and talking with dozens of his students and advocates, there is no denying that Dr. Sha is indeed a miracle soul healer bringing health and happiness to all with whom he interacts. His goal is to bring this health and happiness to millions through his books, videos, and retreats. He hopes to hold large conferences at which he could serve all those in the audience, rich or poor, who have similar illnesses, whether they be sports injuries, pain, inflammation, growths, addictions, relationship or financial challenges. Dr. Sha offers his services to people from all walks of life, whether they can pay for soul healing miracles or not. Dr. Sha has a history of great compassion for anyone coming into his presence and never concerns himself with the economic status of those he heals. Of course he needs for those who can afford his healings to contribute to the economic stability of his mission, but so do all medical doctors and establishments. I have never seen any spiritual organization offer free healing like Master Sha’s organization offers. If you visit drsha.com or tv.drsha.com you will discover that Master Sha and his Master Healers are offering 24/7 Dr. and Master Sha’s Soul Healing Miracles Chanting Channel with free soul healing service. Within three months this free TV channel has had more than 29,000 blessing requests and over 17,000 displays of gratitude. While writing this book, I have observed and felt Dr. Sha’s commitment to serve humanity and all souls unconditionally. His love, forgiveness, compassion, and care have moved me deeply.

  Is this a religion? I say no. Dr. Sha does believe in the Divine, as do his students, but his students represent all major religions and they are encouraged to maintain their religious beliefs and affiliations. After all, the Divine is at the basis of all world religions, and Dr. Sha chooses to focus on what unites world religions, not what separates them. His goal is to increase love, peace, and harmony on our planet. How can any of us not embrace this goal? How fortunate are we all that Dr. Sha has tireless energy and never hesitates whatever the obstacles or personal inconvenience to give healings to all who need them.

  So if not a religion, what is this phenomenon? It is truly a healing practice available to all, open to those of all beliefs who wish to heal themselves and others. Do you need to believe in karma and reincarnation to be healed? The answer is clearly no. Does it help if you do? I believe the answer is yes, and Dr. Sha has made it clear that he could never accept a disciple who does not believe in the power of past-life karma cleansings. After all, karma cleansings are at the root of the healing practice.

  Since I do not intend to become a healer myself, it hardly matters to me whether I believe in reincarnation and past-life karma. I was quite certain when I started this journey that such concepts were unscientific and based on ungrounded evidence. Now, at the end of my journey with Dr. Sha, I am less certain. The logic of Dr. Sha’s argument in favor of past karma, and the power and effectiveness of his karma cleansings have forced me to shift my own thinking. I need more time to sort out this mystery, but unless I discover illogic in Dr. Sha’s premise, I may in the end relent and agree that reincarnation is possible. Once I open that door, karma cleansings may seem logical as well.

  Time will tell where my own journey takes me, but I encourage all readers to follow Dr. Sha’s advice: “If you want to know if a pear is sweet, taste it.” I have tasted the pear of Dr. Sha’s friendship and his soul healing practices, and it has indeed been sweet. May you find such sweetness in your own lives as well.


  Exploring Master Sha’s Service

  My Current Journey with Dr. and Master Sha

  Reintroducing Dr. Sha

  When I initially sat down to write this book, my goal was to discover the science behind soul healing miracles. Were these legitimate healing miracles, and if so, what might be the explanation? What meaning, if successful, do these soul healing miracles have for the medical profession and society as a whole? The journey has taken me far beyond these initial questions. I now question some of my basic assumptions about the nature of reality itself. What you have read in Part One was originally the complete book as I had imagined it. But so many questions were raised in my personal journey of self-discovery that I requested to spend an additional week with Dr. Sha to discuss in greater detail his core beliefs.

  During this wonderful week of research we shared every breakfast, lunch, and dinner together and I was with him sixteen to eighteen hours a day. We found that we enjoyed the same foods, and that once we found something we enjoyed, we were creatures of habit. We went to the same Japanese restaurant for lunch five days in a row and ordered the same meal every day. We discovered that we both really enjoy noodle soup. Every night we went to a wonderful French restaurant where I introduced Dr. Sha to more exotic fare. I was pleased he enjoyed my selections. We laughed and became and are good friends. My wife Gayle and Dr. Sha’s assistant Master Cynthia were with us for every meal and every discussion as well. Master Cynthia took dictation of every conversation. I do not know how she was able to keep up, as both Dr. Sha and I are fast talkers, especially when we had heated discussions and even arguments about the science behind soul healing miracles. Like any good friends, our disagreements, once resolved, only made our friendship more lasting and more real.

  I am truly grateful for the access and friendship that Dr. Sha has given me. I am one of very few people for whom Dr. Sha in addition to being a healer and a spiritual teacher is able to just be a friend. Dr. Sha is a very private person. He has a wife, three children, and a dog. He does not get a chance to spend much time with his family, but they love him and support him and his mission in every way they can as long as they can stay out of the limelight themselves. Dr. Sha’s children are grown and successful in their own lives. His daughter and my daughter are both getting married this summer, my daughter in Europe, his in Canada. We shared how happy these events make us and we both look forward to grandchildren in the coming years. I would not say that Dr. Sha is a “regular guy,” but as a human being he is just like any of us, concerned about family and enjoying the small moments of his life. Fortunately Dr. Sha loves to perform and is okay with the responsibilities and lack of privacy that comes with being a “spiritual rock star.” Dr. Sha is always on call. He never refuses to give healings, and even during our lengthy discussions would have to break to give remote healings sometimes to people in Europe or Australia. Dr. Sha with modern technology is literally on call 24 /7. Fortunately, like me, he does not enjoy computers or cell phones and Master Cynthia screens all of his calls and e-mail. Were this not the case he would not get a moment’s peace.

  I did all the driving while we were in Palm Springs where these conversations took place. Dr. Sha confessed he has not driven a car in ten years, and his wife does not think he is a good driver. It was fun driving with th
e top down with just Dr. Sha and me in the car down the main drag of Palm Springs. We could have been just two friends out for a ride, and on one level we were, but of course we were in every moment focused on discovering the mysteries behind soul healing miracles and the mystery that is the human being Dr. and Master Sha. To say I felt privileged is an understatement.

  In addition to these conversations, Dr. Sha connected me to his Divine Channels and asked them to provide me with explanations of who they are, why or how they became channels, and to describe in some cases specific trainings or experiences they have had. I was close to deadline already for submitting the final manuscript, so I asked these Divine Channels to provide no more than five to ten pages each. They had less than a week to submit their material, and I was pleased at the high quality of their stories.

  In the chapter “The Company We Keep,” I introduced Master Ximena. You were also introduced in chapter twenty-one to Master Henderson. They are both Divine Channels and could have been included in Part Three, but as I had interviewed both of them personally, I felt they should be presented as I already have. The stories show how intelligent, dedicated, caring, and loving Dr. Sha’s Divine Channels are. The stories are powerful and give foundation to the reality that Dr. Sha is creating an organization that will ground these soul healing miracles in a way that will reach millions of human souls. Dr. Sha is unambiguous about this goal and tireless in working toward it. So are his Divine Channels. Everyone involved with what they call “the mission” is dedicated on both a human and soul level to this work. They are here to heal themselves and others and to progress on their individual spiritual paths. How fortunate for humanity that their own spiritual growth provides such blessings and healings for so many.


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