Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 13

by William Gladstone

  The corporate identity is also about hard work. Everyone associated with Dr. Sha seems to be a tireless worker. Dr. Sha often works nonstop for at least twelve hours at a time healing and teaching, and when he does, his close associates work those hours as well. No one seems to mind. They are on a mission to serve, and the act of healing energizes them as much as it energizes Dr. Sha. I think all of us have felt, at least occasionally, the euphoria of being in the middle of a meaningful task that is going well and feeling a sense of invincibility and high, limitless energy. This seems to happen all the time for Dr. Sha and his associates.

  I thought it important to learn more about the character of some of Dr. Sha’s longtime supporters, especially those playing key roles in bringing his message of self-healing and self-empowerment to the world. I decided to interview his director of global marketing, Master Ximena Gavino. This interview gives us greater insight into the company Dr. Sha keeps and company he has created.

  Master Ximena Gavino was born in Quito, Ecuador, nestled among seven active volcanoes in the Andean mountains. Her father’s childhood was characterized by extreme poverty, motivating him to start working as a shoeshine boy when he was just four years old. Self-educated and a voracious reader by the time Master Ximena was born, he had become a government clerk, taking dictation from important government officials directly at his typewriter. This was quite an accomplishment for a poor boy who had never even graduated from the sixth grade, let alone high school. Master Ximena’s mother was from a working-class family. Taking after her grandmother, Master Ximena’s mother had studied and been certified as a teacher. When she married, she followed the tradition of the times in Quito and gave up pursuing a teaching career. She immediately started her life as a stay-at-home wife and shortly became pregnant with Master Ximena, and then over time with additional children. Master Ximena grew up in a modest neighborhood in Quito not far from her aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. When Master Ximena was five years old, her father had an opportunity to migrate to the United States. He initially came alone to Chicago, where he traded his office job for that of a busboy at the International Club. A year later he sent for Master Ximena and his wife. Her siblings would come a year later with their uncle.

  Master Ximena thrived in Chicago. She quickly learned to read, despite not speaking English and suffering from dyslexia. Since both her parents valued education highly, she found herself rewarded for her interest in reading. Her education began at a private Catholic elementary school but she switched to an inner-city high school, filled with tough street kids doing their best to survive in a big city and tough neighborhoods. Despite the challenges, Master Ximena thrived by focusing on academics, including advanced classes, and participating in after-school clubs. By her junior year in high school, her father and mother had progressed through hard work at factory jobs to working as a salesman in a furniture store and an office clerk, respectively. They moved the family to the northern suburbs of Chicago, known for the high quality of the schools. This was ideal for Master Ximena and her siblings, who excelled. At graduation time, Master Ximena’s father handed her a packet with an application to the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle. His employer had suggested that she attend college through scholarships. She was the first of the five children to graduate from college, something she originally thought beyond the reach of immigrants. Her parents’ lives kept improving, and soon Master Ximena’s parents owned their own furniture store and were able to send all their children to college and to occasionally travel.

  Coming from a background of poverty in which hard work and education were highly valued, Master Ximena chose to major in business and graduated with honors. She was the only Hispanic student in grade school, middle school, and high school, and it was only when she went to graduate school that she started to study with other Hispanic students. When she applied for jobs, she was hired for the sales team of one of the largest beverage companies in the United States. She traveled extensively, attending conferences, especially those that related to Hispanic markets, such as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the League of United Latin American Citizens. After three years, she decided to apply to the MBA program at the Ross School of Business in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She was accepted, and upon graduation worked for some of the top consumer product companies in America. After nine successful years Master Ximena began her consulting career as an independent consultant before joining a prestigious consulting firm in San Francisco that was starting a global branding practice. Within a few years, she formed her own boutique consulting practice.

  It was at this juncture in 2001 that Ximena became quite ill. Initially her search for a diagnosis from the medical community yielded limited results. Unable to work and becoming increasingly weak and hopeless, she turned to alternative and complementary medicine, where she finally received a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease, celiac, which had created a condition called leaky gut and an ulcer. A good friend who was a medical doctor herself recommended Dr. Sha and his healing groups with stage four cancer patients. Her friend did not have cancer, but the groups had helped her tremendously to regain her energy. She encouraged Master Ximena to attend one of Master Sha’s workshops.

  Master Ximena’s first workshop with Dr. Sha was held in what was then the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Union Square with about twenty people in attendance. Steeped in Western medicine since the age of five, she was highly skeptical of alternative medicine. As an A student who had studied chemistry, biology, and physics in high school and college, she was certain that chanting and other vague healing modalities could not change the internal malfunctions of her digestive system that had been causing her such discomfort and stress. But skepticism notwithstanding, in that very first encounter with Dr. Sha, Master Ximena had a life-changing experience. She describes it thus:

  “I was so weak that day I barely had the energy to walk to the workshop, which was only three blocks from my house. That evening Dr. Sha changed my life forever. He gave me hope at a time when I was very hopeless. He started the evening by telling us, ‘I have the power to heal myself. You have the power to heal yourself. Together, we have the power to heal the world.’ My skepticism faded with his explanation of the causes of illnesses and the methods for healing, I knew he was speaking ‘truth.’ For the first time in my life, I understood how the body worked. It was so simple. Next Dr. Sha asked us to line up to receive a Qi Gong healing from him. Dr. Sha asked me to stand up and tell him what was wrong. I started to talk about my symptoms, but before I finished Dr. Sha said he was a medical intuitive and he could see that the main energy blockage was in my middle abdomen. He asked me to close my eyes and put my hands at my side while one of his students stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders to stabilize me. Dr. Sha shouted something that sounded like ‘ye ye ye’ and I felt this intense heat in my middle abdomen and something being pulled out. He then asked me to walk back and forth. That was it. A brief three-minute Qi Gong healing changed my life. As I prepared to leave, I gathered a flyer of upcoming events. My insides were vibrating uncontrollably, but I didn’t know if that was good or bad, so I walked home slowly and headed straight to bed. The next morning I woke up feeling better than I had in more than a dozen years. I could not explain to anyone what had occurred to me, only that I needed and wanted more of whatever Dr. Sha was offering. For the first time in years, I had hope. I started going to every Dr. Sha event and workshop I could attend. Every time I went, I felt better and better. I asked if I could attend the healing groups for stage four cancer patients. I did not have cancer but I needed to attend something with Master Sha every two to three days in order to keep my energy high. What was occurring in the groups was astonishing. Using five-thousand-year-old ancient Chinese healing secrets, people were not only getting better, but being healed of stage four cancer. Every week, people would give an update on their medical progress, and inevitably someone would share their latest medical report that the number of tumors were declining, they were respon
ding better to some of the traditional medical treatments or had decided to forgo those treatments altogether. This was before Dr. Sha became a Divine Channel and Divine Soul Healer. He was teaching people to heal themselves by applying the Four Power Techniques: Body Power—the use of hand and body positions to promote healing and transformation; Mind Power—creative visualization to promote healing and transformation; Sound Power—the use of sacred mantras and sounds to promote healing and transformation; Soul Power—to Say Hello to invoke the power of the inner souls and outer souls to support your healing and transformation. Each technique was powerful alone, but the power increased exponentially when used in combination. The real key to healing, according to Dr. Sha, was service. He would say, ‘Chant for others, do not chant for yourself. Forget about yourself. Don’t think about me.’ Inspired by Dr. Sha’s teaching, I approached a woman who had stage four renal (kidney) cancer that had metastasized in her lungs and bones about chanting together by phone. At first she said no, but I kept attending the healing groups, and several weeks later she said we could chant together. We set up a schedule and I would go to her home and chant for an hour in the mornings. We would also chant together over the phone for another half or full hour in the evening. I was not prepared to support anyone with cancer. I knew nothing about it, but with Master Sha’s techniques, it was so easy. We simply followed the guidance he had given us in the healing groups. Although she had been told she had only three months to live, she lived another nine months. During that time, she made peace with her very, very large community of friends. She moved into her sister’s home, where she remained until her transition. She ate regular food and her only life support was an oxygen tube. She transitioned peacefully one week after celebrating her birthday surrounded by her family and friends. I am sure it was Dr. Sha’s techniques that helped keep her alive and gave her such a high quality of life. Many cancer patients are in so much pain that they are often given strong narcotics. That was not the case for her. She was lucid and at peace.

  “I will always be grateful to her for awakening in me the calling to be a healer. Through this experience I realized that I had the power not only to heal myself, but to help heal others. By this time, I was in the care of a board-certified gastroenterologist who was one of the best on the West Coast. He had done a series of tests and confirmed that at a minimum, I had an ulcer. When the final set of tests were completed, he was amazed that all of my symptoms as well as the underlying illnesses relating to Crohn’s, leaky gut, and my ulcer had disappeared. ‘I have never made a mistake in diagnosing these illnesses in my career,’ he said. ‘Don’t worry. We took extra biopsies to make sure we get to the bottom of this,’ he continued. At the follow-up visit, he asked me what I had done, and when I explained some chanting and changes to my diet, he dismissed it completely. ‘It is not medically possible that these illnesses have disappeared from chanting alone.’ But it was true. I knew when the Crohn’s was gone because the burning just stopped in the middle of chanting. The same occurred for the celiac and the ulcer. For the first time in twenty-five years I was no longer dependent on Western medicine and on my way to truly healing. In these twelve years, my health has improved dramatically. I no longer take any medication and rarely even vitamins. Although I’m in my mid-fifties, I am definitely a high-energy individual.

  “I have also been incredibly fortunate to have learned about healing directly from Dr. Sha and in 2011 to have been chosen as one of his Divine Channels. My life before meeting Dr. Sha was successful by all outward appearances, but I was physically sick and terribly unhappy. Now I have purpose in my life and have received through Dr. Sha incredible healing abilities to help people with life-threatening conditions and often extremely challenging situations. There are no words to fully express my gratitude to Dr. Sha. It is my deepest desire to serve as fully and unconditionally as Dr. Sha serves humanity. I started volunteering for Dr. Sha, and over the years served as general manager, manager of the Teaching and Training Department, Events, and Marketing. This was at the very beginning of his mission to serve as a soul healer. Dr. Sha had had a very successful practice as an acupuncturist, Qi Gong healer, and medical intuitive. He had been earning more than one million dollars a year as an acupuncturist in Canada, where he had two clinics, one in Vancouver and another in Toronto. He would see about seventy clients a day. Dr. Sha gained his reputation as a power healer in the Philippines where he was training Western doctors in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture for the WHO (World Health Organization) while also attending graduate school for hospital administration. He was under the supervision of the medical doctor for the Chinese ambassador. One day the doctor received a call from the embassy that the ambassador’s driver had thrown out his back and could not move. During the house call, Dr. Sha applied Sha’s Acupuncture and with just two points had the man back on his feet. After that, Dr. Sha was serving the highest government, military, and business officials in the Philippines and in China, where he had started his healing practices. But when the Divine told him in 2003 that he had to give up all of his acupuncture and related healing techniques and rely solely upon the Divine to heal, he had to give up the highly rewarding financial opportunities and was earning less than $30,000 a year. He did this despite protests from those around him and his advisors. Dr. Sha was clear that he had to, to serve the Divine, and listened on a daily basis to whatever the Divine asked him to do. The Divine was asking him to create an entirely new form of healing. I was his general manager and marketing manager, and I would advise him, ‘Dr. Sha, you should not let the audience know that you are a Divine Channel offering divine soul healing. Most people are not ready to hear that message.’ One day Dr. Sha responded with a smile, ‘Ximena, what about me? Do you think I was ready? It took me several weeks to accept what the Divine was asking of me.’ Over the years, Dr. Sha has been unwavering in his commitment to God. To his credit, he has followed Divine Guidance for everything, even when it meant going completely against all his advisors. Everything he does must be in alignment with Divine Guidance or he will not do it. That meant at times watching people walk out before he could demonstrate his healing power, but he persevered.”

  As the interview was coming to an end, I asked Master Ximena how Dr. Sha had changed in the twelve plus years she had known and worked with him.

  “That is a wonderful question. When I met Dr. Sha, he was a powerful acupuncturist and Qi Gong master; in fact, he was named Qi Gong Master of the Year in 2002 at the Fifth World Qi Gong Congress in San Francisco. He has been tested heavily by humanity and the Divine. Dr. Sha’s only motivation is to serve humanity. He has very deep compassion for humanity and wants only to alleviate suffering. Over the years, Dr. Sha has transformed from a powerful acupuncturist and Qi Gong healer to a truly humble, selfless, and unconditionally loving Divine being. Dr. Sha was never motivated by money or fame. He only wants to serve the Divine and help humanity. Whether one person or one thousand people attend his event, he gives them the same teachings and healings with a completely open heart. I have been very honored to watch Dr. Sha transform from a powerful, noble, and kind healer when I met him twelve years ago to an extraordinary spiritual being who truly represents the love, forgiveness, compassion, and light of the Divine in its purest form. His commitment to healing all beings and being a source of love, compassion, and joy is limitless.”

  An Enlightening Conversation

  Henderson Tan Ong: From High-Six-Figure Graphic Designer to Soul Healer Volunteer

  HENDERSON TAN ONG was born in Manila in 1971 to Chinese parents. At the time of his birth his father was an importer/exporter and his mother was an assistant. He was the youngest of four children. His childhood was traditional, with very strict discipline and conformance to the goals of his parents. He did not enjoy school as a young man and was considered the black sheep of the family.

  As it turned out, Henderson was extremely gifted as a graphic artist, and at the age of nineteen he moved to the United States
and studied at the Academy of Arts University in San Francisco. Upon graduation he worked for a small local advertising agency. His superior skills were soon noted, and within ten years he was the International Art Director for TMP Worldwide, the largest recruitment advertising agency in the world.

  When I met Henderson he explained to me that three years previously he walked away from his high-six-figure salary to follow and learn from Dr. and Master Sha. I asked him:

  “Henderson, most people would think twice before walking away from such a prestigious position, so what were you thinking walking away from such a prestigious and high-paying career?”

  HENDERSON: I was born and raised a Catholic. I truly believe in God. I prayed for many things in my life and God answered me. The answers come in different forms and shapes. I was very grateful that I was able to see it. Everything that I have ever asked for from God, He has granted me. One day I asked of God, “What is it that You would want me to do next for my life?” He then showed me the spiritual path.

  BILL: How did God show you the spiritual path? How did you find Dr. Sha?

  HENDERSON: Have I mentioned I was a dancer?

  BILL: No, you have not.

  HENDERSON: Dancing was an integral part of my life. At a young age I would do street dancing and break dancing. As a teenager I had an opportunity to dance for a formal event to take place at the cultural center in Manila where I lived. Unfortunately I pulled a muscle doing backflips and was in a lot of pain. My parents brought me to a Chinese traditional doctor who had recently come from China. People called him Sha Da Shi. Sha means family name. Da Shi means grandmaster. This was my first encounter with Grandmaster Sha. Sha Da Shi used Qi Gong and acupuncture to heal me. I was healed immediately and was able to perform at the cultural center. His techniques were unique. People lined up to see him. He did not charge me or other people who could not pay. I was moved by his actions and when I was older, I asked my mother if I could go to China to learn Chinese traditional medicine. My mother said no and instead my life’s journey brought me to America to study art.


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