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Dr. and Master Sha

Page 22

by William Gladstone

  There are absolutely not enough words I can express for the gratitude, appreciation, love, joy, and respect I have for Master Sha. Before I met Master Sha, I was existing, but not living. My life would probably be over if it were not for meeting and being blessed through Master Sha. Now I am living life. I am so blessed to be able to follow in the light and footsteps of Master Sha. He has given me the power and gift to serve others in similar ways that I have been served. Master Sha has empowered me to create soul healing miracles just as I have experienced.

  I deeply wish for everyone to be able to have the gift and honor to be in the physical presence of Master Sha. It is a unique experience. All you need to do is open and allow the Divine, Tao, and Source to work through Master Sha to transform your life too.

  I deeply wish that everyone can experience what I have received and been given out of grace. I wish for everyone to receive and experience their soul healing miracles. I wish for everyone to become the best unconditional universal servants they can be.

  As Master Sha teaches, “the purpose of life is to serve others.” Let us serve others together and create a world full of love, peace, and harmony.

  With love and blessings,

  Master David Lusch

  Honored and humbled to be a Disciple

  and Worldwide Representative of Master Sha

  Divine Channel, Tao Channel, and Da Tao Channel

  Master Maya Mackie

  To Be a Pure Servant: The Importance of Purity and Total GOLD (Gratitude, Obedience, Loyalty, Devotion) in Serving Humanity

  I AM SO honored and grateful to have this opportunity to share the importance of purity and Total GOLD in serving humanity.

  This topic is very close to my heart.

  Since I was a child, my mother would always guide me to be careful of my thoughts, speech, and actions, as she said they were all being recorded in Heaven.

  At that time I didn’t fully understand what this meant, but I had a sense of knowing that this was true, so I took it to heart to be very aware, as I did not want to hurt anyone.

  This is how I grew up.

  This is one of the ways Heaven trained me.

  When I made mistakes, I felt so deeply sorry and asked for forgiveness immediately. It was natural to ask for forgiveness, even if no one noticed I had made a mistake.

  Somehow I understood that everything we think and do has an impact on others.

  And more than anything in the world, I wanted to be pure.

  I wanted to be like my role models, who are my spiritual fathers and mothers in Heaven. They had served humanity so unconditionally.

  They have been my greatest examples and inspiration my entire life.

  I had read so much about the life of Jesus, the Buddha, great spiritual teachers and was deeply inspired by their great commitment and purity.

  I was born in Lebanon and spent my early childhood in West Africa with my parents and two sisters.

  We lived in a village where many lived in poverty and lacked even basic needs, like food and shelter.

  This opened my heart to deep compassion, helping me understand and witness humanity’s suffering in so many ways.

  Even though many lived in such difficult conditions, they held an unshakable faith, accepting life’s tragedies with a deep trust.

  I so often asked questions about why so many people lived in such challenging conditions, when others had so much.

  These experiences were the foundations that formed my deep desire to help humanity.

  Material wealth did not hold meaning for me.

  I was not looking for success or fame.

  I was not searching for what many of the people around me were searching for, and often I felt quite alone in my quest. People around me didn’t understand why I was not like everyone else. I tried hard to fit in.

  I chose to study psychology and continued to study several healing modalities, searching for a comprehensive healing technique that could deal with the “root cause” of an illness/disease or challenge.

  I did not find this until I discovered Master Sha’s teachings.

  I was searching for enlightenment. This was my greatest dream. I wanted to be enlightened like my spiritual fathers and mothers and knew that the only way this could happen was if I could be pure enough and offer unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion.

  My Life Today

  At this time, I live in Belgium and am a mother of three children.

  I teach and spread soul healing through weekly events and workshops and private consultations along with a wonderful team of devoted students.

  The light that has come to me through this service is beyond what I can place into words.

  I also have the honor to support development programs through fund-raising events for the underprivileged and underdeveloped areas in Lebanon and the Middle East for the United Nations, another great organization for whom I am a Goodwill Ambassador.

  The Qualities of a Pure Servant

  A pure servant offers unconditional service, including unconditional love, forgiveness, light, healing, blessing, harmony, peace, and enlightenment.

  Humanity needs pure servants. Humanity is suffering and looking for pure servants so that they can truly open their hearts and be able to heal and transform their lives.

  Humanity is searching for divine wisdom, knowledge, love, forgiveness, compassion, and light.

  Meeting Master Sha

  This is how I came to meet my most beloved spiritual father and teacher Master Sha. My soul led me to find one of his books, The Power of Soul. At that moment, I knew I had finally found my teacher.

  To have a spiritual father and mother in Heaven and receive their guidance and blessing for your life and spiritual journey is a gift beyond words.

  However, to have a physical teacher who represents all of the qualities of purity and Total GOLD is a blessing beyond words and comprehension.

  This is what Master Sha represents for me. The highest expression of purity and unconditional service to humanity to a degree that is beyond what my words can express. It is simply heart-touching.

  His unconditional heart of service is an example for humanity.

  Since his childhood, Master Sha has devoted his life to service, to gaining wisdom and knowledge and achieving great mastery in many fields only to fulfill his dream of serving humanity and all souls unconditionally.

  To be in Master Sha’s presence is the greatest blessing.

  When I first realized that I had found my spiritual father, I could not have been more excited and thrilled at the prospect of having the honor to meet him.

  The First Encounter

  These were the first lines from Master Sha’s book The Power of Soul that I read:

  ‘‘The purpose of life is to serve. I have committed my life to this purpose. Service is my life mission.

  “My total life mission is to transform the consciousness of humanity and all souls in the universe, and enlighten them, in order to create love, peace, and harmony for humanity, Mother Earth, and all universes.”

  These words touched my heart and soul so deeply. Immediately I searched the internet to find out how I could meet Master Sha and found that he would be holding a Soul Healing and Enlightenment Retreat in Hawaii in October 2009.

  My dream of reaching soul enlightenment had finally come true. It was simply unbelievable that a human being could offer a blessing to enlighten a soul. And this is exactly what happened at that retreat.

  Meeting Master Sha’s Divine Channels

  Meeting with Master Sha’s Divine Channels and teachers was deeply touching.

  I recognized them, as though we had met many times before.

  I felt I was home.

  The excitement I felt was so immense.

  Master Cynthia, Master David, and Master Francisco were the first teachers I met.

  They gave me so much love and support from the beginning.

  I deeply appreciate them and their friendship and
support for my soul journey.

  The Importance of Being a Pure Servant

  Living in alignment with the Divine is the way to reach highest purity.

  The relationship with the Divine is the direct path to access the highest layers of Heaven.

  When I say the Divine, I also mean the representation of all Heaven, spiritual fathers and mothers. The qualities and consciousness of love light. This holds a universal meaning.

  As you open your heart and soul to the Divine, your consciousness transforms to Divine consciousness.

  As your heart and soul are filled with love and light, the guidance and teachings from Heaven can become the foundation of who you are. You then live in great integrity.

  From this purity, you become the light that can touch the hearts and souls and bless your family, your loved ones, and all those who come to you seeking healing, blessing, and life transformation.

  This is how a pure servant can bring Oneness to heal the separation that has been created over many years that has brought so much pain and suffering to humanity, animals, Mother Earth, and beyond.

  This is the responsibility of being a servant of humanity and all souls. It is an honor to serve humanity well, with great love and compassion.

  Total GOLD

  I would like to take this opportunity to first explain what Total GOLD means.

  It is a great responsibility to serve humanity. I take this responsibility quite seriously because I understand that when I am able to impact humanity with love and light, they will be blessed, their lives, relationships, and health will flourish.

  Through Master Sha’s example and teachings, I have learned Total GOLD.

  Through Master Sha’s example and teachings, I have learned how to become a better unconditional universal servant.

  I cannot thank Master Sha enough for the wisdom he has brought to me, to all humanity.

  GOLD represents the four qualities, the essence of expressing unconditional service.

  They are the way to becoming a pure servant.

  “G” represents gratitude

  “O” represents obedience.

  “L” represents loyalty.

  “D” represents devotion.

  Total GOLD represents the gratitude, obedience, loyalty, and devotion that we have for the Divine.

  Allow me to explain this further. Let’s say you face a challenge in your life. It can be any type of challenge: health, relationships, finances.

  If you are able to see that this challenge you face is being revealed to you to show you what still needs to be healed and transformed in your life, you will be able to respond in gratitude. You will see that this challenge is a gift.

  Gratitude that you are given an opportunity to learn and grow on your soul journey. To learn how to be more loving, forgiving, and compassionate. This is very often what challenges are there to teach us.

  Through the challenges I have faced in my life, one of which was my family’s and friends’ resistance to my choice of path on my soul journey, I have learnt so much about how to give them unconditional love and forgiveness.

  I have understood through this challenge that transformation and healing was needed and was able to apply Master Sha’s teachings and wisdom to bring about great transformation. It was not easy, but it was well worth all I have had the honor to learn and grow.

  Master Sha always guided me that “family comes first,” and for this I can never thank him enough.

  Obedience is the embodiment of the trust and surrender we have to the Divine. When facing a challenge or a change in your life, are you truly able to surrender and allow trust to transform any fear or anxiety, knowing that you are truly loved and held in the heart of the Divine?

  There were times in my life when I have experienced great fear. I felt alone. What had happened at those moments was that I had disconnected myself, through my own mind, from the Divine’s unconditional love and light.

  It was I who had taken the step out of trust. The Divine is always there, always offering love and blessing. It is we who step away from that unconditional love. It is at those moments that total obedience is a gift to remind us that the way is to step out of separation and into the truth of Oneness.

  Loyalty to the Divine is also loyalty to one’s soul. It is loyalty to your own truth, as your truth and the Divine’s truth are always one.

  It is to have the courage to be who you are and to allow your light to shine to all. It is to choose to follow your path and align with the Divine’s heart no matter what anyone says about you.

  I have had the honor to face many situations where my truth did not resonate with that of those who were very important in my life. The question of loyalty for me was: was I going to give up?

  I remember that when I had the honor to become a Worldwide Representative of Master Sha in 2012, the first guidance he offered me was to always remember that family comes first.

  For this I cannot be grateful enough.

  My family and relationships have improved beyond measure.

  My sincere guidance to you is never ever give up on your soul journey. It is the number one priority.

  Devotion is the expression, the act of offering yourself in service to humanity. It is the desire, the burning fire within your heart and soul to remove the suffering of humanity and to do whatever it takes in order to achieve this.

  It is the spark of light, the energy that fuels that fire of unconditional love and service to humanity.

  In 2012, I had the honor to become a Divine Channel and Disciple of Dr. and Master Sha. This was the most important day of my life. A Disciple means a dedicated student.

  This means that you become like a spiritual son or daughter to your teacher. It is a relationship of great significance. I cannot thank Master Sha enough for appointing me as a Disciple. I am deeply honored.

  I share this to bring you to the conclusion that through Master Sha’s teachings and wisdom, I have learnt on an even deeper level the importance of being a pure Total GOLD servant for humanity.

  Master Sha teaches to avoid at all cost the affects of ego and mind-sets that can bring disharmony and separation.

  To resolve and transform all attachments so that I could be a purer channel for the Divine’s work on Mother Earth. In this way one can bring Heaven to Mother Earth.

  In this way, you too can bring Heaven to Mother Earth. I invite every reader to open your heart and soul to the significance of your life and soul journey.

  To open to the possibility that your physical life is to serve your soul journey, I call you from my heart to be who you were created to be, a beacon of love and light through service to all those who seek healing and life transformation.

  Thank you for this opportunity to share. It has been an honor and a joy.

  Master Allan Chuck

  Total GOLD to the Divine Mission

  APRIL 8, 2000, is a day I will remember, appreciate, and honor forever.

  On that day my late wife Mimi and I met Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. On that day a new life began for Mimi and me. The rewards and blessings of this new life are like nothing I had experienced or even could have imagined. Now I devote my life to trying to bring the same healing, beauty, joy, peace, love, light, and so much more that I have received from Master Sha to others.

  I did not begin this new life until I had completed fifty-two years of my old life, which today feels like a previous life. Let me share a bit about this “previous” life.

  I was born in Stockton, California, in March 1948.

  My parents were born, lived, met, and married in Guangdong Province in southern China. I was in my mother’s womb when she first came to America accompanied by my father. I don’t know the exact date of their arrival together in the United States; it was either late in 1947 or early in 1948. I don’t know why they went to Stockton; they must have known someone there. To my knowledge, I had no other relatives in the United States at that time.

  It was not my father’s firs
t visit to the United States. He had been here for a short while as a young boy aged eight or so with his father—my paternal grandfather. I think he also made a second visit to the United States before his marriage to my mother. I don’t know the reason for either visit.

  As a family, my parents never shared much about their history. I don’t think life had been easy for either of them, so perhaps it wasn’t something they really wanted to recall or discuss.

  My father told me that as a young boy coming to America for the first time, he was fiercely interrogated by immigration officials based on Angel Island in San Francisco Bay. In the prime of his life he was a prisoner of war of the Japanese in World War II. He saw many fellow prisoners around him die of starvation and disease. My father was a survivor.

  My parents had little formal education—only grade school, and their marriage was an arranged marriage, not a love marriage.

  I don’t think either of them had a job when I was born. When I was about one month old, we moved to San Francisco, probably so that my father could look for a job there.

  My father worked as a bar boy at the famous Cliff House beside the Pacific Ocean in San Francisco, and when I was four or five years old they had managed to save enough money to purchase a little mom-and-pop grocery store in what was then known as Skid Row and what is now the heart of downtown San Francisco. Their hard work there would sustain our family for about twenty years until “redevelopment” of the area forced them to give up the store. For years my father would open the store at 6 A.M., close the store at 2 A.M. (because these were the twenty hours during which it was legal to sell liquor), and sleep for a few hours in the back of the store before opening it again the next morning.

  I grew up in the Hunters Point/Bayview district of San Francisco. It was a lower-middle-class neighborhood where most residents did manual labor. In those days it was also one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in San Francisco, and probably in all of America. I grew up with African American, Armenian American, Chinese American, Italian American, Mexican American kids, and more—a true “melting pot.” I learned at a young age that external appearance was just a superficial distinction. I don’t recall any prejudice or disharmony among us kids based on our ethnicity, religion, or anything. I don’t recall any sense of lack in myself. I was a happy and blessed child.


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