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Dr. and Master Sha

Page 15

by William Gladstone

  Even though I have yet to meet face-to-face most of the people who you will read about in Part Three: Stories from Divine Channels and Divine Soul Healers, I feel that I already know them well just from reading their stories. I thank them and I am sure that any remaining doubts you might have about the integrity and effectiveness of soul healing miracles will be considerably lessened once you read these inspiring and fascinating vignettes of their personal soul healing journeys.

  But before we share these stories, let’s resume our conversation with Dr. Sha. Dr. Sha cannot help himself when explaining his work. He is a born teacher and healer, and that is what he does in every moment. During our conversation Dr. Sha adds additional examples of his soul healing miracle successes with exercises and examples so readers can learn in greater detail how they can immediately participate in their own soul healing. Enjoy these bonus chapters and be sure to read the wonderful stories in Part Three of the Divine Channels themselves. The stories will bring you light, if not enlighten you.

  Further Conversations with Dr. and Master Sha

  AFTER SPEAKING WITH some of Dr. Sha’s student teachers and observing those he has healed firsthand, I became more interested in the science and history of soul healing miracles. I was fortunate to have a second opportunity to have an in-depth interview with Dr. Sha.

  BILL: Dr. Sha, what is the highest teaching you offer to humanity?

  MASTER SHA: I am delighted to answer you. The highest teaching that I offer to humanity is the teaching of Tao.

  BILL: What is the Tao, Dr. Sha?

  MASTER SHA: Millions of people in history including foreigners have heard about Tao. Many people have felt that Tao is so sacred that it is a mystery. It is very hard to understand Tao. Many foreigners think that Tao is the way. That is correct, but let me explain the essence of Tao. Lao Zi, the author of Tao De Jing, said: Tao Ke Tao, Fei Chang Tao.

  Pronounced dow kuh dow, fay chahng dow, this means to use words to explain Tao and to use thoughts to comprehend Tao is not the true Tao.

  BILL: This is a book. How am I going to explain in a book if words and thoughts are not adequate?

  MASTER SHA: Lao Zi said, Shang Shan Ruo Shui. Shang Shan means highest kindness. It refers to Tao. Ruo means just like. Shui means water. Shang Shan Ruo Shui (pronounced shahng shahn rwaw shway) means highest kindness (Tao) is just like water. You are asking me if Tao can be explained in words. How can I share with your readers? That is what Lao Zi taught in the Tao De Jing. Tao cannot be explained by words. Lao Zi also said that Tao cannot be seen; cannot be heard; cannot be touched. Tao is the Source that cannot use any words. Lao Zi said, “I give the name of the Source as Tao. The nature of water is close to Tao. What is the water of nature?” Lao Zi continued, “Water stays in the lowest part of the mountain or earth. Water holds all dirty things without complaining.” The humility and big heart of the water is just like Tao.

  BILL: Do you access Tao when you do soul healing miracles?

  MASTER SHA: That is the point. That is the top secret of soul healing miracles.

  BILL: Okay, Dr. Sha, we have the secret. It is still going to be confusing for the readers. It is even confusing for me. I have heard that the Tao is all and the Tao is nothing. How can the Tao be all and nothing?

  MASTER SHA: Follow the teaching of Lao Zi. Let me try to explain in a simple way about Tao. •Tao is the Source of Heaven, Mother Earth and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.

  •Tao is The Way of all life.

  •Tao is the universal principles and laws.

  •Tao is emptiness and nothingness.

  BILL: Is the Tao truly nothingness?

  MASTER SHA: That is the point. Many people study Tao and think Tao is nothingness. But in fact, Lao Zi in one chapter of Tao De Jing explained that Tao is in the blurred condition; no time, no space. Please make certain that every reader understands that the universe is made of space and time. Tao has no space or time. Lao Zi said, “Within the blurred condition, there is matter, energy, and message. I explain Lao Zi’s teaching, Tao is made of Tao jing qi shen. Jing means matter. Qi means energy. Shen means soul.

  BILL: I want to move from theoretical to practical. When you do karma cleansing for a person, do you read the Akashic Records? Are the Akashic Records part of the Tao because they have no space or time?

  MASTER SHA: Akashic Records are not within the Tao.

  BILL: If it is not within the Tao, where is it?

  MASTER SHA: Let me explain the profound secrets that Lao Zi offered in Tao De Jing for humanity. Tao Sheng Yi (pronounced dow shung yee)

  Yi Sheng Er (pronounced yee shung ur)

  Er Sheng San (pronounced ur shung sahn)

  San Sheng Wan Wu (pronounced sahn shung wahn woo)

  Tao literally means the Source. Sheng means creates or produce. Yi means one. Er means two. San means three. Wan Wu means countless things. Tao Sheng Yi, Yi Sheng Er, Er Sheng San, San Sheng Wan Wu means Tao creates One, One creates Two. Two creates Three, Three creates All Things.

  BILL: I love that explanation, and it resonates with me as a mathematician. Tao creates One, One creates Two. Two creates Three, Three creates All Things and infinite beings. Dr. Sha, can you explain further in simpler terms why this is a profound teaching and what is the actual process and not just the abstract equation?

  MASTER SHA: Tao is the Source. Tao has its own jing qi shen, which means Tao matter, energy, and soul. Tao creates One. One means Hun Dun condition. Hun Dun (pronounced hwun dwun) condition means blurred condition with no shape, no images, no time, and no space. This condition has waited for time transformation. It has taken a long, long time. Within this condition, there are two kinds of energy. One is named Qing Qi. Qing means light. Qi means energy. Qing Qi (pronounced ching chee) means light energy. The other is Zhuo Qi (pronounced jwaw chee). Zhou means disturbed or heavy. Qi means energy. When the time transformation happens, Qing Qi rises to form Heaven. Zhuo Qi falls to form Mother Earth. This is how oneness, Hun Dun condition creates Heaven and Mother Earth. This is One creates Two. Two creates Three. Three means Hun Dun condition, which is One. Heaven and Mother Earth are two. Hun Dun plus Heaven and Mother Earth are three. Three creates all things and all beings. Hun Dun, oneness, plus Heaven and Mother Earth join together to create all beings and all things. This is Three creates all beings and All Things. This is the process and how Tao creates One. One creates Two. Two creates Three. Three creates All Things. This is the Tao Normal Creation. I wrote Tao I: The Way of All Life and Tao II: The Way of Healing, Rejuvenation, Longevity, and Immortality. I have explained much deeper and in detail about this Tao Normal Creation.

  BILL: Does this explanation explain where and how you access the Akashic Records?

  MASTER SHA: I explained earlier the Akashic Records are not within the Tao. Akashic Records only works for the two levels of Heaven and Mother Earth. Tao and oneness is before Heaven and Mother Earth. Karma does not work on that level. Karma only works on Heaven and Mother Earth level.

  BILL: Now we are getting somewhere. Other medical doctors suggest health is a matter of balance. Is the purpose of karma cleansing to balance an individual’s relationship between Heaven and Mother Earth? You do bad things and have lessons. You do good things and be of service to others and your karma is healed. It seems we are speaking about balance. Can you comment?

  MASTER SHA: Karma law is the law in Heaven and Mother Earth. In the two levels Heaven and Mother Earth, karma is one of the most important laws. You do good things for others, you make others happier and healthier, and you are rewarded with health, relationships, finances, children, descendants, intelligence, and in every aspect of life. If a person harmed others including killing, taking advantage of others, cheating, stealing, and more, the person will learn lessons including in health, relationships, finances, children, intelligence, and every aspect of life.

  BILL: When you say lessons, do you mean suffering?

  MASTER SHA: Lessons are the blockages of life a
nd suffering of humanity and animals.

  BILL: The Buddha has said that life is suffering. Do you agree?

  MASTER SHA: Buddha has not said that word. Buddha said that everything is made of karma.

  BILL: Buddha’s teaching as I understand is attachment and desires are the reason for suffering.

  MASTER SHA: I completely agree. Human beings have too many desires. They want to be famous. They want to be millionaires and billionaires. They want to travel all over the world. They want a big vacation house. Two biggest desires of a human being are materialism and fame. Many people may think that is the purpose of their life. They want to have a lot of money and want to be famous. Buddha’s teaching is that this kind of desire will affect their spiritual journey.

  BILL: What is the way out of suffering? You have written in your book Soul Healing Miracles that it is to be of service to others. To be of service to others you can escape suffering.

  MASTER SHA: Yes, unconditional service is the key to escaping karma. Even those who seek simple things such as their own health and wellness, if they are attached to their health and wellness more than serving, they can create karma and suffering. The key that goes beyond Buddha is unconditional service.

  BILL: I think I am beginning to understand. The Akashic Records are important, but not the most important for soul healing. The most important is to access Tao. How do you access Tao when you do a soul healing miracle?

  MASTER SHA: I appreciate you, Bill. You have brought such deep questions. They cannot be answered in a few sentences. You have brought another deep question. In my teaching, karma is the root cause for success and failure in every aspect of life. You do great service and you receive a reward. You harm others and you learn lessons. In the Western world, “What goes around comes around.” Humanity carries the negative karma. I have offered Divine Karma Cleansing from July 2003. Now it is 2014. It has been about eleven years. I have not seen one person who is free of negative karma.

  BILL: What about you?

  MASTER SHA: I also carry karma. Because humanity carries karma, if you want to receive soul healing miracles you have to clear negative karma first. Karma is on two levels, which means Heaven and Mother Earth level. Every person has to clear negative karma first then your soul journey can go beyond Heaven and Mother Earth back to the Tao. For a human being to go beyond Heaven and Mother Earth, which means go beyond Two, return to One, and return to Tao, that is the final achievement of one’s spiritual journey. To reach Tao is to reach immortality. For a human being, remember the earlier formula. A human being is on the Wan Wu level. In order to reach Tao, Wan Wu, all things have to go back to Three, go back to Two, go back to One, and then return to Tao. From Wan Wu to Tao is Tao Reverse Creation. This is the task of all spiritual beings, regardless of religion, non-religions. This is the highest spiritual journey. It is the highest path.

  BILL: To reach Tao and become a Buddha, are they the same thing?

  MASTER SHA: To reach Tao and to become a Buddha is the same thing. To reach Tao is the highest achievement of the spiritual journey. To become a Buddha is the highest achievement of the spiritual journey. At the highest level, Tao teaching and Buddhist teaching, holy teaching and all spiritual teachings, the highest level is to reach highest enlightenment. The highest enlightenment is to meld with Tao, the Source. Then you become the Source. You are the Source. The Source is you. That is the highest achievement.

  BILL: In your knowledge, has any human being achieved this?


  BILL: Can a normal human being, even someone reading this book, living today on Mother Earth reach this state of Tao?

  MASTER SHA: A human being can reach Tao. Normally to reach Tao could take thousands of lifetimes of effort. One lifetime means from birth to death. To reach Tao is a long, long process. If one person can reach Tao in this lifetime it is the effort of thousands of lifetimes before. This lifetime a person will receive huge upliftment. My answer is “yes,” but a rare human being can reach Tao.

  BILL: Out of seven billion people, how many people in this lifetime do you think will reach Tao?

  MASTER SHA: Bill, you pose difficult questions, so I connected with Divine and Tao just now and have been told that of the seven billion people currently alive, there are only fourteen people on Mother Earth who might reach Tao.

  BILL: I actually find this very positive. Of course, the other seven billion people will have other lifetimes to reach Tao. The other aspect I find positive in the negative situation of our planet is that it makes it very difficult to reach Tao.

  MASTER SHA: No, it is the greatest opportunity to reach Tao because chaos and disorder create greater opportunities to serve. In chaos there is an opportunity for a pure and unconditional servant to be uplifted to Tao.

  BILL: Ultimately, Dr. Sha, if I have understood the importance of your teachings, it is not just for individual wellness, but for spiritual enlightenment.

  MASTER SHA: The wellness is the first step. People are suffering with challenges of the physical body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body. People are suffering with challenges of relationships and finances, children, and every aspect of life. To have wellness is to reach balance and happiness, health. That is not enough. It is the first step.

  BILL: Great. I understand the highest achievement is to reach Tao. We have to start from the beginning. Let us give the readers a simple exercise to start their journey.

  Say Hello

  IN READING SOUL Healing Miracles I came across an exercise that was called Say Hello. I almost laughed when I read this. It seemed so simple and infantile. I could not believe a serious book about soul healing would start with a technique that was so simple and called Say Hello. I must admit, however, now that I have had a chance to interview Dr. Sha, even though the Say Hello technique is so simple, it may be the most important technique and the best place to start on your own journey of self-healing. I asked Dr. Sha to explain the purpose and practice of the Say Hello exercise.

  BILL: What is Say Hello?

  MASTER SHA: Say Hello technique means to say hello to invoke with inner souls and outer souls to self-heal and heal others and to transform all life.

  BILL: Give us an example of a Say Hello technique that someone who has not read any of your other books can do right now.

  MASTER SHA: I will give an example. I am delighted to share one story first. In India there was a physician who came to the stage in front of one thousand people, and he shared he had a lady client who suffered seventeen years with psoriasis. The condition was so severe that her skin would fall to the floor from her whole body. This lady tried modern medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, spiritual chanting, and many other ways without success. This physician told her that Master Sha teaches the Say Hello technique. In five sentences please do it:

  Dear soul mind body of my skin,

  I love you.

  You have the power to heal yourself.

  Do a good job.

  Thank you.

  The physician told the woman that Master Sha shared in his book that for chronic conditions—this means a person who suffers an unhealthy condition for one year—to practice two hours per day. You can practice a few minutes here and a few minutes there. Add all of the practices to reach two hours per day. The woman started to practice after the physician told her. She repeatedly said again and again:

  Dear soul mind body of my skin,

  I love you.

  You have the power to heal yourself.

  Do a good job.

  Thank you.

  She practiced day and night with these simple phrases. The first day her itchiness was better. The second day the redness of the skin was better. She practiced nonstop, and within eight days her whole body was clear. The physician said, “Wow, how powerful this Say Hello technique is. I went to to purchase all of Master Sha’s books. I am so eager and thirsty to learn Master Sha’s techniques. I wish all of the people in India could study Master Sha’s techn

  There are thousands of soul healing miracles just from people using the Say Hello technique. Millions of people suffer from knee pain. I will use the knees as an example.

  Dear soul mind body of my knees, I love you.

  You have the power to heal yourself.

  Do a good job.

  Thank you.

  Practice for about ten minutes per time, a few times a day. This could bring heart-touching results for your healing.

  I am delighted to share one more story.

  A woman fell in her garden. Both of her knees were on the ground and she was in excruciating pain. She cried and could not move. She thought that she may have fractured her knees. Suddenly she remembered her son taught her the Say Hello technique. She started:

  Dear soul mind body of my knees,

  I really love you.

  You can heal yourself.

  Do a good job.

  Thank you.

  She repeated these phrases of Say Hello techniques. Within less than two minutes, her pain was suddenly gone. She stood up and walked like a normal person. She could not believe the power of the Say Hello technique.

  BILL: Dr. Sha, is this all we need to know about the Say Hello technique?

  MASTER SHA: This is one part of the Say Hello technique. This is called say hello to inner souls. The second part of the Say Hello technique is to say hello to outer souls. Outer souls include countless healing angels, archangels, Ascended Masters, gurus, lamas, kahunas, holy saints, Taoist saints, Buddha, bodhisattvas, and all kinds of spiritual fathers and mothers, as well as the souls of the sun, moon, solar system, galaxies and universes, which I call countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. They have power beyond a human’s comprehension. This is the way to do it: Dear Divine,


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